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Dec 2017 · 409
PFL Dec 2017
Another new journey is underfoot
Discover paths which lead to a better understanding.
Let your voice make a stand where your feet cannot.
Dec 2017 · 767
PFL Dec 2017
In the far corner lay
her frumpled boots,
a monument to humanity's hidden truths.
Daily burdens of mental, physical abuse,
the toll mounting without allay
bygone fears kept at bay
  years of growth wither untold
crumpled underfoot by inhuman lecherous controls.
nethered by these leathered souls.

A vice’s grip is a cowardly clasp.
winds change, fogs lifts, grief finds strength in the past,
Dismay, now the torturers sheaf.  
Confidence steps forth empathized by another’s sorrow
World unites with each behold,
of leched acts that lurked in the shadows
exposed by truth in the dawn of each tomorrow.
Dec 2017 · 360
PFL Dec 2017
Moving towards what makes you scared,
  Seems dangerous,
But doing it we must!
Safety is not embracing or accepting of what we know,
  there is a certain disquietude with familiar dread
That comes from internal conversations  unreconciled
What to do with who we are now, in the moments ahead.
Trust the “ letting go,” for fear is only an abusive perspective.
Many of us cling to our fears, doubts, self-loathing or hatred
Clutched comparative choices walk  hand in hand.
with the desire, the wanting,
to be rid ourselves of disempowerment.
Dec 2017 · 252
We're Done
PFL Dec 2017
Shutters banging, wires whining
window's panes expand & contract
recoiling from each of her gusty screams
like last breaths' growling sounds so stark,
Sirocco the mistress of many an imagination,
is howling just outside in the cover of dark.
Belligerent, drunken by Saharan sand,
thoughts stifled in its haze,
even the sun's face grays.

She can't help but touch everything,
an unwieldy child in a candy shop
handling everything that is yours as hers.
Her shrills build with no exhaust,
blasts of hot air run loose
a horse unhitched, where will it stop?

Enter the crescendo, a switch flipped,
silence's pause, the dialogue was not some surreal innuendo.
Now, exposed by the signal of a single brave Finch,
all's well, over and done,
the flock joins in fever pitched repetition,
too, but without competition.
Dec 2017 · 383
Snow Flower
PFL Dec 2017
Crocus purple today's dawning hue,
caressing the checks that embrace the view.
Beauty awakes every day anew,
offering, anything, everything,
a smorgasbord of gifts for all to partake,
tomorrow it will come, do not forsake,
as hearts beat syncopate unified,
in rhythmic tones their call, betides.
Gratitude in those whom witness
each sun's rise debut.
Purple winter sunrises in the Sicilian Channel between Pantelleria and Tunisia
Jul 2016 · 631
PFL Jul 2016
Within mixed company one might apprehend
Renouncing of truths which encumbers the world  
Symptomatic social submission dyspepsia trend
Peripheral Cocktail conversations’ knurl
With premeditated segments pre-portioned for digestive ease.
Rambling thoughts, forego the shadows from which they unfurled
Blend they do into the abstract of popular sedition.
Modern life’s pace set to the speed of delusions,
Which shatters the barriers, setting free dangerous silent admissions.
From their recesses, where quiet hatred echoes hidden in hushed undertones,
Fed by the collective self interests’ of defensive conclusions,
The camouflage of fallacies, woven into faces we see..

Jul 2016 · 596
PFL Jul 2016
Until I moved away from the silent rebellion,
From the belief in the disbelief you’re selling.
Past the perception of I and you
Outside this moment’s, beyond us as two.
The Ego always  starts sentences with a preposition.
Jul 2016 · 2.9k
Matters Not
PFL Jul 2016
Defying the consensus of complacency,
And the enantiomorphic political practicality,
Candidates embrace their vacillating indexicality.
Spouting thrift store self reliance sapientiality,
Telling lores of cultural compatibility.
Hope filled promises of economic suitability,
Aligned with institutional feasibility.
Packaged in over-inclusive catchall empty signifiers
Strewn across all media screens, communal utilitarian plan flyers.
Requesting no need for responsiveness,
For a vote no longer dictates precedence,
   In the age of social media endemic presence relevance.
Jun 2016 · 635
PFL Jun 2016
Comfortable our pillows,
Softened by the wear of lingering memories
Their fabric faintly entangled with our combined scent.  
Woven are we into each other, this our linen.
Today begins to beyond the remainder of time,
We share hours of happiness and moments of discord
Laughs balanced by sorrows, love’s tousled story
Betwixt these sheets
Captivating it's clutch, as we grasp the whole of our complete
Remembering our promises again, each and every morning
Together within them, we awake.
Jun 2016 · 287
In the name of
PFL Jun 2016
Ask your heart,
What is the purpose of two worlds existing within one?
A mother’s first gaze into her child’s eyes,
The answer becomes.
Love seeing the creation of Love.
This epiphany gives truth to adoration,
Love is never absent in this reflection.
To proclaim peace, God sent a dove.
This messenger’s name, no mystery, Love.
Jun 2016 · 326
PFL Jun 2016
One choice can decide a life,
Choice is a function of awareness.
Sun rises, birds sing
Notes spouted in excited sequence, not always a song,
All other sounds are muted to their syncopated cacophony
I’m still, listening to today’s melody.
Alone, they are all one note short of a chord
Together they make wondrous music.

All the while colors unfurl,
The wind unfolds their fragrance
Cinnamon warming, white Jasmine
Caressed by orange glowing beams.
This wafting perfume emanates
Between the pleated curtain of clouds
Blushing pink, as they echo this day’s secrets
Eager they are, to hide on witnessing eyelashes
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Gone Forever
PFL Jun 2016
Ubiquitously, ideas are conceived,
I wholly in you as you are in me,
This father tells his son with certainty.
Escape, we cannot, this universal reality.
Right or wrong dualities, balance, not explained,
Its instability privately entertained,
The constance of truth’s demise.
Words, alone, cannot suffice
When clarity is shadowed by
Renown contrived lies.
Freedom relents,
Best wishes set forth, then go astray.
Evil dominates good’s intent,
When humanity ceases to speak, ignorance’s silence reigns.
Those chosen step forward alone, while the rest fade away
Into the dark truths, they’ve conveyed.
Their beliefs, a glowing flame’s frenzied trance,
Drawn to, the timorous souls, who’s to say,
For such admiration would not behoove to take the chance.
They desire to part from their union with despair,
Willing to let self-identity disappear.
Granted access into an incredible nothingness,
No need forever the seeking of more,
There to find, the new you, self assured.
Told, they are, others less fortunate cannot relate,
For they have not been chosen to reach this special state.
Foolishly they never ask why?
Those who have gone before them have yet to send back a sign.
How much you believed in them and they you,
Within the moment after, you knew,
All the words exchanged and trusted were falsely construed.
You’ve lost, yet have they won?
Who’s going to tell the truth to your four year old son?
"He was a good man, who always came to daily prayers with his 4 year old son." Fort Pierce Florida Imam
Jun 2016 · 700
PFL Jun 2016
At once, a heart declares to be,
Both full and void of love
Within the all of a sudden,
Part of humanities’ whole is obliterated.
Fallen prey to the perpetual sadness,
Problem solving, via mindless violence,
Lamentation ensues.
Free to act or not are we.
What words to all the children will we say,
It’s happened again, on yet another day,
Heaven’s angels turned their eyes away.
Jun 2016 · 2.4k
Voting Eyes
PFL Jun 2016
A voter’s pair of  eyes
Must see through the lulling guise of:
Envy, desire, uncontrolled lust.
Greed does not bluff,
Ego’s fueled  flames
Burn everyone's trust.
Censored is shame,
Constant the need for more stuff!
Ruining relations, while nations go bust.
Confronted, greed has nothing to say,
Actions from the master of so many slaves
Jun 2016 · 652
Clouded Emotions
PFL Jun 2016
Someplace between
sky and ground
Clouds rage.
Betwixt moments
Notions and thought,
We too, rampage.
Both unaware from whence either came.

Somewhere from nowhere
They appeared and dissipate,
These cloud’s assuage.
Somehow is to knowhow,
Fits of pique palliate.
Two storms passing, unashamed,
Somewhat into an afterthought.
Jun 2016 · 417
You are Potentiality
PFL Jun 2016
You are Potentiality

Look longingly and deep at your gifts today
Understanding that you are so blessed
That no financial market gyration can lessen
The amount of abundance present in your life.
What you do not have, you do not need,
And what you need, you are willing to share.

Take into consideration that the only stock
You truly own is the love of yourself.
Which you express and extend freely onto all, asking nothing in return.

Today's greatest loss of potentiality lies, literally, in your hands.
We through the power of choice can used
To either lift someone up or hold them down..
Jun 2016 · 691
Knobbly Knees
PFL Jun 2016
In the valley of no ambition to possess,
Gather a conference of noblesse.
Couples there to embrace their once in a life permanence,
Atop the reflective mirror,
Thousands of creatures, jealous, are deprived the chance,
In this waterless land hides Venus’s lake.
On one leg and bended neck eminence,
Flamingo courtship:an elegant finesse.
Ballerinas dancing coupled pirouettes,
Partnered together beyond death,
Angels clad in mango pinkness, the epitome of grace.
Jun 2016 · 249
Suspected Love
PFL Jun 2016
Love indeed maybe suspect
For its powers of illogical persuasion
But to what force
So noble and encompassing
Would I prefer to pledge my purpose?
Jun 2016 · 668
One with
PFL Jun 2016
Do what you say,
Say what you mean.
Ambiguity our soul’s divinity,
Attends to the in betweens.
Looking as to see,
Where each day’s sincerity,
Accumulates within you.
Everything exist in nothing,
No thought is complete.
To find what you seek,
Lose the notion to search.
Nothing we do,
Can out-way acts of compassion.
Empathy, is to be one of humanity,
If we are to be one,
We need to cease
Speaking of two.

Jun 2016 · 448
PFL Jun 2016
****** onto this gilded stage,
constructed upon envy, jealousy and hate.
Where past pains, for a moment, are immune and fall away.
We cannot run from, what we break, the each and everyone we betray,
Myself, you, any honor and truth, again, aware, I am of silent berate.
Vexed to explain this, to you, myself, let alone the adorning world.
  Fear churns and flags the thoughts in my head, as I unfurl
The recant, of my notions, as not one’s I’d say.
In each aftermath, my feelings awaken, hauntingly every day.
I don a mask, a guise, hoping this pain will not recognize my kind,
Do not trust me, my actions, for there is no respect I’d stand behind.
My public life, a choreography of spun lies
for the “greater good of others,” to imbue.
Trust, I have none, even as I stand on the red carpet beside you.
This life, one not deserving any award.
It’s been calculated, guarded, for I am quite weak,
Meek and vulnerable as the words written for me to say,
the coincidence holds no allure.
Just more salve to cover my emotional sores,
Toiled and blistered by the years of holding
onto these self inflicted wounds upon my soul.
Only a select few see these images of me as they unfold,
Personal scars map the non-tellings,
my legacy's truth such intricately woven deceitful tapestry
I too, do not believe, yet again, I must face,
I am not the master of another’s fathoming
the vexatious me, they soon will behold.
Jun 2016 · 751
Entries & Exits
PFL Jun 2016
enter into the Infinite challenges of sorrows and Joys
this divine chaos: Life,
why would we desire more than this?
Transcending truth becomes Consciousness,
Creates Grace forming a Soul’s
Organic Divinity identity.
All Beings are the God presence of Life.
this Universe,so vastly undefined and impersonal,
yet so intimately known to our Divinity’s
Intentions, assigned within every detail
making every Action matter.
Exiting in and throughout the beyond.
Jun 2016 · 880
PFL Jun 2016
I am not rooted like a tree,
Yet, I too, cast shadows all around me.,
Sunbeams waltz  through my shade.
Within its chill I start to fade into ponder,
   Filled with a curious lust to wander.
Not in thoughts which  pressed pulp is written upon,
Or  with cuisines made from oiled  salads and hearts of Palm.
The sun’s ****** pushes me to uproot and go as I please,
    Each day’s truth, to follow this warmth and majesty.
Royal colored panoplies illuminate,
The sky’s wide open path on which it roams.
  Crossing borders at dawn,
Bringing to the world enlightenment’s pageantry.
   While most sleep thru the moon’s hidden release,
  Wind convinces the sea to rise,
Only to fall from the sky’s grip arbitrarily,
Quenching primal thirst to travel beyond one’s shores.
Gone from its known onto somewhere, change never ending.
  Anxiously, I stare, aware of the horizon’s beyond allure,
My prayer, for the same journeys to stop it’s pending.
  To be caressed and uplifted from the comforts of me,
Then scattered liberally back into the newness of myself.
Thoughts from a wandering palm.
Jun 2016 · 465
Within a Hush
PFL Jun 2016
Within a Hush

Warm blushes slant across the wall.
Sun’s first light, heavenly touching strokes splay ,
Framing silence into silhouetted moments.
Jun 2016 · 278
Pick up
PFL Jun 2016
I wish, I’d  learned infinities’ cost.
Controlling the acts stemming from my fear of loss,
Social norms that create false identities,
My self~restraint and I have yet to exchange pleasantries.
Frost of my words taint the glass of your heart’s window pane.
While I ignore your deigned mein.
Bent conversation continues to escape my mouth,
Foreshadowing their  pending drought.
They just trickle off the tip of my tongue
Racing me to the end of sentences as if such, would keep the night young.
First to complete a thought; my acts so non~vatic.
Sorry does not permit this crime
The right to be committed time after time.
Time not to be precariously lost or surrendered unto pragmatics,
Every second wasted lay vulnerable to the peccant of plausibility,
Exhausted you crush them into pieces, justifiably,
  Underfoot as you walk away from me……      PFL
Jun 2016 · 292
PFL Jun 2016
A dew drop embraces morn's warmth
high and mighty on the outer edge of a bough
how lonesome the sound of its release set forth
from a blade of grass.
willingly, into its next chance.
Dew, taking, chances
Jun 2016 · 379
PFL Jun 2016
Tears invited by recollection,
Brush a silhouette upon cheeks.
Moment's revisited introspection,
Complexities of the heart do not always speak.
Inner beauty’s overflowing can’t be allayed,
Life’s bittersweet, ever potently displayed.

In loving memory SB RIP 6/7/2015
Jun 2016 · 398
PFL Jun 2016
It is never too late or too soon,
It is when it is supposed to be.
Time a measure of what you cannot get back.
Yesterday’s moments have set,
Divine order rises with each tomorrow,
Deciding the length of a day’s hours  is not ours.
Yet, we count all we have,
In cadence scheduled by chimes,
Fear of not having enough.
Before it's too late,
Or its all gone.
Absent one’s hope,
Time is a punishment.
Jun 2016 · 511
PFL Jun 2016
I am allured, by the attractiveness of destiny’s obscurity,
Captivated am I with the immediacy of its acceptance,
Our speech, its voice,
An emanation from the in between,
Destine alchemy words to be melded with breath creating definition.
This generosity defines our relationships,
An Intimacy is always surrounded by transparency,
Listen to what another has to say
Destiny demands a witness.
Jun 2016 · 250
It's where....
PFL Jun 2016
Beyond any understanding of readiness,
Past the present, onto the horizon of a next moment to spare.
Within a hidden emptiness,
Somewhere to be, not aware.
Where echoing tensions melt,
  Into a calming silence, allowing the Soul to articulate,
The heart listens to love as it translates,
Touching self expressions, it’s where peace in mind dwells.
                                                         ­         PFL
Jun 2016 · 619
In the likeness of Dew
PFL Jun 2016
In the likeness of dew
One can see
A nightly gathered convex galaxy
Gazillions of translucent pearls from her majesty
Infinite food for more than just whorls
Radiance expressed from a single source.
Mother ocean, giving us, her gifts, of course.
Touched, life unfurls
Who are we to think we can improve the design of this world.
                                                          ­                     PFL
Jun 2016 · 796
Tree of Life
PFL Jun 2016
Are the root of any matter.
The tree that grows from Intentions.
Are the branches that support our Intentions and Actions
The leaves and blossoms
That shelter and nourish our Intentions, Actions and Words.
Jun 2016 · 363
PFL Jun 2016
We kissed,
Eyes closed, latticed arms’ unfurl,
Approaching was our bus.
Boarded, we three now parted,
Me with her,
She without the two of us.
Separated never astray,
Love’s pull,
Fills the silence when she’s away.
Strong our woven lace.
Shadows cast from above pass along the avenue in our wake,
Reminiscing the memories previously endured
When we three picnicked under the allure
Of ancient lovers’ shaded embrace.  
In a garden encased
By braided weeping ficuses
When raindrops fell, not all could we forsake.
Dew searching to quench dryness
Single drops escaped the umbrellaing trees’ clutch.
Our shared meals together,
Seasoned by myths and tears from laughter
Nice to be under the influence of another who too, expresses such,
Impromptu panini, zagara scented beer, people watching, colored by wondrous smells
Palermitano street food; a one of kind cultural meld..
Buon pranzo to all, may yours be the same,
Each day a new life experience to share and claim.

— The End —