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Jul 2017 · 326
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
I broke up with you
Yet it feels like you broke up with me
I am hurt and crying
Yet you delete me from your life
Pretend I never existed
I am hurt too
You aren't alone
Why do you have to make it worse for yourself ?
Jul 2017 · 194
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
‪I don't think I'll ever forget the special moments we shared how can you just
F o r g e t
Jul 2017 · 488
my 18th birthday
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
it was my birthday
i was the host
he was my guest
he blamed me for ignoring him
told me i focused on my friends too much
told me i didn't deserve a nice gift from him
even though i put all the effort in
tireless giving and mending
every argument
trying to please
but he always turned the words back on me
and i was hurt
and tired
it was my birthday
i told him i was tired
i gave up
my 18th birthday
Jul 2017 · 207
sparkling sadness
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
he bought me a ring
a tiara ring
made of hearts
encrusted with rhinestones
it was my birthday
it was beautiful
i broke up with him
then i looked at my ring
and i realized he bought it for me
because i was his princess
Jul 2017 · 371
right now
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
it feels like i have nothing left inside me
it feels like i have lost all the closest people i have
the only people i had
and right now
i am alone
and i am scared
Jul 2017 · 347
trapped in my own home
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
my room is full of violence
i hear the angry hateful words ringing in my ears
they enter my room and i cannot stop them
these words come from my own mother
when i am 15, i tell myself, i will speak up
when i am 16, i tell myself, i will stand up to her
when i am 18, i tell myself, i will fight back
but i cannot
i am trapped
her words have given me anxiety
her words have given me insecurity
her words have given me self consciousness
her words have given me anger
when i was 8 i vowed to never be like my mother
my worst fear is to be like her
i do not want anyone to feel so trapped as i am in my own home
Jul 2017 · 498
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
meant to like you
meant to love you
meant to treat you kindly
meant to respect you
meant to honor you
meant to support you
meant to be there for you
meant to kiss you when you're sad
meant to text you :) when you're alone
meant to call you when they miss you
meant to give you hope
meant to push you to your dreams
meant to love you

even when they don't understand
Jul 2017 · 366
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
i do not understand
the male gender
one minute they offer you a ride home
the next minute
they repeatedly are throwing paper at your face
they boss you around
yet when you try to tell them what to do
they are insulted
instinctively refuse
yet i am still surprised when they do listen to me
without a word
do you like me?
do you even care about my existence?
or do you just want to play with me like a toy?
no. i am not a toy
Jul 2017 · 268
to you
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
i feel safe here
the words pour out of my body instead of tears
i read other people's words
i feel safe
because i know i am heard
we all want to be heard
i hear you
Jul 2017 · 290
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
the tears cannot be hidden any longer
narrow streams drip down my cheeks
i hate this feeling
i hate feelings
i long for happiness
why do i let my heart and mind get the best of me
i don't deserve this
my face is buried in the sheets
smothered by a pillow
desperate to hide the sobbing
i don't know who to turn to
where to run
where to hide
i know i can't be the only one
but why does it feel like i am?
Jul 2017 · 542
a haiku
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
it is a miracle
how you take my stormy clouds
and shine a           r a i n b o w
Jul 2017 · 426
cool touch
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
body aches
skin feels cool
it's lost all its warmth
from not being with you
Jul 2017 · 353
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
I'm so torn
I can't breathe
I'm gasping for air
I can't find the light
I am enclosed in darkness
Please someone
I am drowning in confusion
I seek guidance but find only dead ends
Someone please
show me the straight and narrow way
Jul 2017 · 345
i miss...
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
i miss . . .
the way your heart beats against mine
the way you gently run your fingers down my arm
the way you carefully play with my hair

how i can never be close enough to you
even when there's no space between us
Jul 2017 · 328
Doors that Lead to Beauty
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
Lies stem from Fear,
not Pride but Insecurity.
Yet why are they so powerful,
so destructive and demeaning?
because they are fake illusions of what we think
is the truth.
Evil pursuits,
play with our minds,
swallow us
until we suffocate in our own false image.
How do we break free?
We must see beyond
Open the eyes
to Truth and Loyalty
which hides behind
the Insecurity and Pride.
Break Through
Push Open
the door to honesty
which lies with beauty
Jul 2017 · 294
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
dreaming of you
desperate for you
dying for you
so tired of these repeated words
it's like i am speaking to a blank white wall
with a fake smile you try to reassure me
but i see through your quiet chambers of what you call a heart
why don't you speak your emotions
answer me
i am desperate for you
dying for you
Jul 2017 · 607
Happiness Anchors
Nicole Eden Jul 2017

bolts of metal that remain in joyful seas
your. joyful. sea.
one that you fill
with water that feels perfect to you
forget the drops of salt
add the drops of laughter
the electric feeling that makes you float forever
never fear the waves
for the waves are there to keep you afloat
never tear you down
its your. joyful. sea
your. happiness. anchors.
you build your happy sea
and ill build mine

— The End —