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the blonde poet Feb 2015
I think I think too much
the blonde poet May 2015
Vegetables ~ loose LEAF
Candy ~ passion
Meat ~  words
Utensils ~ your hands
Every meal (poem) needs a healthy balance  of these things (:
the blonde poet May 2015
My brain is so full of ideas,
And they bounce around day and night.
And until I put them on paper,
They march back and forth
Left ...
the blonde poet Aug 2021
At the end of the night
When I am drifting to sleep
It is always you in my dreams

At the end of the day
When I'm down and tired
It is you who gives me life

At the end of it all
When I look back on my life
It'll be memories of you flashing by
the blonde poet Apr 2020
You can't always be a light.
Sometimes you need to be a mirror,
And reflect someone else's glow
the blonde poet Apr 2015
But we won't sit around and just hope and just pray,
And although this may sound just a bit too cliché,
We must deal with the hand we were dealt here today,
Cuz the fate of the world is in the cards that we play.
Another excerpt. Work in progress!
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Shadows remind us there is light.
Heartbreak means we can still love.
Pain means we that can feel.
Loss means that you once had.
Failure is a step towards success.
Crying shows that your loss once gave you joy.
We are all different, making us equals.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Not knowing everything drives me crazy,
Knowing that I will never know everything also drives me crazy.
Yet I know that knowing everything would also drive me crazy,
and that just drives me crazy.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
One can not teach creativity,
but many can un-teach it.
the blonde poet Sep 2015
I don't want to fall in love,
I wanna fly into it.
Because falling indicates helplessness,
But flying is graceful and gentle.
You can't fall in love forever,
Eventually you will crash.
But flying, you can find a nice calm perch,
And appreciate your love while you watch the world around you.
the blonde poet Jan 2016
As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears,
dispense more cheer than gloom,
spread more cheer than despair.

Never let me become so indifferent,
that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child,
or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.

Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
make them happy, and forget momentarily,
all the unpleasantness in their lives.

And in my final moment,
may I hear You whisper:
"When you made My people smile,
you made Me smile."
the blonde poet Feb 2015
An eye for an eye doesn't make the whole world blind,
it leaves everyone with terrible depth perception and a biased mind.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
When I say I love you,
Please believe that it's true.
When I say forever,
Know I'll never leave you.
When I say goodybe,
Promise you won't cry.
Because the day I say that,
will be the day that I die
the blonde poet Feb 2015
So many choices I sometimes just do nothing.
The same maroon 5 song has played 40 times on repeat.
Subconsciously humming the song and tapping my feat.
Too cold to go on a walk, and all my #2's are broken.
No friends wanna talk, theyre all together without me.
My phone buzzes, and I wish I could talk with Groupon, they seem to always be contacting me.
But I pick up my phone and watch a cute video.
Listen to a love song and belt out the chorus, the lyrics hitting me deep.
I wish I had someone to relay these ed sheeran lyrics to.
A text. Could it be her?? "Wrong number".
Well ****. Time to watch netflix
the blonde poet Jun 2015
They say we make a living by what we get,
But we make a LIFE by what we give.
It not too late to make a life just yet,
So let me give you loving and then I can live.
the blonde poet Aug 2015
You pray so badly for heaven
Knowing any day might be the day that you die
But maybe life on earth could be heaven
Doesn't just the thought of it make it worth a try
the blonde poet Aug 2015
Real heroes don't call themselves heroes.
Real heroes silently serve.
the blonde poet Dec 2015
Her voice is a song,
And it's on replay in my mind.
the blonde poet Jun 2015
Your problems seem so small
When you walk through the hospital walls.
Not mine, property of george watsky
the blonde poet Jun 2015
How much do I love you?

Hold your breathe until you can't hold it any longer.
That feeling of wanting to breath... that's how much I love you.

Look at the ocean, and its wide expanses that you can only see a small fraction of.
The size of that ocean is as much as I love you.

Look up at the stars. There are trillions of them. There are far more than we will ever know about.
The expanse of those stars doesn't equal how much I love you.

Now look me in the eye. My eyes have seen the beauty of the world. But nothing as beautiful as you.
That is how much I love you.

I love you more than I love being able to breath, My love for you is larger than the water I need to survive. My love for you is so much more than anyone could ever understand. My love of your beauty is more than my love of any other thing to ever exist.
And that,
Is how much I love you.
the blonde poet Jan 2016
If you can't join them,
Pass them with hard work,
And laugh,
when they ask to join you.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
I love sports.
I love that the worst experience isn't getting last, it's getting second.
I love that I can drift into another world when I play.
I love that my teams are all like family to me.
I love that there is an infinite outcome to every scenario in a game, and each game has hundreds of thousands of scenarios.
I love that sports a combination of wit, coordination and logic.
I love seeing my heroes smile.
In a close second I love seeing them cry, as it reinforces my idea of how much they love the game.
Most of all, I love that sports are a unity throughout the world. The rifts known as rivalries bring us closer together.
the blonde poet Sep 2015
Sometimes things get hard,
Life's less than perfect.
Life can leave you scarred,
But I know it's worth it.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
There are 7 billion, 290 million people in this world and I want to believe I matter.
I know its a lie but prefer it to the alternative.
There are millions of student athletes and I want to believe I will go pro.
There are hundreds of millions of writers and I want to believe I will be the next Dickinson.
There are some 3 billion men in the world and I want to believe I'm going to be HER one and only love.
There are 7 billion, 290 million and 1 thousand people in this planet and I have the audacity to think I matter.
Inspired by watsky "tiny glowing screens"
the blonde poet Feb 2015
The universe is the biggest thing in existence. There is nothing past it, it is the single grouping of everything. Hence the name UNIverse. But us humans, that not good enough for us. Oh no of course not. Us humans that are made of the same particles all across the universe decided that we are the centers of our own, self proclaimed universes. In reality we are simply bits of universe with feelings, rotating on universe crumbs, revolving around one of the universes many ***** of flaming gas, all spinning in a swirl of star dust, and all that expanding towards but never reaching the outreaches of the ever growing universe. We are truly dust in the wind, simply with love in our hearts.
the blonde poet Jun 2015
Forget French,
Kindness is the language of love.
~  <3  ~
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Can I marry a fictional character?
Why don't we just have wings?
What language do dogs speak?
What if I'm the only human on earth and everyone else are aliens playing trick on me.
What if I had clothes made of mirrors, could I see myself in a mirror?(other than the literal fact that I'm actually IN a mirror)
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Love is...
staying awake with her those extra 30 minutes to keep her company.
Buying her flowers on more than just valentines day.
Being there for each other.
Knowing that despite differences, in the end it doesn't change your relationship.
Remembering fondly first dates, and goofy moments.
Laughing together till it hurts to laugh anymore.
Not wanting to fall asleep, in fear you will miss out on each other.
All-nighters over the phone.
Smiling at the thought of your other half.
the blonde poet Apr 2015
some of us we have this passion,
To just keep rising from the ashes.
We just keep pushing as time passes,
We won't give up you bet your *****.
Old traditions we be slashing,
Outdated records we are smashing.
In overcoming all this crashing,
millennials find satisfaction.
This is an excerpt from a song me and my friend are writing. Let me know what you think of it!
the blonde poet Feb 2015
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.
I know my hearts there cuz I feel it beating.
But what's the point of my beating heart,
If I have no girl, no second part.
Without the one I'm just chopped liver,
My life flowing by like a shallow river.
Then one day our two stars cross,
I try to move fast before all is lost.
After a week of pondering im finally sure,
The girl I want to spend my life with is her.
And I know now that she's the one,
Because my heart beats to her drum.
Credits to The Script for the starting point of this (:
the blonde poet Aug 2015
My Love isn't something i give,
just because I know that you want me to.
If you want my love then that love's gotta come from you.
the blonde poet Jan 2016
I'm not like those ******,
I won't win you with tricks,
And I don't have side chicks,
I have one side kick.
the blonde poet Mar 2016
She's a lost girl in a lost world,
but I know what she's tryna find.
Some call it music,
I call it never land.
Where we can take flight and don't have to ever land.
You can stay young forever if you follow your heart.
Know a 9-5 tears the soul apart,
Keep it safe you can keep your soul in art.
We can't live a lie, we would rather die, if I don't live for this I am not alive.
I don't deserve the breathe, I don't deserve the steps, don't deserve the criticism or compliments.
This is who I am, this is what I do.
Outside of never land I don't have a clue.
They call us lost but this is the place where I was found
Take my hand Wendy we're home now.
Credit given to Abstract for the bulk of this, this is some of the most beautiful lyricism I've ever seen. Thanks for the inspiration.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Transcending all material objects; except pizza.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Making up stories, until to us they are the truth.
the blonde poet Jun 2015
An optimist will see the cup half full,
A pessimistic will see the cup half empty,
An opportunist will drink the water while the other two bicker.
the blonde poet May 2015
When you get in such a zone,
That the words pour all over.
And I for one,
Am not one to cry
over spilled milk.
the blonde poet Aug 2015
Now he's got a drinking problem,
He's steered off course.
He's heading to the bottom
on a Smirnoff course.
By the way I don't drink, this is just a really cool rhyme scheme and pun that I thought of and couldn't miss the opportunity to post it!
the blonde poet May 2015
She must have stabbed my heart with a stick of ice.
Because while the physical evidence melted away,
the coldness lingers
the blonde poet Jun 2015
So many friends feel alone and obscure,
So they turn to meds to feel more secure.
And although those wants we try to detour,
To those in need the drugs allure.
But there's a limit to the **** you can endure,
You get a prescription and you're thinking that it’s pure.
But baby maybe it’s a problem when you got a problem,
And you get addicted to the cure
Inspired by George watsky
the blonde poet Feb 2015
I'm tired of being so tired
the blonde poet Feb 2015
She didn't pass away, she took her beautiful writing to a better place.
He didn't die, he just moved on up, his poems live on through him.
the blonde poet Jul 2016
Most people die before 25,
40 years later we're put in a grave.
the blonde poet Sep 2015
Sometimes I wonder,
How many voices,
Are never heard.
Because the voice,
That is in their head,
Keeps to itself instead.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
Me and you, we're not so different after all.
Whether white or black, short or tall.
Because inside we are nearly equals,
From generarion to generation we are all just prequels.
Prequals to the next big step, the next progression,
I'm a legacy, My identity is not sole possession.
I'm made up of 99.7% percent of the same things as you,
That .3% determines who's who.
But remember that its what's inside that matters,
Even if the clothes on your back are old and in tatters.
See we're not so different at all,
There should be no reasons for us to to fight and to brawl.
So now I say before I am done,
If we don't come together as one, we are none.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
We are all here by chance. I do not mean the human race, but us. My specific self is lucky to be here. Your specific traits are so specific that the flap of a birds wing 30 generations ago could have disrupted your loooooong away ancestor and made him walk past his supposed to be wife. All the coincidences, aligned stars, works of fate, and divine intervention in the history of the universe all converged in making you who you are at your birth. Me writing this and you reading it may make you 2 minutes late to a date with your future spouse, yet at the same time you may have opened opportunity for your true soulmate. The world is a wonderful, hectic, amazing, chaotic, and beautiful mess. And that is hard to wrap my head around.
the blonde poet Feb 2015
"Wrong number" said a familiar voice.

— The End —