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 Nov 2018 Deanna
 Nov 2018 Deanna
i look at my skateboard
down at the ground
i close my eyes
and roll down the hill
getting faster and faster
until i hit flat ground
i open my eyes

when i roll down the hill
i feel free
the breeze hitting my face
my hair blows in the wind
the sun on my skin
its all too good

i feel at home
like a belong
thank you to my
 Nov 2018 Deanna
 Nov 2018 Deanna
when did it all become so cruel
why is she better than her
why is it this instead of that
why cant i love myself
why cant i be myself
why do i have to be like everyone else
 Nov 2018 Deanna
 Nov 2018 Deanna
year after year
i fall once again
like leaves fall every autumn
just so everyone can step all over me
me roots then rise
i blossom
only to later fall again
-depression always comes  back
 Nov 2018 Deanna
 Nov 2018 Deanna
I know you can't promise to stay forever
but promise
you'll stay for a really long time?
 Nov 2018 Deanna
Age 4, Your father broke your heart before any boy had the chance too.

Your life will be completely different without a father

Age 5, No one to call you princess

You cry when you see your friend's father call them princess

Age 6, No one to hug you when you cry from bullies

You hate going to school

Age 7, No one to tell you "I'll beat up every guy that hurts you"

You don't get to laugh when he says that

Age 8, No one to tell you are beautiful

You hate your body and think your fat

Age 9, No one to tell you "It's okay"

You cry yourself to sleep every night

Age 10, No one to tell you, "You are perfect"

You think you are the ugliest person in your school

Age 11, No one to tell you, "You are too young for boys"

You get your heart broken over and over too young

Age 12, Your father is not there

You miss him and ask yourself why he left

Age 13, Being told you have "Daddy Issues"

Age 14, No father to tell you, "You look beautiful without make up"

You beat your face with make up

Age 15, No father to say to your first date, "If you hurt her, I will **** you"

You get hurt

Age 16, No one to dance with you when they call in daddy daughter dance on your sweet sixteen

You ask yourself why he left again

Age 17, No one to tell you to change out of that clothes because he knows guys couldn't resist

You might get *****.

Age 18, No one to tell you, "My little princess, you have come so far, I am a proud father"

You see all your friend's father telling them this and miss you

Age 19, No one to warn you about ***** boys

You have to fight off a guy

Age 20, No one to tell your boyfriend, "I have a rifle, I am not afraid to use it"

You don't get to say "Dad!!!"

18+ age, No one to walk you down the aisle

You tell yourself, "I made it, I made it through the good and bad"
You have a husband or wife or neither, you made it without him.
You made it through the tears, the heart aches, the pain of missing him. He missed your whole life, you realize he didn't deserve you or seeing your life grow.
 Nov 2018 Deanna
 Nov 2018 Deanna
dear best friend,
thank you to the one who made my depressing life 10 times better
to the one who'd always listen to my endless rants
to the one who always understood me
to the one that i can talk to about anything
to the one that became my best friend in less than a week
to the one who accepted me
thank you Deanna

dear ex-best friend,
thank you to the one who stabbed my back and taught me i shouldnt trust everyone
to the one who made me let go the one i loved
to the one who attempted to change me
to the one who never loved me for me
to the one one who ripped everything away from me
to the one that i hate
thank you ava
 Nov 2018 Deanna
 Nov 2018 Deanna
and there we were
back at the place I first met you
the place I fell for you at

and I realized that day
that you are the one
and you always were always will be
 Nov 2018 Deanna
we were perfect for eachother
...or so i thought

we were the exact same
which was the problem

we liked the same things
loved the same movies
had the same hobbies
and had the same personality

it sounds perfect
but we were both awkward
nothing new to talk about once everything was said
and nothing new or exciting

this was never going to work out
too bad i just realized
 Oct 2018 Deanna
meant to be
 Oct 2018 Deanna
I know we're meant to be
I'm just waiting for you to figure that out too
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