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 Oct 2018 Deanna
so there's this boy
and he makes me feel

for someone who felt numb for so long
feeling is nice

he makes me feel happy
like how sitting next to a fire, drinking tea, and reading poetry makes me feel

he makes me feel like a beautiful sunflower
he makes me feel like I'm actually worth something
he makes me feel like I'm enough

but with all the beauty he brings to my soul
he also makes my soul fear

fear of him leaving
fear of when he goes he'll leave me to feel numb all over again
I can't let that happened
I'm scared to lose him
I'm scared to let him in
 Oct 2018 Deanna
 Oct 2018 Deanna
to some
hope is just a word
to some its a feeling
 Oct 2018 Deanna
 Oct 2018 Deanna
the moment a poet
falls in love with you

is the moment
you live

f o r e v e r
 Oct 2018 Deanna
 Oct 2018 Deanna
there's a lot of things that make you so amazing
but I love the way you look at me
talk to me
smile at me

I love the way that I'm not awkward around you
i love how you give me butterflies
i love the goodnight and good morning texts
i just love everything about you
 Oct 2018 Deanna
I want to trust
but I can't
and I don't know if I ever will again

there was a time I trusted
far beyond the stars and moon

then one day it came crashing down like a meteor falling out of space
so out of place, it lies there broken
in an unknown place

here I am in a familiar place
not knowing where I am
who am i

i know everyone here not trusting a single soul
because they've all hurt me
always to leave

so here i am standing alone
in an unknown world
i don't want anyone

not anyone whos gonna leave
or hurt me
no one

id rather be alone
 Aug 2018 Deanna
thank you to the ones who have been there for me
at my darkest times
when I had no one else

thank you to the ones who were kind enough to let me in
and let me help you

thank you to the ones who brought a smile to my lonely days
the ones who always knew what to say

thank you to the ones who weren't fake
to the people who actually loved me
to the people who actually cared

thank you to the ones who left
I realize I never needed you to survive
and you were just a chapter of my life

and finally, thank you to me
for not giving up
for believing in yourself
thank you...
 Aug 2018 Deanna
it's just so sad
he's different
                but all he wants is to fit in
he's funny
                but he thinks his jokes are annoying
he's friendly
                but he thinks no one really wants to be friends with him
he's cute
                but he thinks he's not
he's amazing
                but he doesn't believe that
                he doesn't believe that he's worth it
                he doesn't believe something good will ever happen to him
it's just so sad
 Aug 2018 Deanna
 Aug 2018 Deanna
It feels like darkness surrounding me.
It feels like monsters are everywhere.
It feels like I can’t do anything to stop it.
It feels like I’m saying too much.
It feels like I’m not allowed to be here.
It feels like I can’t stop repeating myself.
If feels like I’m Broken.
 Aug 2018 Deanna
don't go
 Aug 2018 Deanna
people leave
all the time

"I promise I'll stay"

but they never do
and that's just the way life works
you don't really know whats gonna happen in life
you can't promise these things

people leave and come
its the way things work
even if you don't want them to leave,
they always do

but please
please stay
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