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Apr 2017 · 436
LostDreame Apr 2017
I was seven when I saw this light,
shining dimly through my bedroom window
Didn't seem much but that was my light,
My call, my way out
The light was my future yearning me to hold on
To stay
For one more day.

I was seventeen when I saw the light again
It shone brighter than before
and took a human form
Six foot tall, with bright blue eyes and brown wavy hair
With a cute smile and crooked teeth and when he spoke,
I swear I could melt
And when he touched, I was paralyzed with fright

My future's here, but will it stay?
Will it want me as I am, 'cause change doesn't accept me
Panic absorbs through my skin and freezes my bones

Can I make it?
The dim light is here now, shining brightly with opened arms
Should I stay?
Just one more day?
Sep 2016 · 3.9k
LostDreame Sep 2016
What family?
     I am an orphan
My father is abusive
     I am an orphan
My mother left us when I was little
     I am an orphan
My sister can't show she loves me
     I am an orphan
Even my shadow has disappeared
     I am an orphan
Yes, I have a family
     But I am an orphan
I was feeling a bit down
Oct 2014 · 565
LostDreame Oct 2014
I hate relationships
I hate love
I hate to feel things
I hate to hate love

I know you don't trust me
I know you don't understand
I know I wont get a second chance
I know this will come to an end

I just wish you'd give me time
I just wish you'd understand
No matter what happens to us
I'll always want you to be safe
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
missed kiss
LostDreame Sep 2014
As you sit beside me
The world fades away
Just you and me in focus
It all seems okay
With my fingertips
I trace your face
Your jawline
Then your lips
Our eyes lock together
I could hear a faint click
I've pictured this moment for so long
I'd started to believe this day would never come
But you smile brings me back
To reality, to you
This moment is perfect
And so are you.
I look deep in your eyes
And find a hidden chest
Inside lies all those words
I wished you would've said
Slowly we lean closer
And closer we become
I feel your pulse thumping
To the rythym of our love
Your hand cups my face
My hand finds comfort in your hair
You close your eyes
Ready for our first kiss
But our lips don't meet
My lips land right next to yours
Very close, to the side of your lips
" Why didn't you kiss me? "
Your voice is hurtful
Your hand falls from my face
And then I begin to say
"Your lips aren't meant for me to kiss
Your eyes aren't for me to miss
Your love isn't for me to feel
Your heart isn't for me to live in
I'll walk away from your life
Just needed this moment, this one time
Cause you deserve the best there is
And sadly the best isn't me"
Sep 2014 · 5.2k
slowly losing you
LostDreame Sep 2014
I'm slowly losing you
Day by day
I try to be strong
But I can't stay this way

I'm slowly losing you
And all that we had
I hope you miss those at times
Cause it tells what we had was true

I'm slowly losing you
I can feel the drift
How you've distanced from me
And there's nothing I can do

I'm slowly losing you
Or have I already lost you?
Sep 2014 · 447
LostDreame Sep 2014
♥♥Every night I wait for you
One simple message
A good night
Or a kiss or hug
But that's too much to expect
You don't do that anymore
I'm no longer important
I'm no longer yours
So you take me for granted
Making me wait for hours
Days,  even, but I swear
That they feel like ages
I hope one day you wake up
And you're able to see the unseen
The unseen love
The unseen dying love
I miss you baby but you don't
Even if you do
You don't act so
I'll be here for you for now
For now, not forever
One day I'll go away
Sick of waiting
Tired of mistakes
One day when I can't stand it anymore
I'll leave you to be happy yourself
Cause I'm not a toy that you play
I'm be the one who completes you
But if you miss to see
I'll be someone who loved you truly♥♥
Totally random write. Couldn't sleep so thought of writing what I felt
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
The Butterflies
LostDreame Sep 2014
whenever you're around me, I feel so alive
like I've found a vital piece of my heart once again
you make me happy, you make me smile
you make me feel the butterflies in my tummy that just can't seem to stop
this feeling is just so fantastic
I wish to freeze time

but this isn't a fairy tale, oh no it's not
you're fading away from my life and i need you to not
not go from my life, not make me feel alone again
the butterflies that used to flutter about are now dying instead
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
love you, me
LostDreame Sep 2014
why do i love you when you're still unsure about loving me???
Sep 2014 · 29.1k
LostDreame Sep 2014
You make me jealous
I make you jealous
But together you and I
Can make the world *jealous
I hate jealousy
Sep 2014 · 585
LostDreame Sep 2014
Your smile is priceless
Your eyes are gems
Your laugh is music
Your love will be my death
Totally random poem
Sep 2014 · 366
you are
LostDreame Sep 2014
You are impossible to comprehend
Impossible to be a friend
Your soul is so rigid
I fear I'll fall for you
Are guys supposed to be so complicated?
Sep 2014 · 467
people say
LostDreame Sep 2014
People say I'm confused
They say I don't know what I want
They say I don't know what love is
They say you are not what I want

People say I don't understand love
Like it's something I shouldn't know
Then why do I need you so much
That's something even I don't know

People say I should let you go
Set you free, don't hold on for long

But then

People say be brave and daring
Fight for what you need
So I'm fighting for you baby
Cause you help me breathe

People say I don't love you
I know it's true
It's true that I don't love you
But for now, let's just believe
I didn't know you have to be a certain age to qualify for love. If adults are old enough for that, why are there still broken lonely hearts???
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
LostDreame Sep 2014
Your body so warm
Toned to perfection
Your soft snores
Is the sweetest melody

Your beautiful dark eyes
Are sparkling gems
your **** smirk
It'll surely be my death

How can someone be so perfect
With all these flaws and mistakes
Everything about you is what I seek
You remain mine is my only wish
Sep 2014 · 416
love or illusion
LostDreame Sep 2014
Is it love or just an illusion?
The way you make me feel
Every time you smile baby
My heart skips two beats

Is it love or just an illusion?
How vulnerable I am around you
I feel secure and happy
Yet I feel so fragile 'cause of you

Is it love or just an illusion?
Why am I not able to see
You're using me you selfish man
And I'm not speaking against it

What you do to me is special
I've never felt so unique
When you're with me I'm happy
But when you leave I slowly die

Is it love or just an illusion?
Are you my true love
Or are you a lesson?
Sep 2014 · 285
LostDreame Sep 2014
Stars can't shine without darkness
I can't shine without you <3
When you know someone's got your happiness, don't wait for them to come about. Just steal them and own them.
Aug 2014 · 287
back to me
LostDreame Aug 2014
Feeling like an idiot
waiting for you
to come back
When will you
come back to me!
Aug 2014 · 321
come back?
LostDreame Aug 2014
Why can't it be simple
Why don't you come back
You obviously love me too
So why are you so scared?
Aug 2014 · 957
waiting for you
LostDreame Aug 2014
You take forever to reply
But I'm still waiting for you
When you walk away
I stand there waiting for you

You thought I forgot what we had
But it's impossible to forget my heart
The most vital thing to me
Is in your grasp

I'll be waiting for you
To give your heart back
Cause you still have mine
So its fair I have yours too
Aug 2014 · 365
All I need
LostDreame Aug 2014
Just you and me
That's all I need
Locked in a room for a day
That's all I'll need

The rest of the world
can burn down
If I have you by my side
I'm safe and sound

We're all we need
Why can't you see
I love you and
You love me

Don't hurt me anymore
Don't cause me more pain
You're all I need baby
I'm just too scared to say
When he loves her, why is he scared to try again!?
Aug 2014 · 846
barbie girls
LostDreame Aug 2014
I walk pass girls better than me
Skinny pretty tall blonde
Perfect barbie like
my insides burn with hatred
Knowing I can never be that

I try so hard but it doesn't work
Looking like a fake plastic doll
My tears wipe out the cakey stuff
I'm ready to give up

I know I'm not like them
Trying so hard is just useless
Aug 2014 · 391
LostDreame Aug 2014
He's hurt but so am I
Please don't go...
Bring me back to life
Aug 2014 · 326
LostDreame Aug 2014
Friends for life
That's what you want
Are you honest
You're kidding me know

We used to be a couple
Not perfect but as one
We'd fight for each other's love
I can't believe that's gone

I tried so hard to get you back
Improve my flaws
Ignore my mistakes
But you're too scared to try again

I guess it's fine
I understand your pain
But do think about me too
I'm dying everyday

Please do know that I loved you
Ignore my mistakes and the pain I caused
Cause I swear I've changed
It'll be only us this time

*Please believe me
Aug 2014 · 323
LostDreame Aug 2014
its funny how til yesterday i wrote sad poems
but today I've talked to you and my day has changed
I;m more lovely than i was before
just our short convo hit me like wow

why do you have this effect on me?
oh why i ask you please do tell
'cause i need to know since you're the one
you're the one I'll ever want
Aug 2014 · 4.8k
LostDreame Aug 2014
this isn't a poem, but it's a message
to those who cut and drink because they failed
failed in life, failed in love
failed in whatever they didn't except of
but i swear it'll work out in the end
someway or another, you will be okay
no need to cut
no need to drink
all you'll want to do is shine
so shine like rubies
Aug 2014 · 885
<...all it took...>
LostDreame Aug 2014
just months before this day
we were two broken souls
empty from within
but always carrying a smile around
we thought our love was over
we thought we couldn't even try
but all it took was some courage
for me to be able to say *hi
Aug 2014 · 914
LostDreame Aug 2014
your memories haunt me
             every second of the day
      my mind is in             h   a  
                                      c            o   s    

               I cant
                                 n    k             a  
                                                 str      i                t  
                                   ­                          g       h
                    ­                    your love is my CURE
                                                   but you're too     a f r a i d
                                     if you save my life
                                                          yo­u'll die instead
This is a completely random piece. I am bored so thought of making this weird as looking poem. hope someone can make sense of this nonsense
Aug 2014 · 251
LostDreame Aug 2014
too scared to lose what I've already lost
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
LostDreame Aug 2014
You're miles away from me
Wonder what you're doing tonight
Are you thinking about me???
'Cause I can't get you off my mind
You are my kryptonite
You took away my smile
I need you back with me
I need you to bring me life
Aug 2014 · 2.3k
So attached to you...
LostDreame Aug 2014
I got so attached to you this quick
Never did i expect you to leave
But you're just like the others
You promised you'd stay
It ended like any other
I'm all alone again

Why did I think you were different?
Those words of yours had me fooled
I try to forget the bad memories
But you're clued to my head
You're something I'll never forget

I got so attached to you this quick
I didn't want us to end like this
If only you gave me time to think
Had a bit of patience to realize
My every goodbye meant *No please don't leave
Aug 2014 · 954
I hope
LostDreame Aug 2014
Whoever you end up with, I hope she
treats you with respect, because you
deserve it. I hope she treats you like
a prince, because you're the only prince
she'll ever need. I hope she realizes how
precious you are before it's too late
and and loses you forever. I hope she
loves you, so you can realize that I
loved you more.
Aug 2014 · 10.0k
LostDreame Aug 2014
They say the unexpected lasts the longest
Can you be my unexpected?
hit me like a storm, sweep me off my feet
take me to paradise with just one smile
You can be my everything, you will be my love
All it takes is one sudden chance
Close your eyes and kiss me deep

Make me feel special, i beg you, please
Aug 2014 · 696
hey you....sorry
LostDreame Aug 2014
I remember the day we first met,
when you told me i meant so much to you.
you were my dream boy, you were my love.
you still mean the same, only now you're gone.
i wish to have those days back, i wish to have us
but deep down, i know for a fact, that you have moved on.
please forgive me, hey, listen to what i say.
i meant the words i said, i meant it when i said i love you.
not past tense, not forgotten, it still stands strong, my words and my love.
hey you.....sorry i love you so much.
Aug 2014 · 936
Wanting you
LostDreame Aug 2014
Those quiet nights
Our silly fights
Your beautiful eyes
And cute little lies
All your little things

Can I have you back, please?
missing him each day :(
Aug 2014 · 562
A Tear Cried For You
LostDreame Aug 2014
did it have
to be this way?
I cry a tear more
than I did yesterday.
Hoping to ease the pain,
I drink my sorrows away. I
am tired of hoping. I am tired
of dying today. I pray that you
turn around and say that you'll
stay. Oh please say you'll stay.
'Cause i'm done with dying
today. I am tired of
hoping too.

— The End —