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 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
Tyler Man
No longer lost
But at what cost
Future seems surreal
Hard to even finish a meal
Knowing your gone
Brings me here laying on the lawn
Don't know why
I can not cry
Pain so strong
I know it's wrong

No longer lost
But at what cost
I found what I needed
It made me grow my heart it feeded
The passion from inside
Was something that I could not hide
A beauty so deep
It's the only thing I think when I sleep
But gone she is now
She left she took a bow
To another stage
To another page

No longer lost
But at what cost
I've lost you now
But it's shown me how
To find away
To stand up without dismay
I may have lost
But I'm no longer lost
Because you showed me a way
To spend every single day
To live for me
And truly be free
Live so alive
And not deprive
Myself oh my love  
Now ill rise above

No longer lost
But a what cost
The cost is you
When I was with you I flew
When I lost you I almost died
That days an nights I may have cried
I thank you
Cause I worked on through
Because of the cost
I found my way I'm no longer lost
Sometimes the lost can feel like more then the cost at first glance but that ideal can change
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
James Jarrett
She is robed in beauty

Singing of the dawn

Shades and hues

Of innocence and color

Make her glow

Like new found love

Sparkling like dew

She has captivated my heart

And captured my eyes

But not my spirit

Even she is not enough

To quell my dark desire

Pity and mercy

Have left my primal soul

I am born to ****

Purpose supplants passion

Gaze becomes focus

As I set to destroy her

Her death to come

In one moment

Frozen in my heart

Will destroy me

But I do it anyway
Many of my poems are cryptic and have meaning only to myself. I normally do not wish to explain what the meaning may be. In the case of this particular one, I think the explanation is probably better than the poem so I will explain.    I am many things and among those a bird lover. I have a special penchant for bluebirds as I find them to be among the most beautiful of birds. I am also an accomplished archer and have a 30 yard range set up at my shop. I reliably group at 1 1/4″ or under whenever I shoot and as a rule I do not miss.   When I am calm my aim is unerring.    So, a bluebird lands on a branch next to my target exactly at 30 Yds.  Yep… Right at my target. What’s a man to do?   I couldn’t help myself. I sighted in and took aim. The bluebird framed fully in my peep sight and I was even able to pick a spot; middle. I use a trigger release and I had become steel as I squeezed the trigger. There was no movement as I sighted and released.I slowed my heart rate as I prepared to shoot. I was dead on as the arrow left my bow.  308 F.P.S. of instant death.  I missed by half an inch, impacting just below it’s breast.  I was so relieved that fate had intervened that I can’t describe it. I was panting in relief as I saw that I had missed. The bluebird actually stayed there for a moment perplexed by the impact then fluttered away.    It wasn’t me; I had held my mark. It had to be the gracious hand of fate.    My punishment for this evil? I have never seen the Bluebirds again that used to frequent my shop. I am left now with only the fickle crows that kick at the front door and demand food. I traded the bluebird of happiness for the crows of depression. I know.. I deserve it.
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
Time Lapse
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
Places that once had names
changed by wind and rain
and sun and shifting sands
once mapped and framed
bad lands claim
dry bones.

Desert meets sky
   and rivers run dry
and road is lost
    to all who try
to find their way
    to shining pools
of silver lies
    miraged below
forgetful skies.

Days go past in time lapsed
skies changing fast to black
to red to blue to white
and back again
to no end
in sight.

r ~ 4/7/14
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
On the news I see
in the cradle of mankind,
bloodlust  rampaging.
Killing machines laughing
as children cry and mothers
stare silently at nothing.

On my porch I see
three birds sharing a perch,
eating seed.
One brown, one red,
one olive green.
One gently feeding the other.


r ~ 4/9/14
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
b for short
It can't be helped—
I'm groomed to recognize rhythms
to slink and roll to synthetic beats,
to melt and form to that tight snare,
and find pure bliss in a groove.

So pay no mind
as I give my hips free reign.
This music makes a satisfying breeze,
and my freak flag needs to fly.
© Bitsy Sanders, April 2014
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
Tyler Man
New me
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
Tyler Man
Tonight there's nothing                    
Look left look right                    
Nothing left in sight.                             
 My eyes so open very wide.                
But everything,everyone is left to hide.                                                      
Cause­ from inside I found.                 
 It's the punches we take pound for pound.                                                    
  That­ eventually leave us bruised and down.                                                          
B­ut now there's no one left to frown.                                         
 Nothingness an emotional wreck.                                        
As far as the eyes could see as far as your legs could treck.                        
Now what went wrong along the way                                        
Found someone else yesterday.      
Now all I am, all I was is left behind.                                        
Nothingness down roads we wind.                                              
But what we don't see.                            
Is nothingness is to be free.          
Believe in me                                          
now is what I see                                      
to make a change                      
Completely rearrange                        
Now I see.                                              
That this nothingness is a beginning to a new me....
Showing self worth and inspiring change is something you find through pain and sometimes through others
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
Rachel Mena
Do not allow
yourself         to be
a product
                              of your generation
but rather
let your generation
    a product        
                   of you
 Apr 2014 Jai Rho
my father died alone.
in a car by the side of a busy road.
a young couple,
returning from a day at the beach found him.
they thought he was asleep,
he had, had a massive stroke.

i went to his funeral.
as a stranger
and heard the eulogy,
of a man i barely knew.
we had been disparate
for over twenty years
and before that sporadic
at best.

i did not weep.

five weeks
and two days later after breakfast and feeding the cats.
i went to open the front door. to begin my days toil
my hand on the lock began to shake.

i broke,

i just broke.

and fell against the door in keening, sobbing, rending sorrow.
i slid headfirst down the white painted surface,
opening a cut against the doorbell.
collasped in on myself, huddled into a heaving heap,
pressed into the corner.

i cried pinktears.
all that day.

i stayed in that corner
staring, crying,
beyond thought,
beyond comfort.


beyond .. .

at that point in my life
i lived alone.
with the exception of my cats.
my misery, abject, so complete. so dark, so ink jetblack, so bereft of life, so remote from love so deep in repression, unlocked. so ferocious in attack, so outrageous in it's anger and sense of defeat had hold of me.

i had lost myself.

it is with pure hearted certainty.
i say these two furry little souls.
with plainitive crys of need and slinking warmth, curling heartbeats and insistent nudge of feline body.
saved my shattered, tattered, beaten soul that night.

i got up.
i fed my friends.
and then went to bed.
turned inward on myself
for two days more
this was my path.
cats fed.

i gave no thought to the outside.
to the phone calls,

my apathy bordering catatonic.
i was locked in chains in stygian hell,
inside my head.

they broke the lock.
my two samaritan friends
and found me
a weeping shell.
guarded by two hissing cats. shocked beyond words,
they instigated help for me .

this was my descent into clinical depression

my acsent
back out of the bomb crater, triggered by my fathers death, was arduous and long.

two days heavy sedation.
two weeks close observation 3months at a sanitorium
years of medication.
months and months of dedicated therapy.( i still occasionally do therapy.)

crawling over jagged glass feelings
and rusted tin memories.
that would lock my jaw and break my back.
through slime and muck and crap.

i would crawl,
mentally, forward
and then fall away.
it was, excruitingly, painful.
but also,

redeeming and liberating,
to fight my way up,
to open new doors.
to learn new ways
of thinking, seeing.

another 6 months,
a completed PhD
and an eventual move
of towns.
had me standing tall.

re-invented, restored more complete than before.

that is my history of depression

now eight years on:
i am no longer on medication.
(5years free weaned under Dr's supervision)
i met, married and had a child with the love of my life.
i have great career doing mostly what i love.

i am no hero, just a survivor.

i have a small ragged scar at my hairline,
a rememberance of less than betterdays.

i want no sympathy,
my life rocks.

i live life,
with love and gratitude,
in the forefront of my being,
each day an adventure.
some are blazingly good,
some mediocre
and some are bad.
but always,
tommorrow, is a chance of sunny.

i write this to encourage
those in the mental fight
with this disease.
to show that, there is a bright, enduring light.

and to thank those,
who guided me toward,
it friends, family, doctors,
and furry ones.
this work is now a couple of year, old. still doing fine.
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