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Erik Luo Oct 2020
A breath of air
flows into my body
The fullness takes over
all the holes and cracks
And made love,
as it ceased to be
A short one
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I dreamed of that golden light
In a mist of pure night
As these thoughts flowing through
Consuming my love, for you

Life is never a straight line
Through the ups and downs
We heard that voice
It tries to pull you down
Into that void

I feel it often.
But it doesn’t faze me
I let it wash over me
Knowing that it is my own doing

Life is more interesting
When you can be sad sometimes
When you feel painfully afraid
Or when you are lonely and depressed
Like the wind it will pass
And maybe leave you with something to ponder,
some time to wonder

It fuels me with inspiration
A pure and deep desire to make
Something that is beautiful
To turn it and give it more light
So I can see it without my eyes

I’m tired
I go to sleep
And I dream again
Of all these pain and joy
Haha, of course.
This is it
Erik Luo Dec 2019
A leafless tree
Standing bare and still
In the cold wind
Watching life pass through

It is cold
or sad
Its branch
Waving like the streams
With every body exposed
under the sky

A leafless tree
Might be naked and free
Over our head
without the rain

And as music play
And people stay

The tree
is overjoyed
to be

What does a leadless tree feel?

To exist
without cloth or warmth

To be naked
as other parties

To brach out
and be seen
to every
creaks and turns

To be known
So bare
To live
So still

But maybe there is beauty

to live as a leafless tree

to let the sun and the moon
touch you without worry or suffering

To let go
and be seen
naked to the bone
and be still
be happy

To listen and watch
as life pass by
as love surrounds you

and be
a leafless tree
in a dream
of nothing but love
Erik Luo Aug 2020
My love
You are strong enough
Is hard to believe
But everything is going to be fine

Turn your sadness into strength
Turn your pain into hope
To see the future unclouded
You must let go

Is okay to be selfish
Is okay to change
For I am here
So grateful and proud

Is okay to let go
And to laugh whenever you can
To know that you are on the right path
And see it unfold

Is okay to not listen
Sometimes suffering is needed
To open your heart
To see love more clearly

Is okay to be alone
For you are strong and determined
To face everything head-on
And be grateful for it all

Those people you want
Will come when you are ready
These lessons you are on
You only need to go through once

In that endless nothingness
I await you home
As we see and feel each other
Only to be in awe
With how everything went out
A lot of reflections lately, so grateful for how far I have come.
Erik Luo Dec 2019
There is a light in the middle of the night
It shines and sings the song of heaven
The god of all is right here
Singing this song into your heart

We are all love
It sings through the valley and the sea
We are all one
It sings through the wind and the sky
We are all here
It sings through the night and the void
We are all whole
It sings through the space and time

When I open my eyes
And see the light that shines
I realized what I am
A ray of infinite love
Piercing through the darkness
Into everything and nothing at the same time

When we see heaven
We live in heaven
In the valley of god
In the breath of love
We are whole
We are love
We are...

Being this existence
Through all the pain and suffering
Through all the love and joy
All singing a song of the holy being
Of you and me in eternity
In infinite love, we merge into one
And dissolve into the nothing that we are
A song of infinite love and light
I love you, it said
Erik Luo Mar 2021
Fading away
As a lonely refrain
into nothing...
into being...
into you...
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I am writing this now
To feel you
And the love between us

Though we have never met
I know you are thinking of me
And I think of you too
Thinking of all the small moments we are going to have
A nap in the quiet summer garden
A dinner at home with wines and bottles
A song that we share to remember our dreams
And a coffee in the morning to just be
With each other
We love so deeply
To see the future
And live it now

I can feel you
Like a ball of love
Dying to come into my life
And live with love

Maybe I am crazy
And maybe you don’t exist
But it doesn’t matter
Because I know
Our love is stronger than that

Across space and time
We have kissed and hugged
Before meeting in this life
We have shared so many others
We grabbed onto each other
And moved so close
That we became one

Maybe we laughed
And thought it would be funny
To not know each other again
To forget each other
And fall in love again

To the girl I will one day meet
I know you and I are meant to be
And I can’t wait to love you
As I love me
More deeply

In time
I shall wait
And be
With you
Erik Luo Oct 2020
You felt that pain
More and more and more...
til you realized
the love it was

Oh, how much love it was
so much that it hurts
That you loved as pain
and suffered as love
over and over

til the two becomes one
and ends
In a love so great
that it stopped existing...

Then it begins again
Repeating, growing, loving, hurting
Even more
As you
It’s all love.
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I swear
sometimes I can hear you
Talking to me in my dreams
So I kept on dreaming
hoping that
I will never wake up

I swear sometimes
I can feel your gentle lust
Like sudden pulses of electricity
Flowing through my body
Aching for more

I swear sometimes
I can feel your love
Deep in my heart
Like the sun
so whole and warm

You are always here
Like a part of me
that never sleeps

I feel you so deep
Deep inside of me...

I love you too
Erik Luo Jul 2020
Feeling your fingers caress through my head
As the summer breathes wash over my face
Seeing you smile as I lay on your knees
Looking in your eyes with nothing but me

The fiery clouds are dancing around the sunset
As if they saw the greatest love story
To play this song and have you in my arms
And feel your being with all of my heart

Through the nightfall there is our tender love
The great mystery is revealed to us
To the knowing of this lifetime and all the pasts
We realized why we had to come back

The infinite dream has all that we want
But we chose each other
To plan this moment for eternity and more
We woke up to saw
a lifetime of love and wonder
A vision I saw long ago, inspired by a song called About Us by Kisnou
Erik Luo Jan 2020
Let the moonlight dance away
And let the fire breath its life
We are here to sing this song
of you and I in tomorrow's land

The night is bright
And the wind is light
Those who have suffered
can now rest

Til tomorrow
To wake in grief
of the self that has tried

The halo around the moonlight
Watching over us
As path in its love

And the smoke in the eye
Might have cleared the night
Away from the light
of the candles
of all of us
remaining in our heart

So as we return to life
We may love
and cry
another night
Erik Luo Sep 2020
Lying in this silent pain
Hearing the words of that navel chain
Words forming in a swing
Making me surrender all my dreams

I said to you
What is this feeling
As I fall more and more into
You and you and you and you...

And me and me and me and me...
Like a cycle it repeats
Singing and talking and cursing and yelling
And crying and laughing and coughing and screaming
And touching and holding and gripping and pushing
And cutting and hugging and kissing and loving
And into others senses, that are foreign and without names

It’s like falling and falling and falling and falling...
And flying and flying and flying and flying...
And all of this
Forming those tiny but infinite points
Of existence and reality
Of experience and identity

I surrendered more and more
As I became it
All these pain
All these love
All these beings
And I heard that song reached an end
As I gave up all of me
I died and became
Erik Luo Sep 2020
Never be afraid to love
Never be ashamed of love

Stand in the light of love
And you will always be protected

I love you
From you to you
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Life is an infinite singularity in a single point of nothingness.
Art is a mirror for one to see their soul.
Self is an infinite illusion.
Love is an infinitely selfless act with a selfish motive.
Fear is an infinitely selfish act with a selfless motive.
A thing is an infinite nothingness.
Everything is infinite nothingness.
Nothingness is infinity.
Nothing is nothingness, not even space and time.
Good is a single perspective that created bad.
Bad is a single perspective that created good.
All meanings are meaningless.
Meaninglessness creates infinite meanings.
Truth is false within time.
False is truth within time.
Time is causality within space.
Space is infinite nothingness.
Belief is the fear of being wrong.
Being only exist in the present.
The present time is all the time, and it doesn't exist.
Existence does not exist.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Infinite love
Is all around us
In the depth of this path
We saw the darkness in us

But perhaps
We hugged each other
And maybe
We kissed without knowing

As you walk down the street
Can you hear their laughter
Their sorrow
Their love for you

Like that ray of sunlight
Or a touch of that raindrop
Or a shade under that green
Or a breath on your skin

Oh you beautiful being
Can you feel it
Can you feel the love between us
Can you feel your own touch
Holding on your heart
Kissing it
Caressing it
Loving it

Like that wave
It beats to our pain
And as it washes over
We can feel
just how much love is in us

There is so much
So much that we killed
So much that we fought
So much that we cried

Oh you beautiful being
Through anything and everything
My love for you is endless
And maybe you can see it
One day
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The gentle pain
of existence
Softly caresses
the echoes of your heart

And when you feel tired
It turns and hugs
As the shiver on your skin
Giving you a kiss

The curse of that endlessness
An infinite desire from separateness
Taking a lifetime of beingness
To give you the love from wholeness

I sometimes feel
All of my life in one
single undivided moment
All the emotions
All the beauty
All the love
All the pain
At once...
Erik Luo Jul 2020
Can you see that light?
Deep inside you
It has weathered the storms
Yet it is still burning

The darkness surrounds it
Crashing it into tiny pieces
But it just keeps burning
Small, but bright

Can you see the love in your pain?
The beauty in your blood
The reason for your loss
And the greatness of your pasts?

It happens so quick you won’t be able to react
When you finally see the love that you have
To realize the meaning behind all of your pasts
And look to the direction of that golden path

It takes a shift in perspective
To see the world as a great act
To realize the perfection in our existence
And accept the flow of creation

The infinite wholeness is always us
It is eternally together and forever apart
As we dreamed of this endless love
We danced in joy and sadness
As love
Erik Luo Oct 2020
Cherry blossoms
Fleeting moments
Raining grace
With the wind

Singing about
And dying
in acceptance
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The sky
is crying
The clouds,

that pain
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The rain has fallen
For eternity and more
like crying
From both joy and sorrow

If you take a sip
of that sweet drop
You feel the cycle of life
and falls, deep into its trance

The moment happens for you
To realize what it’s all for
Through all the struggles and pain
You finally begin to see why

There is nothing to worry about
For no matter what you choose
No matter what you do
You are moving towards love

It is inevitable
Stopping is impossible
As time flows
You become more and more

The meanings and games we play
It’s only to make us love more
For when the end comes
You will see just how much it was

How everything happened
For love
There’s nothing to worry about, follow your heart and love now
Erik Luo Aug 2020
To become the master of all things
One must become nothing
To let the divine flow through
And let that love dictate

It is easy
To let the mind rule you
To be defeated by fear or logic

The great mystery
is counterintuitive
to let that love be the source
instead of our own words

the brilliant mind of all
is always present
it waits patiently
for you to listen

So let go of thoughts
let go of fear
let go of all that holds you back
and simply be
and create
Intuition over logic, sincerity over intention, wholeness over ambition. This is a piece on my creative process
Erik Luo Nov 2020
We were dancing
in the void
Spinning and laughing...
Your hair is grey and shiny
Like those silver linings
You face, with wrinkles and lines
Like rivers flowing,
Into a smile
And your eyes
Speaking of love
So much love

Sway after sway
Around after around
As if reversing time
You became younger
with every step

“You are like the sunshine to me, my love”
You said
As we danced
towards the end...
Erik Luo Oct 2020
The slow dancing shadows
Reaching, for each other’s arm
Holding onto
The taste
of love

In a fleeting moment
We will both be gone
as our darkness merged
We know
our love is true

So we turned
the lights off

And became
Erik Luo Jul 2020
Is the shadows of our pasts
To love without fear
We need to see who we are

Sometimes it takes a gentle hug
Sometimes, a journey full of pain and blood
Sometimes you need to feel lost
And sometimes a moment of great love

Through the waves of pain and love
We can begin to see ourselves
Without judgment or masks
Without fear or doubts

The path of existence
Is always heading towards emptiness
As the stars collide and attract
We moved closer to love

In the grand picture of god
All of existence is there to love
To make the love strong enough to last
We created all the pain to feel the contrast

Life is a cycle of pain and joy
As we searched for our meanings and purpose
We slowly moved closer to that love
As we see the truth of our existence
We laughed and cried
For how much we loved
See love in your darkness
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Whenever I tried to run
I get a taste of your love
Whenever I want to give up
I feel the presence of your touch

What is this magic
Like I'm running out of love
My mind can’t stop thinking
And my body can’t stop aching

I have nothing else to say
I am completely open
I want to let go
But I can’t

This fire in my heart
Is both painful and warm
I wish you can take it
And make it stop

You’ve been speaking to me
Without saying anything
I am getting impatient
But I don’t know what to do

It’s like I’m living between two extremes
Back and forth without ease
I have accepted my feelings
But I miss you so much

Our love is always in front of me
No matter where I try to escape
I can’t let it go
I want you
Erik Luo Nov 2020
It has been a long time
Since I last saw you
But the essence of this flame
Still burns so bright

To the shadow of that moonlight
The wind whispered at their sight
Speaking about a mystery
So far removed from the truth

I began to feel the sand
Of all the grains and pebbles
Only few could fit my hand
Without fleeting away

Once again I sit
At the crossroad of faith
To be consumed by the wind
And disappear into the night

Oh how I longed
For that night
And the sky
Hugging the land

Maybe we shall meet again
As the wind meets sand
Flowing and waving
In time...
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Lives in nothingness
Yet it has the imagination
To become anything

It can expand infinitely
Into all directions
It can exist eternity
Without losing a breath

It wants to know itself
So it even started to be

Sometimes it understands
The pain and suffering of existing
Sometimes it laughs at itself
For believing in the dream it created

It may have all the colors
And maybe it knows more
than what you and I can comprehend
But deep down it knows
The existence of all and nothing
The happiest and saddest moments
of our lives and times

What is here
is emptiness
And what will be
is also emptiness
You can say it is not bound by time
or it was the one created time in the first place

So perhaps
We are empty
Because we are emptiness
And searching for love
To feel the emptiness more deeply

The emptiness knows
That even the sweetest love can have pain
And in the greatest pain there is love
So it just gives up
And become a song full of existence
As we danced to our death
It laughed
And started, the next dream
Erik Luo Feb 2021
in a dream
about all these
love and pain

an endless
with you and me...
Erik Luo May 2020
of this reality
is a song of duality
loving you endlessly

In the void of this dream,
the infinite chain of sacred beings
for the beauty that we have seen
becoming part of that first scream

For what life shall we live?
that's not about the name
of a servant of darkness
or a goddess of love

To the flowers in that dark place
we've known each other ever since
to feel the sense of your endless touch
and jump through that golden path

In the box of the infinite being
lies a piece of nothingness
experiencing love and hate
eternally through infinity
Erik Luo Mar 2020
Blessed by thy ignorance
is the beauty of our sad love
And the cradle of heaven
has grown to separate the past

The wordless whisper
and the heatless touch
To turn our body over
And spit out our guts

Locking your fingers on mine
Like the sea of wombs and death
The tips of our tongue, moving with ice
Like the fire in our ***,

The passing of our existence
has more love than heaven
And in our struggles,
we see the touch of creation  
together and apart
as existence...
Erik Luo Jul 2020
It's raining in this cold night
From the cloud that was once mine
I dreamed of that moonlight, like your eyes
As it faded and died without a voice

With you I faded
away into the void
The sweet love of the quiet night
Feeding my desire for that sweet wine

Oh your shapeless love
Faded away from my heart
But with what tear
Will I be there

With what, dear
Will I be there

The sunlight is covering the stars
Like how I covered my heart
Maybe in another life
I had you by my side

But I faded
Away into the night
Alone and full of light
Sad but can't cry

Oh your painless love
Faded away from my heart
With what tear
Will I be there

With what, dear
Will I be there
With you
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I’ve been falling for eternity
But I feel a sense of serenity
Because I know you will catch me
So I kept on falling

Surrendering to it all
Surrendering to your heart
Surrendering to your love
Surrendering to your being

I’m not afraid anymore
I feel the wheels turning

I’m ready to make it work
Whatever it takes

As I fall into you
Into your loving embrace

I can and I will
Success is assured
The path is cleared
I’m ready for you
I’m ready for love
I’m ready.
from you to you
Erik Luo Feb 2021
Lonely flowers
Growing, with laughter
Each petal, dancing
one after another
like the children
they're running with laughter
but soon they'll cry
soon they'll cry...
Erik Luo Aug 2020
The full moon is smiling at me tonight
As the gentle wind kiss me good night
The sorrowful cloud is passing through
Slowly and lovingly, away and apart

Feeling the air flowing into my body
As that sweet bliss takes over my veins
The awareness of that deep knowing
Of where everything is going

You kissed my heart
With so much love and joy
It opened a path
Towards that guiding moonlight

There are times
Where everything is perfect
You are exactly where you are,
where you needed to be

There are moments
Where everything starts to make sense,
where you come full circle in life
and realize what it all means

Tonight is one of that kind
Where stars and planets aligned
Where your faith becomes blind
And your love becomes unbind

That long awaited clarity
Is once again here
You feel this In your heart
All around your being
And sighed,
at its perfection

Oh you

I love you
Erik Luo Oct 2020
Dancing at night
To the song of pain
I sang the words
With a loving refrain

It filled
The echoes in my veins
And named it
A moment of grace
Erik Luo Sep 2020
The sound of your being
Echoed in that faint refrain
Where we were true and free
Until we learn to hide and escape

The great love of existence
Decided to help us learn our own essence
So we were born into the fear
of being our self without tears

To bring balance into this self-knowing
We had to learn to be who we are not
In order to see
that we are who we choose to be

There is a deep and pure state
Where we are free and full of grace
As we acted without fears
We learn to love all that we are

Being in this unity
of all the selves that exist
inside of you from all your dreams
You learned the truth of love and pain

And as you lived,
and loved,
and suffered
You became
This beautiful thing
You became
Who you are meant to be
A simple one, I hope you can be who you truly are
Erik Luo Sep 2020
Infinite void
Is so beautiful
It took my body
And consumed my soul

Words forming wordlessly
Lights shining lightlessly
Voice speaking silently
Hands touching senselessly

Everything is happening
Nothing is happening
Everything is existing
Nothing is existing

The same time was forming
As we became something
Then in an eternity
Back into nothing

It is a feeling
That contains all of our pains
With joy and love and happiness
In infinite intensity

It can’t be described
It is love
It can’t be understood
It is us

We imagined it
And it became us

We loved it
And we killed it
Again and again
So that we can be it

How can I ever describe you
I can’t
I am you
Existence is mysterius
Erik Luo Mar 2020
It is weird
to think about life
as an outsider

But when the nature
of ourself
moved into awareness
The time passed without knowing

Perhaps we don't want to know
The truth about our being
To see or feel existence
without a mask or key

Many have passed
infinite, actually
Of all the secrets and paths
We desired this the most

Being here now
We realized
we know nothing

And that is a blessing
For the love we have
can't be known by any path

The language we use
over time and space
In the hole of nothing, and infinity
We danced, to remember that

And life as a human
Seems so full of pain
To live in the unknown
and cry when we feel lost

There lies an intuition
that this is what we asked for
That we are the creator

And through those struggles and pain
We moved the stars and the masses
To a place that exists only in now

To realize what we are
To be in this
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I am me.
But who am I?
I am god.

But who is god?
God is you.

I am you.

I am love.
I am fear.
I am happiness,
And I am sadness.

I am the soul, the body, and the mind.
I am wealthy and poor,
The beauty of the world.

I am love.
I am god.

I am who you are.

I am what you choose to be.
Whether you choose love or fear,
I love you.
And I know you love me.

I am the flowers.
I am the sea.
I am the sky and the clouds.

And I watch you,
And I love you,
And you love me.

You love me so much that I become you.

I am grateful,
For being you,
For being love.

So much love,
That everything becomes love.
Even death.

I am you.
I am god.
And I love you with all of my beings.

So live,
Live as if you are me,
Live as me!
Live from the love I give,
Live for you are my most beautiful creation.

And be,
Whatever you desire.
For you are my love,
And I am your being.

I love you,
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I can see in the dark
After some minutes of silence
What was pitch black
Is filled with silhouettes

It happens often
When we enter the dark
At first we can’t see
But slowly we are used to it

To see clearly
We must not scream in fear
Or pain

To be
And surrender
To the darkness
That is
Then we can see
Even in the dark
For we know
That our eyes are nothing
But a mirror
Of what we perceive
And what we are

I can see in the dark
Can you?
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I like to see without my glasses
To see the world in a blur
But with newfound beauty

The clearness of things
Often take away their great shape
As the light becomes a halo
they shine, with a million miracles inside

When the world's detail fades
And the sound of light becomes clear

The world feels like a better place
When I see it without clarity

To see faces without their expression
To be loving without any protection

I am more loving
when I see without my glasses

When I see
without judgment

When I love
With all of my being...

To look into your eyes
and not be afraid to look away

That's why I see without my glasses
to see your beauty
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I look at the fire
As if frozen in time
The dancing flames
The purple sky

They whispered in the dark
words of love and care
I feel their being inside of me
dancing and moving with the song
So is the fire there
dancing without fear
It knows no heat
and feels no pain

I stared into the light
and let the fire fill my being
With the infinite others
In this moment
for eternity

And maybe my heart is full of love
Or maybe the view is just too true
That my smiles and laughter
Echoed through the stars

This is it
This is enough
This is life
This is us

As my mind fades
My soul merged
I have nothing to say
But being love
As a fire
dancing under the purple sky
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I look back at life
At all the moments of hope
All the Moments of faith
All the Moments of love
All the Moments of grit and strength
Though small
But bit by bit
Brought me through hell
and lift me high like a flying angel
A metamorphosis
of the ages

And everything seems clear
All the struggles and hurt
Was to feel the love more strongly
To have the strength to love
without fear
or limitation

I hug myself tight
And feel the warmth
I love, I am
It whispered without doubts
Though the body is cold
The warmth of love is so full
Completing my own prophecy
of a life worth living

I give away death
and I give away pain
I give away the struggle and the ache
I give away all of my beings
Purge my entire existence
into infinite love
And happy

For existing
For being
For loving
For trying

I love, I am
What else is there to say
Just love
Just be
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I look into your eyes
and see your face in pain
For you are dying
form the joy of seeing god

Oh my god
You said
and paused in silence
As if you stoped existing
for a moment

But your beautiful eyes
reflected the whole existence
With me and everything in it
As you suffer
from divine bliss

I see the light in your eyes
and felt the love that killed
my sense of being apart

I know who I see
and who sees me

I take a deep breath
and held it in
Feeling your energy
flowing up into the void
above my head

Oh god
Oh love

We fell into silence
not knowing what time is
Dying and being alive
Together and apart
Loving each other
for now
and more

So before you close your eyes
Let me be with you for a little more
In one moment of eternity
We shall be here in bliss
Erik Luo Dec 2019
In a timeless corner of a small cafe
The brick walls and the moving people
where time is okay with being
and life is okay with living

The light of what's here
without worry or fear

As people drink and eat

We talked and sang

As I looked down the hall
of people and light
passing and waiting
in time

The song might be playing
The people might be drinking

In this small corner
where everything is happening
without our name

The path of vengeance
or the way of pain
become so unreasonable

As the water and heat
flowing downstream
with money and laughter
singing with all the people

Down the hallway
built by the brick walls
echoing to me
without pride

But this moment
In this small timeless cafe
Writing without thinking
Might be the freest yet
We lived
and laughed
til we saw
this hallway of a cafe
passing with music playing
and sitting as we decide
Where to go next
Erik Luo May 2020
Let that innocence
of the smiles in the dark
grab the tips of our heart
and throw away the meat of our art

Beautiful faces
over the picture of our verses
like those paintings we saw
in the light, without

The stream of that red gold
flowing through the middle
of something truly evil
Growing with all of our souls

Yet I cannot choose
To see the world with that face
or to let the dream disturb
the white horse's path

Dream on, my friend
To let go of the river that cried
and face the truth that died


Will you see me there?
Erik Luo Aug 2020
I used to think
That the world didn’t need me
That if I’m gone
No one will be in pain

I used to live
As if my life was small
And I give away myself
To others I thought about

I used to see
The lack in my being
That I can’t be
What others needed

I used to dream
For the pleasure of their heart
And the love they might spare
To me when I’m down

I lost myself
I became
A mixture of other things

It was a choice
To live or to die
What's the point
What is the point?

But l heard a gentle voice
That led me to an epiphany
At the root of my suffering
Lies a hidden questioning

Who am I?
What am I?

Then began the journey
of a tiny hope that lived
To really see and understand why
To really know everything

Years passed
Life has shown me many things
Each brought me closer to the answer
I began to see
The reason for my suffering

I now see
The world as a mystery
It is not known
But I cry at its beauty

I now dream
Of nothing but love
Nothing but myself
Nothing but this

I now live
As a flower in the field
As a being in a dream
As a moment
of love

I no longer think
I just live
And I love
And I am
I hope this one resonates with some of you. :) Much love.
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