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5.3k · Aug 2013
J Aug 2013
Without giving me any warning,
You engraved yourself into my flesh;
Like a flower wrapping its vines around my torso.
I would pluck at your petals and
Tear at your roots
But you would not leave me.
3.3k · Mar 2014
J Mar 2014
I have gnawed your name onto the inside of my cheek
Like carving love notes on willow trees
And I have painted your portrait on the back of my eyelids
Romanticizing the outline of your jaw
Like an artist would his brush
And my skin remembers every brief moment when
Your hand and would brush against mine
Like the leaves on the willow tree
With your name
Carved into
Its bark
2.4k · Dec 2014
city life
J Dec 2014
The sunlit pools dropping to the ground;
The pitter pattering,
Is set aside by the numbing voices of people, rushing
Untouchable; dry
Shielded by brick buildings and colorful,
Umbrellas that open up like circus tents,
Here, in the city
It pours,
It rains.
1.8k · Nov 2013
J Nov 2013
Lilac seeps through my pores when you touch my skin
Your fingerprints along my arm scatter bruises
But lilacs trail behind
Reminding me that hurtful things
Do not last forever.
1.8k · Oct 2020
J Oct 2020
You beautiful,
Woman you --
I'm in awe of you,
You lovely woman
1.6k · Jul 2014
J Jul 2014
The trees are sighing;
They are exhausted.
The wind chimes laugh and
The birds chirp.
But the trees are sighing because
They are exhausted.
1.4k · Oct 2013
Joy doubled, sorrow halved
J Oct 2013
Indirect kisses make butterflies dance
Inside children’s stomachs
Echoing the secrets spilling out
From their throbbing hearts
1.3k · Oct 2016
J Oct 2016
I have thought about suicide probably
More times than I should have,
And I've lingered between busy streets probably
More often than I ought to,
Unclicking my seat-belt
Dancing on the edge of
"Should I?" and "When?"

I've emptied orange bottles, prescriptions in hand,
Shuffling the white capsules from mouth to palm probably
More than a dozen times,
And I've lingered on the idea of
"Now?" and "Here?"

I've held myself under bath water, white knuckles clenched and lungs on fire
More than my body wishes
Humming to myself,
"A few more seconds." and "Keep going."

Hoping one day,

Should I?
1.1k · Jan 2014
Late night thoughts
J Jan 2014
You tug at my heartstrings and you don't even realize
The way it is affecting the sheltered butterflies
That are enveloped inside my ribcage.
1.1k · Mar 2021
I miss you, Dad
J Mar 2021
I saw your hands today
For the first time in what felt like forever

Those strong hands that held mine while I jumped over puddles
Caught me whenever I was about to fall
The hands that built houses and fixed everything --
Broken pipes, dead cars and crocodile tears

I saw your hands today
But they weren't really your hands
Just another dad's of another daughter's

But God, they reminded me of yours
1.1k · Aug 2013
J Aug 2013
Like you, words are delicate but abrasive.
They leave trails of kisses along your torso, but also they have a rampaged hunger for rattling your ribcage.
They have the tendency to manipulate wallflowered minds such as my own.
Words will fill you up with sunlight, letting you have a mere taste of sheer ecstasy, but will take that away returning you to the hollow vessel you once were.
Words are like past lovers who keep coming back to tease.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Flu Season
J Dec 2014
I've spent an eternity running my hands along jagged edges of broken hearts
As humans, we like to reminiscence about the past.
We romanticize the future.
And we forget the present; we put it off to the side like lingering colds, leaving cough drops in the car.
J Jan 2015
My lips have become swollen,
Carrying words that are,
Whispered between bed sheets and,
My legs have becomes vines, wrapped around you.
You mapped out your expedition,
You traveler,
"****" The only word able to escape my throat.
"Yeah." You replied, grinning like a fool against the colors of blue and red that danced around the room.
1.0k · Oct 2013
J Oct 2013
You are more beautiful at 3am
Then you are during the day.
The stardust that resides inside your body
Glows and glistens
Like shattered glass left along the sidewalk.
1.0k · Jun 2014
J Jun 2014
I want to like someone so much,

That I could draw them from memory.

I want to adore someone so much,
I want to love someone so much,

*That I could pinpoint their profile in the stars.
1.0k · Mar 2016
J Mar 2016
If I could, I would love you
A thousand times over

Under bridges and between alleyways
Wrapped in bed sheets
Reading the braille traced along
Your skin

Secret messages
Written to the strum of our heart strings
1.0k · Nov 2013
J Nov 2013
Smear your love onto my body like a vanilla cream solution
So when I would walk around cobbled streets
You would linger behind me leaving trails of reminders
Like the faint flower petals of blues and purples left along my collarbone
996 · Mar 2016
A Horror Story
J Mar 2016
Your insides are crawling
Singing hymns of horror stories
Shrills of purgatory

Ghastly visions of the darkest memories that haunt your mind;

Her slender fingers
And chestnut eyes

The emptiness of her lungs and fullness of her palms

Mounted on the curtains of your eyelids
970 · Apr 2014
Midnight rambles
J Apr 2014
Although my heart aches for you, the stars stay the same.
They do not mourn over my aching soul that weeps in sorrow.
Nay, they stay painted on the night’s sky looking down --
They feel no pain nor grief as I bend over in agony
Reminiscing the way your silhouette would stand in the doorway
Although my heart cries with loss
Although my soul weeps
The stars stay the same.
913 · Dec 2013
J Dec 2013
I write these words with unsure hands,
And I tremble,
Like the quivering of your lips on Sunday afternoons,
And I feel as if my pen is fooling me.
Romanticizing the way your feet hit the ground,
Thudding like the heartbeat,
Which pounds for you;
Which aches for you.
J Aug 2014
Good byes
I love yous
Have been
Mapped out in the stars that
Dangle above our
Sleeping heads
833 · Feb 2015
J Feb 2015
I was a dragon in my past life,
Breathing in freedom and exhaling fire.
I tucked you beneath my wings,
Showing you every little piece of heaven.
And you,
You warrior,
Slayed me beneath hollow trees and,
Star filled skies.

We were doomed from the beginning;
Even in our past lives
788 · Jun 2016
J Jun 2016
The breath before a collision
Moving towards each other,
On a course of inevitability

Our creation was built
On the consequential mathematical
Equation of our impact

But from some miracle,
Here we are,
Skin against skin,
Draped along silk and sunlight;
The loudest moment
Of silence
777 · Jan 2015
J Jan 2015
I can't put into words
How soothing it is to
Rest my head against your chest

To run my my fingertips down
Your towering back

Or to hold your hand
While street lights flutter like eyelashes
As we drive against the pavement
766 · May 2014
Translucency (continued)
J May 2014
"I memorized your scent" you said as I walked into the room.
Looking through my lashes, I saw you smirking.
As our eyes met, I chuckled.
"Oh, really?" I replied.
I've memorized yours a while ago.
I've memorized your laugh and your smile.
But I couldn't tell you -- instead I just nod and keep the love I have for you
Tucked away in a jelly glass jar;
Hidden away on a shelf in my bedroom.
this is a part 2 of a poem I wrote a while back called Translucency
749 · Jan 2016
J Jan 2016
You're a mountain --
A constant uphill of rough terrain
Your altitude gripping at my throat

An avalanche of
Your laughter leaving
Imprints of familiar glances underneath my feet

I'm just a silly climber
Discovering you once again,
My adrenaline rush
741 · Mar 2015
Car Doors
J Mar 2015
My ribcage rises with thoughts of you,
And the breath of disappointment,
Escapes my lungs.
My palms are bruised,
My eyelashes are heavy,
My bed is cold,
I miss you.
681 · Aug 2013
J Aug 2013
There are times where I want to dip my hand into the rippled parts of my thoughts  
And smear them onto white walls so you would be able to see the mangled images I have of you.
I am not able to sort you into categories like a librarian does with pastel colored spines on red-oak shelves.
No; you are the excuse “rules are meant to be broken.”
You are the contradictory between oil and water.
Coloring my perspective a different shade of grey like spilled contents of smoke engulfing the ocean that houses above skyscrapers
You said “One day I’ll come back, blistered hands and scraped knees.”
681 · Nov 2014
Winter Solstice
J Nov 2014
The Eskimos know,
The land like,
The back of,
Their hand;

Home is white and,
Home, it is cold,
It is harsh

"It is beautiful", they say.

Home is beautiful.
657 · Apr 2017
J Apr 2017
Your voice feels like a distant wind,
Blowing the nape of my neck.
I do not remember what your laugh sounds like,
But sometimes on lazy days, soft days,
A smile creeps my face,
And I remember the way you said my name
Oh, what a while it has been
656 · Oct 2013
J Oct 2013
Dear, you say I am small enough to fit on top of your palm,
But lover I disagree.
My heart, it is huge.
It’s like a balloon that expands.
It expands,
And I don’t know when it’s going to stop because,
Honey it feels like it is going to burst.
The content of your laughter and your butterfly eyelashes,
Fill to the rim.
Like a glass of whiskey.
Baby, you are making me tipsy.
My poetic fluidity is gone,
It evaporated into the sky.
So I am waiting for it to rain.
Sweetie, hum me a song while we wait;
Wait for the skies to cry.
So somehow I can show you,
How much my heart can weigh,
Your hand down to the ground.
630 · Sep 2015
Hello, old friend
J Sep 2015
My calloused palms are tired,
Of making those who have touched me,
Sins washed away underneath wrinkled paper,
Lasting forever.
Here you are soaked into sheets,
Like the memories hanging on the bedroom walls,
Of my mind;
Framed and frozen,
For eternity
588 · Feb 2016
J Feb 2016
Love of my life --
You have built me up, crafting a foundation of steady bricks made up of warm embraces and silent I love you's
The palm of your hand always gently caressing whatever is chilled by winter storms
Kissing me in the places I'm most insecure about; humiliation of uncertainty and unnecessary obscurity
I have never felt so close to another one's soul, jolting mine so much so
That I am left here, cheeks flushed and arms out,
Searching through miles of terrain barefoot
Waiting until I can see you in other places besides behind my eyelids
The ghost of your silhouette outlining where your head rests against my pillow
The echo of your laughter dances in the darkness of my bedroom
Memories of which I have only conjured up in the alleyways of my imagination
578 · Oct 2013
J Oct 2013
You smell like burnt coffee and no,
Not the fragrance, sweetheart.
You smell like the sigh
That escaped your parted lips
When you noticed it was burnt.
568 · Apr 2015
Arson II
J Apr 2015
I cannot burn for you in silence any longer.
The comet from which you started from,
Is spilling out of my veins,
You fire starter.

My thoughts are incoherent as I recall the explosion,
From which our lucid dreams joined together;
Holding hands, dancing under skies of ash

Nostalgia --

It was not snow that our footprints marked,
But it was the remains of,
Time we couldn't get back and,
Silences that wouldn't ever be filled.
All the misunderstandings exploded from caverns.

And here we are,
Two oblivious metronomes
Loving at the wrong times
And the wrong places

I love you.
552 · Jun 2014
J Jun 2014
I still find traces of you;
In my popcorn ceiling I see the outline of your torso,
You echoed when you would say my name
The lining of your lungs were padded with sticky notes,
Reminders of doctors appointments and birthday parties.
You would forget the simple things,
Not because you wanted to make room for the important ones
Like storing old photos in boxes,
Tucking them away on shelves to collect dust,
But because to you, simplicity wasn't worth a photo album.
The corners were tucked and folded,
Bent into paper swans.
And then thrown away in trash cans,
Into something more complex,
Like black matter and fairy dust.
I still find traces of you;
On doorknobs and coffee mugs,
And hollow things.
545 · Oct 2020
Quiet Little Life
J Oct 2020
I adore you most during the quietest times of the day
When everything seems so still

I long for you most during the quietest times of the day
Your hands against my aching skin

Heal me
So we can enjoy the stillness together
Our own little world of silence
536 · May 2014
I'm sorry
J May 2014
My feelings contradict the words that spill from my mouth
Like melted daggers falling like stars, shining..
And my actions contradict themselves, fists white knuckled and raw, an outstretched palm reaching towards your body
Begging to stay
Asking to leave
Sew my mouth shut and
Tie my limbs down
Just rest your head against my chest so you can
Listen to the erratic heartbeat that plucks harp strings and horsehair
531 · Feb 2015
Reminiscent Sighs
J Feb 2015
It's as if your love is imprinted
Along my cheekbone

Like little reminders of where I slept
Your pillow creasing against my skin
524 · Apr 2015
J Apr 2015
Hymns course within your veins,
Carrying constellations of passionate explosions,
That whisper secrets behind closed doors.

I've met you in another life,
I'm sure of it.
521 · Oct 2017
Colder Months
J Oct 2017
As I breathe in the city air
The thought about you cascades around my mind
The smell before rain I always find leading back to you;
The faint scent of your cologne runs with the wind

Autumn has come, my love
It's chilly outside
475 · Nov 2014
J Nov 2014
I am drunk with sin and

The heat of your name radiates

Off of my rising chest

And, God,

Doing such ***** things

Never felt so good
471 · Mar 2014
Yellows and Oranges
J Mar 2014
Your hands are cold,
But they are able to make
Even the smallest touch
Onto skin
Spark into flames
467 · Nov 2017
J Nov 2017
11 o'clock
Is when my body decides to unravel itself
From the stress of the day's
Should I's
Will I's
Maybe tomorrow's
460 · Feb 2014
J Feb 2014
I am fire.
I am wind.
I am water.
I am the soil beneath your feet.
I am eternal.
459 · Nov 2017
Between Appointments
J Nov 2017
'Cancer survivor' they call me
But I don't understand how they're referring to the past when
I'm presently trying to survive

And I'm constantly asking myself:
Is this really living?
I've been in that kind of mood lately -- that /depressed/ type of mood, you know, in between doctor appointments.
458 · Sep 2014
J Sep 2014
You breathe in oxygen and exhale sighs,
That are sweet like honey.
Your back arches like a crescent moon,
And darling,
You remind me of the stars.
444 · May 2014
J May 2014
As I floated into the night sky
Near the stars
Near the heavens
I wondered if you were looking up
Thinking of me
Because I, as the little piece of sky that I am,
Looked down
Thinking of you;
The little piece of ground that you are.
432 · Feb 2014
J Feb 2014
I want to put the love I have for you
Inside a jelly glass jar and seal the lid
So every time I pass by
I can take a glance at the feelings I have for you
Tucked away up on a shelf;
422 · Mar 2018
J Mar 2018
My body is numb
Crushed up glaciers bob up and down my blackened blood
Leaving a stillness within my veins
A coldness that never was --

But I feel that there is a melting point,
A fire inside me, an ember beneath my ribcage

An overflow of nothingness and all at once,

had a first ever mini-stroke recently. was probably the most terrifying experience I've ever had. good news on the horizon but this just really shook my bones. tired of hospitals.
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