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 Mar 2016 DM
Musfiq us shaleheen
She rolls down the western edge
The bucolic Spiral path
Coincides with the horizon
Gray foot print
Slowly mingles with dark
As the Bats of evening find back to home

Gentle Breeze to dangle
Purple haze of Four O'clock
The Crossroads, Wait behind
Where to start, or what end is!
Poetry continuing as the falls of pain

Afternoon's Lyrics said good bye
Today's bright Star does not rise
What they chase during the run out!
Why come back again
Along with the known way!

Moonlit falls on the ways of Standing hill
Beyond the horizon
Dark fading, while
Lost love fusions with her colors
Across the Monsoon, Autumn, Winter
Finally the Spring is on the way
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Mar 2016 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
I know the stories that you tell
I have them memorized so well
I take you at face value
Every time
You're everything I want
You're nothing I could hate
Hope you don't hesitate
Will you be mine?

I see the electric sunshine
I see the electric sunshine
I see the electric sunshine

In your eyes

It's nothing but a bruise
It doesn't mean abuse
It's just a disagreement
I'll be fine
He still loves me the same
He tells me it's okay
He knows just what to say
Every time

I see the electric sunshine
The mask you hide behind
I see the electric sunshine

In your eyes

I know the stories that you tell
I know they're just pathetic spells
You thought I'd fall for it
Every time
You're no longer what I want
You're everything I've come to hate
Now your gone for good and I know
I'll be fine

I saw the sunshine in your eyes
The light you flipped on with a switch
And when it turned out to be lies
I turned into a *****
And I cut the cord to the ties that bound
I'm happy without electric sunshine now
I've seen the light without you

*I let it shine
If you or anyone you know is in a domestic violence situation, you can contact the national domestic violence hotline, anonymously if you choose, at 1-800-799-7233 or at
The first time your name kissed my lips
I knew this was it
I didn't know if you were just charming
Or if something about you was magic
But you stole my heart from the beginning
And I don't think I'll ever need it back
I have faith that you'll keep it safe
Constantly keeping me on track

Sometimes I wonder if you realize who you are
I've watched you grow, up close and from afar
Seen the subtle changes and what you've gone through
I can't take the pain away but I'm always here for you
That may sound a little cliche
But I don't care
A love like ours can't be faked

The first time I heard my name on your tongue
I knew the beginning of my life had just begun
I'm not sure if you knew it then
But you were my world, always have been
From the first moment your poetry spoke to my soul
I knew that without you I could never be whole

Sometimes I truly wonder if you realize who you are
To me? You're my best friend, my lover and my shining star
I would never change that for the world
And I hope I can forever be your baby girl
For DaSH, who is truly the love of my life and I couldn't be happier to simply call him mine.

I love you Babe <3
She faded into the shadows
        of the love
             she wished she could forget
She solemnly swore
        to drown herself
               in the memory of her regret
Her eyes burned at the sight
         of the lost love
             she'd erased years ago
Her thoughts wondered
         and traveled to places
               she never meant to go
Life attacked her before
         she was even ready
                to feel the pain
Love forced her into the storm
         before she'd even
                 experienced **the rain
 Mar 2016 DM
Just Melz
Every Song
 Mar 2016 DM
Just Melz
Every song you ever said was about me
I play on repeat
Singing along to all the words that hopefully still mean something
Titles and tracks that shuffle on a loop
Somehow constantly reminding me of you
And I can't seem to forget the words you wrote too
But what means the most
Is something only you can do
When you sing to me
And I can feel that every word is true
 Mar 2016 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
I finally figured a piece that could fit
     Decent enough to mention
          That gets deeper with each visit
     And though it wasn't my intention
       We invented vivid scriptures Shakespeare would weep to
           Crackheads could sleep to
       That's just the calm of absolution as it creeps through
         We never needed a deity's forgiveness or god to bear witness
   To this **** that we do behind closed doors cause in these moments I'm finally yours

      And that's all that should matter
Nightfall slowly fades away
    The sun rise takes its place
Clouds of smoke float
             through the air
And the glare from the tv reflects it
      in perfect patterns of white and gray
The sight of the light sends shocks
            through the unrested body
The mind slowly escapes through a dream
         of the sun
written with poetry
        All the poems I write
just the beginning
                              and end
               of every thought
   I've ever had about you.
There's more to you than meets the eye
Like the chapters
                    of my life
   I can't stop reading you
          And I can't wait to see
                   what happens next
The future always at the front of my mind
        But as I look behind me
With the past steadily
           trying to catch me
I realize I'll never escape the memories
           Like the first part to a trilogy
   All that matters is the ending
         And my book ends with
 Mar 2016 DM
 Mar 2016 DM
She is an atlas
her eyes deepest
and darkest Africa

Unfolded I hold her
tracing the source
of her diamonds and gold

In search of the motherload.
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