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 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
After were gone
my heart will sit out
on the lawn
And my mind back in our den.
I'm blessed and charmed to be a Pon,
That much I comprehend.
Never wonder- always ill be, grateful till the end:

but an abnormal load of guilt, you see
I feel always & constantly

You wont say, but I still know,
that the ride of life I drive too slow.
Somehow, every loving act,
answered question, & proven fact
I took to quickly, wisdom lacked,
my psyche now barley intact.

for drugs are my defining trait...
never imagined as my fate...
I had it too good, I still have it so...
What the **** will I do when both of you go?
I can barley get by, the extent you don’t know,
of the Eric sacrificed, revert I don’t grow.

I may look like a man, but you know that I'm not
there is so much much more I need to be taught.
Free Verse
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Austin and I
Move at different speeds.

The fatal race of life we each compete
at a pace unique to ourselves.
I find myself disoriented all the time,
exiting delirium, now on a regular basis...
Each time
A reorientation
Without which myself is lost.
When each reorientation
Is less accurate than before,
it all becomes inevitablly  lost.

That initial destination I may never know.

Through the haze In my mind
Waves Austin
And in a heartbreaking protest.
Waits Austin.
in a Tribute to nostalgia-
it's Austin-
And in an intersectionally unique pain  we are connected. There, he stays.
And as I slowly, But surely,
Continue my own race-
I glance back, constantly, and his hand still waves me on-
the gift of direction..
Now as I lay here
Before I can rise
I force myself to record it
for a better me;

Austin and I-
Move at different speeds.
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Lying in thick dark
the candle we made glows warm,
burns away my time.
traditional haiku
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
I made a pitcure of jade and emma,
Tossed it on my wall,
Even took a couples pics
They loved it, that was all.
Neither understood its facts,
and till now, neither did I
Intended not as honorary, but as a battlecry.
That picture I conceived of them, includes me in it not- just my reflection in it's glaze, an abstraction in their thoughts.

And yes, even we formidibal three
Somehow all forgot
That even forever aint forever
Our lessons already taught.
And so the power of this image, is more then I will share-
It merley depicts my two best friends,
Admiting they don't care.

This type of art is devistating.
Astonishingly clever,
So clear its truths invisible
The subjects see it never.
You should always be able to rley on your friends- dissapointment only exists because of its twin sista, expectation
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Thank you Mom, and thank you Dad,

On your belaf, every moment ive had-

To store colours and sounds, within my head;

To revel in passions unsaid.
I owe my art to my parents, who let me practice entirely own my own terms.
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Seeing Simple Sacred Scenes,

and then staring at those

Special someones

Silently and Solemnly-

I hold tightly onto that sight.

*That vision of those three old friends,

at the end of that ally,

Waiting. In the soft June rain


just waiting for me to reach them.

for their friend.
Genuine friendship is warmer than gold- when we were young and now that we're old
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Sara I know you won't get this but Im writing it anyways- I think about you at the strangest times and I wish you could see the artist I've become and am going to be. You are permanently in my heart. I will make your mother a beautiful piece and I hope you can somehow see it. You are missed by such a random connection, me, just as strong as ever when it happens. I love you. Thank you for loving me too. Rest in peace, through the Mellin collie and the infinite sadness.
Megan timewell was the first person I ever wrote a poem for and first person to read and validate it as a  practice. This is a message I sent to the still active messenger account, of the long since parted Sara G.  And even as you walk amongst the shadows, you're still one beautifully bad *****

- Eric Pon

 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Sometimes all it takes is to look into the eyes of someone who really knows you to actually see yourself. To be reminded of the things that are too small to loose. Small and essential, necessary- and constantly utilized .
Like the ability to love and be loved back- to truly receive love. To understand, and then to multiply it.
Or the ever underrated ability that is actual listening. To truly and activity be able to listen to someone or something- so few it seems are blessed with this.  As I move throughout people I realize how rare these gifts can really be and
how much of a gift
that is in itself-
That I might really know them.
that momentary feeling-
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
H for the humility be it here or there
U for understanding  yet so  unaware
G for the good and also the great
O for opinions we insinuate
French man
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
You'll never know if they'll come back,
to mend your heavy heart,
to create all the things you lack,
to validate your art.
True friends one will always know,
regardless where they choose to go.

When your love is more then theirs,
you'll notice quite the bruise;
you'll be the only one who cares
and only one to loose.
Will you come back for me my friend?
Or will this truly be the end.
they came back (i went and got them myself)
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
In the darkness of nighttime black
We reflect as we react:
To the lives which we must lead
Desperate dreams demanding plead
That to thyself, always be true
Denials strong, but truth is too
So, To my friend who fears they lack
Worry not of times to come-
with diamond hearts, of spades, club's Jack-
Yes, awful can be some.
Yet Wonderful it is to know
despite a life of glass,
  the best times of our lives, indeed,
  Still have yet to pass.
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
Standing Tall, Standing Brave
is to ignore the chase
begin to hope, rethink the life
I once chose to embrace
though I've still got you-
All  age is on your face-
You've become the one reason
for my life, to retrace
Because you see- with your love
my sorrows replace,
your compassion is my fuel
in life's brutal race.
With Softly Spoken Wisdom &
Unrelenting Grace-
Dad you remind me alone
that I'm not in this place.
 May 2020
Heavy Hearted
I would like you to stay.
Stay where you've always been-
Where I once was. I would like you to stay
With me. And I know that it is wrong and
to even express
How still I long for you to stay- but I cannot bare the bruise
Of another milestone
Whipped at my head
though they're not even mine.

I never thought I would become all that I now am. I never thought I was this capable of hurting myself. I never thought I would be this alone surrounded by all the things I love and understand. I never thought this would happen so early on;
The great distance left bearing only heavier weights.

So I'll take whatever milestones I can
And abuse their theoretical beauty

The sleep

and breaking of my bones-

My last and final duty.
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