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Alone I am in the nights.
In the days.
In my mind.

I move I fall.
People watch and laugh.
But I stand up again.
Nothing is gonna stop me.

I run I leap.
People look and jeer.
But I don't stop.
I will not rest.

I spin I stretch.
People look and sneer.
But I dance on.
I will do it.

I breathe I sing.
People look and stare.
But I ignore.

This is my dream.
My world.
My life.
No matter the pain it takes.
No matter the hurt it brings.
I will not give in.
I will not give up.
 Apr 2017
Today I discovered
What I already knew
That our friendship will go
Only as far as our memories can carry it
Which is kind of sad really
Because I cannot
Will not
Should not
Adjust even just an inch for you
Tis true.
 Apr 2017
Never be ashamed of your native language
Say those beautiful
Phrases and words
Loud and proud.

Do not let anyone stop you from speaking
Let your voice be
Heard and recognized
Don't you dare let anybody make fun of your accent
Embrace the thickness
Don't ever lose grasp of it.

For it is one of the precious treasure
You could ever hold on to
After leaving your homeland
To start a new life in a foreign country
That offers you a whole lot of new opportunities.

Hold on to your mother tongue
As tight as you can
Because this new country you now live in
Will do its very best to change your identity
And oppress your culture.

So it be French or Spanish
Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese
Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilonggo
Greek, Punjabi, Hindi, Sinhalese
Arabic, Vietnamese, Portuguese
German or Russian
And any other language there is in the world.

It has exquisite words that just cannot be simply translated into English
For it has far greater meaning behind it
It is very much well-written
Alluring to one's eye and
Spoken eloquently and gracefully
That the English language is not able to compare
To your admirably and enticing
Well-spoken mother tongue.
I salute your bravery
For moving into a brand new place
And the willing to learn
A whole new language
Because it is not easy for all of us to do so.

This is for the immigrants and internationals who have travelled into Canada and they are constantly being bashed for their accent and their difficulty with learning the English language, the same people who mock them are the ones who have only spoken English all their lives. I personally think the willingness of learning a language so different with your mother tongue in order to improve your future is amazing and I admire each and everyone of you who do so. As someone who has been made fun of in previous years because I had this thick accent, you shouldn't let them make you feel less and do not let them try to think that your race and culture is lower than theirs, cause it is not.

Also, happy national poetry month :-)
 Apr 2017
Alvira Perdita
i'm going to fight for her
to keep her by my side
you don't deserve her;
her love, her effort, her dedication.

if break her again, or force
her into this kind of situation,
i'm going to take her from you
because she deserves happiness,
love, kindness and someone
who can stand up for her; who
will stand up for her.

i will take her from you,
because she is my sister,
my best friend, my soul mate mermaid.
i love her too much to let this keep happening.
 Apr 2017
Diamonds are as hard to find
As the words that should be said today
The tears come out as hard
As the words that are left for me to say.
The feelings of this are a little contrary to what I feel today. Is it too late or too early for me to say I love you?
 Apr 2017
Amanda Francis
What if I told you to get out of your head?
If I said humans don't love for methodical reasons.
Your husband is not won by quadratic formulas.
Put down your glossy magazines, they're rewriting who you are.

take off your clothes and be naked, be one with everything you are.
I'm not saying that everybody is beautiful. Of course, they're not!
The multi-billion dollar beauty industry wouldn't allow for that.
I'm saying everybody id here, and human, and present.

No anti-ageing cream can do that!

So shake off your insecurities about the world, for they're manufactured too!
 Apr 2017
When I was a kid
I used to dance with fairies.
Playing hide and seek with elves
And picking strawberries.

When I was a kid
I used to ride on unicorns.
Hunt for leprechaun's gold
While getting pricked by the rose's thorns.

When I was a kid
I used to walk on rainbows.
Sing the winds' melodies.
Arm myself with bows and arrows.

When I was a kid
I used to swim with mermaids
And fly up high with the birds.
Carving woods with a blade.

When I was a kid
I used to fly on witch's broom,
Cast a spell; join at battles,
And watch the world go boom!

When I was a kid
I used to fight with monsters,
I'll face them with great courage.
Being one of the King's daughters.

But the terrible truth is: that was " when I was a kid."
The world said that "fairy tales do not exist."
I want to bring them back for they are happiness to me.
But first, I'll fight the monsters—monsters in reality...
 Mar 2017
If I was a monster, would you be scared of me?

I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to flee.

Look at the beast that I've become.

Will you leave me, will you run?

Or would you dare to set me free?

And break the chains that have broken me?

You could save me and be the one,

To tame the monster I've become.

Would you look into my eyes and see,

That inside this beast, it's still me?

Can't you see me bleed and cry?

I can't fix myself, even if I try.

You think I've changed, but actually,

This monster here has always been me.

For far too long I've been locked inside,

These chains of my own guilt and pride.

What if I'm not who you thought I would be?

If I was a monster, would you still love me?
 Mar 2017
Lying against a brick wall
I gaze at the stars above me.
twinkling, singing stars
shimmering about, gaily
dancing in the night sky.
I loudly laugh at my thoughts.
for what sane person
would think about such?

An insane person
I look towards the familiar sound
to see my nightmare in flesh and blood.
A devilish smile of promiscuousness,
his body moving with cat-like grace.
He leans his face inches from my own
commanding me with a single word, forget.
and for a little while, I did
Insane, is what he described me as. But i prefer the term, open minded.
 Mar 2017
Parker A Blackwood
To find oneself is positive in society
But when I searched myself
I went too deep
And all I saw was darkness

Horrific and hellish
The internal warfare within
Created a hatred for the evil
And the people in this wretched world

To understand a monster
Are you not one yourself?
So I tortured with hate
The creature inside

A wish for its extinction
With no one to know
Until it was too late
The night of its death
 Mar 2017
Isabel M Daza
I know the depression is all in my head
I have it pretty severe
but it's nothing to dread
because I don't fear what's under my bed
I fear…
I fear…
My depression isn't seasonal
it is induced by a simple thing
when I look in the mirror
and I feel I will never see a diamond ring
on this finger of mine
on this finger
because of my mind.
I look in the mirror and I see a monster
something that's clawing at my eyes
and hoping that someday I will just realize
that someday
some way
I will be okay.
they say it's all your perception
I say it's in my reflection
it's all that I need to know
that my life isn't real
and the things that I feel
are not okay.
The pile the medication,
one after another until I feel nothing is left,
because nothing will ever be right.
I start falling asleep in class
thing is I never wanted to wake up in the first place.
I don't want to open my eyes and see my classmates laughing at me
of what I see in the mirror.
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