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 Mar 2017
Lady Bird
she failed to take a breath
as her darkened thoughts
penetrate through the
hollow core of her soul
the feeling of nausea hit and
came with her fear of death

worry lingered her thinking brain
covering the walls with ugliness
her mind is stained black with pain
what was she to do; leave or weep?
there was no comprehension of the
monster which she was about to meet

she's choking on falling tears
that claw down her sadden face
there's no escaping the monster
in the crevices of her mind
hovering her deepest thoughts

with no mask concealing the
shadows of her darkened fears
she had no time at all to inhale
dripping wet eyes filled up with
hesitation crying tears of sadness
that has taken over her warm soul

the monster trapping her soul
strangles her with a tightened
noose coated with hurt and pain
its barbwire teeth of darkness
holds her head down very low
chaining her against the wall
she hangs there deep in sorrow
away from the world all alone
reflecting on yesterday's rain

she could not speak; her silence caused
her tears to tumble the damaged thoughts
down every line of the damp pages smudged
with her words of the hurt and pain that
covered every inch of her inside journal

there is true darkness trapping her soul
leading her through a maze of loneliness
causing her to loose the shape of her whole
the young girl she use to be has vanished
leaving her a confused woman living in her
own garden of hell
Inspiring Image --->
 Mar 2017
Abeja Reina
I so hate that monster
That monster that takes your breath
I so hate that monster
That monster that eats away at your spirit
I so hate that monster
That monster that steals your time away
I so hate that monster
That monster that tries to take you from me
I so hate that monster
That monster that dims your bright light
I so hate that monster
That monster that has hi-jacked your health
I so hate that monster
That monster that is always lurking in the shadows
I so hate that monster
That monster that will not win this battle!!!
By. Bpeterson
 Mar 2017
AD Snail
My heart aches with agony.
Everything is spinning around me,
My mind is racing and my brain is being picked away by these thoughts.
Its troubling me terrible so.

My lover have I lost you to the monsters in your closet?

Why are you so willing to let me go,
And hurt all those innocent people?

I am diving in deep,
Scratches and bruises are appearing upon my tender skin,
But I am willing to dive deeper, and deeper,
Till I reach you even though I am in great discomfort.

The injuries to my heart never stop it from loving you so,
I never can despises you or think ill of you,
Even though you pass around that poison like its a medicine that will save.

It stings you know, my dear one.
I tear up every time I think of you and your twisted doings,
But I some how forgive you,
And fall into this fake mind set that you are truly a generous human being.

My troubled lover, please put your attention on the issues at hand,
Stop your foolish judging and giving everything the knowing glimpse.

You feel so superior to the rest, never looking back once at your destruction,
Calling it a master piece; a fine piece of art.
Please stop this ridiculous game and playing everyone like a pawn.

My troubled lover, oh how I wish you would notice how all these burns affect me.

I wish you would just glance back at least once,
And notice how much I love you so.

My troubled lover,
You are a monstrosity that brings depression and illness,
To those that already weak.

My lover you aren't the person I once loved,
You are now a troubled soul that spreads the infection to others.
 Mar 2017
There are a few things in the world
That wave between light and darkness.
Such things allure me
I've some unknown hunger for them
Like a monster
It's neither an angel
Nor a devil
But it still is
Like a black rose
Rose is a symbol of goodness
Yet its stained in darkness
And it blooms as black
These things captivate me
Like a charmer captivating it's prey
I wonder about them all the time
I guess after all
I'm like them
I don't know if it makes sense. I just wanted to pen it down.
 Mar 2017
Leal Knowone
A silken rope of phrases
   ailuranthrope blood tasted
   Sweet salt of the earth

   The dark minded misanthrope
   lycanthrope with ****** noise
   could always be worse

   Now i'm just a  broken rope
   of the wagon, on the boat
   been sinking since birth

   I want to forsake this  curse
   travel through time on this earth
   longing loving mirth

A haiku trapped in mundane
A perfect body
I lust for your  gorgeous brain  

Surround me with your splendor
help the broken see
and find a way to mend her

   This world it may betray us
   and you may find you hate it
   but it could be worse

   Broken bones on dusty throne
   lone failure and  cheap cologne
   I can see the hearse
   Passing through, heart still with you
   Now I'm done, let us review  
   Empathy in you
   Did you know you were my worth?
   The meaning of my rebirth
   no greater on earth
 Mar 2017
A harsh grey sheeted the others
as that sweet siren stole the show.
With an entrance that chilled the bone
and uplifted our pensive flow.
Our desires rested on hers.

A flash, and pleasant patch of pink
arose beneath her rosy thigh.
The sins we seek of her alone,
with this sweet and succulent sigh,
but alas we only can think...

No, dream of that wavering breath
and delicacy of her chest.
These feelings are finally sown.
Yet, even though we try our best,
this poem ends with only death.
 Mar 2017
You are a beast,
a monster,
an evil soul,
with an ugly vendetta
and a heart of stone.

You play games with people's minds,
use them like pawns in your world,
but the thing you don"t realize is
I'm not just an ordinary girl.

I'm strong and powerful,
brave and mighty.
My heart is gold,
my soul

I am your undoing.
The end to your games.
I stand against you,
my army behind me.
Countless soldiers
ready for battle.

You can't win against us;
our cause is just,
to strike down the evil,
the monster
the beast.

And the beast,
my dear,
is you.

— The End —