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 Jan 2018
is like sleeping,
with no more dreams
to rush inside
and shake you up,
night after night.
And all those
memories you stored
in archive shelves
of blood and bone
will be by then
forever lost.
 Jan 2018
Caitlyn Emilie
self harm is only washing your hands with cold water

crossing the street without looking for cars

touching hot pans because you want them to burn

staying up late and depriving yourself of sleep because you don’t deserve it

self harm is hearing you say violent things to me and not caring

because I deserve to hear them and I believe you when you say them
 Jan 2018
Angie S
you are a universe, love
let me be just one star
in your infinite galaxies
this one's for you, too. i almost hoped that i'd run out of words for you, but alas
 Jan 2018
Mitch Prax
Before I met you
I thought that
poetry was just
a collection of words,
that music was just
a collection of sounds,
that art was just
a collection of
shapes, colours and stokes
that life was just
a series of
years, breaths and steps
Indeed, I see things differently now
Through you, I am reborn
Be still...
Try to remain silent.

Listen very closely...
Her pleading may be heard
As it is carried through the wind.
Her emotional appeal
Sounds desperate -
It is unbearable to an epath.
Her pleads are ever so faint
And gentle, they are far from violent.

Be still...
It is her soul's agony
Which is vibrating
A disturbing frequency,
At such a rate that it constitutes
A wave.

Cries, which nature, alone,
Can hear and feel...
Cries, which shake the leaves free
From the branches of all the
Majestic trees; neither her soul
Nor the trees, can you save.

Be still...
Can you feel the faint tremble  
Under your barefeet?

Be still...
Rest your cheek upon the earth,
Feel her spirit, which is trapped
Deep down inside.
Inhale her essence- it is buried below,
In the fragrant moist soil...
Taste the droplets, she is in the dew;
Even in pain she is a soul
So gently sweet...
~ She is tinged with sadness--

By Lady R.F (C)2017* ⚘
 Dec 2017
Jacobe Loman
Cloistered momentary sanctuary
Meditating adjacent action
Instancing outside existence
Breathing irritatedly
Situation seemingly undone
Overburdened concentration
Gathering what can be
Searching floor and sky
Nothing to be found
Bound to this place
Where we are to die
 Dec 2017
Thomas King
You envy me so
With all of your might
You want to steal all my warmth
And extinguish my light

You covet my power
And my celestial role
You want to replace me
With all your heart and soul

You yearn for the control
Over the mornings and day
Your greed for more time
Has lead you astray

You try to block me out
Every couple of years
Unable to completely do so
It brings you to tears

You obsess over my fame
You detest all my praise
You despise my allure
And my warm loving rays

Void of any beauty
You feel dead and cold
Stories of your greatness
Will never be told

Forever chasing the day
You’re bound to the night
You will never be happy
Till you’re the only one on sight

Your quest to seize the day
Is useless and in vain
You’re stuck in your own orbit
That feeds your jealousy and pain

Your chance of replacing me as a star
Won’t be coming soon
For I’m the life giving sun
Silly little moon....
 Dec 2017
Damaged people love you like a crime scene
Before any crime had been committed
They kept their running shoes right next to their souls every night
One eye opened in case something changed whilst they were asleep

Damaged people love in the most broken way
Damaged people love in the most gentle way
Damaged people do not love
Damaged people love too much

Their backs are always too tense, too tight
Made this way from carrying too many broken things
Because we all know broken things are the heaviest
Just look the weight of a broken heart

Damaged people will love that too
Damaged people love broken things
Because they remind them of themselves

Damaged people take broken things
And love them to the end
Trying to find that one broken thing
That will fit their cracks.

Damaged people love so well

They love like this because they have already seen Hell
And they know that every evil demon
Was once an angel before they fell.
you can only
imagine my kiss,

i am a mirage,
the glossy night
blown into

i am a phantasm
in the autumn frost,

layered like
the night’s soft
a stream of
golden leaves
crisp in the quiet

i drown in the
water of the stars

i faint, a ghostly
you can
sense in
the dream-like
surrender of
our love,
arousing our
kisses like
the flowers of time.
 Nov 2017
You can learn to love,
You'll never learn how to fall in love
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