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 Nov 2016
O come sweet Jesus Christ come,
You are the source of our bliss and happimesd
You are the path to peace and protection
the mighty deliverer and strength in times of our troubled day
The living water that quenches our yearning and taste
,the door that leads to perfect rest,
O come sweet Jesus come

O come sweet Jesus Come
Come and heal our wounds,
come take away our infirmities
,Come calm the raging storms in our lives
O come sweet Jesus come

Igho Odiete©
All right reserved
O come sweet Jesus; Come
I lift up my gaze to the sky.
Where does my help come from...
when I cry?
My help comes from my Lord and my God.
Who will not allow slumber to make His head nod.
He is my Protector.
My Knight in shining armour.
On my weakest side,
where I am most vulnerable.
The sun by day will not burn me,
and the moon will not strike me down.
The Lord will keep me safe
from all evil and harm,
as He watches over my life
and keeps me in the storm.
He will watch over me when I
walk out the door,
and when I come back home.
I lift up my gaze to the sky,
where does my help come from?
From the Lord, the Great and Mighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.
He is the reason I can walk free from fear.
For He is my Helper.
Who is ever near.
Based on Psalm 121, Holy Bible.
 Nov 2016
Pull me beneath
Your waves
my pride fights
to keep my mouth above
Your loving breakers
Fights to fill my lungs with the poison air
inflates what ought to sink away
Sweep over me
and I will drown
*so sweetly
God's grace is boundless like an ocean, and our ego is the **** which keeps us from the waves of a wild and abundant life
 Nov 2016
I will open my chest wide to You
the doors must swing
and every gross and delicate thing
let the cleansing air come rushing in
the blazing light reach its fingers
and penetrate each moldy corner
I will remove these old and broken bones
long lain limp upon the floor
and write Your name on every wall
 Nov 2016
And so, broken, bleeding and on my knees
I learned what it meant to surrender
To let go of every part of my control
To worship in awe of His splendor
To lay down every expectation
To take up my trust and my faith
Broken I learned surrender
On my knees heart abandoned I pray
 Nov 2016
Julia Aubrey
How do I say its not going to work out? How do I just randomly break his heart when I honestly care so much about him?

"He's my LORD" I will tell him,"You know our earthly love cannot compare."

I feel he is allowed me to stray from you oh LORD, for he tempts me so much.

But what do I do? Do i just come out and say it? Do I let the throat cutting words that slip from my lips  be as simple as,"Excuse me, do you know the time?"

And the worst part of it is the selfless soul dwelling with in me. I have given too much, and so much so that my own skin is growing thinner and thinner. My insides slowly disappear every time I offer you something.

I am dying.

I have been giving ever piece of myself to you completely, and I can't take it. And the thing is, my body is already so weak that it makes it so much harder for the words I need to tell you to even reach my lips.

You are the collector of my insides, trapper, hunter, and experimenter.

Your check list is almost filled up along with the shelves stacked high with jars of me. Pretty soon, my soul will be wrapped around your finger, and I am certain that will be the ultimate death of me.

"Oh LORD, please hear my thoughts. Save my soul from this false love and take me home again where I can be consumed in your grace."

If at all that is possible.

-Julia Aubrey Rhodes-
 Nov 2016
Austin D Woodruff
PTL this morning!!!
Big and bold,
We praise him who the prophets of old
hoped and spoke of!
Praise him who we know,
him the faithful and true.
Praise him big!
Praise him bold!
 Nov 2016
leona chaput
Take a stand and be proud
Take a stand and be grateful
Take a stand and be faithful
Before the Lord
Worship and bow before His throne
With every heartbeat sing to the Lord
Praise His name, praise His majesty
Praise His mercy
Look to be worthy of the glory of God
Remember to pray and to talk to
The God of the power of hope to claim us
To hold and protecting for the mercy of God
Worship with praise, worship with joy
Sing and be happy before the Lord

    By:  Leona Chaput
 Nov 2016

attitude of the heart
state of the mind
gratitude overflows
to make our

the eyes of our souls
the ears of our spirit
open now to
we CAN see

for if we're blind to
and can't hear the
we are
blind & deaf
can't see the forest
for the trees!

before GOD will bless
we must do our part
admit without Him


and receive a


(C) 11/24/2016
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



♡ Catherine

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