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 Nov 2016
I'll share a tune, I'll sing a song,
Raise my voice... please sing along!
With the angels! With the birds!
Let's be sure the Lord has heard!

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Let's sing a song to Him!
Rejoice! Rejoice!
The victory to win!
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Though some may find it odd...
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Sing praises to our God!

We've had hardships, we've had trials
But Jesus Christ still lives! He smiles
When we defeat our dreary foe
Depression flees! It HAS TO GO!


Ol' Joshua & Jehoshaphat
Went to war, knew where it's at
They didn't doubt! But instead


Rejoicing will bring change, you'll see
In Christ we have the victory!


(C) 11/2016
I'm feeling much better! If you're on Facebook look for my video describing how i beat depression through Jesus Christ... Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes! I appreciate you all! ♡♡♡♡♡
 Sep 2016
Sung to the melody of
"Be Thou My Vision"*

O King of heaven
How Glorious Thou Art
Lord of my spirit
O Lord of my heart
You're ever gracious
You're my victory
I was in darkness
But in You I see

Father O Father
Your creation I love
You painted the sunsets
Made heaven above
I will sing praise to you
All the day long
I am your nightingale
You are my song

O gentle Savior
You're awesomely wise
Show me your people
You are my heart's eyes
Give me compassion
Your mercy to all
Give me Your voice
To lost souls I call

O Holy Spirit
Come rain on me now
Fill me with blessings
Your river to flow
Give me the wisdom
To honor what's right
Let me be salt
O let me be light

I am but ashes
My works are but rust
You've made me precious
Tho I am but dust
You are my Father
My Lover, my Friend
You are my righteousness
World without end

(C) 9/16/2016
I wrote these lyrics based on this hymn:

"Be Thou My Vision"
Sung by Selah

I was singing to the Lord this morning and I came to this song. It moved me to tears. I had to write. I wasn't going to post today, but felt led of the Lord to write this. I hope you enjoy it.

I've dedicated this poem to Becky Ramsey for her enjoyment over Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year... Blessings!

Thank you and God bless!

 Sep 2016
Mike Hauser
When my mind wanders Lord
May it wander to the wonder of you
When it thinks a lie is right
Help it in clinging to your truth

When my heart is hardened
In an untimely flow of grief
May it be forever softened
With your ever loving heavenly beat

When my eyes try to close tight
So that they won't have to see
Open them with your Spirits wind
To look upon this world in need

And when my arms drop to my side
Help me to hold them open wide
To give to those the comfort
That only you Lord can provide
Afraid to speak.
Afraid to act.
Afraid sometimes to take a stand.
But then...
But then...
The Eternal One,
Mighty and Strong.
Takes hold of her hand.
And teaches her how to sing His song.
The Song of the Lion.
Phil 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." There was also a song in the late 80's by Pat Benatar called "The Lion's Song."  I've always liked it. :)
Walls crumbling.
Eyes opening.
Ears listening.
Words healing.
Arms embracing.
Heart melting.
To love.
And let love in.
Alone she stands...
at the bottom of the mountain.
The beginning of her journey.
Her journey to forgiveness.
She looks at the steepness of the climb,
and wonders where is the strength she'll find.
Especially when her backpack is full of rocks...
The painful memories of emotional abuse and verbal attacks.
But, as difficult as this journey will be,
she knows she must take it,
in order to be free.
Then He whispers to her soul,
"Step by step, with Me,
this is the only way to climb
The Journey to Forgiveness."

She begins her journey,
one step at a time.
One foot before the other.
With the heavy burden upon her back,
which she knows she must surrender.
She makes stops along the way.
The memories surface.
Her wounds lay open and bare.
But she chooses to forgive.
To release them of the debt.
And empties some of the rocks
from her backpack.

She continues on.
The journey is tiresome,
and oh, so long.
She is tempted to give up.
Many times.
But He keeps reminding her of the prize.
Another stop.
More rocks dumped.
More forgiveness given.
And another stop.
And another.
Until finally...
her burden grows lighter.
As her soul unloads its bitterness.
She sees the top now.
Oh bliss!
She climbs faster now.
She empties out the last rock.
The biggest rock.
The largest offence.
The one that was hardest to forgive.
The one that bound her in chains.
She releases it now.
Into God's hands.
And hoists herself up to the top.

She stands now in victory!
The burden she has carried so long is empty!
She has completed her journey.
Her Journey to Forgiveness.
And is finally free.
Until tomorrow...
when begins another journey.
To forgiveness.
Inspired in part by a dear friend's writings.
 Jul 2016
I am but a lump of clay
Within the Potter's Hands
Help me to be such today
Help me understand

I am plastic. Malleable.
From the roots of stumps
For the Master's Hands available
Although I have my lumps!

He has to pound and knead me
Sprinkle me to moist refine
Mould me in my body
Mould me in my mind

Mould me in my heart
Mould me in my soul
So I won't break apart
So I can be bold!
I can use my art
To have my story told...

Sculpt me then Lord Jesus!
Do whatever it will take
Throw me on your wheel
With Force enough to break

My own thoughts and wishes
For vanity they are
My love for fame and riches
Which can only twist and scar

My love for things of "beauty"
Of worldly surmise
Give me a sense of Duty
To be useful in your eyes

You rose me from the muck and mire
You scooped me from the slime
How can I so then aspire?
Be in myself sublime?

Death, he has his clutches
This assuredly I know.
And I am but ashes

Dust to dust I go.

(C) 7/30/2016
My kingdom must go
Before Your Kingdom come.

 Jul 2016
Jack Jenkins
Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
    in the heavens.
   Through the praise of children and infants
    you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
    to silence the foe and the avenger.
   When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
    what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?
    You have made them a little lower than the angels
    and crowned them with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
    you put everything under their feet:
    all flocks and herds,
    and the animals of the wild,
    the birds in the sky,
    and the fish in the sea,
    all that swim the paths of the seas.
Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Just been unable to write lately, so I have been reading instead. :)
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