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 Oct 2015
the last victim of polio;
she took up brush and canvas
and began a portfolio of one

her singular subject,
a sagging pear in the neighbor's yard,
threatening the cedar fence daily

and daily she would add strokes
sometimes only a vein on a blue Monday  
a leaf in a weekend, and a chunk
of trunk on a winded Wednesday

over summer greens she would
double dab fall's golds, yellows, or russet
if snow had begun to drift

seasons, years made their circles  
until her hands became stiff, her eyes
filled with film--then, she only sat by the palette,
silent, reverent to a lifelong friend  

when she passed, the work
was nearly done, missing only half a fiery sun,
yet the sky was a glorious blue
by chance the final hue

of an image altered  
a hundred score, by a hand
that would have done so
a thousand more
 Oct 2015
Victoria Jennings
I'm an open book
But you've ear-marked
Me for another day
 Oct 2015
Victoria Jennings
Dear knife,
It's been three years since I've held you
And felt you on my skin
But please know
I'm still thinking of you
Of the bittersweet feeling
Of holding you
Feeling you slice into me
It's been a long time now
But I still want to pull you out
Of your neatly kempt drawer
And have you just one more time.
Bad day...
 Oct 2015
Today I will write a poem
not about your face
and how beautiful
and sublime it is

Today I will write a poem
not about my love
and how it is about you
and only you

Today I will write a poem
not about your love
and how it is not about me
and how it deeply hurts me

Instead, I will write a poem
about us, only us
except that
there is no us
 Oct 2015
sanch kay
our sick minds, they get no sympathy.
you can get caught in the civil war
your mind wages against itself and
emerge victorious night after night,
who cares, no one's looking,
you're not supposed to show off.
but cry for three days straight
and everybody loses their ****.
i don't want to have this sick mind,
i didn't ask for this sick life,
i'd rather take it all and sell it
to the devil.
since i'm destined for hell anyway, can i get home sooner? this living thing isn't really my thing.
 Oct 2015
sanch kay
slash my wrist
wait to die.
this whole living thing is taking its toll on me.
 Oct 2015
Mysterious Aries
Two images of flowers suddenly appeared up the sky
One with beyond compare beauty
While the other could be the ugliest ever seen
People studied them, but they seem a mirage
They just appeared out of the blue
Can’t be touched, an unexplained phenomenon
Until it became part of the daily life scenery

One day, the public smells a lovely scent
The most pleasant fragrance they’ve ever inhaled
They’ve looked at the beautiful flower
They’ve adored its gorgeousness
Noticeably the pretty flower seems to grow more

The next day, humanity smells some disgusting odor
The most unpleasant stench they’ve ever breath in
They’ve looked at the ugly flower
They’ve hated and cursed it
Visibly the unattractive flower shrunk

The next morning, human race smells another lovely aroma
Much more amusing than before
They’ve glanced at the sky
And there’s only one flower left
The most beautiful one
So they've dance and sang praises
Not knowing, that’ll be the last beautiful scent
They’ll ever inhale during their entire lives

Mysterious Aries
 Oct 2015
Of course, I am never alone
But why do I feel otherwise?
 Oct 2015
Stop trying to cheer me up
Nor reminding me of people who care
Cause you know what?
I'm sick of deceits
And false pretense
Of hearing the same ***** over and over again
Every day I see myself in the mirror
Seeing the same old person
But entirely different
As I was before
Because I know it's not fine
Everything’s not going to be alright
And let me tell you friend,
That the best way to comfort a sad soul
Is through sadness itself
That no matter how many tries to fix us
We'll always be permanently damaged
 Oct 2015
Sally A Bayan
Black Trees haikus
The lamp post leans...light,
is dim...the wind blows...rain, falls
black trees...sway on wall

loud pitter-patters
drop...pound heav'ly on the roof
black trees...droop on wall

floods rush...spreads all over...the
black trees... sway no more

roots have lost their grip
too much water...inundates
black trees...surrender like a tree
there are many elements
water is just one

nothing's permanent
floods recede...sun returns...then
black trees sway once more.


Copyright October 18, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
...too much rains now...
 Oct 2015
Night kisses on the roof,
We're drinking up the view
Please fill my glass with a million more stars..
So I can find the courage to spill out the truth..

Long ago I was in love,
Well that's what I thought it was..
5 years is a long time to know a person,
And 5 words was all it took to break that off

So, "how did it all fall apart?" You ask.. And, "Was the fall worth the hurt?"
I'd give 3/4 of my heart for, just a quarter of hers..

But that was a very long time ago,
So let's move this along..

My first year at college ******,
I never thought I'd amount to much
11 months is a long time to care for someone,
Even when those last few months,
We fell out of touch..
But with this girl I felt so safe..
Brown hair green eyes cute face
I said goodbye 2 nights after my 18th birthday,
.. I thought this time my heart deserved a different kind of break

"... So how did it all fall apart?" You ask, "do you still care/ love her?"
I'd give 3/4 of my heart for, just 1/4 of hers..

But i'm not on the rooftop with her, right now..
Oh i'm with you,
And this is where we are..
Singing the blues..

When that sun rises over you
Won't you tell me your stories too?
I'll give both halves of my heart if..
You give me all yours too.
So this is my favourite thing I've written... Ever.

Hope it makes you guys feel something too. It is very personal though, and quite hopelessly romantic somewhat hahaha.
 Oct 2015
Dhaye Margaux

You can caress me or slap me on my face without touching me, my dear
You can **** me with too much depression, I swear
You can twist my arms, break my bones and tear me apart
Your words are sharper than a sword, they hit me right through the heart.

Motivated by a conversation with a friend who is depressed at this time.
 Oct 2015
sanch kay
looks are blushes, the summer skies burning
across the curves of my cheeks;
something deep down inside stirs.

'I want to get lost in the
mountains', you said, and i
immediately wanted to get lost
in your eyes.

Electricity -
that feeling of sudden power
coupled with the sting of vulnerability
that sets your nerves on edge
the first time he touches you.

(the first time he touched me
i forgot what my hands
even felt before
they met his.
they struggled to let go)

one day our eyes had
enough of waiting, our
hands got greedy for
naked flesh and we longed
for moremoremoremore.

we never admitted it
not to each other, and
especially never to ourselves
but baby, you were my manna
and i, *the one who perhaps
could have.

and to this day i have
not stopped longing
to wake up wrapped
around you, wrapped
in your arms,

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