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 Jun 2016
She knew the love was dead when She could count more "I'm sorry's" than "I love you's"
 Jun 2016
Maybe everything is right
Maybe I had just been wrong my whole life and never knew what it was like to be right
Maybe we feel everything is wrong but the truth is it is right and we are just so used to everythi by being wrong that the feeling of okayness is unknown
 Jun 2016
They say ink is poison,
But so is your touch,
So aren't these words,
Better than cuts?
 Jun 2016
Cynthia Jean
we are

and crowned

we are drawn
with lovingkindness

this day
i will trust

this day
i will pour

He is

my heart's refuge....

cj 2016
blessed beyond what we could ask or think
 Jun 2016
Cynthia Jean
what we cannot

but giving space


what hurts us

what is beyond
our endurance

to bear

cj 2016
one day at a time
 Jun 2016
Cynthia Jean
more gifts
each one
         new again...

cp  2016
trying to look up....and to write my way out of a funk
 Jun 2016
Cynthia Jean
for our good

24 hours
in a day

humans are frail

we can only bear
the weight
of one day
at a time

no worries
about tomorrow

no getting stuck
in the past

abundant life
is in My Presence


pressing toward the goal

the upward call of God
in Christ Jesus.....

cj 2016
The daily struggle is to make the right choice every day, and not try to carry yesterday and tomorrow while trying to live TODAY.
 Jun 2016
Cynthia Jean
the words I write
make me

cj 2016
sometimes the only thing to do is to pray and to write
Be a Life changer, not a death maker, speak life into others.
Bring healing into others lives by speaking it into their lives.
For we were all put on this earth, by the Living God Jesus.
To speak life into other people lives here on the earth.
Because by speaking life, we are drawing them to be healed.
For we are called to Love others, not hate them here.
For being Christ like here we shall reveal him to others.
Which is our purpose here to love others into finding him.
Thus having another friend , when we all go to heaven in the end.
 May 2016
Cynthia Jean
The sign cries out
come inside for salvation...
so, I went inside
the work of the Lord
to perform...
full of enthusiasm
all the good I can do
for God
How exciting!
The job of a lifetime!
Surely my search
was over.
I went inside
there were faceless
people with no names
only numbers
their smiles drained
into a bucket
in the corner...
people never allowed
to get tired
or sick...
No! No! don't stop for a minute
come...let me take your
...for a nickel
and a dime....
ALL for the NAME of GOD!
I looked for God
No mention of His name
No music of praise
on the airways.
People would ask...
where am I?
when they wrote their checks.
They didn't know...
They couldn't tell.
They couldn't feel His Presence.
Wasn't it supposed to be
The captains would walk through
never making eye contact
with anyone
tripping over the bodies
I want more! I want more!
As fast as employees came
in the front door
workers were fleeing out the back
while they still had some life in them
they could escape...
I used to hold them
in my arms
I used to cry with them
pray with them
encourage them
it was my great joy to share their successes
my hand was stretched out if they fell
no one was a mistake in Jesus' eyes
And I tried to remember that
and let my patience grow
like God's patience
for me...
and I saw Jesus
come in the front door of that store
He was carrying the Salvation sign
and I saw Him
walking the aisles
tears streaming down His face
looking for a place
for the weary
to sit down.
And all He saw
were the cash registers
and the cold-eyed captains
whipping and barking
and the workers
gasping and groaning
and the life draining...
And precious Jesus...
He touched us
one by one
and said, "Follow Me"
out of the dungeon of filth
and despair.
He said...they used My Name
but I was never allowed
in there.
He brought us out by one...
into brightness of life
O Breathe.
 May 2016
Mike Hauser
Let us focus on forgiveness
Make it our word of the day
Whether it be of yourself or someone else
Sit back and watch what it creates

As it takes the heart of the hurting
Kneads and melds it into shape
You've never lived until you've learned to give
The bitter taste of bitterness away

Take hold of the hand of forgiveness
Leading you wherever it may
You will never go wrong with the path it is on
Where forgiveness is the best of all ways
In the twilight hour
We reached the watch tower

The swinging trunks had got our smell
And one could tell
They weren't pleased

We had just intruded into their dust bath
Post the shower at the pool
Between us the distance
Was one of studied silence
Till one's trumpet froze me to the ground

From among the trees
Big little mud hills surrounded the space

Our clicking lens
Wore out their patience
And we were just nuts
Before that large herd

Some more were coming up the river
We heard someone whisper
And I thought of rebellious elephants
Fighting for territory once their own
Against an invader that spares none

What if this dwindling day hour
They crush the watch tower!
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