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We walk not of this world way, but by Faith.
For each of us has been promise different things.
Yet we still walk by the same Faith as the other.
We each are on a different path with him as well.
Some Faith may stronger today, but not tomorrow.
For Faith is by hearing, then believing it is true.
We all have the very same objective here in life.
It is to finish this race=Journey that we are on.
Thus then being told by our Savior well done.
I love you all with Christ , unconditional Love.
For every one is a beautiful Creation of God.
So please do not be discourage here my friends.
For Christ has a beautiful purpose for each of you.
He  wants to bring you from darkness unto his Light.
Thus using the transformation of your poetry here.
To draw others unto him, for each of you here.
Are an example unto his to show this world his Light.
So fear not, be strong unto the Lord for he is good.
I know that life is tough, and getting tougher as well.
This is why we need to rely on Strength from God.
For it shall be the thing that keeps you from giving up.
For we are made into Great Warriors fighting for God.
Not in flesh but in Spirit with his words of truth and justice.
For this world justice is not the same as Christ justice .
For we fight with Love, Gods unconditional Love here.
While this worldly warriors fight with human understanding.
With human strength but our Strength is by far greater.
Because our strength is not of this world but from God.
I cordially invite ya'll to sit a spell on the front porch sometime , eat a plum or two with a cup of black coffee and 'talk shop' for a little while ...
Copyright March 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Shop =Poetry
 Mar 2016
Ann M Johnson
I have had sorrow
I had pain
I have been locked out in the rain
I had stuff happen in life that's hard to explain
I have been knocked down and felt like giving up
Like a comedian once said " life happens when you make other plans"
That statement seems to speak some truth.
Life sure has not turned out the way I have wished
That is why I must persist

When I have planned for sunshine
I have gotten rain
Planned to be happy ever after
only to discover pain
Through it all I have gotten stronger ( I think)
Life is a work in progress it is not finished yet
Life happens but I must persist

I know what it is like to be hungry
or well fed ( think thanksgivings past)
Those are cherished memories
sure to last
I have found
There is more joy in being content
than in wishing for what I don't have
If I have somewhere to rest
or some food to eat
man, that is pretty neat

Some day's I feel weary or pretty beat
I may not get want I want
But it is a blessing to get what I need
Like family that I love
and a few close friends
on whom I can depend
When I think about that my live seems pretty full
I than feel more complete and whole
Let life happen if it takes it's toll
I will fight off worry
It can not add a day to my life
Or add more hair to my head
  I would prefer not to have troubled
thoughts when I retire to bed
Life can be worth living
That is why I must persist!
Be ye not discourage, but trust in the one that deem you worthy.
Enough to create you but air, for he deem you worthy to be born.
For he spoke you into existence before the beginning of time.
So realize this he deem you worthy enough to take the time out.
To create you in the first place, you are worthy so pl;ease hang on.
For he loves you and deem you worthy and I do as well feel the same way.
So just trust in the Christ to finish the work r=that he already startled.
Listen to him, and love others as you love yourself, trust in him your God.
For the Christ shall never let you down but trust him completely in everything.
 Feb 2016
Dawn of Lighten
There is a certain truth about knowing,
And you purposely act ignorant for their honor,
Because you simply want to accept that person as they are.

Show compassion to people you know are liars,
Because you hope person next to them may be burden less,
And maybe show life as we know it isn't so bad after all?

It is becoming much harder to play as a village fool who know not,
And still keep compassion to fellow human beings knowing,
But still there is bit of child in me to better humanity while not to give up.

Living long generates wisdom,
But I feel showing love to humanity with wisdom is a struggle

In brief moments of being in reality with the sight of truth,
As we share common gratitude towards those in need.

Maybe.... Just maybe....... With a smile,
Little grace goes far!
No one will be perfect,
But in imperfection shall we find our personal perfection,
For it is human nature to be simply us.
Seagulls in Newnan ? Most certainly so , I've seen them many times on my way to the store , Two hundred miles from the Gulf do they fly , meandering around town late at night  , at fast food restaurants in the wee hours of the morning , gliding in heavy winds,  just like the seashore ,  back an forth , some at arms reach , just like their family at Mexico Beach ..
Copyright September 25 , 2015 By Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved        *****Newnan lies southwest of Atlanta . Approx. 35 miles . A long way from the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean . Just seems strange for some reason ! I believe the gulls are following the Chattahoochee River North from where it empties into the Gulf at Apalachicola, Florida !???
 Feb 2016
Nicole Corea
Mommy why, i was just barely opening my heart to  you
Mommy you see me through the screen beating my life to you
120 beats per second ,faster than your heart mommy.
Mommy, I feel your smile broaden
Mommy I will love you conditionally
Moommyy what is this clamp mommy ,
please don't it hurts it hurts please mommy

Seven Weeks , Three Days Pregnant

I lost you my precious , Words will never define the darkness I feel in my heart . The darkness of how unloving my heart became, How heartless humanity was around me like infectious leech. Letting you go was the consequences of the bite. Please forgive me,  I made the biggest mistake in my life. The one mistake, where you won't grow up to learn from. What was left of my heart became stone cold , I let go my true shot of happiness, but I couldn't bring you into a world of brokenness and despair. You deserve better, but better than you will ever receive from me. One day I hope you understand. I promise you , my love lies deep in my veins.  I love you ,Heaven needed you back and I regret not standing like warrior and fighting for you. I never will wash dirt on my back,I can never stop apologizing for the vicious attacks you endured by me . Every sunrise and sunset I will forever mourn the death of my own humanity against you.
*One last breath
,Mommy, I love you Forever
I'll float down the river ,patiently waiting for ocean to wash me into abyss , humming to the lullaby,I would have sang to you my precious gift.
this was the hardest piece I ever had to sharee , its raw , its painful ,and i was never prochoice abortion
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