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Clay Feet Nov 2015
Forlorn beauty-child
Living in my night
Crying in your dream.
Sounds of sorrow
Linger in the morning mist
Of subdued consciousness.

Troubled water falls
From awakened red eyes
That searched inside loneliness  
Only to find more.


Behind my faceted face
Your countenance lingers...
I glance quickly within,
You disappear!

Your gaze lit my shadowed mind.
Your presence was there waiting
For me…

A Sonata…
A Fantasy  
A Major key bright-shining
Singing sunbeams to lift me.

After the music...

Shards of shattered dreams
Scattered like felled icicles
lying in the sun, melting into mulch      
They dawned bright green
Pipers on Scottish dew.

The mourning moon is
Catchlight in your eyes
Bright Bird...

Captivating sailors
Reaching down evoking vulnerable
Aspects held so long secret...
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
Quick Click
Clay Feet Mar 2015
The mourning moon is
Catchlight in your eyes.
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
Clay Feet Feb 2015
I could love every part of you
Inside and out
That every part of me could touch*
Outside and in
Mind body soul
Feb 2015 · 13.4k
Clay Feet Feb 2015
Crack in the ceiling
Expensive repair.

Crack in the glass    
Duct tape

Crack of a switch
Stripe the *****

Crack of a gun
Someone's done

Crack the vein
Relieve pain

Crack of lightning

Crack the whip

Crack my skull
My mind mulls

Crack the mirror
Old wives’ tales dither

Crack the door
It's  her …

Crack of her ***
Beautiful tail
Ends this tight little piece
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Clay Feet Feb 2015
Lies seem to be the most popular personal vice in the world these days. So common, in fact, that it's nearly impossible to know a truth any more.
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
Soft Song
Clay Feet Feb 2015
We walk through a garden in the evening sun.
We joke, we laugh, our thoughts are one
As we find a spot near a softwood tree
With bright flowers, cool shadows, alone, you and me.

We sit, we recline, your hand in mine
Your head on my shoulder, a feeling sublime.
We talk for a while and then we play,
We tease and touch in our special way.

The day surrenders to twilight then night,
The cool blue moon is now our delight.
This timeless wonder in a lovers’ sky
Compels our gaze to each other’s eyes.
Its magic transfigures your eyes into pools
Mysterious, haunting, inviting and cool
While mine are ablaze with passion’s fire.
We are trapped! Moon’s magic is now our desire.

Your hair glistens in this lovers’ light.
What was sunset gold in my earlier sight
Is a silver-sphered halo, angelic and bright.

A dark silhouette with comforting arms
I embrace you and kiss you and drink-in your charms.
Lips that smiled laughed and called
Are ambrosia, THE NECTAR, the gods are awed!
Kissing, tenderly, we kindle love’s fire,
A gentle caress heats our desire.
In our close embrace, the promise of day
We’ll fulfill this night in love’s ancient way.

Our kisses become longer and heaped with passion!
To hell with reason! To hell with ration!
We heed love’s call, love sets us free
And we splendour! To love’s ultimate degree
We blush, we smile, we sigh so deep,
We’s soft song as its joy we reap.
We rapturously explore with all we possess
To assure each other that all is expressed.

Our souls are in ecstasy! So deep, so endearing
Our kisses; so sweet, so pure our singing.

We whisper our name to each other’s ear
Softly, earnestly, so our hearts may hear.
At last, love’s longing is finally relieved,
At last, love’s dream is blissfully achieved.

We’ve paid the supreme compliment for our caring
With an act of love...the most intimate sharing.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Clay Feet Jan 2015
I didn’t tell you how my world shattered.
No matter... it was over... my castle battered.

Angels prayed no difference made          
Separate ways taken for both our sake

Visceral pain reigned heaving chest...
... one year counseling relief and rest
    Time heals…
    Blessings count

Children! Our love legacy.

Once with eager glee close to wedded bliss
We smiled... shared a hot fudge sundae
And topped it with a kiss.
Jan 2015 · 4.7k
You Are Woman
Clay Feet Jan 2015
You are the glowing embers in a comforting hearth,
Set ablaze by the murmuring draft of
Caressed anticipation, freed to rise
By caring hands from the core of your flame
To ignite the girth of my imagination.
Jan 2015 · 13.3k
A fond remembrance
Clay Feet Jan 2015
Lovely mornings, evenings, nights our hearts took flight
Laughing ceased as sighs increased.

Wafts of sensual sweet smells rose.
Bodies, curved in writhing poses glowed.

Cares lost in arousing touch, lingering fingers longed for
Secrets, shared in sacred sighs and wanton lies.

Arching union quivered and quaked.

I whispered then and will again
Stilettos are not made for walking,

Their soul purpose, freeing our rising desires,
Feeding rapturous tinglings of sensual ecstasy.
Edited 02/01/2015
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
Siren's Song
Clay Feet Jan 2015
Ahoy Captain Courageous!
Cleave not thy ship from soul
Past heaving swell through
Stormy sleet this spellbinding
Siren to seek.

Away thee, Ahab! More than
Whale, this mistress heaps
Thy spirit to take thee
Deep ‘neath sandy shoal.
She sings... clings... captures.

Pour over rocks
Impudent-*** officer
Soon torn and tattered.
You know better than
Fools before thee!

Your liquor lapses
Dead man dreaming!
Admirals and angels
Have fallen
Afore thee… oh wise one,

Like notches on a barrel
Your soul… she’ll tow on her tale.
Boding for Ahab

— The End —