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4.0k · May 2021
Time Travel?
Anna Maria May 2021
The ideal mindset is that everything will eventually be ok, that calm will come after the storm.
But as I sit here on the back of the bus watching a child’s tiny hand trace the window in a pattern I’ll never understand, I realize that I’ll never get that back.
I’ll never get back a time where I could just be happy.
Childhood is bliss.
2.5k · Dec 2021
Anna Maria Dec 2021
"why didn't you say anything?"
i didn't know how to admit it.
admit i was naive, dumb, selfish.
how could i have not seen,
that when he called me little girl
it wasn't a promise to protect me from the big bad world,
rather the fact that he liked them little.
898 · May 2021
Tell me to stop
Anna Maria May 2021
I love the way he looks at me after I've made a silly joke.
His face tells me that I am being ridiculous, silly and childish.
His eyes tell me to continue and never stop.
His eyes shine
781 · Jun 2021
Anna Maria Jun 2021
I am trapped in my body, watching the figure that patrols it around doing what she wants and saying what she will.
My mind feels muddled as the words 'I do not care' pierces them.
Is this who i am?
I pull at the the bars that trap my mind around others,
my anxiety skyrocketing.
But the person in the cockpit simply replies to my worries and woes, "oh well, I'll worry about that sometime soon"
forced to take a back seat in my own mind
713 · May 2021
Anna Maria May 2021
I observe the way you **** your head whenever I question you.
I observe the the intake of breath when I hesitate.
I observe the smirk that grows on your lips when I say yes.
I observe your happiness to my downfall.
With my observation,
I see you never cared at all.
I knew but wasn't prepared for the hurt it caused
568 · May 2021
Early Bloomer
Anna Maria May 2021
Growing up too fast hits the hardest when you are a teenager.
You look around your friends, who are talking about things you thought about two years back.
I often try to give my help, because I’ve done this before.
I did the tears, the anger and the confusion ages before.
I wish I could say it got better.
What do you say to those who do not listen?
542 · Mar 2021
Crowded Friendship
Anna Maria Mar 2021
I want the words that I keep to flow out of my mouth like they did.
I want to soar into conversation with you and fill you with secrets.
My mind doubles back, and cations me.
Trust is a silly thing.
Once broken it can never truly be repaired.
So now I only tell you the things I do not mind you telling others,
for that is what this friendship has become.
A crowd hiding behind you with a one-way mirror.
More than one person in this friendship
520 · Jun 2021
Sacrifice of skin
Anna Maria Jun 2021
Every second your eyes meet my skin an inch melts off, melting until I am forced to turn away, so that my insides don't splatter on the marble floor.
One day I shall stop turning away, let you melt me.
For that at least will make your eyes stay for a second longer
on what can only be described as a tragedy.
Excerpt from a longer poem
502 · Jun 2021
stuck to be mistreated
Anna Maria Jun 2021
i only let you treat me like that because i knew if i didn't,
you'd leave.
i am no feminist. i bend backwards, twist my morals, my boundaries just so that i could get the faint sense that i might have a chance.
the chance that you make me work so hard for,
even though i know any other in your position would worship me.
but because of my constant acrobatics of my soul,
it seems to be stuck in a position with you.
You should be grateful
490 · Apr 2021
Better luck next time
Anna Maria Apr 2021
The blood seeps from the inflicted wound,
it stains the armour that you have worn for so long.
You go to clutch the laceration,
except that there was none.
It stings and burns and aches.
But there is no wound that you can see.
But oh do you feel it.
Invisible wounds don't mean it doesn't hurt.
485 · Jun 2021
Hopeful Engravings
Anna Maria Jun 2021
I remember us.
Lying on your bed, I traced the skin under your ear.
You asked me if I was writing something,
I whispered in reply as to not break the tranquility that surround us.
"Just meaningless things."

I knew those words I wrote that day did not help.
In fact my soft engraving seemed to now be a mocking reminder in my memory.
It was in desperation that my fingertip traced.
'Please don't hurt me. I love you.'
More sad content
463 · Dec 2021
Anna Maria Dec 2021
black scribbles, badly drawn surround me.
peeping holes through them.
i watch what could have been.
yet when i reach through to achieve my fantasy,
the lines latch on and are not what they seem.
i had hurt myself, watering the thorns with my fallen dreams.
thorns created by me.
409 · Sep 2021
Anger Issues
Anna Maria Sep 2021
It bubbles inside me, pulls at my collarbones.
It ***** not just the oxygen from my lungs
but the life from me entirely.
You think i want to bite my nails to oblivion?
You think i want my nails to dig so deep into my palm?
The common mistake about people like me is that we want to hurt people. When in truth we do anything to avoid it.
Including hurting ourselves because we feel
we deserve it more than you.
it *****.
406 · Jun 2021
Right Now
Anna Maria Jun 2021
I do not believe you.

Were the promises you made lies?
Or right now is your brain in a haze?

All I want to know is, was everything a lie?
Or can you just not deal with it right now?

Is this only for right now or this this forever?
Time goes by so slow
380 · Sep 2021
Anna Maria Sep 2021
We throw ******* in our rivers.
We crack open the road the earth has given us, to replace it with one that we consider more necessary.
We pump out chemicals, and the try re-plant the trees that we have destroyed.
Others maim and some starve.
Some like I live a life of what can be called 'Luxury'
So why do i complain that the world is not fair?
Not fair because of my failed grade in Mathematics?
Not fair because the gossip that surrounds ones life?
We are not fair to the world that is giving to us,
Why should it give more that it receives.
364 · Mar 2021
Quiver full with apologies
Anna Maria Mar 2021
The sturdy wood protrudes from my shoulder,
My fingertips trace the engraved cylinder
As my eyebrows come together in confusion.

The moon cries,
It’s tears sweeping into the cracks of the cement.
The sliver words shine in the light,
My eyes ache as it stings my eyes.

It reads words of condolences,
Listing lies and regrets,
Ones that have not occurred yet.

I curled my hand around the bark
And pull out the arrow.

I see why they are sorry now.
My knees are cushioned in the soft grass,
My shoulder contrasted this pleasant comfort.

You shot me with your apologies,
Knowing what would happen if I would not accept them.

But now your quiver is empty,
No more apologies sink into my skin.
For the job is finished.
It is too late for you to say sorry for you planned this.
359 · Mar 2021
Holding onto dust
Anna Maria Mar 2021
I take in the lines of your face, every crevice every crack. He often jokes that I could draw him with my eyes closed at this point.
But he lets me stare, he lets my trace my fingers over his stubbled cheek and strong jaw.

I study his movements, how his brow furrows whenever I trace his cupids bow. I then make my way down towards his hands, one the gently clasps the worn book I had gotten him.
He reads it over and over, the same page.

I clasp the other and attempt the stroke the harshness away.
The ***** fingernails, from planting my roses, even though I always insist we could have the gardeners do it.
The bumpy palm, filled with white scars that he never forgets,
I do not mind for it gives me more to remember of him.
More to savor.

I decide to lift his hand up under the candlelight, examining the jagged lines that make him so much more.
A few are still tender he tells me.
How did they happen I ask?
He does not reply, only starts again at the top of the same page.

I lean back, examining the flicker of yellow in his eyes, in the candlelight it seems to turn golden.
Your eyes make you look unreal my love,
I say adoringly looking to the candle.
That’s because I am.
I snap my head back towards him.
But now there is no gold, only white.
And my hand turns cold and heavy.
For he is gone, only half of him remains.
Stay with me forever is an impossible request.
299 · Apr 2021
Tunnel Vision
Anna Maria Apr 2021
As you ruffle my hair and lean in close,
to tease me about the guys that surround me.
All I do is stand there, silently soaking in the smile that is now directed towards me.
Because I know that I wouldn't do any of the things you list,
at least not with them.
I try to make you understand that there is nobody I have my eyes on,
and then inside my head I finish that sentence.
There is nobody I have my eyes on,
because they have tunnel vision for you.
I'll wait
279 · May 2021
Anna Maria May 2021
I just want to be seen as a good person.
I may have bad days, but I know deep down I am a good person.
I think...
Am i?
272 · Jun 2021
Anna Maria Jun 2021
I became a placeholder for you,
A model that conformed to your every demands in hope a pretty painting would be created.
A lovely landscape was made, long fields and tall flowers.
But the women with her gorgeous smile was not me.
You replace my image with hers right in front of me.
She was dressed in a white dress, while I was now wearing brown.
For after I see what a beautiful painting you used me for,
I feel stained.
simple as that
267 · Sep 2021
self worth
Anna Maria Sep 2021
I am an incredible kind and generous human being that cared about you so much. I have put up with so much degradation and rudeness from you that you excuse because of your sadness. I put up with pressuring to do stuff I was unsure about, I put up with everything you threw at me.
And I am a mistake?
the things i wish i said
236 · May 2021
Anna Maria May 2021
i wish i had two heads,
so that i could spot what was real and what was fake.
one for seeing straight through cracks to make up for the rose-colored glasses the other wears.
perhaps this way i could be ready for the hurt.
you can't prevent it
234 · Aug 2021
Value of suffering
Anna Maria Aug 2021
they all tell me im pretty.
i do not need to please by sitting on their laps or allow their wandering hands.
i do not need to endure the relentless comments about how i will never find better and accusations that I have.
i do not need to allow the gross misconduct or the degrading words.
the more you put me through, the more the compliments mean.

Compliments that only spill from your lips
when they are swollen because of mine.
Anna Maria Mar 2021
The wooden block beneath my feet continues to wobble,
as I feel everything falling apart.
All my stability fails and I try grasp out to save myself,
The air wips around my face as I lose the fight to gravity.
The hard floor never touches me though,
I escape with no scrapes or scratches.
You caught me.
Never leave
190 · Mar 2021
How I am, you find me.
Anna Maria Mar 2021
My shoulder cave in to create protection from my own hands.
I try to formulate the smooth sounds that usually flow from my lips,
now those words are cracked and each first letter repeated.
A few seem to not leave my mouth, even after a push and put all of my energy towards it.
I stand there, my mouth open my brows furrowed, all to tell you how I feel.
How I feel
I feel betrayed. I feel angry. I feel upset.
There is only so much I can really feel, there is a limit.
When it boils over,
That is when you find me as I am.
Trying to make myself the smallest I can for I am not worth it.
My hands covering my ears so tightly because I want to hear nothing but my own negotiation.
My eyes trained on that one speck of brown on my left shoe,
trying to distract myself from the red on both my palms.
My body is shivering and jerking,
My eyes as red as the neck I gasp for air.
That is how you find me now.
You can only take that much
186 · Mar 2021
i broke your promise
Anna Maria Mar 2021
"I'll talk to you tomorrow"
As I sit in my cushioned stool,
with a rectangular weight in my hand.
Underneath the artificial lighting,
and the mound of papers that seem to getting taller and thicker everyday.
My thoughts winding down the endless road,
and the cancer in my mind seemed to intensify.

I sit staring at the dark screen,
with my heart in my stomach and a bittersweet smile gracing my lips.

"no you won't"

I whisper under my breath,
to the empty space and quietness that was present even before you.
Bittersweet smiles hurt the most because they can look real.
181 · Mar 2021
All this, for what?
Anna Maria Mar 2021
I trade my time waiting for a response for the text I sent you.
I trade my time asking for you to pick up the call.
I trade my time picking up the phone again to check for your name.
I would trade my life and the next,
just to hear your voice.
I would trade the fingers that turn my book pages,
just to hold your hand once.
I would find a way to turn my running thoughts of you,
into a source of power to keep us away from the burning sun
so that you could go on to actually live
with, or without me.
And what do i get in return?
127 · Aug 2021
Anna Maria Aug 2021
For him, she was there.
He was reminded of her when her finger curled around one of his.
He thought about her when her lips made their way down his chest.
She was just… there for him.
But for her? He was everywhere.
The way the wind caressed her cheek.
The way that one dress seemed to still indent in the shape of his hand.
The way that anything lived, reminding her of how they could have lived together.

— The End —