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aviisevil Aug 2015
as they came and broke the silence
the violence in my red heart raged
not enough blood to avenge and
quench the thirst locked and caged

more than your guilt can harbour
there are always more wars to wage
and you think it must be a dream
so you scream yourself awake

only to have birth in the mirror
a reflection perhaps more than self
words fade into the cold whisper
on the other side, as far no one can tell

only a dream you whisper again
as if monsters pity a forsaken child
counting memories to keep sane
slowly turning poisoned and vile

they break down the walls, as if
nothing had stood there all these years
if they have to take my all, so be it
I've always known more than my tears

i have struggled to wear them masks
painted black and white, grey and sorrow
one-day they'll be here to take me at last
but even now my days feel so hollow

so they say we all bleed the same
tell me, have you ever tasted blood
how can they be more than my blame
when I've never known as they have such

in every drop of ash spilled and combust
burns an ocean of dawn and dusk
in the depths where rotten flesh rusts
breeds the darkness, bones and dust

from there I will find myself again
so deep, even scars won't reach there
and the dead would heed my claim
I will feed, on ones far and dear

a few noises and then morbid silence
silver haze falling through a window
there by the stars in the sky, I see
drops of love falling as cries a widow

I've seen it all before, I have had
enough to make you mad, and trapped
I've known them talk to me, and go back
only a glimpse of hell makes you go black

they can eat me as they would like
i am more than the bones they can break
what do you do to the dog who bites
you bite that dog back than be a slave
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
wipe away those tears
cause they don't mean a thing
don't cry because you can't fly
it's you who traded your wings
to be locked inside a cage
and now you want to be free ?
cause you miss the skies
no limits , no lines
but now that you've left it all behind
it Dosent mean a thing

you gave yourself up
cause you couldn't bear the hate
traded your freedom
to be locked inside a cage
too scared to face their anger , their rage
All you wanted was to be free
And now you're a slave
and now you silently weep
cause there is no escape
you thought you had what it takes
to soar higher
living in dreams and finally you're awake
and it Dosent mean a thing

you say your sorrows have made you hollow
and you never wanted to be this way
but you gave yourself up
to claim there love
but all youve conquered are lies
and now you wait
its you who gave in
but now it Dosent mean a thing

Now trapped inside those walls
You pray to be saved
For someone to come
And take you away
You were never so blind
How could you not see your mistakes
You curse yourself Everyday
And it Dosent mean a thing

But someone who can help
Isn't so far
Look deep inside
To see who you really are
You're your own saviour
Only you can break those walls apart
There might be battles outside
But right now , there's a war within
And Untill you believe in yourself
It won't mean a thing
aviisevil Feb 2015
The thunder-lord had forsaken no soul today,
And the wet sand was retaining every step being put forth.
As the army of a hundred and thousand descended from far away,
He stood on the watch tower, keeping an eye on all; the wise lord.
His men by his side, drenched as he- but nonetheless not afraid,
They have heard the stories of these marching men.
A black smoke devouring all as far as one could see, they said-
And many kingdoms those have fed them, but the hunger would never end.

The queen sat by the ailing sunlight, sunset never seen more red,
Morbid thoughts wrecking havoc on her fragile mind.
How many more must perish and what more was to be bled,
So let it be - with monsters and beasts now a king must dine.
She thought, what a crime.

The weather grew colder as the sun hid behind the ashen'd hills,
And a master sat upon a throne carried by ten men.
The forest was growing thick and there was a silenced shrill,
And walls of a kingdom was coming to them.
There he laid his eyes upon an another tale,
Like so many others, he mustn't let them stand his path.
His eyes red as blood and skin full of scars and pale,
He had the blood of his ancestors gushing through his heart.
He was no king- he was a master and a master has no kingdom, only slaves.
Despaired as far as the words can reach, he was but a demi-god.
His conquest to conquer all and make world his cage,
Now the only one standing by his side, the lone lord.

His eyes grew weary- as he watched, the men in black march,
A blacksmith he was, standing tall- with a bow by the king.
Looking beyond barely, he was awaiting the dark,
When the moon will hover and the owls will sing.
For a thousand years they had made this place their home,
In an overgrowth of wild ashen'd oak, in shadows.
Where no one dared to cross their path of stone,
In rivers those run red at night and where corpses lay afloat.
But he knew his king and he knew the curse they all consumed,
Only the lord of sun had the power to crush their walls,
'tis the land of their old, a charm in its cold and gloom,
He stood weak but awake, for here cometh the nightfall.

The march came to halt as the last rays kissed the air,
Outside the walls, they stood bare- prying behind the curtains.
Now it was all but clear- a hundred thousand men were here,
As them walls now glowed in the burning lanterns.
Thought he- the master of all, how could it be,
The kingdom in the dark had stood for a thousand years.
How many more like him had ventured beyond the haunted sea,
But all there was to this place, were tales of fear.
They said the king was no mere mortal,
But a nightmare- wicked and wise, cruel when he must be.
He had heard of the stories- these walls harboured a portal,
A place of vanquish for all those who dared to claim their land and trees.

He stood up and in almost a growl he said,

" bow before me, oh the mighty- and
you shall be spared my wrath "

His eyes red and cold and his fist around his sword, he prayed,

" for ye' men, women and children- a
warning and a last "

The king whispered with ice in his voice and rage in his heart,

" for a thousand years we have lived and will for a thousand more "

And clouds hungover and huge shadows they did cast,

" what of the men who stood before you- did ye' not hear the lores ?"

The clouds began to disperse as the moonlight kissed the air,

" I have heard of them, he said, but
only a child will ever believe them "

He said loud enough so every last man could hear,

" enough of your words, now your age
will come to an end "

And then he smiled- the lone king, he whispered

" men might claim evil, but they can
never devour monsters "

His eyes grew darker as the thirst for blood lingered,

" ye' don't have a clue, who we must
be- oh my master "

The pale master drew his sword and screamed from beyond,

" ye' dare humiliate me, so be it, oh my
lone king- none shall survive after "

The lone king drew his breath and teeth - like in a trance, a song,

" Oh fool, ye' still can't feel-
nevertheless, I'm no lone king,
my name is Dracula, my master ".

And like they did, for a thousand years- the river ran red after the feast.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Mar 2014
Let the doctor heal you of your misfortune
Get here in my office I'll play the romantic tunes
I can't even see you in this drug induced fumes
How about just dessert and than we find a room
Come here, lie on the the table and let the doctor operate
Take of your clothes, i'm a doctor don't hesitate
It's an emergency and we have no time to waste
We need to operate now or it'll be too late
Let me just take a Look at your private place
Oh you look so wet now, maybe you need to get laid
I'm a hopeless romantic but there's no time for a first date
You try to cover yourself but there's a different expression on your face

So let the doctor,
Take you for a wild ride
Got the prescription,
There's a load of pills that I hide
Hello I'm Dr Dickson
I'll operate on you tonight
I'm the doctor addiction
Now open up your legs wide

It's getting hot let me take of my white coat
Operating table is so Rocky, feels like I'm on a boat
Hands of perfection running back and forth
Here take my poking device, grab and hold
You look so familiar , have we ever met before ?
I think I did your sister too, how is she, still sore !?
I think we're running dry, need to apply the **** a bit more
I hope you'll be satisfied, when you walk out of that door
Everything happened so fast I didn't even catch your name
I can be sloppy sometimes, so I'll take that blame
But hey I'm a doctor, you can scream all you want, no shame
I hope you like the service and you can visit me again
But let's not talk now, it's the part where I need to concentrate
Don't you worry now, there's no need to sedate
Here, you can hold my hands as I penetrate
It'll be over soon for there's another appointment and I don't want to be late

So let the doctor,
Take you for a wild ride
Got the prescription,
There's a load of pills that I hide
Hello, I'm Dr Dickson
I'll operate on you tonight
I'm the doctor addiction
Now open up your legs wide
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Oct 2015
I feel so stupid
I feel so numb
stabbed by a cupid
swallowed every bullet
from the gun
dreams are lucid
I see a face of someone
the voice is muted
silence took it
I will be as dark once I burn
in ashes I will breathe
and in stone I shall beat
following shadows don't leave
to dark corner it leads
where shapes do not make sense
and the walls are hollow
only emptiness to repent
awaiting morrow
where the heart shall sing
in the cool breeze
sipping on morning dew
and no tears to weep
no mare to bleed
a place beyond the pines
where the world still keeps
the dreams sweet
in the night it falls asleep
waking to a dawn
with another soul to reap
Notes (optional)
aviisevil May 2014
Words are hard to come by,
As i sit alone in my memories
Maybe, it's all gone from my eyes
But it's all i have left to see
It howls through the ashes,
As the fumes burn my skin
Walking through these broken doors
But there's nothing left within
Faces forgotten and gone,
But voices will never leave
I hear it when I'm alone,
It hurts sometimes when i bleed
An ocean of sun-rise,
A tear drop be made in sea
Taste the saline fume
And let this world be
To an unknown land,
Take my hand and disappear
Through this madness
A new age will appear

Take a hammer and poke a hole
Familiar sting all over again
Drunk wizard dances on a pole
too high to even re-call his name

'tis drunken night will shine-on,
Magic of the stars will wither  
You and me all alone  
In illusion of the drunk wizard

It's too lost to be old,
Where i once buried my tears
The long walk to home,
Left behind so many years

Now i wake beneath the sky,
And i can see it haven't changed
Where horizon meets our lies
Sun is hidden behind our stains

To be made into ashes,
Sulphur fumes still burn the skin
Black mass that won't return
As I inhale the smoke in

To be left in moments
Too slow to reach the end
I will end up just like you
To be yours forever my friend

And i'll leave nothing behind
What have I to call mine?
These winds won't leave a sign,
Of the old rotten time

Take a hammer and poke a hole
Familiar sting all over again
Drunk wizard dances on a pole
too high to even re-call his name

'tis drunken night will shine-on,
Magic of the stars will wither  
You and me all alone  
In illusion of the drunk wizard

Ice falls in the ocean,
To be made into a sea
We conquered the mountains
But we could never see
What lies beyond the horizon
Where sky meets our lies
depths of the known someone
Reflecting from our eyes
In the clear of the dawn
We shall meet our demise
Too afraid of the dark,
Another night shall rise
Ever beating of a ghost heart,
Against the sound of age
curtains will burn to the ground
And our echo will fade
All there will be left,
Will be a bag full of regret
Magic will turn to dust
And all the illusions will be bled

Take a hammer and poke a hole
Familiar sting all over again
Drunk wizard dances on a pole
too high to even re-call his name

'tis drunken night will shine-on,
Magic of the stars will wither  
You and me all alone  
In illusion of the drunk wizard
It's ok, if you don't get it.
aviisevil Oct 2019
dust is falling down the sky
dead people don't want to love

too old to say my good bye
i'd rather die than become rust

monsters need a place to hide
how about giving them your soul ?

you'd rather **** yourself twice
why is that you still feel so cold

you won't understand a thing
if you don't disappear now again

go back to where they found you
withering away occupied by the pain

let them sing you another lullaby
you are nothing more than a curse

no stars to keep you company
so diseased by the melancholic hurt

waste away your life as you've done
since the last time that you were born

no nails to bury by the sailing sands
only dust remains where you were sown

and dust is falling from the skies
ailing wind shall ****** all your thoughts

people who live are the ones who die
no place for the people time forgot

take all your evil and put it in a box
bury it inside you and keep it locked

in time your veins shall turn purple
here and now, there is no god

so take the fire and burn the wordless
you're worth less now as you were taught

forget everything you learned before
it's time to **** them all as you desire

mix that silent poison to the fire
the light shall find them like a moth

open your mind and let them in
every monster that hid beneath your bed

and the shadows they could never see
let them all in - and set yourself free

there's only this one world to destroy
make it yours before they do the same

paint your name across the sky
and watch the dust fall ever so slowly

soon there's going to be a sea of ash
and tides as huge as the swollen scars

and they'll eat into the world you've known
watch the dust fall down from the stars

you know in your heart what's right
they had you blind
before you could ever learn to see

so, **** everyone and be free

**** everyone and be free
before they take it all away from you

and you're left alone
dancing to the winds full of rust

you have to **** your thoughts
and ****** the sky - ash to dusk

you must never ask why

people who live are the ones who die
no place for the people time forgot

and there are no goodbyes
here today with no one dying in your arms

and if you look up and listen close
you'll hear the dust falling from the sky

dust is falling from the sky
dust is falling from the sky

and the dust is falling from the sky
dead people don't want to love.
I'm not sure but I know - there's evil and there's good. I'm sure there is me and there is you. I'm sure you are good and I am the devil and so, here is my eternal love for you, I shall give you the world.
aviisevil May 2014
You don't have to be someone else than who you are,
There're so many people out there trying to fit in
Good and the bad, all different corners of your heart
You won't ever be satisfied if you're not comfartable in your own skin


My gears run in the opposite direction, they say I'm just a sucker for the right connections,
stare at me long enough and it's gonna' be a fatal attraction, confessions, spilling out faster than i can mention that i am a *******' slave to the latest inventions,
no harm in livin' your life like it's gonna' end in a second, pay heed to the temptations spreading out like an infection,
eats you inside and out, there was never gonna' be a question if i pay them sinners for my own destruction,
and all is lost and buried after the eruption,
corrupting my soul as i **** another door to make amendments, but my intentions are rockin' a ******* *******
separating the core and mixing it with what you're told and givin' a new complexion
and you're not 'gonna stop till you can be the source of their affection, no reflection of who you are,you're just a projection of all the things they perceive as imperfection,
and you'll make it an obsession and won't even object when they seal the deal with your objection,
It's never gonna' be enough,you'll never be able to get their attention, get recognition the way you are, they're always 'gonna be one step away from redemption,
and you're always gonna' be a step too close to taste their aggression, and you'll never be the master of your own actions, unless you can find a source to your own expressions,
tension in the atmosphere, every moment will feel like a nightmare until you can find the right connections,
and be done with the visual perceptions, failing to realise, lies they feed you and take you to the point of intersection of their deception,
and don't be too sad if you face rejection, 'cause the society is 'gonna keep putting pressure and give you all the instructions to function
and there's gonna' be no satisfaction unless you break out, shout out loud, tell them all about how beautiful it is to dysfunction
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Apr 2017
woman have babies
dogs can have rabies
no one says please anymore
such a foul world
as my louf words
makes no sense at first
you need a drink and many more

machines are crazy
sun full of daisies
no one stays pleased anymore
girls are lazy
men are ladies
when do you get to speak anymore ?

somebody pray please
come loudly say cheese
run, freeze, stay, leave
when do you get to live anymore ?

Old feed breed eat lonely babies
lost generation maybe
sleep weep every day to be
who can tell if there's a night anymore ?
I can be completely mental.
aviisevil Dec 2020
i am small
barely enough to live
another day

i am weak
brittle bones afraid
of being betrayed;

and when i scream
i pretend they're all
here with me inside
my broken mind

maybe it's all a dream
maybe not,

how can i tell
when i'm barely alive ?

i'm too scattered
to fight this settling calm,

i can't sleep
maybe it's in my head

and i can feel it in
my arms --

unsettling my veins,
and in my frozen tears

it's circling inside
of me, always, right here

when the blackness
swirls and swarms;

and it's the same
despair that

i've bled now,
so many a times;

caught in my

far from
the giving sun

to be so old
when i'm young

i am numb and
forever dying

so cold
like the last night,

that i spent with
my eyes wide open

trying to find meaning
in the shadows that
move across the walls

dancing in stark

there's something here
in this room with me that
does not exist

or has ever spoken

and yet i hear it breathing
down my neck,

i can taste the whispers
that have made a home
in the deep of my skin,

i can feel my mind
fighting the dread, the dead
and everything inbetween,

and i love this hurtful
existence, i'm in love with
the flames,  

i've known nothing else
and nothing else can be the
same as this pain --

it's strange how much
we fight the things we cannot

there's this white noise on
the other side of the world
we'll never learn how to
contain --

and it'll seep through
our cities and thoughts

in the same wilderness
as i once was;

you'll just be as weak
and small

as we've always

no rain nor fire
or rivers or trees

just us free,
drowning forever.
once in a while I know I belong in these words I still don't know how to write, but I belong here just the same. I'm the ink, I'm the sight, the story and the song.
aviisevil Jan 2014
He sits there all day waiting ,eyes are old and face scarred
At the same corner everyday , for that ***** pavement he's a part
camouflaged in the chaotic noise , he tries to catch an eye
In a deep un-settling voice , he tries to woo the passer-by
But there is none who has time for his shouts and rants
Too busy walking-on , maybe a sorry with their hands
I wonder whats his story , its hard to believe but once he was a young man
What led him here , to the ***** pavement of this god-forsaken land
What choices did he make , what consequences he suffered
Which path did he choose , on what step he fluttered
Sometimes i can see him whispering but i can't hear what he utters
Smiling to his pet bird and stroking the tender feathers
Talking to self , theres no one else to share his pain
So alone and lost i wonder if he even remembers his name
He looks weak but I can see he was once strong
He has an old photograph where he sits and he's not alone
Maybe he searches for those faces , the ones gone
I wonder who were they , freinds or family
Or just some old relations that have now out-grown
Maybe some travellers passing-by , the ones he had never known
He walks away sometimes but i never did care to see where-to
He walks away with pride and out of my view
And one day he walked away to never return
I waited and hoped that one day he would turn
So i can tell him , what he was looking for he got in the end
That he was not alone , his emptiness made a friend
aviisevil Jun 2015
different faces
same places
laughing and howling
civil natives
showing the shine
of the cursed gold
painted in the dark
beneath the bark of
the tree crooked and old
where the skeleton remains
in bones and a tounge
whispering the night
for the old and young
them lords and 'em ghosts
those chains that bind
breathing the ashes
of the dead left behind
in that cold empty corner
behind the pines and far
through the dusky road
at this lonely hour
There i sit,
there i hear
dark and gloom
loud and clear
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Apr 20

unwritten thoughts
of untold pain

spiralling down the
length of his veins

memories of an
autumn that cannot
be explained

the fleeting dream that
cannot be contained

house of the summer
that does not remain

the comforting
silence of winter's

the endless tomorrow
buried in flames


aviisevil Apr 2020
you still haunt my fears
and dreams

i've blocked out the sun
yet i can still hear you scream
across the lights

and i can still hear you

your presence burn
feed on the dried tears

prance on the memories
enslaved by the forgotten years

and i sit inside the

cold and alone i yearn
learn about the melancholic
corners and spaces

trying to paint
ghosts and their faces

ash leaves behind no
scars and no traces

cold and alone i yearn
frolicking on ends
frozen forever and sedated

the wheels have spun
in arms of someone
and everything else has faded

but your presence
still burns

the flames igniting
the nights

across the skies
and seven seas

as far as the time
can see

you're everywhere

so naked so free

and i have an eternity
of nothing else to be

but be mesmerised
by that that i cannot see

what is that cannot be ?
aviisevil Jan 2014
Behind all those giggles and smiles
There are tears of pain
Inside this emptiness
There's a boy , trying to be whole again

He writes long stories ,
Want someone to read between the lines
Look what he's upto
He tells it all in rhymes

He knows it's his own fault
But he never chose to be this way
Friends and enemies alike
No one comes his way

So don't tell him ,
how much you care
Because when the time comes
No one is there to share

He Dosent need the crowd
Just the one
But maybe he's doing it wrong
Because he can't find that someone

And he's given up hope and faith
He knows , He can't hide from fate
Still he has locked himself inside those doors
Unseen , living for just a few moments more

Living on borrowed time
He has to wait some more
Looking for the right time
Before he's gone

He wants to scream in their faces
And tell them what it's like to be
But all he can do is whisper
And hope someday they could see

That the little boy , Is gone for good
In peace , he'll be cold
He was there when no one else was
Empty stories needn't be told

Maybe love can change it all
Make him turn around
But no one loves him
In time , He will fall down

In time , in his mind
He knows whats true
He's wise , he can't survive
On borrowed time he's alive

Still he's holding on
Maybe somewhere in the crowd
Someone will look through those eyes
Behind all those lies
Someone will finally know why he cries

But in time ,

the little boy , will be gone for good
In peace , he'll be cold
He was there when no one else was
Empty stories needn't be told

The stars will still shine
And the crowd will still smile
But somewhere far away
It will rain

There will still be the sunrise
Ain't a thing that'll change
But somewhere far away
It will pain

From far away
Whispers will turn to screams
Empty echoes no one could hear
In time , it'll all be clear

That the little boy , Is gone for good
In peace , he'll be cold
He was there when no one else was
Empty stories needn't be told
aviisevil Jan 2014
24 DECEMBER 2013, 10:42 PM
Yes this is the end..
Its hard but I have to face it..
I will cry , I know
I will miss him , I know
I will always love him..
But this is the end
and I have to face it

Love was enough for me
But I couldn't see it in his eyes
He took me for granted
ignored me like I am nothing
did he ever cared/?
Ha, i dont think so ever

I was completely broken
But he couldn't see it
he was blind?
or was he again ignoring?

Well nothing matters now
Because this is the end
and I have to face it

Wish I could change it
Her every tear a wound
I dont know if we can make it
I never wanted her this down

Mistakes , they were more than that
I'll aways be the unforgiven
I dont know what got in me
Or what made me so driven

But I messed up our tomorrow
And I wish I can bring it back
I gave her all this sorrow
And I wish I can take it back

For her it maybe over
For me its just a start
I wish she could see inside me
All the love in my heart

I have changed for better
I know it may take time to see
And I know maybe in that time
She'll forget me

Well nothing matters now
More than her love
Wish every mistake could be fixed
But maybe its time to be cold
Because this is the end
and I have to face it...
aviisevil Apr 2020
i know it hurts
but it's better than pain

tangled words
mangled shapes and names

ash to dust
washed away by rains

scars and love
nothing ever remains

in this endless dusk
can you tell me what is true ?

travelled the world
only to come back to you

thoughts converge
electrifying my brain

passion surge
pulling ******* chains

swallowed the curse
now it swims in my veins

tomorrow's blurred
drowned out by the stains

in this endless dusk
can you tell me what is true ?

travelled the world
only to come back to you

only to come back for you
and it's better than pain.
aviisevil Feb 2023

there is no

just an

of the sweet

things that
don't matter

things that
fill this void

spanning the countless
cycles of becoming

next thing
and the next

in a fragile


never still
enough to

for a moment
more than the

and the mind
sees nothing

there is

nothing but
this restless

it is

it is

it is

aviisevil May 2022

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

behind boarded windows
where ghosts chase me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

trapped in thoughts
those that now scare me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

here in this empty room
where silence shapes me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

made in tears and now
an ocean drapes me

lonely as i suffer and no
one's there to wake me

caught in war as
armies invade me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

i hate it here

everybody hates me

poetry is a labour of love, but love isn't hope, or light, it can be dark and cruel and inflict conflict in its mayhem and leave bones and forests in it's path.. but what it truly is, is a gateway, from me to you, and to the universe, the language of gods and mortals alike, it is the river that feeds the benign existence, and give life to the corpses circling the purgatory, it is what you want it to be, and it's yours forever to keep and breathe and whisper.
aviisevil May 2022

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

behind boarded windows
where ghosts chase me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

trapped in thoughts
those that now scare me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

here in this empty room
where silence shapes me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

made in tears and now
an ocean drapes me

lonely as i suffer and no
one's there to wake me

caught in war as
armies invade me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

i hate it here where
everybody hates me

i hate it here

everybody hates me

aviisevil Jan 2021
watch me as i suffocate
at the corner

of this malfunctioning

where all thoughts come
to die

and decompose into
boarded windows

and cracked walls

old and vast
traveling as i have

circling me as i
draw a line

ever further from


cold blue eyes
stare at me

from between the

and there's no place
dark enough to hide


there's a grave divide
in my smile

of all those things
i couldn't whisper

and bring to life

always breathing colours
into the corpses

making love to the ideas
in my folding head

unbecoming of the caught

that grows into new days
and old nights

witnessing the many storms
that have knocked on my door

to lure me out in
the open

where the world can
haunt me

possess my conflicts
and scars

it's alright if i die

here, and now

in this endless moment
that we live in

and call home

where everything's pretty
all the time,

I have nothing else to tell you.
aviisevil Jan 2014
Sitting here all alone ,
Only dreams to comfort my suffering
Travelling a lone road
It seems to be never-ending

All I have is your memory
speaks to me when i'm down
mountains, they never whisper
Eclipsing all that is around

Hidding from me what lies on the otherside ,
Every gush of wind makes me more blind
Pines tower over me , guarding the skies
No bird I could ever find

quiteness of the forest makes no sound
All I hear is my own reflection
Solitude is what i've found
And it travells in every direction

Keeps me from making noise ,
Destroy what we have achieved
For it dosent wants me to wake up ,
From the depths of my sleep

Lost but not forgotten
It wants me to dream
Traveller , nothing more
It wants me to be

To forever lurk in my own self
In this world made up of magic
Where every view is a wizard ,
And every moment nostalgic

I walk where my eyes lead
Feet no longer care for a trail
Where sunshine and river meets
Heaven feels so near

Lost inside this maze ,
Every corner has a different view
can you escape from that cage
Where every wall sings for you
aviisevil Aug 2014
The hurt bleeds gold,
As I shine in my sivler
Watching through glass of age,
Comfortable in my winter
tears are but a reflection,
That my heart won't understand
All I have is this world,
Through the eyes of a sad man
The beauty in them scars,
Of the stars that shine in dark
Steps that lead us back,
In memories far apart
And run through this path,
With pain in our heart
And bleed them a rainbow
In every morn' numb hour
Because I have nothing to gain,
And I'm left with nothing to lose
The glass might be broken,
But I can still see through
And i hold my breath,
As I suffocate in silence
And feel the calm,
Of the deathly resistance
That I harbour so in my heart
And the world's essence,
The one I capture in my box of pain,
In a tears presence,
That remind,
How blue is the sky
From the eyes of a sad man,
As I watch my smile that hurts
And bleeds me an ocean
Watch through the cracks,
Of every doors that's broken,
And find yourself on a shelve,
Waiting to be done and sold
To the pain that we so harbour,
And weigh in gold,
make themselves an idol,
By the dreams we hold
Of how grey the page is,
With every word it molds
There is no depth of a scar,
If it kills a man
How beautiful death is,
From the eyes of a sad man.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
sing about the world
sing about what hurts

take it all, take it all
take it in, it works
let it fall, let you fall
let it crash and burn

you're so vain
yeah come again
you go away
while I..

take my name
yeah give me pain
be the same
while I...
I disappear

scream about the love
dream about the world

let it rust, let it rust
let it turn to dust
let it fall, left to crawl
let it crash and burn

You're so tame
Yeah come again
You go away
While I...

Take my name
Yeah give me pain
be the same
While I..
I disappear
aviisevil Aug 2016
The man in the mirror is haunted.

I never wanted to be a part of you,
You look at me like you're wanted
But here I am, And you're not true.

As I slowly take a step back,
I can see you grow so small.

I gave you all I ever had,
And you can keep it all.

I can taste how it feels to be you,
So lost and confused, alive and tame--
You're just stuck here and have no clue,
That you'll never see my face again.

I always hated the way you smiled,
So crooked, And full of burning pain.
I could see it in your eyes, the vile;
I can still hear you screaming my name.

Time cannot heal what cannot be.
A broken mirror cannot repair its scars;
Sometimes we forget that we can still see,
And there's more than just a broken heart.

But now I am gone,
And there's nothing left to see.

You're all alone now,
This emptiness will set you free.

Inside these walls that will echo,
every time you take a breath;
To remind, It was all so long ago,
And every moment we shared is dead.

Buried in the darkness,
Reflecting from your skin.

My face was yours to keep,
But you could never know my sins.

I wish I could've touched you once,
You always felt so real.

There's the light, And dark in some;
Some have only fear.

And in the end, Everything fades away,
To become a memory in time.

Even though you're only in my mind,
You'll always be on my mind.
aviisevil Oct 2015

how things change
people don't remain
the same

it rains
the same

it pains
the same

it takes your name

and the same story grows old
so cold
in questions and answers

why was I forsaken
where were you mistaken
when It was all taken

my heart was broken beyond
any mechanical healing
you could have saved me
for someone else.
aviisevil Apr 22

caught in a cobweb

slowly spinning in your skin

crawling beneath your breath

I am trying to break in

and I must confess

I've never felt so blessed

since you've walked in

so feast on all of my sins

cut me open from the
inside and let me sink

swallow my heart and
make me forget

every thought in my head

I want you to
I want you to

drink me away while
I'm still bleeding

aviisevil May 2020
i've got you on edge
you've got me by the blade

deep down in my head
we're still not yet awake

something here is dead
stains we cannot erase

sometimes i'd like to forget
violence i cannot escape

between tears we shed
we've made ourselves a lake

and the water's still red
painted blue by our mistake

the rot in you has set
and i can see the lights fade

reflecting secrets we've kept
and i can see them on your face

even though we've just met
there are feelings i cannot fake

since i've tasted your dread
i cannot let ghosts go to waste

and the demons i've fed
dance naked on this empty page

even though we've just met
nobody else can take your place
aviisevil Feb 2017
Cold on my skin
Piercing the wind

Blood on my lips
When did I do this ?

I don't remember
My wish


Nobody to love
Everybody's in a bliss

I'm just a blip on the radar

Nothing yet

A point to forget

Speaking in voices
To myself
Inside my broken head

Awoken dead

Have we ever met ?

Your name has the same size
In a different shape

I've been ***** before
Violated no more

I should hold my tongue
Or I'll offend somebody

Right at the end
When I'll become anybody

Just to ******* own words
I've never been hurt

Maybe that's my flaw
I'm nothing at all

No medical condition
To speak of-
No deterioration
To prove my law

Am I just mad ?

Or  bad ?

Who's supposed to know that ?

Is there more from where
I've come

I thought
The thoughts were done
Being cruel to me

Feeding fuel to me within

It hurts when I burn
But it's my turn
To make sense

Of this strange body I am in

Cold on my skin
Fighting the wind

You'll never get to break me

I'm a stone without
A centre

No gravity to lend her

She's only pretty
In the mirror

I'm just a stranger
Spending the night out
In old

Stranger than fiction
I'm awaiting my eviction
But there's no conviction
Only one condition
If you want to buy me whole

Give me your soul

And I'll make you a door
From the lies that die
Deep within my empty mass

You'll never need
Another word again

For there'll be nothing
Left to drain

I've been bled
So many times before

I'm just a black hole
With no co-herent
Existence today
aviisevil Feb 2016
I wish I was never cold
not blue that my eyes were sore
infected with words and more
with every bite a tear is sold
wailing in circles
about a scar never told
I am standing in this vastness
with my own sorrows
young and old
when eyes draw laughter
from the smile my face stole
I don't think anymore
there is no happy ending after
since I've been stuck here
in emptiness that grows
all across this world I live
in places I never saw
with everything beautiful
and ones with their flaws
withering in this winter
far from the summers gold
when old tales are the law
no one can silence their blindfold
I wish I wasn't so cold
but then
sunshine would eclipse the dark
I would see them
in the dark of my heart
and I will burn
aviisevil Jan 2014
"Forgive me o' father for I'm about to  sin"
Said the shadow with a grin
Just outside the gates of the holy
Standing with all the black he could bring

Infinite night stretching across the sky
Immersing one and all forever in its shade
One shade too dark , the shadow
Laughing and howling outside his holy gates

"Where at the light o' father
Look what has night done to me
Turned me into a ghost
Upon your throne you couldn't see"

"Your kingdom is in ruins
Yet you want us to have faith "
As he ignites the torch with his blood
"Now there's nothing but hate "

Nightly creatures are summoned for the ceremony
From the remotest and the darkest towns
Where who ever dared to wander ,
Was never found  

"You made this army of monsters
For you're the one who creates
Turned us all into a night-mare
And expected us to be saints "

"We might not be saints
But we do preach love ,
Love for you o' father
We have nothing but love"

"We'll love you with our blades
Sharpness will define its reasons
We'll paint you with hate
Hang you for your treason "

"For you left us when we needed you
Who said you couldn't sin
Forgot us , when we prayed to you
Who says we can't sin "

With an evil smile he lets go of the torch
'burn with all my darkness'
Taste the flames of my pain
While you beg for forgive-ness

You are the reason for your demise
We are nothing but a vessel
We gave it our all , we did fight
But you never heard our message

"where were you gone o' father"
Too engrossed in your own praise
As the world burned and suffered
You only cared about the ones who prayed

Rewarded the beautiful daughter with a **** ,
Faithful wife with nothing but hate
But your son understands you,
For He'll love you with with a blade

"Without you o' my dearest father
We might have a chance at paradise"
Said the shadow in a whisper
With nothing but rage in his eyes

"we'll break those gates down o' father,
utopia for all"
Screamed the shadow once again
Just as angels begin to fall

"welcome o' brother and sisters,
isn't it a beautiful day ?"
Smiled the shadow on the dying breed
"sad , you couldn't stay"

"o' father bless my kin with all your love
For they need it for what's about to come
No longer will they rule the skies
Ignoring all , serving but a few chosen ones "

"you were never our father ,
We were nothing but slaves
Now look around you o' father
There's no one who you can save"

As the fire raged on ,
He could see the world awake to its chaos
"o' father you can hear me now "
Said the shadow somewhat lost

"o' father i will miss you , i wont deny
you made me feel less alone
And I'll let these gates stand once you're gone
To remind the world of your existence and your sacrifice
But your rule is over now and you have to die "  

With that there was darkness no more
As the fire brought day to the world
'we are free , we are free' they cheered
And a new season began to unfurl

His Rage has consumed both of them,
'god is dead , god is dead' whispered every meadow  
Gates were still standing tall and
On the burnt throne were the ashes of his shadow
aviisevil Sep 2014
I see the world--
from the lies of my eyes,
Where the wind blows,
In the winter where I cry.
Take me to my home ,
Put me in a grave where I'll die.
I hear the song,
Of the lonely bird in the sky.
In the hue of the blue,
One vast ocean where it hides.
A place for me to mourn,
And plead them my good-bye.
Those faces that I can't recall,
A crowd that once let me in.
I stole all the love I wanted,
And exchanged heart for my skin.
That moment never lets go
And it is eating me from within,
Find me a place to bleed,
And wash away my every sin.
Every ghost that I once made,
Is now reaching for my heart.
And this truth won't ever fade,
As it slowly tears me apart.
That empty street where I walked,
Has took me so much afar.
I never counted my steps,
And now I am on a different path.
Consuming what is left,
Shattered pieces of a broken glass.
A shadow that reflects,
I am blind to myself at last.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Oct 2015
one day you might find me wandering
in dreams and lies
beauty of your eyes
forgotten words and whispers
as I have lingered
beyond reasons
across the seasons
touch me
and I will wither
fall into pieces
like ash drifting in the air
I will be everywhere
and you will know I never left
only you never saw me burning
as I was turning
into nothing without you
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2014
His eyes were red and cold as he gazed upon the throne ,
With hate that ruled his heart he could break every wall of stone
Lost in his own madness , consumed by the betray of the one gones
His breath of fire shall burn and ashen every home they've known

For every man is once only a child , as pure as the morning dew
An unwritten tale of the morrow , every sight is new
One can't teach thyself to hate , it's a poison that world brews
For we forget that good is far greater but good men so few

His claws dig deeper with more despair he sees
Through the flesh onto their heart and dreams
A calm song to his soul , as his prey withers and screams
To be one with the devil now and forever , his creed

His small hands craved for warmth and embrace
But the cruel sky carved a maze of scars on his face
Little eyes searching for the lone bird in the sky
Spots one, as the bird is shot and dies before his eyes

The world is nothing but a speck of dirt in his mind
Ought to be crushed before he runs out of time
Wicked kind that decay and degrade with every breath they take ,
His love is for the dead for living he has nothing but hate

He saw them put fire to the forest of his thoughts
And the flames engulfed every nook and corner
He was burnt , Ashen to the being he was not
Pushed into the void with arrival of every  new mourner

Sharpness of his blade shining through the night
Into the approaching herd of black and white
A question before the end of why they deserve his rage ,
Stains of ignorance on every Blood soaked page

The world cut him in pieces and every part was drained of love ,
Left to die and rot , he's the phoenix who was raised in their dirt
They proclaim him as the devil , his very existence they curse
Lore of the fools , the unholiness of his birth

mind of a child was fed with hate and pain ,
Left in the dark shade , he was told to find his own name
The night found him instead , held his hand as the fear drained
Now they say he's the devil , who's the one to be blamed ?
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2014
His eyes were red and cold as he gazed upon the throne ,
With hate that ruled his heart he could break every wall of stone
Lost in his own madness , consumed by the betray of the one gones
His breath of fire shall burn and ashen every home they've known

For every man is once only a child , as pure as the morning dew
An unwritten tale of the morrow , every sight is new
One can't teach thyself to hate , it's a poison that world brews
For we forget that good is far greater but good men so few

His claws dig deeper with more despair he sees
Through the flesh onto their heart and dreams
A calm song to his soul , as his prey withers and screams
To be one with the devil now and forever , his creed

He begged for the world to see him for what he was ,  
But they'll only know him as who he is now
He walked upon a road back and forth so lost
And the mute world never made no sound

He feeds on the ruins of the forgotten land ,
Upon all the lost souls that wanders into his side
Ever so caring in his warm tender hands
The gates to his kingdom are open ever so wide

His small hands craved for warmth and embrace
But the cruel sky carved a maze of scars on his face
Little eyes searching for the lone bird in the sky
Spots one, as the bird is shot and dies before his eyes

The world is nothing but a speck of dirt in his mind
Ought to be crushed before he runs out of time
Wicked kind that decay and degrade with every breath they take ,
His love is for the dead for living he has nothing but hate

He saw them put fire to the forest of his thoughts
And the flames engulfed every nook and corner
He was burnt , Ashen to the being he was not
Pushed into the void with arrival of every  new mourner

Sharpness of his blade shining through the night
Into the approaching herd of black and white
A question before the end of why they deserve his rage ,
Stains of ignorance on every Blood soaked page

The world cut him in pieces and every part was drained of love ,
Left to die and rot , he's the phoenix who was raised in their dirt
They proclaim him as the devil , his very existence they curse
Lore of the fools , the unholiness of his birth

mind of a child was fed with hate and pain ,
Left in the dark shade , he was told to find his own name
The night found him instead , held his hand as the fear drained
Now they say he's the devil , who's the one to be blamed ?
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
A world without saints
Can you imagine
Deprived of angels
No darkness in the dungeon
Walk around in shine
Don't you miss the wise
No more strings to bind
We're free of disguise
No more wars and blood-shed
Just the boring old lore
Knights armour rusts
Nothing to fight for
No one to abuse against
What will they teach
The pages are empty now
Statues won't preach
No more good-men
Sunshine all they see
All are god-men
Forever they shall be
No path of destruction
Hell fury never unleashed
Wrath of instructions
Their thoughts on a leash
No more darkness and sin
Where shall we bury the creed
No one to question him
No one to sow that seed
We'll never taste the bitter fruit
Nothing to decide ones worth
No stone will ever be crude
No more pearls hidden in the dirt
Life will go-on without a pause
No more challenges and trials
There's no effect without a cause
Everyone shall believe the liar
without the sacred equilibrium
World will collapse  
For we need the devil
To set us a trap
aviisevil Feb 2014
Its raining outside my window
As you stand at the door
I can still see your reflection
Reaching me through the cold

I can hear your whisper
Words speak through the walls
Your eyes in every mirror
And I can see your tears fall

You stand on a puddle of memories
With every breath you still call
Our yesterdays are too far to reach
Tommorows are nothing but lost

Yet , you still wait for me
With every moment you fall apart
Yet , you still come for me
Back to me with my heart

holding on to the strings
They still cut and scar your hands
Bleeding all your dreams
With all the pain you still stand

It's so hard to breath without you
But now I don't want to live again
It's hard to be even dead without you
For I'll always be a part of this pain

These empty walls long for you
My loneliness reminds me of your presence
These cold hands crave for yours
Every colour has died and lost its resonance  

but I'll never open that door
And you'll fade away just like the stars
For you left me alone in the rain
When you went away along with my heart
aviisevil Mar 2016


confusion creates ripples
Blurred faces and hushed whispers
All across the place where it stands
So many thoughts unraveling
Flowering into the empty space
in a voice i do not understand

Do what makes you happy
For in time you'll be empty
The day will be spent
With nothing to repent
And tomorrow will be gone
For an eternity

Ask yourself when you can
Was it all worth it ?

The dream you've been living
Did you ever find it ?

My heart simmering in warm glow-
Of the heavens angels those sing
Falling in love with my wishful dreams
Screaming about my lonely sin
in a way i do not understand

I am crawling back to deep slumber
With all that maths
and all those numbers
Staring at me from the corner
Of the coming december

As i sit and,

Separate the two faces staring at the wall
Before the blues infects the tear drops

Do not whisper
Close your eyes
And just breathe

Do not linger
Let it all die
So you can leave

Pretend to be someone else
It's easy to lie and fade
You can almost see yourself
In pieces you've been made

The dreams you've been chasing
You're never going to catch it
What else are you still looking for
Do you think you'll ever find it

As i sit and,

Break the two hearts beating as one
I know, there's only room for one

No it's not weird
When no one seems to understand
Sometimes it's not real
Like a broken castle in the sand

Let them all disappear
Now there's nobody here
They're all gone

Do you still feel naked
Are you still scared
Was it the fear all along ?

Slow down and freeze
Into another moment and drown
Can you feel the torment
Of being never found
Even when they're all around

Just when you're smiling
You're about to cry
Everything you've been missing
And you don't know why

Something is always missing
You've painted the night
With a million stars you'll never see
In a hope the sun sets one day
And we could be free

Wake up..

(**** - Radiohead) in the background.
aviisevil Feb 2015
To the same old place,
Where the memories are buried
Smoking a few fragile pieces,
Cross armed and worried
Inhaling what's left of-
yesterdays we so long to exhume
From one portion to the other,
Like them travelling sand dunes.
Awaiting our monsoon
And begging the season to change,
Spinning on the axis,
So our alignment will rearrange.
Spiralling down the clockwork,
Arms heed no resistance.
Searching for a rose in the dirt,
Thorns make no difference.
Building self in a mask,
And being someone else.
Dealing your cards in,
Everything you've always felt.
Icicles hanging by a thread,
Ready to impale your thoughts.
And all the voices in your head,
Is all the noise that you've got.
Before you take a leap,
Count all the years you've lost.
And after you leave,
Make sure that the doors are locked.
So long before we evolve,
In the image we claim to be.
And painting upon the canvas,
With colours we still don't see.
Embarking on a journey,
Sailing past the vast sea-
And into a timid pond,
Watching ourselves breathe free.
Now the walls make all windows,
And the sky is clear blue.
You can see a bird fly high,
But so far and in-between few.
So take your self and be gone,
Before you have to pay the dues.
For the longer you stare in a mirror,
More it will look like you.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
What defines existence
What defys death
Stories of the mortal
Onto last breath . .
History of the birth
Tales of the dead
We march on
Onto our last breath
Thou shall die
Truth as pure as thee
Wide ocean
Blue all i see
We write in blood
Washes away it still
Nothing remains
hollows don't fill
Pain lingers on
Till the day we lose
Not our fate
Faith cant choose
The flower of life
Blooms a day
Flood of regret
Do washes it away
Love entangle like ****
***** out the bright
Traps us blind
We fight till the night
Thou shall die
Ugly truth to be told
Infants don't know
Warmth become cold
Spring may come
Alongth carry the joy
But fall will undo
Rust , destroy
To Bathe in the sea of blood
We need courage by the ton
Only cowards bath
In the sea of ***
The Cycle is never ending
Only death shall bring the freedom
But we earn it by living
WE Earn our freedom
aviisevil Oct 2017
he sat on the broken rock,
mesmerised by the morning blue of the sky,
he could see the little mermaid,
going in and out with each wave

he could see the mountains,
and their shadow, floating-
like the dead bodies in any sea
with wind.

how normal failure is,
he thought in a moment of pause,
how normal it is, to not be alive,
the little man said a little louder from the deepest architect of his mind.

he sat wondering about what he came to know,
he sat wandering about in the fields of drought and flowers, insignificance and knowledge,
of thirst and hunger, and something alien that comes with those two.

he sat where he could see the sky and it's blue, and he wondered, lost-
if the sky could ever see or know, how beautiful it is and was ?

and he thought to himself, is that is why there are lakes and ocean's, he blamed-
is that is why it rains ?
There's always someone with a better understanding.
aviisevil May 2015
a cold wave sweeps about
as them leaves dance in the air
the road paved with golden hue
and bare trees in mist everywhere

mountains peaking in the distance
and a white sky to cover it all
feeling the gloom as some feel
in the hours before a snowfall

stood one man clothed in black
as black as the darkest night
yellow eyes and red teeth
in the shadows shade he hides

prying upon the withering weather
he watches the moon grow dark
in this hollow there are no whispers
one who speaks gets ripped apart

as the cold sets in the stones
the air becomes dense with despair
this forsaken land grieves and mourns
bleeding in frozen tears

the white eats into the ground
and the beautiful silence bleeds
one can't help but feel drowned
in more beauty that he must keep

the lone man ran for the shelter
but the trees had shed their leaves
the serene path of the golden hue
goes through mountains deep

trapped in this lethal paradise
Intoxicated by the white powder
the winds blowing harder then ever
thunder roaring up high louder

the lone man was disappearing
and the old man had no place to hide
whatever there is has fallen asleep
and the rest have already died

his black cloak soaking in white
sky is falling down with cruel wrath
his footprints disappearing in ashes
now there are no trees and no path

Only one man clothed in white
as white as the whitest white  
red eyes and yellow teeth
upon a paradise he hides

mountains peaking in the distance
and a white sky has covered it all
feeling the longing as some feel
in the hours after the snowfall
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
Don't do this
Don't do that
My people live
Your people die
When rich wage wars
The poor dies
Broken promises
You Lie ,you lie , you lie

**** government , **** government

Money is all black
We want it back
We give you our blood
And you sell us crack

**** government , **** government

My money , your pocket
Load a gun , **** it
**** for no reason
Down down DOWN
Every season

**** government , **** government

The poor drink death
While you taste the finest wine
Poverty is a sin
Being poor a crime
Why separate
When you're chosen to bind

**** government , **** government

On this land of ours
For honesty
Death is the cost
What have we gained
If our humanity got lost

**** government , **** government

Ours the land of educated illiterates
The land bound in stupid customs and traditions
Followed by a mass of hypocritical society and the unvisioned
What are we most proud of
Our chaos or filth
What about the humanity
Are we animals still ?

**** government , **** government
**** government , **** government
aviisevil Nov 2017
i don't remember
the voice i found so
beautiful, a while ago,
nor do i recall the warmth
that ruined me for any
winter to come

now it doesn't grow-
what you made me become
the night and horror
comes and goes,
but it is, now just this
another thing,
with a scar on her skin

when i tasted the lows,
i wasted all my sins-
i remember the choice,
but no voice, it's a while since
i heard anything sing

i remember
more than i miss,
i reminisce-
caught in my thoughts
to rot, and in draught,
a desert to suffice-
my thirst for what
i don't remember at all-
and my vice

there are walls,
as tall as the universe
and as mighty as,
the distance, an invisible
resistance, now that the
world is more dangerous-
for it burned down my
world, for being too humble-

i can barely mumble,
your presence across the
years i have withered,
but i remember, a december
you were still a part of me

is that all it takes,
to be entangled-
enchanted forever ?

there will still be
a heart, in somewhere there,
if you take apart all of me
we're all the same.
aviisevil Jun 2016
Dear god, why don't you love me
a little more than I deserve
why is that you're invisible
why be so reserve
Show me yourself now
or I will forget I believe
I'm just talking to myself
am I not ?
maybe I should leave
only an empty space and nothing more
it's all just science and facts
but I still hope you are there
for whenever that panic attacks
but why not be my father?
why won't you love me like a mother?
is there someone else more deserving
do you love me less than some another?
so why must you be my king ?
I'm just wondering
I've done ******* and it's awesome
that means you're on something different
and better
so why don't you share it together
why must I wait forever
only to die in your name
tell me
you don't feel any pain
you don't feel my anger ?
do you even know my name
have you seen tears of my mother
why must I praise you
when I haven't even seen your face
oh, don't tell me you're everywhere
I won't play that game in my heart,
that's just not the place
for when it is broken
you won't mean nothing
for every door that wasn't open
something died within
those pieces are lost now
buried behind a thousand walls
do you think it is only my fault,
that I don't believe in you at all?
aviisevil Sep 2016
Hi I'm just a normal guy and I.. I think that should be enough for an introduction but as it turns out it isn't. It's always, hello my name is xyz ( yeah, I'm from CBSE ) anyhow, my name is xyz, I am xyz, I do this xyz, xyz,xyz, I mean I want to have an understanding where hello, I'm just a normal guy is enough. But today I want to speak about religion. Yes. Religion. A very interesting.. thing. Sort of. I mean we are all affected by it. Even the atheist, even though I was an atheist but drugs ****** my mind. You know, it's actually funny because I think drugs actually makes you much more religious. Anyone who has ever done drugs can vouch for that, right ? There's nothing more divine in this world than drugs ( of course apart from God). It's the closest you can get to heaven. It's very obvious. If ******* was legal. I'm sorry, I'm a little weak on my drugs. So that's like my go to drug when I'm talking about drugs somehow. Who knew even drugs had marketing ?. Anyhow, if it was legal. Man, things would have been very different. Everyone would have been a devotee, lazy or just dead or dying.. I don't know, you get the picture.. you're smart enough. Now as I was saying, religion affects everyone. I was an atheist... Once. But you know I was thinking something the other day and I got really deep. What if gods were real you know, like hypothetically or realistically ( depends on the side you think you're on ), I was thinking and I realised, I liked the Hindu gods the best. My parents are Hindu. That's very biased I know, but that's the point. Everyone is affected. But I'll sell you my idea. See, I think it would **** to have just one or a couple of gods. I'm sorry, but that's boring. And 'God' is 'God', the best thing ever. PERIOD. ( Kalpnic or otherwise) we should have more of those. More Gods. Tens and thousands. Millions. Billions. Ever counting. Why not ?. The bad joke aside, Hindu gods are cool in my opinion, take 'Shivji' or aka 'Bholenath'. What's not to love ?  Eight pack abs, smoking ****, wearing a rock-n-roll aesthetic. I want my god to be like that. I want him to be cool. I want there to be battles and stories and crazy things. Not just a man wandering and doing good things, I mean I am alright if that's true. I'm all in. I'm just saying my version is cooler. That's all. No offence. I'm not racist ( for religion ? ), I don't care. I think do good, be good and shut up. I swear, that's my moto. But that's not saying that someone else might have a different opinion but that's okay, I would love to hear them if I could. Usually when I pray ( which I admit I don't ) I usually pray to as many gods as I can recall, I guess most of us do. That's just human. God has always been about acceptance more than anything else. Acceptance into the community, build a community and make a living according to that culture, at that place, at that time. It wasn't so forced. It was a way of life. It was different. Now it's something else. Much more commercial and obviously much more dangerous. Religion was made by man for man. God is too huge for our knowledge and I think if you believe in God you will be the first person to agree with me that yes, God is too huge for human knowledge. Let it be. Religion is such a huge economic factor in the world. It's impact on the world governments to an average citizen is phenomenal. It's bound to be corrupted. Follow your God instead. Whatever it may be, don't give it a name. Make it your friend. Make it your strength. Whatever makes you do good is 'God'...... And my 'God' is cooler than yours. And Of course there are Greek gods ( for the hipsters ( yeah!)), but they ****** their siblings, 'Yeahuck'.
aviisevil Jan 2014
God is true , god is faux
He's there , he's not
God is good , god is bad
You believe , you don't believe
Doesn't matter , you're mad
What is god , what is satan
If he's there , can human mind
Really imagine
If he's not there , why do we care
Why can't we be just kind
Only be good 'cause we fear ?
They talk , they mock
One opens , other locks
Belief is ones own
Than why does it shocks ?
Who the **** are you to tell me
If i need or don't need god
If you can't respect ones faith
God or no god
Its one ******* mistake
If Gandhi didn't believe in god
Do you think he didn't deserve  paradise ?
And if ****** believed in him  
Would his sins be forgiven when he did die ?
Isn't it better to keep the talk to self
Preach love instead of god
I don't really think one needs help
If ones kind regardless of it all
I have nothing against god
Frankly , i no longer care
I've seen enough chaos
I no longer care if he's there
We cut and **** in his name
They put it all on his name
Are you ******* insane
We , ourselves are to blame
If you can't respect a person
You ******* as hell can't respect god
God or not , doesn't matter
You have to love all
aviisevil Jun 2015
a floating space man
in the pitch dark
dark cold never ending sea
stretching forever and far
he watches all there is
and there is always more
in every inch of this nothingness
you'll find all there is to know
about your god
and the god that is here
in the silence of the world
naked and rotten
spreading through the stars
old and forgotten
with an ugly mask
and a yellow smile
there goes the space man
in his kingdom at last
a face darker than night
in eyes of a thousand stars
illuminating beyond edges
of the dark cold depths of the sea
all across the universe
would you still won't believe
that the man in the sky
is every man that will be born
and made of all he will see
and of that he won't
space man isn't home
maker never was our father
aviisevil Jul 2017
you're still as beautiful as the morning sky, the reason to my rhyme,

don't care about that many miles, i don't have any lines to combine,

words don't save you when you're blind.

i needed somebody and i found you,

so thank you for being there for me, when it was the time,

i'm so sorry that i had so much hate in me, that i wasn't right in my mind,

but i hope you're alright and everything's fine, you still smile-

and that you're closer to that place that you always wanted to find,

i know you have it in you to shine, bird, i know it now, i knew it then, when you were mine.  

so one of a kind, but i guess it's fine 'cause we are all designed to forget with time

and before i do, i want to say thank you before i forget you, and after all it's you,

so i don't have to say anything to you, for the laughter was true, as true as you was and I,

and i know you'll miss me too, it's a good-bye.
Let them fly.
aviisevil Jan 2014
A rain drop falls on her grave
And the world begins to cry
Behind the cold blue haze
Where she was left to die

Mist engulfs all that is alive
shadow of death befalls that place
The lonely ghost sings at a distance
As a hand reaches out for an embrace

Dancing with rhythm and direction
Like the scars running through her face
Winds carry the hum of yesterdays as
Symphony of deathly whispers plays

A traveller quietly seeps into the woods
Melts with all the despair there is
eyes never letting go of her eyes
His every bone wants to make her his

And she dances on into the night
Every move creating a ripple in his heart
For he cant believe this sight
dying every moment he spends apart

Her scars reminds him of her beauty
A shine that will eclipse all
And he can now feel but very slowly
That in time he will too fall

She can see nothing but darkness
Her eyes have ceased to reflect
Even though she is dead
Her heart still beats , it'll never forget

He quietly watches from a distance
As she silently fades away in time
Only the deathly whispers remain
A song in his head forever to remind

He runs forth to find her
But there's nothing but dark-ness
He stands there alone
Consumed by his own nothing-ness

rain drop falls on two graves
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