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ADS Jun 2017
Here take my hand
Let me take you to the lake
Will dance in the suns rays
Drink summery beer all day
We will go cruise on the boat
Where you will feel the warm summer breezy play if your hair
The sun will kiss your perfect skin
Sing along to some classic country tunes
Build a roaring fire
Cook some of the best s'mores until you cant eat no more
Go on a late night boat cruise
Slow dance under the bright moon to some classic forties tunes
While looking into your eyes making feel like the only girl
In the entire world
Once we get cold and tired we will go cuddle the night away
ADS Mar 2017
The childish me dreamed of being thirty
Buying all the things I dreamed
Sweet candy and ice cream
As far as the eye could see
Now I dream about being three
First Limerick if you could give me any advice I would appreciate it.
ADS Mar 2017
TAG YOU'RE IT is what we use to scream
Chasing one another around in our innocent whimsical ways
As our minds became consumed with Adrenalin and endorphins
We felt free while our lungs begged for mercy
Just keep moving is what we believed

Until we grew older we no longer play the same way
Nowadays we play this silly game over social media and texting
As our minds became consumed with perfection and depression
We feel paralyzed while we wait to get another text or like to portray our perfection to battle the feeling of loneliness
Just keep to yourself is what we tell ourselves
Because you wont get hurt that way is what we believe
ADS Jul 2017
Before the last seven days
I was starving for attention
I wanted someone to see me for whom I thought I was
I almost gave up
Quickly falling into my old ways
To the old player in me
Saying all the right things
Just to end up in someone's bed
So I could feel something

I am no longer anxious
I've found comfort with someone that adores all my flaws
She looks at me like no one else exists
Her eyes burn with a passion that can't be matched
She makes me feel at home although I haven't been home the past few days
She makes me want to always hold her hand
She makes me want to kiss her in public
Things I've never been so confident in doing
She doesn't see who I was in the past
For I will do anything for her
Just as she does for me

I drown her in compliments
Amazing dates that would make any girls heart melt
Someone I can be weird in public with
Sweet dreams because when she sleeps she sees me

This all feels like a dream
I don't know what to say
For I am afraid to say the wrong thing and wake up from this beautiful dream
Found someone that's is absolutely perfect and I am practically living with her.
ADS Jun 2023
They always say the first year is the hardest
When is the first for anything but hard
A flower cant bloom if it's not a seed
A seed can't bloom if it's not tended too
How our first  summer was seemingly blue
But our love for one another carried us through
Regardless of the type of day, I am thankful we didn't fall astray
For I would do it all over again if it met growing even stronger with you
I love you
ADS Mar 2017
It chips away at me
Makes me hungry
Hungry to be successful
Hungry to be the best I can be
Hungry to be the center of attention
A hunger I can never satisfy
A hunger that eats away everything
It starves me when I'm content
It has burrowed deep inside me
I can't rid this being that consumes me
I can't drown it
I can't feed it
I can't see it
Because it's taken over every part that makes me me
There's no lonelier feeling
Its difficult feeling like I am one of the very few that has the desire too do great things.
ADS Jun 2023
Picking Tiger Lillies in the summer breeze
Packing our favorite drinks and candies
Heading to the beach
Laughing and singing our favorite melodies
Playing catch and swimming until we are content
Eating blue moon ice cream while holding hands
Running home to watch a few horror movies
With the remains of our candy
Laughing and playing the games we always do
Scrabble, Guess Who, or Egyptian Rat *****
Who knows if we are going to ***** but I can't imagine
my life without you.
ADS May 2017
Wow I just realized this
That you remind me so much of her
When we hangout it reminds me of how it once was
I miss her so much but there's nothing I can do
I just want the best for her
I know I hurt her and she doesn't trust me
I still love her and care about her more than anything

Thanks for hanging out with me
It is really helping me get out of my depression.....
The ultimate compliment I got yesterday was when she told me that she appreciates the time I have spent hanging out with her. Because shes been so depressed and when I am around I get her out of that mindset. Most of the poem is composed of text messages and words my friend has told me.
ADS Mar 2017
I can't reverse time
Always chasing those past times
Time to move forward
Don't live in the past
ADS May 2017
Its barely works
Bright vivid colors becoming colorless
Its wide up is more of a cry for help
It clicks forward
Then comes to a halt
Just to be winded up and push forward again
Everyone has that friend that that don't talk to that often but when you do they give you a renewed hope. A renew hope of finding what you need. Whether that be a peace of mind, renewing your drive to finish a difficult task and or just finding happiness from all the small things life has to offer.
ADS Mar 2017
Dear Whoever You Are,

You will look in my eyes and see the mountains I have conquered
You will see how broken I had to be gain the fire you see
Yes I am the furthest thing from perfect
I am a work in progress
I am such a child right now
I thought I could find you at the bottom of a bottle
I tried searching for you for so long I began to hate myself
It literally just made me bitter and frustrated
I almost convinced myself I could drown my demons
But thank god for showing me the light was inside me all along
So I am trying my hardest to get the light from inside me outside

I am back to being me and no longer a shell of myself
I started working out so I can protect you
I am doing well in school so I can provide for you
I am accepting my past so I can be ready for our future
I have stop drinking so I can be there for you
I escaped a job that just caused me anxiety
I can finally sleep instead of being strung out on caffeine
I believe I am finally doing all the things I need to do
I am moving forward and no longer looking backwards

So please whatever you are doing right now don't stop moving forward
Every time you feel like you cant go any further just do it
I am begging you to take that next step
I don't care if it leads you into trouble
Because at least you are moving forward
Every step forward is another step towards us being together

                                                       ­                                                      Sincerely,
                                                      ­                                          Alexander Leino
ADS May 2017
Most people don't go on traditional dates
They are too afraid to go on blind dates
Too afraid to go on multiple dates
Potential couples fear rejection
So they text each other how they feel
Being spontaneous has lost a lot of meaning
At least it will be a Facebook post
A Facebook post to show status
A Facebook post to brag about seeing someone
Texting can ruin relationships
Texting leads to miscommunications
People rush to put labels on their thing
Because most people are too insecure to not have
some form of security saying that he's mine

I wish I could go back in time
Where dating wasn't a constant battle
A constant battle of showing your interest
While remaining distant enough to avoid suffocating the spark
Where you didn't have to worry about a good morning text
Where if you wanted to talk to someone you would call them
Where it was just you and them and not all your Facebook friends
Whom always put their two cents into where you two should be at
Where relationships weren't built over text and then destroyed in person
Oh how I wish I could go back in time
Kind of a ranty "poem." Today I came to the realization that I have never gone on a blind date or a traditional date where I know very little about the person before going out with them. So today i tried messaging someone on tinder and told them that I want to go on a traditional date instead of learning about one another through text. I told them they could pick the restaruant and I would pay. Then they told me that would be moving too fast for them...... I laughed so hard when she sent me that. It wasn't like I was inviting her over to my house for dinner. Dating has become such a **** show nowadays.
ADS Mar 2017
keep swimming silly
enjoy the lonely silence
just keep being you
First Hiaku. Just trying to expand the types of poetry I write.
ADS May 2017
Everyone sees how you look at me
I don't understand why I don't see it
I am sorry friend of mine
But you will not be mine
Yesterday was so weird. I was hanging out with some of my friends and this guy was giving me a look. A look that everyone noticed and even got brought up in conversation. I was so confused when they brought it up.
ADS Jun 2017

All these blank lines are words I never had the courage to say
No point in saying them since they no longer matter
They will just remain blank lines that will never leave my mind
ADS Apr 2023
I wish I knew where to go
Lost in a sea of dead dreams
Trying to hold onto me
Wanting to be free
But I can't seem to escape
Just an endless purgatory
ADS May 2017
Hey young man get up
Stop laying in bed doing nothing
You have a lot of work to do
You have to become a true man
Laying in bed is doing nothing for you
You think you have it all
You don't even have a dollar to your name
Where is your fire and passion
You need to get up and get whats yours
I promise you the world will someday be yours
You just have to believe in yourself
You need to learn to cook for yourself
You need to learn how to provide for yourself
You need to move out although I love you
I love to see you succeed
Instead of succeeding back to this **** bed
Some days I feel like a child. I just need to wake up with the same fire and passion everyday and get what is mine.
ADS Apr 2017
Feeling free with the warm sand under my feet
A playful warm energy fills the air with a relaxing summer breeze
Waves relentlessly crashing into the shore with a passionate roar
Just to retreat in a peacefully silent murmur
Kids running around in pure glee
Charging into the waves so care free without fear of being dragged out to sea
While others tip toe around while the water grazes their feet
The brave ones jump into the sea just to feel complete
A feeling of being with themselves and the sea
A feeling that terrifies many but those that want to feel complete
Once you jump there’s no way to return without fighting the sea
If you are lucky you will feel complete without a concern of being dragged out to sea

Now I sit here staring out into the sea
Occasionally dancing around the edge of the sea
Sometimes I will walk waist deep into the sea
But always return to the safety of this beach
Feeling free after I fought to get back to this sandy beach
Afraid to jump in so care free because I don’t think I got another fight left in me to get back to this beach
I just hope when I get the courage to jump back into the sea
That I will get swept off my feet and taken with ease
ADS Jul 2017
I have only known you for a few hours
How are we acting like we are best friends
Harmless flirting since we both knew it wouldn't lead anywhere
I know a few people, that tell me they are terrified to talk to you
Sure you put up a tough girl look
Those people fail to see your heart of gold

You walk around with a sense of confidence that is unmatched
Your laugh is intoxicating
I had you laughing throughout the entire day
Whenever you saw me your eyes light up so brightly I could see my reflection in them

You even chased me when I walked away
Scratching and begging for my attention
I became your addiction which didn't have a fix
Weird how quickly I connected with one of my coworkers. Too bad she is in a committed relationship and or possibly married I really dont know. One of my other coworkers told me that he was so scared to look into her eyes because of how beautiful she is.
ADS Mar 2017
I want it to be difficult to leave our bed
I want to tell you how beautiful you are everyday
I want to stare in your eyes and fall for you all over again
I want to be able to tell something is bothering you without even asking
I want to surprise you with love notes even in our old age
I want to watch the sun rise and fall with you
I want to travel and see the world with you
I want to feel like we are always at home no matter where we go

I want to have kids
I want to show them what true love is
I want them to feel loved every single day
I want them to wake us up on Christmas morning
I want to see their eyes light up when they open their gifts
I want to surprise them with surprise birthday parties
I want to spoil them
I want them to feel like they can talk to us about anything
I want to see them smile and laugh everyday
I want to be there for them on their bad days
I want motivate them to be great

I want us to communicate our problems
I want us to conquer our demons together
I want us to conquer every obstacle we face together
I want to hold you when you are crying
I want to build one another up during difficult times
I want you to feel perfect no matter your imperfections
Just random thoughts about what I want when it comes to life, marriage, having kids. Until then I am going to keep working as hard as possible so I can have this.
ADS Mar 2017
I want a relationship built on trust
I want to celebrate our accomplishments
I want to listen to you rant about how good or bad your day was
I want to take care of you when your sick
I want to surprise you with breakfast in bed
I want to try weird foods with you
I want to go on spontaneous adventures
I want to have days where we just stay in bed
I want to laugh until I can't breathe with you
I want to fall asleep with you in my arms
I want cheesy dates to the movies
I want to go on long walks on the beach
I want to go shopping and spoil you
I want to share straws in a cup
Because I've never had that.
Just more random thoughts.
ADS Apr 2017
This is kind of scary
We are almost too similar
Places, books, things we do for fun
But we are just texting
Hopefully I will get to meet you soon
Hopefully we will become one
Because I feel like I already know you
Because you are the female version of me
I found someone on tinder of all places and we are so similar it's eerie.
ADS Apr 2017
Words can **** someone
Shorter the more impactful
Words can save someone
Sometimes the shortest words have the greatest meaning such as love, hate, death, life, health. Then when you combine these short words that's when they can **** a man or save one. For example "I Do" or "I hate you"
ADS Mar 2017
Some people live in a box called home
Some people drive around in a box
Some people think inside the box
Some people feel trapped inside a box
Don't get trapped inside your box
You are not a square

You are a beautiful circle
A circle full of life
A circle that gives and takes
A circle that loves and receives love
A circle that thinks outside of the box
A circle that sometimes get trapped in a box
A circle that realizes everything eventually comes full circle
Just an interesting idea I thought of. I feel like so many people get trapped inside their emotions that they forget about everything that makes them unique.

— The End —