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I don't know what I was looking for,
in the honey draped lights flashing
in my eyes
And the sound of music
that keeps on playing and playing

And the wind that laps over my face
as the world turns,
Like horses running on axis,
weaving through the lines of shadow
and fireworks
And in their trail, I found
stardust that shimmers and shimmers

I found it confusing sometimes
In the endless mirrors and lights
that spirals in my mind
Like vines coiled around poles
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  ⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀     ⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

And the looming sweetness that lingers,
like pink foam swirling in my mouth

I smiled towards the dying sunset,
thinking it would last forever
I try not to close my eyes
and not be blinded
by the world slowly slipping

Before the music dies
Before the yellow stars burn out
You might not hear my voice
or even remember my name
But I just want you to know that

I was here

Nishu Mathur
The copper bells glisten
Swaying in the sunshine
I pause as I listen
To the tinkling
Of the wind chimes

In the distance, they ring
A gentle melody -
I hear their songs
The unsaid words they sing

How sweet is their music
Sweet the joy they bring
Such is the wonder -
The magic of little things
Marc Morais
are not afraid
to get wet—
tears will find
another way

Like rain cutting
new roads
through rock

Like rivers tricking
land to let go

Even the smallest
drop knows—
water moves
what won’t
Richard Shepherd
Press play.

Essence fills the cold, biting air.
Thoughts drift back to the day we met.
Her words soothed my splintered heart, her presence made me feel safe.

The first time we spoke, nerves filled my soul.
This was not just a woman—this was a new feeling,
a blessing,
a gentle kiss laced with understanding.

And then, oh, goodness—and then—she took us high.
Flying past clouds to the golden place,
our bodies became one. I was mesmerized.

All at once, a deeper meaning to everything
was revealed.
This love was a love I had never known.

Looking at her face, I melted—
beautiful chestnut hair, perfect lips,
breathtaking eyes, a smile from the heavens.

Love discovered me.

I lie still as Essence continues to play.
I swear undying, loyal love
to this incredible woman—
my Goddess.

A colony raised
In a box, elixir gold
Bonded Bees toil
Adam S
I think I'm falling for you—
I can feel the ache,
its every telltale sign.

I think I'm falling for you—
have needed to, wanted to,
since I can remember.

I think I'm falling for you—
for the idea of you
I couldn’t help but create.
I don't want to be like her
I want to be myself
and loved like she is
I'm bored and avoiding homework so I'm writing random stuff
Druzzayne Rika
we remember the moments of life,
the birth and the passage of time
it's like sunrise and the day
but can we forget the sunset
For it is the constant like everyday
Can we forget the death in anyway
For it is the truth for every life
can we neglect it, never consider it
Follow the goldrush, live with a lie
It's more common than we know
It's in our ancestory, every tribe and country
The rise and fall comes to all
But why does it feel not yet
till we are all but gone.
I'm convinced

the day that doesn't

live me, will be my last--

like: 'We just met & I feel

as if I've known you my

whole life.'

I'm not much of a talker

kim kyla
I have faulty wiring.
—Not being self deprecating,
just telling the truth.

What I need is a fuse.

To protect my wiring from damage
caused by overload
or short circuit.

I have black powder in me.
—Not exaggerating,
just a friendly warning.

What I need is a fuse.

To light me on fire
from a safe distance,
so no one gets burned.

I have inevitability hardwired.
—Not to be dramatic,
just to let you know, you were always going to end up here.

What I need is to fuse.

To merge violently,
until both of us are obliterated
and reformed.
Geof Spavins
There was a nice man called Geof
Who's hair is always a mess
But that doesn't matter.
Always a smile and a chat
Because Geof is a lovable prat
By Joyce and Cherry - Guess the subject of this one :-0 -- I love it
Le Toad
Just because you might think me mental
Doesn't mean I want to be
An experiment.
I admit it, I thought Quiet Riot was cool.
Sabrina Shapiro
Blinded by the sun,
So why can't I look away?
Finally - a cloud.
Peter Gerstenmaier
I held you close to my heart
While you kept me deep
Within your teeth
Just a small piece about reciprocity.
Mary Huxley
The room is quiet,
but the silence is louder.
Shadows stretch along the walls,
cold and still.

I sit alone,
hearing nothing
but the soft echo
of my own heart.
No voices.
No warmth.
Just me…
and the quiet.
people's faces are losing meaning in my eyes
people's words are losing sentiment in my mind
oh dear god, in my time of need,
why have you forsaken me?
(27 March 2025)
Maya Rostampisheh
hello stars
you all shine so bright
hello stars
can't you hear me?
hello stars
help me tonight
hello stars
they're not near me
hello stars
can you help me see
hello stars
if they care
hello stars
my hearts a sea
and they're drowning there
Nishu Mathur
The grey gives way to fuchsia pink  
And light falls softly upon the trees
It’s then, he's seen, the morning sun
With his fingers of gold and earthy honey
That wake the sleepy land and sea
And warm the gentle birds and bees
Brighten the fragrant rain kissed rose
That rests on brows that still repose —
And speaks to the stars hidden above
Of warm nights and a summer of love
Written some time back but not posted

An Indian Summer is typically a warm autumn in the northern hemisphere as traveller says, but in India, a summer is an Indian summer:)
boys will be boys
when he pulls her pigtails.
boys will be boys
when he takes away her virtue.
David J
The Tree’s last leaf falls
Does it reflect on Spring’s blooms;
Dreaming with eyes closed
Sometimes those blooms bore such sour fruit.
I do enjoy attempting haiku with Nature elements. I should take some time to study the development of the Haiku and its form.
We don't regret what we did, we regret what we didn't do.
hannah miller
I waited,
dribbles of wax bled into pineapple compote.
drop by drop,
losing their spark.
I sat outside your room,
with your favourite cake beside me,
waiting for your door to open.
it never did.
The last candle burnt out
five mushy puddles of wax
a pool of tears
beside the golden cake tray.
12 year old me
saved up for weeks for that cake
just to put a smile on your face.

open to interpretation
Em MacKenzie
My dad spent most of his life
singing songs wishing to be a rockstar.
“Can’t get no satisfaction” and “Mack the knife”
a handful of applause from drunks in a dark bar.

The sights I hated to see
now the person I don’t wish to be,
my potential could be monumental
if I could just turn dreams to reality.
The days of a wasted youth
ignoring a tragic truth,
I could make history by solving a mystery
if I could only find the proof.

My mom’s favourite song was “Fast Car”
but at the funeral, I picked Fleetwood’s “Landslide.”
There was no point in highlighting an old scar,
some times and places, there’s just things you should hide.

The sights I hated to see
can’t be wiped from my memory,
and what I fear the most is that there’s no ghost
that has been haunting me.
Now I get the appeal of the drink
from the cabinet or underneath the sink,
without warning, about ten in the morning
it was worse than you could ever hope or think.

My feet pushed against the white floor board
and my back leaned up against the bed.
Thinking about how the surface was scored,
the colours mix; white, orange blue and red.
In the basement with my precious; my hoard,
with the knowledge no one would know if I were dead.
Suddenly it was a thought that I explored
that maybe I enjoyed that course instead.
And to the heights I once soared,
please tell me the best days are still ahead.
1989- someday
In a million different people
Disappears a dot.
One second im alive,
The other i'm not.
not feeling too good rn
I admire from afar
Yet you never notice me
I pray someday you do

I want to confess my feelings
But you might not care
I hope someday I can

You are my crush
But instead of confessing to you
I crush my feelings

So everything I see you
I can't bring my self to confess to you
You were just a cold blooded visitor
Experiencing the warmer microclimate
Of my heart
Sunamin Tamang
I don’t know what’s going on!
& I don't know why—
I'm buzzing like a bee,
wings frantic,
and no one gives a f~ck.

I don’t know what’s going on!
& I don't know why—
I'm singing like a canary,
caged criminally,
a melodious chirp misspent on deaf ears.
Seriously, no one gives a dammn f~ck.

I don’t know what’s really going on!
& I don't know why—
I'm writing philosophy,
However unaware of my own life's philosophy.

Broken wings,
no longer able to fly high.

Dazed, befuddled by the actors around me—

I wonder...
Am I a bee, a canary,
dreaming of being human?
Or a human,
dreaming of being a bee & a canary,

flapping, buzzing,
singing in a language
no human will ever understand?
I don't know why I'm doing this
But it's ok
Giyanna L
I can't sleep
I can't sleep
I can't sleep
I can't sleep

I won't sleep
I don't want to

Forgive the champion, he deserves the loss

Once in a while,
can't close my eyes

I want to put my hands around my neck
the grinding of my teeth
the air that I breathe

Stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it from flowing

I've been enjoying drinking
at six, seven, eight, nine, ten

watching the road from my balcony
listening to the drone of motor machines
I feel empty,
but am I not, constantly?
Don’t ask me what I want
Tree branches snap in storms
We didn’t know were coming
And towns flood and flow
From a storm
We didn’t know was coming
And the lighting struck my house
From a storm
I didn't see coming
Blessing, I can say
I still have my share
Curses upon curses
Slowly strip me bare

Beautiful dreams
Mixed in nightmarish themes  
We've all met the dark
With the voiceless scream
No one immune
To this dysfunctional maze
No one gets out alive
Of this breath taking play

Oh but from the heart of a child
It was every bit worthwhile!
Traveler Tim
Kassie Holger
A black flower
In a crowd of black flowers
You couldn't see it
Too dark
They were watered
Until they drowned
S R Mats
Serene, float among green growth,
Buds desire to open, join the flotilla.
Gentle one, you are like the waterlily
Which grow across the surface,
The still surface of my pond.
Larry Berger
I was afraid to go
to sleep last night,
because the two girls
in my dreams might meet,
Tatterina and Hugdalena,
so I sat up late,
drank wine, and
wrote this poem.
Everything that starts,
Shall end.
Thus, "Hello" is just another way to say
In quiet waters, lilies bloom,
Soft as silk, yet filled with gloom.
Their petals bright, a moonlit crest,
A whispered tale of hearts undressed

They rise from depths so dark, so deep,
Yet stand with grace, no need to weep.
Their fragrance lingers, light yet strong,
A melody both fierce and long

Like women through the trials past,
They bend but never break their mast.
Through storms and sun, they bloom anew,
Their strength unseen, but always true

Each petal holds a tale untold,
Of love, of loss, of dreams grown old.
Yet in their veins, the light remains,
A beauty born from joy and pain

So let the lilies teach the world,
Of softness, steel, and dreams unfurled.
For in their grace, a truth we see—
Women bloom in dignity

today melds slowly into yesterday
a day gone forever, seemingly
but we can only see-
as far as the end of our nose
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