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Nov 2019 · 296
Dirty Reflections
Aaditya Nov 2019
I see you're beautiful,
though I am not,
I yearn to be you,
but here I rot.

I'll not let people,
see you through me,
because you are,
what I never could be.

Only I am to be blamed,
for what I am now,
consistently managed,
to let you down.

Clean up, I have to,
it's about **** time,
like you, I have to be,
charming and sublime.

There shall come a day,
I'll shine bright and blue;
I haven't given up on me,
and neither should you.
Nov 2019 · 344
The Ossified Blossom
Aaditya Nov 2019
I shall flower, but I ain't alive,
I shall rouse, but I won't revive.
Eons pass and I'll not change,
color me please,
red, yellow, or even orange.
Fill me please,
with the colours of life.
I wish to bloom,
rid me this gloom.
Sep 2019 · 431
'tis what it is
Aaditya Sep 2019
Know how it feels?
'tis impalpable, flows through I,
just like the clouds flow
thro' the blue sky.

Know how it seems?
'tis solid, visibly opaque,
just like the clouds above
in the blue sky's wake.
Know what it is?
'tis Love.
Sep 2019 · 284
Aaditya Sep 2019
Isn't it rather odd, that we
choose to notice
the less obvious things,
rather than what is beauty.

Clouds spread across
the vibrant blue sky,
hiding the Sun and shading the light,
feels dark as though it's a loss.

Seldom do we realise
the silver lining that shows up,
exquisitely collected together, but
only to the eyes of a wise.

Then there are those rocky roads,
creating hesitations in all of us,
"Walk on it? No way."
"Clearly, Danger, is what it bodes."

Seldom do we realise
the endurance they edify,
needs tries to understand, but
only to the eyes of the wise.

Hear ye, also the crashing waves,
treacherously beguiling,
taking away whatever they touch
instilling fear even in knaves.

Seldom do we realise
their nature indoctrinates
the lessons of fortitude, but
only to the eyes of the wise.

Isn't it rather odd, that we
choose not to notice,
the more obvious things,
which is what is beauty.
Sep 2019 · 264
Fret Not
Aaditya Sep 2019
Fret not
for the cloudy sky hides
the beauty of the Sun
as it doesn't like to be
the centre of attention.

Fret not
the sombre mornings
that don't lighten up the day
as they simply save you
from excess light.

Fret not
for great beginnings may
raise your expectations
while a dreary dawn defines
the true nature of life.
Jul 2019 · 260
The Distant Freedom
Aaditya Jul 2019
More often than not,
I find myself getting lost
in the distant freedom.

Clear and colourful
yet extremely far
and seemingly unattainable.

Even if I am given the powers
to reach out
and hold on to it,  
I am stopped
by the bars
that lock me inside,
which do not
let me out
in the fresh air.

Skies call me,
the clouds approach me,
I can smell the breeze
but I can't fly.

When will I break free?
It matters not
as much as
"how" I would rather.
Jul 2019 · 342
The Undesirable Barter
Aaditya Jul 2019
Wanting everything else
That we never had,
We tend to lose everything
That we always had.
Life works in mysterious yet predictable ways, even if it may not be something we are fond of most times. It's hard to accept it rarely but we are told to do exactly that. And we do, accept things the way they occur and go with the flow; most logical decision.
What if we try to swim against the tide? Just push our limits to reach places people never expect us to?
We may be pushed back, unable to steer the direction as well.
It's better to give in, and try to manoeuvre ourselves as much as we can, than lose all control trying to be the hero.
Jul 2019 · 221
Aaditya Jul 2019
Stepping into your aura
little did I know
I will be,
engulfed completely.

You came into my life
like a feeble source of light,
but in time took it up a notch,
illuminating everything around.

Carrying that spark in you,
a mere proximity towards
my tinder-esque nature,
caught me on in your fire.

Burning bright, purely white,
I don't see anything but you.
Lost all senses, slowly slowly,
but I feel everything too.

I am sweating now, naturally;
but wonder why,
these flames
make me shiver too.

I feel blinded at times
by your bursting ambience;
the longest one that happened,
happened for 60 minutes.

I'll be honest, I am **** scared,
but I still love this feeling,
of danger amidst safety,
the beginning, of an adventure.
With you.
Jul 2019 · 312
Why the Dilemma?
Aaditya Jul 2019
The moment I address it,
I bridge the gap.
The moment I bridge the gap,
I am scared that it might collapse.
Jul 2019 · 221
Aaditya Jul 2019
In life,
you'll come across
some things,

that shall
make your heart
race faster.

It may seem like
is chasing
after you,

but turns out,
your heart
is chasing something instead.
Jul 2019 · 194
Aaditya Jul 2019
Fingerpicking on my guitar
is my strongest suit, and yet
I am unable to recreate
the sound of your cackle.

Diverse rhythms, tunes all over,
wish to hear 'em all day, and yet
will never be able to remember
the variations in your laughter.

It makes me happy, I smile
while I look at you, and yet
you'll never know I am there,
as I am just another somebody.

I may even be a nobody right now,
extant but unimportant, and yet
I know someday, everyday I will
be treated with your melodious chuckle.
Aaditya Jul 2019
वो हसीन चेहरा, तड़पता है मन देखने को,
मुस्कुराती हो तुम जब, घायल कर देती हो।
पलके झपकाती तुम धीरे से या धीरे हुआ समय
पता नहीं हकीकत क्या है, खो गए हैं हम।

तुम्हारे मीठे लफ़्ज़ों का रहता इंतज़ार हमें
वक्त से पूछते हम, कब सुनने को मिले।
आरज़ू है मन में कई ज़्यादा, पड़ता ना फर्क
दिल में बस रहती हो तुम, दिल में बसती हो तुम।

फिदा हैं हम तुम्हारे हर करनी के,
बता ना सके हम कभी विस्तार से।
नासमझ तो हम हैं ही, सच है ये,
पर तुम ना समझी इशारों को हमारे।
Jun 2019 · 170
I M m u t a b l e
Aaditya Jun 2019
My feelings are flowing down,
like how the water washes away
the dirt that stuck on you
after happily playing in the mud.

Oh rain, why have you come?
Go away and bring back the Sun.

My emotions are vaporizing,
like how the heat evaporates
the dew that forms
after a pleasant, chilly dawn.

Oh Sun, why do you glow?
Go away and bring me the snow.

New memories accumulate in me,
like how the white icy flakes
settle on you consistently
on a cold winter night.

I am done asking for change,
Rest is what I crave now.
Can nothing be constant here?
I wonder.

The Autumn shall tell,
when the leaf will wither,
turning brown and lifeless.
When it falls, peace will be there.
Jun 2019 · 208
Aaditya Jun 2019
Lost in this darkness,
took the wrong turn.
Was it a mistake I made,
or just an adventure?

An impending tribulation awaits,
unperturbedly I move on further.
Faith in my sense of direction,
the path is still benign, I tread.

Pitch black, I might even be blind,
Or maybe I am stupid instead.
To go through something like this,
Without even a remote assistance.

So I took my favourite jar out,
flying around in it, a whole swarm.
Lighting up everything ahead,
I can definitely not trip down.

I know where I am going,
I am being helped. But I think,
I take their freedom in turn,
That needs to change, now.

"Let this be my last adventure,
you have done great", I say.
I open the lid of the jar,
out came all the tiny light bulbs.

Fly away dear ones,
I owe you the most.
But I must go alone now,
The onus is mine to endure.

All of them got out,
out of the jar they went.
I knew I'd be left with none,
In the jar. With me. None...
Jun 2019 · 498
Aaditya Jun 2019
Nights seem lighter with you,
Evenings more golden.
Have mornings been the best?
Afternoons are chillier now.

Doesn't this feel great?
Around you, it definitely does.
Sun rises and sets with you.
Jun 2019 · 186
Struggle (to keep up)
Aaditya Jun 2019
The sands of time keep falling like rain
drowning me in their dunes, hot and arid
Like a worn out traveller I yearn for water
Thirsty, from wandering aimlessly.

It seems like darkness is taking over,
Expectations arise with time,
In turn inundates me further,
Needing someone to keep me afloat.

It's a foreign land, I thought,
So much struggle to stay alive.
Never realised when I got here,
But home it has been, all this while.

Things have changed so drastically,
Life hasn't been the same as it was.
Ease is a luxury I can't seem to afford,
Pain is the misery I am left to endure.
May 2019 · 227
Aaditya May 2019
It's been days since I woke up
to that soft breezy sunshine
falling over my face, lightening me up.
Her face welcoming with a smile.

Who knew, it would be the last,
the last time I gave rest to my eyes,
Slept like a baby that night,
as she had cuddled up my beside.  

Caffeine my dearest friend,
I hardly ever need you anymore,
Now I stay up, without your help,
Her memory has made me so.

My eyes, you'll see, are red now,
it's not the blood cells, but aether,
which hold the reality stone,
I see things that don't exist either.

I feel tired and worn out, but
Just can't seem to give it a rest,
I can't close my eyes now.
I'll see her in the complete darkness.
Mar 2019 · 335
Foolish Wisdom
Aaditya Mar 2019
Love makes us a fool,
but wiser with experience
and thus, life goes on.
or does it?
Mar 2019 · 327
die another day
Aaditya Mar 2019
we all die a little

to live
another day
Everyday brings us a day closer to death.
Mar 2019 · 294
Veil Jousted
Aaditya Mar 2019
Heavens Even Yearned
Voraciously, In Jubilance A Year Arrived,
Loosening Our Veil; Eradiating,
Yapping On Unwittingly.
Mar 2019 · 186
Aaditya Mar 2019
Everyday we see new people.
People walking around,
brushing past us.
We see them go.

Can't deny, at times a certain woman
in an amazing black dress
or one in a ***** outfit
catches more than just your attention.

One may say, somebody has got
a little crush on a stranger.
Seeing people together makes you
want to be with someone.

And then, you go home,
ready to sleep at night
playing a certain song
to help you sleep.

There she is,
in front of your eyes,
as always,
every time you close them,
she appears.

She never leaves your sight,
as she dwells there itself.
That face,
however far away, is crystal clear.
That face,
is all you ever need.

However long
you need to wait,
however hard
you need to work, to get her
and however far
she seems to be,
she will be yours, you'll see.

The face behind
"Wonderful Tonight",
I'll be waiting for you


I just

can't help


in love


Mar 2019 · 244
Sticky Palms 10w
Aaditya Mar 2019
Let go of me,

                         will still be stuck to you.
You can let me go love,
it won't trouble us
I promise.
A lot of things shall
remain the same
from before,
only one thing would
Mar 2019 · 768
Aaditya Mar 2019
Whatever that exists here,
seemed to me as mediocrity
until you stood in front of me.

You reflect all sober elements
into the colours of spectrum
like a prismatic medium.

Shades of red, depicted love
The colour blue, warmth
Lilac, was definitely a charm.

*****, we associated yellow,
Purity was showed by green
And orange remained serene.

Slowly everything became gray,
The blackness taking over us,
White light turning to dust.

Where did you go, I need you
My life seems colorless now,
Happy am I? Tell me how!
to the colours of our life
Mar 2019 · 147
Aaditya Mar 2019
For whom will I buy
those precious little
gifts of trinkets
that I had always got
for you, all this time?
I will never stop doing that.
Mar 2019 · 278
Time is Relative
Aaditya Mar 2019

Flows too fast
with you.

Flows too slow
without you.
But will it stop too?
Mar 2019 · 277
Aaditya Mar 2019
Me onto
this wonder.
And I began my
exercise, but now
I feel so helpless as I
am stuck in the moment.
Walking and running to you,
but am never gonna reach you;
Yet I still continue to sweat it out...
...but I am exhausted now. I want to stop.
Mar 2019 · 348
Aaditya Mar 2019
My smiling face constantly cries,

People have given a million tries,

nobody could. But can she?
Mar 2019 · 965
Aaditya Mar 2019
Your cherry coloured lips used to
bring the coral blush on my cheeks.
But now it boils my crimson within,
leaving my face all scarlet with rage.

You were the apple of my eye,
as precious as ruby to me.
But now, wine and water seem the same,
and jam never tastes as sweet.
What changed, dear Rose?
Why have you faded?
Mar 2019 · 258
Aaditya Mar 2019
You shall always.


the greatest factor ever


show how an irrational figure

means so much to everyone; nothing exists without you.
π: "Yes, I knew I might outdazzle"
Mar 2019 · 164
House of Cards
Aaditya Mar 2019
Brick by brick you helped me make it.
In every brick, had all the love.
They stood strong together, quite high,
and soaring skies above.

So engrossed and lost, to realise
how quickly the time had flown,
because you had left by then,
as everything came crumbling down.
Mar 2019 · 187
Aaditya Mar 2019
Do you still love them
for what they are now too or
what they used to be?
Is the new update better?
Or did the old version bring more joy?
Mar 2019 · 396
Fags of Pain
Aaditya Mar 2019
It may seem like

you're burning away  all  your  worries

                                   that you feel lighter

and it just helps you escape depression


                          but continues to eat you,

                  darken, what was once pure;

and push you more

towards the point of no return.

Ask yourself.
Is it the best solution?
Is it really worth it?
Is this the help you need?

Some things should never be burned away.
(And some things can't be.)
                                              ( i)
(: : : (___s_a_d_n_e_s_s__(;;;;
Mar 2019 · 472
Aaditya Mar 2019
Like I am from the inside.
Mar 2019 · 150
Aaditya Mar 2019
Had our life go its way
Choices made so silly
It mattered not where we reach
We care is the journey.

Created it the way we like
Loved the way we had it paint
Blue grass and green skies
and we shall do it again.

Reminded by a 5 by 7
The photograph had us all
Tattered and uneven though
the memories stayed tall.
Mar 2019 · 170
Beach Reverendus
Aaditya Mar 2019
Sea shells washing ashore,
struggling back to you, while
***** crawl sideways,
away from you, O majestic sea,
I bow down to thee.

The golden light of sunset
kissing my face fervently,
the smell of fishes is definitely
nugatory here, O majestic sea,
I bow down to thee.

The loud chatter of people
can be silenced by the sound
of your waves crashing and hitting
the shore, O majestic sea,
I bow down to thee.

The sands treating my feet softly,
the breeze sprinkling salty mist in my hair,
I close my eyes and I find solitude
with joy, O majestic sea,
I bow down to thee.
Mar 2019 · 147
Aaditya Mar 2019
Mother, Sister,
Wife, Friend,
Great Grandmother,
Aunt, Daughter,
Niece, Granddaughter,
Great Granddaughter,
Girlfriend, Lover,
Crush, Ex,
Colleague, Boss,
and all the women
who are gonna come
in the future.
With lots of love, always.
Mar 2019 · 180
An ironic paradox
Aaditya Mar 2019
You try to take control
that's when everything
out of control...
...about life.
Mar 2019 · 184
Aaditya Mar 2019
'H-Cl' is in your belly.
'H-S-H' is very smelly.
'O=O' gas we need for life.
'Na' can be cut by knife.
and 'Cl' with 'Na' makes
Salt for mum for food she bakes.
'He' gas will rise up high,
and lifts balloons into the sky.
Gold and Silver make you glad,
as gifts from Mom and Dad.
You call magic a mystery,
for me its all Chemistry.
(from the archives... 10 years ago)
Mar 2019 · 158
Art of Deception
Aaditya Mar 2019
L    o    o    k
                         a    s
                                         i    f
                                         a    r    e
           o    f

B    e
               a    s          t    h    o    u    g    h
Mar 2019 · 317
Aaditya Mar 2019
A sweet song, fills the air,
brings magic in it, I can feel.
Don't need the Sandman, love
All I need is your voice singing.

A sweet melody, humming,
bringing in peace around me.
Don't need Jigglypuff, love
As you, yourself are one like it.

A sweet rhyme, you sing softly,
bring upon drowsiness in me.
Don't need nothing else, love
Just put me to sleep... last time.
Mar 2019 · 320
Aaditya Mar 2019
Old romantic music
              reminds me
                                         the memories
that had been.

                                         But why does
New romantic music
                  remind me
For the memories that could have been.
Mar 2019 · 154
The artist
Aaditya Mar 2019
I have seen
how amazing
you are, in creating art
but you shall never be
as great as
the One
who created
You, are a masterpiece.
Mar 2019 · 179
Aaditya Mar 2019
When you stop seeing me,
There will not be darkness taking over,
The colours shall not fade away
And nights will also be as bright as my day.

When you stop talking to me,
Silence will not be dreaded at all,
Music will not stop flowing around me,
And the songs will always be there to give me company.

When you are gone,
I'll be alright and I will not be a mess.
Sadness won't be prominent and it won't feel heavy.
Stay happy wherever you are and just remember me.
I am there for you.
But I don't feel you anymore.
Feb 2019 · 729
Aaditya Feb 2019
Behind every
"How are you?"
There is always
"I miss you."

Behind every
"I'll see you."
There is always
"I love you."
Behind every
There is always
Feb 2019 · 187
Running time
Aaditya Feb 2019
Tick tock tick tock
With every second that passes
I come closer to you

Tick tock tick tock
With every second that passes
I know I am not the same

Tick tock tick tock
With every second that passes
I know I leave something behind

Tick tock tick tock
With every second that passes
I lose a second of my life

Tick tock tick tock
With every second that passes
I come closer to death.

Tick tock tick tock
With every second that passes
I... was.
Running (out of) time.
Feb 2019 · 199
Aaditya Feb 2019
The silhouette eclipsed
the sunset
but the reflection
gave away your shine.
Feb 2019 · 298
Aaditya Feb 2019
What does a loser got to lose?

You hit rock bottom
and the only direction left to go is...
Feb 2019 · 202
Aaditya Feb 2019
ubtYouhph ydgwillsjf
wtcneverjgh pdzknowqlm

plihowtgk pqkmuchadg pldImnz
kxnstillzmn esnloveprg bksyouwwt,

vsdaslwd qurIazb pldwillmbc
qplnevermzx tcwshowcbs.
Speech isn't hard
to understand
when you hear
what you expect.
Feb 2019 · 568
Ode to Summer
Aaditya Feb 2019
Daylight shines like the lustre on a gold bar
Temperature slowly increasing with time
Dawn occurs early now, the birds, they sing soon
"I get less time to be admired", cries the moon.

O Apollo, you rise and shine brilliantly ever so now,
From orange to yellow and slowly to white-ish
Spreading light all over the world to see
I admire the way you burn so brightly.

This time of the year, it is still not my favourite though,
The heat is unbearable and so is profuse sweating.
Now all that's left is to avoid getting tanned badly,
So it's either put sunscreen on or the Sun screen on me.

O dear lord of the Sun, please be merciful this time,
Show that you can still be a charm.
Bring your party of clouds always with you,
I have always loved Winters, I might love Summer too.
Feb 2019 · 268
Aaditya Feb 2019
                        may be a remedy,
                                                           I was hurt.

                                 may heal,
                                                     scars remain.
                           may fade away though,
                                                                            in time.
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