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Tashatha Feb 2015
Pardon my outrageous accusations
But if we could trade places
You'd see what you were doing was tasteless
And I'm sorry I hurt you
But I had to be happy
Cause to be honest
The love was ******
The behaviour upset me
And I just felt
You didn't get me
Now I'm not trying to be rude
You didn't give me what I wanted
The relationship was lacking
And now the shows over
I've been waiting since june
Hoping this all blows over
I don't love you anymore
And everytime I talk to you
My heart gets colder
Just wrote this. Its been a while since I've written any poetry. Maybe I've lost my touch
Tashatha Sep 2014
Sometimes its a shame to be black
We claim we're in it together
But the unity we lack

We belittle each other
Even though we all came
From the same father

Our ancestors fought to bring us to where are now
But how we choose to separate each other is foul

Light skins and dark skins
Doesn't matter we still have black skin
We need to begin
To listen

Build our race
So that every black person is safe
Racism is still real
And I cannot begin to explain how I feel

The black race is still frowned upon
Because our values are lost and gone

Let us begin to better each other
Build each other
Help one another
To get farther

Teamwork is essential
We have to realise our potential

It is a shame
How we let each other suffer
It breaks my heart
To see hungry child lost by a mother
When we have rich people
Who are greedy
In their fast cars speeding
Having no conscience or feelings
Because they won't even give to the needy
Lord Jesus I'm screaming
Please change the world
Make everyone start believing
That africa can rise
If we stop ignoring the cries
Of the poor
Revitalise the land
Before it dies
I know we can
If we keep our eyes on the prize

We can build africa
Make africa a staple
If only we work together
Bring something bigger to the table

We were blessed to be born on this beautiful land
So let us join hands
And make africa
As big as we can
I just want not only africans but black people to stop being victims and make our race be more respected and accepted worldwide
Tashatha Oct 2014
I often find myself alone
And that's when my mind starts to probe
Why no one cares
Why my heart is cold
And hard as stone
Why I become unhappier as I grow
And why my heart is
Blacker than the night and a crow

Maybe its because
I have no friends
No one who cares
Enough to stop the tears

I have spent many nights
Sad,searching for a friend
And the people I find
Always leave me uncertain
Help me
Please stop the hurting
Shelter me from my enemies' eyes
Please be my curtain

Fill me with the strength
I need to keep moving on
Cause with a twisted life like mine
I have no choice but to be strong
I try to let them in
Let them break down my walls
But once I do
That's when it starts going wrong

They leave me
Continue with their lives
And don't look back
And I remain here
Thinking bout the lack of trust
That I have
All I've ever wanted was a friend
To make this sorrow end

Maybe I should stop loving
Because it never lasts
Stop building castles in the air
Cause they are not there

I cannot deny what is real
Its clear I don't appeal
And I always face this ordeal
And this weakness I conceal

My loveless heart has had enough
I don't know where to start
But let me tell you
My heart has the deepest cuts
One more heart break
Will tear it apart
I don't know why
They don't understand
That I'm a human being
Who needs love
Just me expressing the pain I carry around..
Tashatha Apr 2015
Take my heart,
Crush it
Then feed it to the birds
Pretend that you're helping
Stopping the hurt
Feed my empty soul with words that caress me
Til I burst
You were good at your craft
Obviously rehearsed.
Tashatha Nov 2014
Maybe you died
Cause everyone's asking where you are
I feel bad cause
I took away their shining star
The innocent girl
Who used to pray hard
Replaced her with a devil
To play her part

I tried to channel you
In hopes that I could steer you back
But then that just reminds me
Of all the qualities you had
That I lack.
I'm not happy anymore
Just really sad
I don't wear any other colours
Except black
Cause I'm just a widow
At your funeral and you're dead
And the fact that I killed you
Leaves me with a heavy chest

And looking back I see
That I didn't treat you great
But through all of that
I still wish you stayed
And I hope you're still alive
But just took a break
Cause without you
I'm a jar of memories and hate

I miss you cause
You were the best I ever had
So dear old me
Please come back.
Tashatha Sep 2014
I hate it when someone
Who doesn't know me judges me
The way I present myself
Is because of the way society
Has treated me
It has ruined me and destroyed everything

Do you know I'm a caged bird too scared to sing
A bee too scared to sting
A human being too scared to blink
Cause I'm too scared I'll lose everything

Do you know I have no family or friends
No one to confide in or to hold my hand
No one to wipe my tears when I cry
Or when I'm down to lift me up to the sky

Do you know the pain I go through
Every single day
Do you know how my heart aches
Because my sadness never takes a break

No one in my life has ever asked me if I'm okay
But I stand here tall and say
I'll be fine in the end
That's how strong you have to be when you have no friend
Tashatha Oct 2014
I don't understand
Why we claim we're human
When we tear each other down
Hurt each others feelings
Because we're too small minded
To accept that we are different
Instead we become hateful
Acting stupid and illiterate
**** the minorities' spirits
Make them feel insignificant

We teach every generation
That being gay is a sin
Then turn around and say
We're all God's children
There are so many thoughts in my mind
I don't even know where to begin
So I'll begin with this thing
That they call sin

God makes us exactly
How we are
The differences we have
Are to set us apart
So we shine brighter than the stars

So I don't know why man
Would turn around
And say on judgement day
All gay men will repent and pray
Cause they won't be allowed
Into heaven
Simply because they loved men and not women

Say the "homos"
Are lost and will never be found
The hate towards gay men
Is a sound too loud
The other day
An innocent man who was gay
Was killed by a homophobic crowd
When I heard of this news
My heart dropped and frowned
I don't understand
How man can be so proud
So send an innocent soul
Six feet into the ground

So tell me
You so called Christians
With your egos so large
Who do you think you are?
God said we should not judge
You walk around like you're perfect
But I see a smudge
From the lack of innocence
You carry on your sleeve
With your head in the clouds
Saying God created
Adam and Eve
Not Adam and Steve

Thinking you see all things
Through God
But really
You're blinded by hate
And all I can do is wait
For the day we stand in heaven
And await our fate
And hear God say
To all the men that are straight
"There is nothing wrong
With being gay
Because in my kingdom
That's how these men were made"
Society belittles gay people and I believe we should accept them
Tashatha Nov 2014
Never a rose without thorns
You broke my heart
And left me scorned
First kind
Tashatha Mar 2015
Hell is when you are in pain
But don't show it
Cause you don't want a million questions
Hell is when you feel pain
And there's no moral
No lesson
When you are trapped in emotion
And have no control over what will happen
When the tears roll down your cheeks and you can't stop them
When your soul is screaming
But no one will listen
When your soul aches
When your eyes are blinded by the heaviness
The hurt
The pain
And knowing that tomorrow,
The cycle stays the same
When smiling actually hurts your feelings because its proof that you're a liar
You're lying to yourself
And everyone else
Cause when they see that smile
They don't see the pain
The tears
The emotions felt
But just a facade you put up
Because you're scared.
Scared of the implications
And seeing how people actually feel-
Do they care about me?
Only God knows
And meanwhile the pain grows
Fornicates, multiplies!
And so do the lies
The "I'm okay"s
The "I'm fine"s
But back to what I was saying,
Hell is when you have a million ways
To explain your pain
Tashatha Oct 2014
The thought of loving again sends trembles down my soul
Breaking it down
Like earthquakes destroying homes
My love is as precious as gold
But I find that at a cheap price
It is always sold

I guess I'm a hopeless romantic
And when my love is thrown in my face
I become frantic
I can't have it
Its just madness
When gold is treated just like plastic

Set on fire
The flames burst
The deepest cut in my heart
Is from the one I loved first
My heart died when he left me
And my body is the hearse
He trampled all over my heart
Left me so hurt
I don't know why I get so attached
Surely I must be cursed
Tashatha Oct 2014
I often look in the mirror
And ask myself who I am
I then compare myself
To castles in the sand
I'm blown away by the wind
Pay for my sins
And the melancholy begins

I often look in the mirror
And ask myself why I let
People who hurt me
Take a fragment of me
All the pieces I need
Leave me here crouching
Gasping for air to breathe
No one to hold me

I often look in the mirror
And ask myself
Why I let weakness get the best of me
Why I let the tears fall
It decreases me
Makes me feel small
I have to reinstall happiness
In my life
Be strong through it all

But then I look in the mirror
I see a champion
Cause I've been strong through it all
My soul never breaks
I always pick up the pieces
And the strength in me
Suddenly increses
Solid with no creases
That's the power of Jesus
Tashatha Oct 2014
I grew up in a beautiful home
Cozy with a strong foundation
I've lived in this home for over a decade
So how dare you go and take it?
****** it out of my hands
I don't believe in the rupture
But surely
This is the end

I loved this home
It was a place I called my own
It raised me
And made me
And really it saved me

I believed in forever
But my home is crumbling
I tried patching up the cracks in the wall
But no form of cemented love
Can keep this home strong
It is gone
And all I can do now is mourn
The death of my home
Keep calm and carry on

Rain clouds cover my home
And I seem to be ******
Into a black hole
With so many stories untold
I feel I've lost gold
Maybe its payment
For the dues I owed
My home is taken and
I'm left in the cold
With no hope

I know you may not understand
But this home is all I had
This is not just any home
The home's my family

— The End —