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1.2k · Feb 2022
Book lovers
Steph Wams Feb 2022
We read our books and pretend to
not make glances at each other.
We smile as if the pages in the book had tickled at our sides.
We write love stories in our heads and forget about the ones on the page.
An uncomfortable warmth surrounds us as we pretend not to pose ourselves in our chairs.
As if we are offering ourselves to the sun to immortalise this youthful love.
Our hands quiver as we turn each page.
Like these stories will ours come to a brief
And though you and I are nothing,
destined for
taunted by
We pray that these feelings are more than that.
But when I see the stars in your eyes my worries float away,
for I know this love is cosmic.
I to wish for a love so sweet
1.2k · Jul 2018
Painful warmth
Steph Wams Jul 2018
Let me sit in the shadow of despair,
if it means being with you.
Your cold eyes;
let them see my tears,
observe my scars and make more,
will you?
Take out all your emotions on me,
you don't have to suffer,
so give it to me!
Hit me until your hand print is clear.
Baby I love you,
so hit me with your warm belt.
1.1k · Oct 2021
Ugly Tears
Steph Wams Oct 2021
Are my tears made of gasoline?

Why do they stoke the flames of your fury?

Are my tears icy cold?

Why do they make the warmth of your love, cool?

Are my tears hideous?

Why must you always look away when I cry?

Are my tears ear-splittingly loud ?

Why do you look at them with pain and irritation?
A poem about the different reactions my family has to me crying.
If you like this follow me on instagram: ejiro_wams
1.1k · Sep 2018
Dear Mr Fishy
Steph Wams Sep 2018
Dear Mr fishy,
I sincerely apologise,
we humans are evil.
From the moment we first open our eyes-
take our first steps , say our first words...
We humans are devils.
God made us perfect,
then we ruined it.
Our arrogance and  fake superiority
is what put you in that tank,
and will put us in it.

Dear Mr fishy
I know you are bored,
taken away from your family
hunted and adored,
by the humans who love you
but your just a toy-
a pretty little plaything for us
to enjoy.
So dear Mr fishy,
DON'T give us your trust.

Dear Mr fishy.
We humans are stupid.
We lie, betray, ****, steal.
We are just ignorant.
We moan over others' success,
when we've not tried doing it.
We stop other people's prosperity
because of simple little jealousy.
See Mr Fishy
have mercy 'cause
we are just disgusting.
1.1k · Sep 2018
Faking it
Steph Wams Sep 2018
I wanted you to be, who I wanted you to be and I regret it. You're not the man I love. The man I love is in my head... A figment of my corrupting imagination. You didn't take the advantage, you didn't even play the character -it was just I who played the fool. But you could have stopped me, halted me right then and there. Stopped me in my deluded tracks. I'm an idiot. A fool. A vulnerable lover.
626 · Oct 2018
stupid gossips
Steph Wams Oct 2018
I see you looking at me,
whispering about me.

You don't deserve a reaction,
you don't deserve my emotions.
You don't deserve my...
and you certainly don't deserve, my time.
I know what you want,
you're like a donkey and a carrot,
and guess what
you can't have it.
People like you can never have it- because you don't deserve it.
you're disgusting
begging for my attention...
begging for my life.
I know I'm amazing,
I work hard for myself
and what do you do?
564 · Mar 2021
Steph Wams Mar 2021
You **** on my beliefs, you deny the existence of my gods and yet
You question my prayers.
Suspect my allies, flirt with my enemies.
Holes where there should be butterflies
Yet, you pretend to understand.
Eavesdrop on my confessions, belittle my priests
Yet you listen to your saviour with deaf ears.
You read his words with coloured glasses.
Surely, you jest, no you chastise.
Surround yourself with comfortable lies.
Your biggest problem is who am i?
But sir/ ma'am/ person, your crown is bleeding
with tears, blood and leaves.
321 · Jun 2020
Steph Wams Jun 2020
Take the mask off when you speak to
I know what you are.
No need to sugar coat those words for

You're a monster, beautiful and scary
and 'twisted' into an elegant knot.
You don't have to hide from me.
The hiss when you talk is enchanting.
Don't be shamed your just like

Those pointy horns create a gorgeous silhouette and
Those terrible thoughts pulsing through that deformed skull of yours.
The ones that can't be revealed even in death.
Say them. Converse with
Forget the pleasantries, the politeness say them to me in your crooked way.
let us exchange our terrible thoughts.
let the world grimace and ostracise us.

Don't try to be like them
we're outsiders.
Destined to spoil there pretty picture.
Mutants. Uglies. Nut-jobs.
Destined to waltz on the edges of society.
Hanging, on loosely to our humanity.
They don't understand our song.

We'll make our own world.
Where our thoughts are so  free, they fly through  the streets.
Where we love to love and  we love too much.
Take if off, we have each other.
320 · Apr 2020
Steph Wams Apr 2020
You're too comfortable around me.
When I scream that I'm leaving
you don't even bat an eyelid.
When I dress up all s e x y you tell me to move away from the tv.
When I try to spice things up
You ask me "Aren't you too old for this?"
Am I ?
Why are you ignoring me?
You're looking but are you really seeing me?
We're talking but are you really listening?
Are you still the same person who said they'd give me everything?
Why does it feel like all you've given me is a place to do your cooking?

A  punching bag to hit when you overdrink.
A piece of furniture to cover you and your mistress's d i r t y deeds.
Yet you won't divorce me and I'm down on my knees.

You're too comfortable around me.
270 · May 2019
Steph Wams May 2019
I'm drowning,
but I'm not putting up a fight.
Silent torture.
Waiting for the end whilst salt water stings and destroys my insides.
My eyes are shut so I can't even see, the hand stretching out to save me.
211 · Jul 2020
Say it to me
Steph Wams Jul 2020
I have something to say.
It's stuck on my lips.
In each wordless
The movement in each averted gaze.

It's the shoddy cork
holding back
Each waterfall of
The longing sign I ask God for
then ignore.
For the thing I fear most is not
Whether I say.
It's the thought  that you have
nothing to say,
back to me.
Met with silence.
203 · Jan 2019
Steph Wams Jan 2019
Inspiration Come To Me!
I don't want to think...
I could sit here for hours,
I could sit here alone,
My brain might be here... but I need
You the most.
That feeling when you have writer's block.
202 · Sep 2018
Steph Wams Sep 2018
Three words...
I love you.
So simple
Then say it.
Let it roll of your tongue
And I'll swallow it.
Let your warm breaths feel-
Warm on my face
And I'll inhale it.
Feel it in your arms
And I'll embrace it.
Show it in your eyes...
And I'll believe it.
What are you waiting for
144 · Apr 2020
Squeaky Clean
Steph Wams Apr 2020
I wash my brain with soap
I give it a good scrub
All the pain and the trauma
I watch as they spiral into the drain
I wash my eyes with soap
I give them a good wipe
I watch as the innocence and light resurfaces in my pupils
The bits of wickedness I have witnessed sprinkled across the tap
I wash my skin with soap    
To forget your slimy touch
To remove this human target colour that causes me suffering
I watch as the pieces of skin lay lifeless in the sink

Then I start again
117 · Dec 2019
Steph Wams Dec 2019
Do you know what I like?
I like when relationships drift apart.
No stimulus for it, but they drift
like waves it has its highs
yet, it eventually comes crashing down
into the shores of time.
Memories of your time together dance as
small ripples in the oceans of your mind.

However some relationships are not slow drifts but...
Powerful bursts of experiences:
excitement, fun, pain , loss, hate,
that dissipate into the empty air.
Only the  rubble that litters your mind
serves as evidence of its existence.
Evidence of the high, the lows ,the lessons learned
the lessons ignored.
Evidence, that damage yet fortify the economy of your mind.
Preparing you for the next storm of a friendship.
I wrote this about the friend that I lost contact with and the observations i've made about other peoples relationships with eachother.

— The End —