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SøułSurvivør Dec 2015
the carousel played
in the carnival park
bright music to lure
tinkling lights in the dark

spirited ponies, animals quaint
all snorting and rearing
colored with paint

the spinning floor stops
for us to get on
we choose our mounts
it starts with a song

up and down go the horses
the calliope sings
as we go 'round we reach out for the rings

sometimes we miss them
they go on by
but there's always a chance
for the second try

the turning seasons
so very like life
you get your good job
your husband or wife

your car and your boat
your kids and their stuff
you go 'round and 'round
but you can't get enough!

then all of a sudden
death cuts like a knife
and you discover you've wasted your life

the scenery, the colors
just a smear. just a blurr
the music passed by
your heart was not stirred!

you didn't smell seabreeze
feel the wind in your face
you didn't seek God
missed out on His

but you forgot
you passed up the beauty
without a thought

it don't mean a thing
so reach for the
as well as the

reach out for
He's important as well
when you take your ride
on the bright


(C) 12/15/2015

another poem I saved from archives
it was first written in 2013 but I did an extensive rewrite
SøułSurvivør Jan 2015

i flow
from the
in the valley

SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
i believe it
was not what


that haunted
her most

it was


(c) soulsurvivor
Cassandra was a
prophetess of doom
She predicted that the
Greeks were going to
take Troy

Nobody listened to her

The USA is going to
experience great hardship
on catastrophic levels


The entire world is going
to experience destruction
on a level never before seen

This isn't only my opinion
due to my belief in the
Biblical book of Revelation

Please. Prepare yourselves
Find out what to do
in case of disaster
in your area and

If they say that they're
going to help you


I can not be silent about this
I may lose some people
but I have

SøułSurvivør Apr 2017
I was once a castaway
Of an unforgiving sea
I made a castle in the sand
To ease the pain in me

I made the ramparts ten feet tall
The walls were four feet thick
I filled the moat with lots of sharks
I built it brick by brick

I walked the walls most every day
No rescuer about
But I did not want folks to come in
I wished to keep them out!

The sand was cast in hate you see
The mortar my foe's blood
I repaired the walls quite often 'coz
My inner tears would flood

Within the walls, a prisoner,
My anger was my meat
My only water my own tears
They washed about my feet

Finally the water rose,
From weeping, o'r my head
Their waves erroded at the walls
And the SEA was fed!

Whilst the walls were quickly shrinking
A tide, like floods, came in!
All the sharks went out to sea,
My destiny was grim!

I made a fine, tall castle, yes,
Of sand & shells & grout
To shelter me within? Oh no!
To keep my loved ones OUT!

And others unforgiven.
And the ones I hated.
And other prejudices, yes,
That went on unabated...

And so I found a Mighty Rock
Upon which I stood.
I finally found life's meaning, YES!
I finally understood!

Forgiveness? A DECISION.
To put pride on the shelf.
And freeing up your fellow man
You  become FREE YOURSELF.

Though for years, I drank my tears,
My thirst was never slaked.
And hatred's fused & melted sand

Does not a DIAMOND MAKE.

(C) 4/3/2017
I've been writing a book about my Scientology experience. And in doing so I found I had a root of bitterness in me. Not only towards Scientologists, but toward a lot of people who have hurt me in my life. It cost me a great deal of mental anguish. I ended up making a decision to forgive again. Throughout my Christian walk I've had to do this. Forgiving others is not an option. In order to be forgiven by God, you must forgive other people. Think of all the ***** rotten stinking things you've done to others I thought to myself. They may not have forgiven you. But you still need to forgive them. And forgive yourself while you're at it! So I asked God again to give me the willingness to forgive. I made the decision to forgive. And I do forgive. Forgiving does not mean forgetting. You don't let people hurt you over and over again. All it means is that you are relinquishing them of the debt that they owe you. And you, in turn, are forgiven of the debts you owe as well.

Unforgiveness is like self-administered poison. It can cause all kinds of diseases. Cancer is caused by stress. Arthritis can be directly attributed to unforgiveness. One of my major problems physically is osteoarthritis. And there is a strong possibility that I may have cancer. I do not wish to have either of these things obviously. So the first medicine I'm going to take is spiritual....

That's why I call myself SOULSURVIVOR.

I'm writing and reading on the internet again, obviously. See you soon!
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

my dog is kinder
than most people

my cat too

Some people might
Think me a certain way.

They don't. Animals happen
To be GREAT judges
Of character.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2020
Cats are sure a crazy race
They softly pad on paws
Then they turn their other face
And sharpen hidden claws!

Dogs have the minds of 3 year olds
They wag their friendly tails
They are brave, but foolish bold
And love unbeaten trails!

Cats are snuggly... then aloof
They're an independent lot
They eschew the ground
But love the ROOF
Unlike silly Spot!

Dogs wear their feelings
On their sleeves
(If sleeves are what they had)
They look baleful & they grieve
If chastised when they're bad.

Cats just go their merry way
When naughtiness addressed
You can SHOUT til end of day...
They could not care less!

Dogs lift their legs when they ***
Cats are WAY too grand.
Dogs love hydrants or the trees
Cats just dig in sand.

The thing about these pets is that
People have polarity
Either they like dogs
And can't stand cats
Or LOVE a cat's hilarity!

But I find each creature special
As they do life's dance
Dog's are WAY more social...

... but Vive La difference!

Catherine Jarvis
SøułSurvivør Feb 2021
He flew, child of stardust
                  in the image of gods
          a being that inspired
                  the Greeks to bring him to earth.
    Springing from the blood of Medusa
beheaded by Persius, the horse of
                    the wind blew as a feathery, incarnate zephyr
      to Bellerophon who attemted capture
                                  what was never
                                      meant to be tamed.

Bellerophon sought to
                  fly with the ethereal beauty...
    like the wax-winged
          Icarus who soared toward
                            Apollo's chariot - The SUN

More arrogant than even
                                Icarus, misguided fool,
            Bellerophon launched himself
                              on Pegasus' back toward
                                                the very STARS!

Like Icarus, he fell.

            Zeus made his wing'd stallion
                  a constellation in the firmament.

Now we make Pegasus a topiary.
                          what, do you suppose will
                                                Zeus do to US?
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
The Witches stir a cauldron
Encased in rust and mold
In it is burning fire
And many screaming Souls

They do not see the witches
They do not smell the stench
They only fight each other
With words that make me blanch

There are higher powers
Who constantly make war
They love the low emotions
And Thrive when there are more

The Witches stir The Cauldron
And laugh when they do see
Their victims fight each other
As they do continually.

And they may keep on fighting


(C) 7/6/2016
I had long footnotes at one time. But due to my most recent writing, "prayer for humility" I've decided to take them down. I want no words railing against others to proceed from my pen. That is part of the problem not the solution. May everyone who reads this look at Alyssa Underwood scriptural references below. They are very pertinent. Evil has created a Punch and Judy show here on this site. The protagonists are like puppets being manipulated by Machiavellian forces beyond their ken. We must always remember that we are not battling blood and bone humans. But actual demonic forces. They love to stir the *** and cause people to degrade themselves with hatred. Let's stop it now. Whatsoever is Noble. Whatsoever is lovely. Whatsoever is of good report... meditate on these things. Thank you!

♡ Catherine
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
The chains
'round      my
ankles      are
sterling fine
   best      that  
I could
chains   'round
your     neck
are purest
the      lock
will      cost

Catherine Jarvis
(C) September 17
SøułSurvivør Jun 2017
slide over  
○°○            skin           ○°○
○°○°             °○°○°          ○°○°
a skein of
furtive fabric  
wrought of woe    
and wrested    
from futility  
pundits posture
○°°○°○°imposing ○°°○°○°
○°°○      ○°○their ○°○     ○°°○
○°○°      importance    ○°○°
°○°○°○         ○°°sleek°°○       °○○°○°
°○°○             insolence             °○°○
curls °°○
     like a
          °°         hen
     °°          sile

(C) 6/28/2017
I hope this comes out!
SøułSurvivør Sep 2015

black swirls
finger touched
the edges

your face
indistinct in this
... my heart's
of features


dark tipped
smear the

one day the
will be
so heated
and compressed
by loving
the planes
of your bones


(C) 8/31/2015
perhaps only a visual artist
who's worked with the medium
can fully understand this

and then again maybe not
SøułSurvivør May 2017
The Dragon's Egg

To understand my addiction
You have to know the

I was born in the dead of
Winter. Wednesday's child...
Full of woe. I was a preemie.
Mom fell on her stomach while
On a chair trying to change a
Lightbulb. As unpreposessing
A child as ever was born...

I won't go into my childhood
Difficulties too much, as they
Might prompt your judgment
Upon my parents. They were
Not really at fault. They did
The best they could based
Upon *their
childhoods and

Mom was sick.
A great deal. The victim of
Horrific migraine headaches
And an undiagnosed (therefore
Untreated) bi-polar condition.
She had aspirations of being an
Actor. She really should never
Have had three children. She
Simply couldn't handle it. I was
Born only 16 months after her
Firstborn, my sister Chris. This
Definitely didn't help matters.
Then, because my little brother
Mark was born just as her
Acting career took off, she had
Much less time for my sister
And I. She had a newborn, a
Career, a husband and
Postpartum depression. Chris
And I (and eventually Mark)
Were neglected. Not really
Mom's fault. It was what
It was...

Dad was a complex man.
A hot-tempered stoic. A hard
Worker who hated manual
Labor. A war hero who also
Became a runner (he would
Become a severe
Alcoholic - an addiction he
eventually overcame).
A generous miser.
A cultured plebian.
A spiritually minded atheist.

I don't blame him. But the
Last dichotomy was our
Downfall. We were
disallowed from church. Went
To an atheist Sunday School.
We learned about all the world
Religions save Christianity.
Or maybe I missed THAT lesson.
But as a result I had no real
Moral compass to live by. My
Parents tried to teach us
Ethical behavior, but because
Jesus and the Holy Spirit weren't
A part of the equation it was
Doomed to failure. One can't
Simply be "moral" or "ethical".
Without Jesus, we are all
Rank sinners. Sorry if this
Offends some of you. But it's
TRUE. Jesus paid the price.
Only faith in Him can make
A person right with the Father.
All else is vanity. My father
Spent his lifetime trying to be
A "good" man. He tried to
Be a "good" husband. A "good"
Father. But his efforts
Always stymied by lack
Of the essential puzzle piece....

I wanted to read this afternoon,
But this work kept gnawing at
My concentration. Now I can
Go back to reading. Thanks!
SøułSurvivør May 2017
I was never the hero of
My own life. Nor did I try to
Be. I ran. No Red Badge of Courage.

No Olympiad. No laurels to be placed
On a head bowed in humility. I ran...
In the wrong direction. I had a Dragon
To chase, you see. No St George,
However. I wanted to embrace the
Monster, and take it home. And in
Doing so, i was severely burned
In the process

I've spent a majority of my life
severely addicted to drugs and
Alcohol. Anything. ***. Amphetamines.
Acid. ***... Anything that could
Alter my pathetic state. I was the
Walking Wounded. Dead. My drug
Of choice was *******. Crack. It did
The job better than anything else
I tried. The euphoria a road to
That fabulous beast unlike any other.
That pipe and lighter its flaming maw.

But, ironically, the rock of my shame
Lead to the Rock of my Salvation.

And I finally ran... into Jesus's arms.
I've decided to write a book about
My addiction... and salvation. It's going to take up a
Great deal of time, so please bear
With me... thanks!

♡ Catherine
SøułSurvivør May 2017
The Dragon Hatched

Baby snakes are always
The most dangerous.
They have not yet
Learned how to release
Their venom. I was a
Horrible little girl.
A terrible tease. I had
(And still have) a
Samurai tongue.
I know just where
To cut where it
Hurts the most.
And just like that
Baby snake
I struck out at
My baby brother.
Poor Mark. To this
Day he bears the
Marks of my fangs.
I'm being brutally
Honest. I was an
Unholy *terror

I wish for your
Compassion however.
Hurting children
(People) hurt other
Children (people)
There's a incubator
For bullies. Mine was
In an incident when
I was 3 years old.

My sister and I were
*****. Not molested.
*****. By a child
Predator on a train.
My mother was sick
With one of her
Blinding migraine
Headaches. She
Couldn't watch us.
So we ran around
The train
Unrestrained. The
Obvious happened.
My sister, only 4,
Always felt guilty
Thereafter that she
Couldn't protect me!
My SOUL cries out
As I write this!
That little girl was
So wounded that
She withdrew from
Me for her guilt...

And *doted
on my
Baby brother.

This absolutely *slayed
and my sweet
Little baby brother
Received the brunt
Of my brutal anger.

At everyone and
Everything. And the


This is all I can write.
The feelings are beyond
Pain. I feel SO compelled
To write this. Sometimes
I cry out to God...


But He answers,
"I staid that man's hand.
He wanted to ******
You both. Your brave
Sister talked him
*OUT OF IT!!!"*

Thank you, Chris.

SøułSurvivør May 2017
Dungeons and Dragons

The world of my childhood
Was so bleak as to be
Untenable. There *were
Times, yes. These were as
Gems set in clay. A black
Muck that oozed from the
Dungeon of despair.

I was so demonstrative
In my need for acceptance
And love the other children,
As kids do, smelled the
Blood in the water. And,
As children do, they attacked.
I was dog meat. Which
Made me all the more
Vicious toward my poor
Baby brother. Which
Made me feel more
Guilty. And so went the
Spiral of despair. Finally
I found the "cure" for
My angst. Fantasy.

I have no idea how
To even begin to tell
You about my fantasies.
I began to rock myself
To sleep at a very young
Age. A self-comforting
Action I acquired from
Babyhood. I also bounced.
On our springy couch, I'd
Rock myself back & forth
So as to bounce myself
From the back of it. I'd
Listen to music while
Doing this, and fantasize
Of being in lands beyond
My ability to describe here.
It would be too time
Consuming. But I was
Heroine of my
Daydreams. Beautiful.
Wise. Immortal. Like
One of JRR Tolkien's
Elves. I loved his books.
I devoured fantasy
Stories. And absolutely
Loved dragons.
I started drawing
Painting at a very young
Age. And the dragon was
My greatest source of
Inspiration. He was the
Catalyst which brought
The fantastic brew to life...

...and nearly destroyed me.

There's an upside to all
This, folks. The dragon is
Satan. He's the author
All addiction, pain and.
Suffering on earth.

Well. I know his secrets.
And I aim to expose them

One... by... *

(C) 5/27/2017
It's now 1:00 in the morning.
I really should try to sleep.
But I needed to get some of
This stuff off my chest.

Thanks for reading and not
Judging me. I WAS a weird
Child. But I had my reasons...
SøułSurvivør Jun 2017
Enter the Dragon

I didn't start with my addiction until I was 13. It was at that point that I found alcohol. "Demon ***". And a terrible scourge it was for a majority of my life.

I want to preface this next segment by saying that I love my father dearly. He is now sober and has been many decades. But at the time my story is being told, he was an alcoholic. Of the first water. A "responsible" drunk. He held down a job. A job he hated. And so he ran away from life when he could. And both my parents liked to throw parties. There were always mixed drinks. Martinis. *Lots of them
. After a few my father could no longer maintain. He couldn't mix the drinks. So guess who was recruited as bartender? You got it. And I began to imbibe in my own creations as I had to "test" the taste. They were good, alright. And my customers got plowed! I would have also, but God had His hand on me, even then. I somehow knew better. I got tipsey. But my REAL alcoholic behavior would come later. At that point I began raiding my father's liquor cabinet. The drugs came later, too...

... enter a little girl named CRICKET.**

One martini, two martini, tee martooni, four... on the FLOOR!
SøułSurvivør Jun 2017
The Dragon's Apprentice

When I left off in my last segment I mentioned Cricket. That's NOT her name, but none of the people in my tales of woe shall have their true names revealed (save family members).

Cricket was a flibberty-gibbet. The modern definition (and the archaic) are applicable. She was flighty. And an irresponsible gossip. But more than that, the girl was evil. A "fly by the gibbet" feasting on the rotting corpses of the convicts slain there. I don't believe she *meant
to be evil. She was (and is) an irresponsible person. She's a gypsy who lives life by the seat of her pants. She was a crack ******* addict. She was one of my suppliers later on in my life. But more on that later. Right now I'm going to tell you the dynamic of our relationship.

Her father and mother (and sister) targeted her sexually. She was a "problem child". So she moved in with us. She was 2 years younger than I. I was 13 when she moved in. We got along fine... at first. But I was an overweight teen. Not terribly attractive. After I lost the weight, due to illness, she became extremely jealous. We'd have terrible rows, some even physical fights. She'd "borrow" my clothing, and appropriate it. When I'd demand it back, she'd "somehow" stain it, or put holes in it. She'd tell her friends (especially male friends) awful things about me. But her worst attribute was her penchant for drugs. She was my supplier even back then. My mom has yet to forgive her for this, and her wayward ****** ways, which influenced me as well.

I'll never forget one incident. She brought home a couple of good lookin guys, a 1/2 ounce of very potent marijuana, and a brownie mix. Yup. She talked me into letting her make Alice B Tokeless brownies in my parent's home! I was afraid of the repercussions if my parents found out (though, quite honestly, the ethics of doing such a thing eluded me). But Cricket and her friends talked me into it. So the brownies were made. The whole house was permeated with the smell of baking chocolate & ***!

We each ate
one brownie, and were so high we got lost on a hike around the neighborhood! I lived on an old ranch in the desert. The Tucson Mountain foothills. Anyway, we were good n ******! Well. We returned to find my brother and his little friend had returned from hiking, also... and had eaten half the pan!

This may, on the face of it, seem humorous. But it was not! Those two little boys were high for three days! They were obliterated!

Now, granted, i didn't know my brother & his friend were home. I thought they'd gone to his friend's house. But, NO! They'd just gone on a hike and were nowhere in evidence when the brownies were made. But I got in SO much trouble! Cricket did, too, but because SHE was YOUNGER the brunt of the punishment was on me.

And that pretty much sums up our whole relationship. I was the cat's-paw. A role I was to carry on well into my adult life.

There's more on Cricket in my next segment. But I want to introduce another character in my comedic tragedy of errors also. Another girl who I will term

(C) 6/17/2017
Sorry I haven't been around. Had a friend come in from out of town. I'll be reading a bit tonight, and will concentrate on doing the same tomorrow. But I HAD to write this. I want to conclude chapter 1 so my friend can read it. Thanks for understanding!
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Another video I had produced last year.
The youtube link is:

You can read the poem while listening.
It comes onto the screen.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2020
Look at the dancing dragon
He puts on quite a show
He lifts up high into the air
As the wind begins to blow.
A wind of change is whipping
Round & round it goes
As it becomes a hurricane
Or an EF5 tor-na-do.

China's at the wall, my friend.
To scale like a flood
Question why their banners fly
Red as flowing blood.
Red, with pretty little stars
A fallen angel brood
They will come a-marchin'
We'll be DONE for GOOD.

Ever wonder why, ye fools
They buy up to the south?
You don't hear THAT on the news
But it is TRUE, by oath!
The dragon's near. Yep. It's HERE.

They don't NEED to buy US.
Think not? You'll find you're WRONG.
They have surely purchased us
And did so for a song.
They don't NEED to fight a war...
It already could be WON.
The Chinese have not marched without
They've conquered from WITHIN.

What will happen to U.S.
Only God can tell.
But the Red Chinese are waiting...


Catherine Jarvis
SøułSurvivør May 2015

a minute or so
to experience

seventy years
(give or take ten)
to experience

and a
to be

ushered into eternity

(c) 5/29/2015
Thanks to Gary L for the inspiration

SøułSurvivør Jul 2015

buzzing, whirring (click)
bug eyes, and a face like a car
from nineteen fourty's!

(C) 7/14/2015
I swear to goodness
they have a front end
like a car's grille!

Summer somehow
would not be summer
without the buggers!

Going off site for now
see you back later

SøułSurvivør Aug 2015

is it the forest or the trees
where the real truth lies?
is it in elephant graveyards
where a true heart dies?
and how can sages ask
the wherefores and the whys?

there's only One who measures
the circumference of the skies.

(C) 8/26/2015
I'm not on site as much anymore.
I'm helping a friend write her
biography. She's had a fascinating
(if very difficult) life.
I'll be reading when I can.


SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
Summer 1986 Sunday 5:30AM

Misty morning in Malibu.
Seagulls stitch the sea to a subtle
silver sky. They sputter stridently.
Each elegant gull hovers effortlessly.
Entreating each other. Echos bounce
off the sound of the surf into eternity. The screeching of many a
soliloquy akin to silence.

I sit on the pier. The water before
me washes onto the staccato legs
of tiny waterbirds who wander
in and out of the surf. Little
windblown ***** of ecru and grey
wool. I worship in the womb of
the great goddess ~ nature. I wasn't to know the Creator was watching patiently...

I make my unhurried way up the
pier to my car. A cheap but
comfortable convertable. Nobody
walks in LA. I punch in a tape.
Don Henley. Boys of Summer.

I take PCH up to the incline that
takes you from the beach. Pushing
the pedal slightly as I slide by the
colossal bleached cliffs of
Palacades Park. There the homeless
sleep under the benches dedicated
by friends and family in
rememberance of loved ones.
Small plaques attatched for

My hands are on the steering wheel
at 7 and 12 o'clock.I look at the cast
I wear on my right wrist. A token
of rememberance from an angry romance. He and I parted
respectively, if not at all
respectfully. I drive.

Venice beach. Not yet boysterous.
But never boring. The young people
(and old) still bundled together in bed. Saturday night hangovers will
be had by most of the denizens of
Venice beach boardwalk. A grainy
eyed few wander around abstractidly. Shopowners enter
their buildings, their storefronts
almost as small as booths. Graphitti
and giant works of art grace walls
everywhere ~ Jim Morrison and
Venus in workout leggings much
in evidence.

I smoke my cigarette and drink my
hot coffee carefully in the open cafe'.
I consider the eyefest of the crowd
that will congregate here to enjoy
the clement weather.
The cacophony and the clamor.
Touristas and Los Angelinos alike
drawn In by calculating vendors
and coyote souled street performers.
I look forward to seeing the
non conformity usually. But not
today. For now I sit in the quiet cafe'.

Venice beach. Vulpine. Vacuous.
A strangely vunerable venue. The
***** and the beautiful. The talented and the ******.

A street performance pianist trundles his acoustic piano on
casters out onto the boardwalk.
I ask him if I may play. He looks
at my cast doubtfully.
"I can still play..." I tell him.
He ascents and listens thoughtfully
as I play my compositions. He really
likes them. I ****** the ebony and
the ivory with insistant fingers.
The smile on his face is irrepressable. I smile back and we
flirt in self conceous, fitful fashion.
Time to leave.

Radio is on in my car now. A cut
from the musical Chess. One night
in Bangkok makes the hard man
I like the driving beat.
I'm going up I-10, a single blood cell
in the main artery that brings life
to the flesh of this mamouth town.
Traffic is tenuous. A boon here in
this conjested city.

I drive to Fairfax and Sunset, where
I lived with in a tiny one-bedroom
apartment with my mom. An
ambitious actress. I an ambivalent

Sunset. The Roxy and Whiskey-a-
Go-Go. Cartoon characters Rocky
and Bullwinkle casually cavort on
the top of a building. Billboards
as tall as the Hollywood sign. The
street of broken hearts for many
an actress -slash-model. They
wander about on street corners
looking haughty and haunted.
Waiting for who knows who to
honk. Their dreams have flown
away like the exhailation of smoke
from the mechanical lungs of the
Marlboro Man. Schwab's drugstore
and diner. The place where some
famous starlet was discovered.
Delivered into the arms of the
Hollywood machine. I opt to go
to the Sunset Grill.

I'm walking down Hollywood Blvd.
Perusing shops and persuing
pedestrian pleasures. Everyone
talks of the star-studded sidewalks.
To me they look tarnished and
filthy. Stars from a sultry smog
laden sky come to earth. The names
of some of the folks honored on
them I don't recognise.

I'm here to view movies today.
I'm definitely not going to
Grauman's Chinese Theater.
Been there. Done that. Gave the
very expensive T shirt to
Goodwill. I look around at the
proud and the plebian. The pedantic
and the pathetic. No prostitutes
out yet that I could see. Probably
toppled into bed to sleep
(for once). Deposed kings
and queens of the monarchy of the
night. The homeless hobble along
with their hair matted and askew.
Shopping carts with stuttering
wheels de reguer.

A couple of tourists with Izod shirts,
plaid shorts to the knee and deck
shoes sans socks gaze in a shop
window. It's borded by tarnished
and faded silver garlands... tinsel
Christmas tree.
"Want to buy a mood ring today?"
One of them querys his buddy,

I find my small theater and enter
the air conditioned lobby. I purchase
a soda and pass on the popcorn.
As I enter the theater's modestly
plush, dimly lit cocoon sanctuary
I notice very few patrons are here
for the matinee. GOOD. I finally
watch the premiere product of
Los Angeles. Movie after movie
slides across the screen. The callus
morally corrosive corporations
conspire with the creative to produce
the culmination of many art forms
in one. Cinema.

LA. Languid. Luxurious. Legendary.
Rollicking, raunchy rodeo.
Seaside city. Sophisticated. Spurious.


I wend my way up Mulholland Dr.
Another tape is playing in the deck.
One of my favorites. David + David.
Welcome to the Boomtown.

I pull over at a deserted vista. From
this viewpoint I can see the city
spread out like a blanketfof brilliance. The gridiron of LA.
Glitzy and glamorous. Generating
little gods and goddesses. A gigantic
gamble for the disingenuous and
gouache. Tinsel town. Titillating.
Tempestuous. Only the very brave
bring their dreams here... or fools
rush in where angels fear to tread.
All but the fallen angels. They thrive.

Oh! If this place could be bottled it
would be such sweet poison. I
look up at the auburn sky and back
down at the breathtaking panorama
The metropolis that is LA with awe
and angst. I carefully stub out my
cigarette and flip it irreverantly
toward the lagoon of lights.

I get in my car to drive home.
Could this imposing, inspiring,
impossible place be called home?

Well. Home is where the heart is.
And I live in the heart of a dream.
This is the city of dreams...


Soul Survivor
Catherine E Jarvis
(C) 2005
You can rest your eyes now...

I only have enough funds to
produce one spoken word
set to music... should I
do this one?
SøułSurvivør May 2015

streets twinkle
with the cars
the sky is granite
asphalt stars

trees die with their
stunted height
buildings grow
with urban blight

pine box slabs
of window's pain
glassy panels
city's stain

gritty mouths
feed dogs that bark
moist streets where
the world is parked

gravel streetlights
lend the night
darkened sidewalks

blackest light

rewrite (c) 5/12/2015
written 2014
At play with juxtaposed ideas.

SøułSurvivør Feb 2022
We are barely civil.
In fact it's a war!
I'm about ready now
To knock you to the floor!

I'm a blue-clad Yankee.
You're grey-Johnny Reb.
This fight may not be over
Til one red heart 💔 is dead!

Collateral damage, Civil War
Please don' you come 'round no more!
No lady here, no gentleman
Was it just a one-year stand?
Call it Providence or Fate,
All that's left of love is hate.

We don't square off in a duel
We wait in the weeds!
Each of us a Devil's tool
We shoot until we bleed!

You the caustic sarcasm
Me the Samurai tongue
We won't bend, but in the end
Which of us has won??.


SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015
you do not have to ♥
you don't have to repost
you do not even have to read this

By posting dedications and tributes

Trying to raise my stats
Recruit new readers
Impress ANYONE

I'm not hired by Eliot to
promote his site


There are some who have
POISON in their mind and
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

i will hear
a classic piece
that my soul may rest
music soothes
the savage beast
which writhes
within my breast

the light begins
with violins
a lovely harpsichord
then came in
some flute!
a winsome building chord!

finding my direction
back to a place that's fair
finding my connection
to a friend
who's there

finding my companion
in a friend who's free
music is the bastion


(c) 6/17/2015
Going to go listen to music
That always cheers me up!

SøułSurvivør Jan 2017
We grow old like watches
The hands are stiff from work
Correct time reflected twice a day
A fact which leaves us erked
Having regularity
Becomes a real perk
Hearts left too long in the sun
Become completely ******

We grow old like plumbing
Springing lots of leaks
Number 1 is hourly
The other once a week!
There's orthascopic searches
The plumbers take a peek
While the polyps and fistulae
Really have us freaked!

We grow old like locks & keys
You know, the skeleton kind
We can't unlock our hips & knees
We can't unlock our minds
We can't unlock our senses
Eyes & ears go blind
We can't get out of fleshy jail
We're really in a bind!

We grow old like vehicles
Our wiring starts to burn
Odometers spin like crazy
While our wheels refuse to turn!

We grow old like parchment
We pour out like a cup
We count the beats of clicking bones
The old want to be pups
While the crazy youngsters of today

Can't wait to grow up!

(C) 1/13/2017
Nightowl poetry (can't sleep EITHER! LOL!)
SøułSurvivør Oct 2015
in their bed of ash
lavender-grey and sultry

slowly reassemble into
a bed of coals
salmon and fuchsia


(C) 20/10/2015

sorry i've been gone so long...
been writing musical stuff
and burning CDs. Four of them.

It was a magical dawn this morning
and i can't help but write...
will be reading later this week.

SøułSurvivør Jun 2015
   // //! \ --\
/  /  //--\ !! \
  /-  //_ /  /\  !--!\
///   /--    /
~\ ==//  /\\
whisps of silk collecting dust
built in secret built on shelves
of my poor deluded mind
/    /  where i fool myself.   \ \
i don't want to know the truth
/     /   I don't want to delve.   \  \
//---/       a place of evil spiders-  - -\
//!!   and exquisite singing elves\/!!\
no matter my desire to change
    no matter my resolve  
hanging by a thread
my consciousness revolves
(((( ))))            

(C) 6/4/2015
sometimes my brain fog
is fairly thick
I need to create to clear my mind

SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

I think
therefore I AM

- Descartes -


therefore i


- soulsurvivor -
Descartes believed that if
you had doubt of your
existence you were living

I think if you believe in
the existence of
and that He's the reason you're here
you should thank Him!

SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
The sea change
at the

point of no return

Soul Survivor
SøułSurvivør Nov 2014

never take people
at face value
some have
two faces and
**it could cost more
than it's worth
I'm generally a trusting person
and get in trouble all the time
as a result!
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
Snow covers ground
to conceal lies.
But it can't cover truth.


Soul Survivor
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
is no greater
than working with

P♡€ T S

i feel truely
having worked with

~~~<YOU ALL>~~~

Please contact me
via the
site message system
if you want to
do a
with me

i won't ask

**~~~<((( I LOVE YOU ALL )))>~~~
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
@@@blue                                                      pink­@@@
@@@russet                                        purple@@@
@@­red yellow         \   /            orange teal@@
@@ochre violet     @@     puce lavender@@
@@green brown    ¥¥   turquoise navy@@
@@scarlet citrine   ¥¥    cerulean black@@
copper silver   ¥¥   golden bronze
peach wine  ¥¥   periwinkle
rose champagne ¥¥  blue chartreuse
carnation marigold     ¥¥  buff ecru mahogany
@emerald sapphire      ¥¥      amber opal pearl@
@raven oriole                                  rainbow russet@
@@                                                       ­                   @@
I hope this works!
it should be viewed on an
iPad laptop or PC
SøułSurvivør Aug 2020
In colored glass the prisons
In windows on the wall
Saints look uo to heaven
Jesus looks so tall
Piercing eyes look into hearts
Convicting, calling... all.
Weeping through the window
Shifting up the wall
The sun approaches painted hills
Sun setting leaves a pall.

All the congregation
Modern in the light
They follow "the Savior"
Thinking they're "upright"

Position, proposition,
Privilege in their pores
Matriarchs & patriarchs
Always wanting more.

The Saviour dies a pauper
Assigned to pour red gusts
Put in a rich man's private tomb
To turn to maroon dust

Now, O, hail the Pastor!
His preaching & his price!
He gathers up the windblown tithes
To practice every vice....
He's the one they come to
To give His Glorious advice?

The Mesusa in Their membranes
Giving Themselves airs
They turn us all to colored glass
Snakes writhe in Their hair
But batten down the Bible

The Saints look up so pious
Jesus scans the pews
He sees ALL the "Pastors"
He sees me & you
He's looks down so sadly

As the light weeps through.

SøułSurvivør Aug 2020

Color me be a cymbal
Let me be a gong
Color me Coyote brown
Let me limp along
Color up my faltering voice
Let it come out wrong
Color me a blackbird
A deep & moody song.

Color me a minstrel
Let me be a knave
Color me a sinner
Who is yet unsaved
Color me a'weeping
Let tears come in waves
Color me a raven
Perched above a grave.

Color me a cloudy day
Color me the rain
Color me a carousel
That ol' circle game
Let me be a priest of straw
Let me see bloodstains
On songwritten pages
On my Christian name.

Color me a kite in flight!
Color up the strings!
Color me an angel
A rusty golden thing!
Color me a blackbird
Cuz, man, those birds can SING!!
Yes, even a blackbird has
Red & yellow on its wings...


by Catherine Jarvis
Dedicated to Joni Mitchell.
As anyone who has followed my work knows, Joni Mitchell is one of my muses. This poem is about me attempting to emulate her. That must make God laugh!
SøułSurvivør May 2015

Is zero a number?
Is numb a feeling?
Is comatose slumber?
Is sleep now healing?

Is why a question?
Is try a verb?
When you can't shake
The ***** and herb?

Is static music?
Is silence screaming?
Is nighttime cursed...

is daytime dreaming?

Rewrite (c) 5/12/2015
Written 2014
For those battling addiction...

It's not something you "give up"
It's something you LET GO.

SøułSurvivør Dec 2015
we all appreciate getting them...
please give some in return!

commenting on the content
will give as well as earn!

reading is a joy!
there's so much we can learn!

It's the law of reciprocity.
Same goes for ♡'s and reposts.
just sayin'...

My dear friends... I just want you
to know I can't return comments
on my commentary right now...
my Smartphone is being stupid!

I ♡ you ALL!

:0) Catherine
SøułSurvivør Sep 2020

God can mould clay
but a stone must be broken


It's dangerous to have a heart of stone...
SøułSurvivør May 2014
I create.
I compose.
I don't compare.
I don't compromise.

I'm compulive
On my little computer.
I don't consider.
I don't compete...

I create.

Soul Survivor
I love aliteration!
SøułSurvivør Jul 2015



(c) 7/9/2015
time is very relative

SøułSurvivør Apr 2016
human mind
is like a shell
the outer form
remembered well

hard and white
with boney tips
pink and smooth
around its lip

whorled within
subconscious hides
we cannot see
the deep inside

but place the conch
to your heart's ear
be very still
and you will hear

set it there
and let it be
you will perceive
your mind's own


(C) 4/8/2016
good morning/afternoon/evening
to you folks worldwide!

It's beautiful here in Southern Arizona
The bushes are adorned in
Little crystal globes
From the rain last night

The sun shining through is a
wondrous sight!

Thanks for reading!
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
I am a poetry site addict.
I get on a site, and I just
Don't know when
To stop writing.
I'm not kidding.
I'm serious.

I'm also a people pleaser.
I want people to like me.
So I overwhelm them
And try too hard.

I love to bless people and
Make them feel good
About themselves.
But it can get to be
Too much of a
Good thing.

I have a thyroid condition
And slight bi polar mania
At times. I'm medicated,
Which helps. But I can't
Sleep when the writing
Bug hits.

You may be saying to
Yourselves, what?!
That's great for a
Writer! But it really
Isn't. Cause I alienate
People. I really would
Rather read and
Leave the writing
Alone for a while.

Please forgive me.
I'm truly not trying to
Overwhelm. I just love to
Write so much.

Thanks for understanding,
And for all your inspiration.
All my comments, etc

Soul :)
SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
W  e
   h   n

T   e

                   D s

                    C ome




                E  r


Going to bed now.
SøułSurvivør Jan 2016
as they soar
They course the winds and roam
They care not for snow nor rain
They make the clouds their home!

Consider the badger in his den
He worries not for gold
He will fight till his last breath
To defend his hole!

Consider the lion and his pride
They suffer want and lack
But they care naught or give a thought
They will be bouncing back!

Consider the fish within his pool
He worries not for drink
He won't beware for lack of air
He's stronger than we think!

Consider the wildflower
The bravely climbing rose
She will, in gloom, put forth her bloom
And cover trees in floes!

Consider the canine!
Consider the mighty horse!
They don't amend the name of friend
they're better ones of course!

Consider kingdoms of the wild
Do you find it odd?
They worry not. Give nothing thought

They just depend on GOD.

(C) 1/19/2016
There's a poet in our community
who's going through a difficult time.

I wrote this to uplift my poetfriend.

I must go off site for now
I'll be back soon.

SøułSurvivør Jul 2016

olive green
Palo Verde
drape over roofs
of russet red

ochre houses
across our wide brown street
Texas Ranger
flower bed

oblique sunshine
glances off persimmon trees
sheets of clouds
Egyptian cotton
slate blue threads

black and white cat
sits by our neighbor's door
waiting to be fed

of the morning
a pallet brush




(C) 7/17/2016
Complementary or contrasting colors make colors pop! When laid against each other there is a vibrancy which can be paralleled only in heaven.

Red/Green  Yellow/Purple  Orange/Blue

What I wouldn't give for the time to paint this morning!

Thank You God for your glorious Creation!

Happy Sunday!

SøułSurvivør May 2015

did you hear about
about the

he stayed up all night
trying to
convert a

(C) 5/26/2015
(get it?)

Other variables
Tonic gas
Sinc toga
So can ***
goin cats
Cans o ***...
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015

Love is priceless

but the pain can cost you

I'm a little behind in my reading
Please forgive

Next page