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Feb 2022 · 1.1k
The Untold Feb 2022
I learnt to fly,
Spread my wings
Let the breeze of love
Carry me away.
But then it started to rain
My dear sunshine was no more
A bad storm,
it pushed you away from me.
I crashed into the ground,
Broke into many pieces,
With no strength to rise,
I'm fallen.
It doesn't matter, even with the purest of hearts, you'll be broken. Your sun will be covered by the clouds.
May 2021 · 716
Once it's gone
The Untold May 2021
I can't reignite it
    I can't go back
         I only sit helplessly
             Waiting for your return
                  Then I'll be a shadow
An art in your heart.
It will be easier to let go by then.
May 2021 · 526
The Untold May 2021
You are a student of science
I am a student of art and science.
Space is art,
Space is science.
It's illusion -
But -
When you want to get back to earth
I'll be long gone-
a supernovae
Maybe I'll be venus to strike your morning sky,
And just maybe I'll be lucky enough to see you wake up with her in your arms.
Once it's gone, it's gone.
Feb 2021 · 777
The Untold Feb 2021
We loved so hard
dreamed too much
I felt our souls connect-
in the deepest parts of the ocean
we were drowning,
Faces white,
we struggled to breathe...
Held on tight until our hands turned red
We knew we'd fail,
as we did in our past lives,
as we will in our next.
And the fishes stared,
waiting to eat our carcasses,
We'd done this before,
We knew how it ends but we did it anyway,
I was luna, maybe you were my astral twin.
I'm going crazy because I'll write so much with very deep and hidden meaning 😭
Oct 2020 · 2.6k
Scared to love.
The Untold Oct 2020
There is zero emotion in your eyes
the way we cuddle,
makes my heart warm.
When I think of loving you -
my heart ceases to beat,
I realise I am only here
because I'm scared to be alone,
scared to love.
And so are you.
Late night thoughts.
Oct 2020 · 184
The Untold Oct 2020
I can see a star
from my window
Lonely -
Speaking to me.
He says he knows all I've lost,
why I shut my doors.
He's been here for long,
he sees your dreams every night.
And he says I look familiar -
He saw me in your dream,
He sees me now.
And that made me stop listening,
start smiling.
But when I looked again,
he wasn't outside my window.
Whether it was a desperate dream
or real,
I hope he comes tomorrow,
to tell me if we had found love,
Or we were dying.
Because I need my alive or dead,
I am a twinkling lonely star.
Off the cuff.
Sep 2020 · 156
The Untold Sep 2020
Everything I touch dies
Everything I see fades away
Everything I smell chokes me
Everything I hear hurts me
Everything I love
doesn't exist.
I've been alone.
Off the cuff
Jul 2020 · 159
The Untold Jul 2020
I just want you to
wait for me.
We can make our dreams
  a reality.
Jul 2020 · 143
The Untold Jul 2020
I wish you felt the pain I feel
every time
I dream of you.
I am broken
I am aching,
I am tearing.
I am bleeding,
In my heart.

And it can't stop.
I love you and it kills me that I can't talk to you and say how sorry I am.
Jul 2020 · 160
The Untold Jul 2020
I hope by now,
I've given you enough reason
to hate me.
Your hatred is the only way I'll get over you.
Jun 2020 · 153
The Untold Jun 2020
The only friend I hug
When am lonely
Is my pillow.
She knows my tears
My dreams-
That never come true
My happy times
My silly smiles when he texts
Or sings.
Now she knows my depression
All the things am doing
That I shouldn't be
That give me temporal comfort.

Sorry pillow, am lonely
#depression #sad. Rough poem. Real one coming up soon.
Jun 2020 · 133
Let go
The Untold Jun 2020
You're locked inside your head
Let go of the demons inside
And you'll realise you were the demons.
But demons are just fallen angels,
Heal your bruises
And rise up.
With love.
You can do this.
Though it's hard.
Jun 2020 · 91
Hold on.
The Untold Jun 2020
If it is real,
It will hurt.
You will endure.
Jun 2020 · 97
Distant eyes.
The Untold Jun 2020
When I stare into your distant eyes
I wonder if you were meant for this distant love
If they'd look the same,
If we held on to hope, love
If I saw you face to face
If you saw me face to face.
Your eyes are always so distant, as if they are searching for peace so far away. I want to get lost in them, where distance doesn't hurt, but hope lightens the heart, love puts a smile across your lips.
Jun 2020 · 180
Do I?
The Untold Jun 2020
I wonder if I still smile in your dreams
    If at all you see me.

I stopped smiling,
             Started wondering.
All I do is wonder if you do this or that for me, if you'd do anything, if you'd ever come back. My thoughts wander everywhere, everywhere around you.
Jun 2020 · 134
The Untold Jun 2020
At the edge of a cliff
we made love
under grey skies
your love came crushing over me
pushed me to the edge,

There was pain
rushing through my veins
pleasure, peace
with your soft skin against mine
brushing swiftly,
possessively gripping me
black and white-
now grey,

My lips parted
your name
escaping them in a gentle whisper
of relief,
of pain
knowing I might be repeating a mistake.

Your words-
hold on to me,
I'll never let you go
I reminisce holding on,

Hazy sights
I couldn't feel you
my dream
was alive
you let go,
I heard the sound
a bell
in your grey eyes,
I saw the sun
a smile.

If you don't save me
I will hit the ground,
become a million grains of sand
when I come back,
in a different form-
a vase for your sunflowers
reminding you-
we made love
in our hearts.
Just a piece, for healing.
Jun 2020 · 119
The Untold Jun 2020
Love hurts hearts.
Jun 2020 · 131
The Untold Jun 2020
I wanted to shine bright for you,
You encouraged me,
Told me we'd shine together
The brightest light.

When I shone,
You put on your spectacles,
So that my light doesn't get to you.
When I asked,
You said you had eye problem.
When I asked,you said you had eye problems. When you was sunshine yourself. Why?
Jun 2020 · 164
The Untold Jun 2020
Too much hate in this world
She lost her smile
She lost the sparkle in her eyes
She lost the love in her heart
She lost the warmth in her heart
She doesn't care
She's cold
Ice cold
Because of you, her eyes were opened. Why would you trust a random white man? Why would you trust a random black man? Why would you be willing to give away your heart so that they can fill their trashcans? Why would you love, just to break?
Jun 2020 · 151
Get away
The Untold Jun 2020
Maybe what I need to heal
Is to get a way,
And let my depression **** me
Let your memories fade.
I hope I'll be over you.
See you next month.
You, I hope you'll wish me happy birthday.
Jun 2020 · 189
Is this normal?
The Untold Jun 2020
Have you ever
Loved someone so deeply
Someone you've never seen?
Someone you just feel?
Am I the only one who is going through this?
Is it normal?
It's crazy to love someone you can ever be with.
Jun 2020 · 128
The Untold Jun 2020
I slept with​ the moon smiling at me
    I dreamed of you.
But not all dreams come true,
    Because sometimes,
          We die in our dreams.
I wonder if the moon still smiles or it grieves the loss.
Jun 2020 · 164
I am scared.
The Untold Jun 2020
The insides of my eyelids are imprinted your photo
because everytime I shut them I see you.
It's been hard to let go
mainly because you'd become my life.

You moved on fast and easy,
and now,
it's up to me to do the same.

I know I would hate it to love you again.

Maybe am just scared to be lonely
Scared to love again.
Not really a poem.
I didn't have someone to talk to, so hp is my closest friend. I have to move on.
May 2020 · 119
The Untold May 2020
We take risks

But in the end, people show their true colors-
              and they are ugly.
All the ******* time. Without fail.

Even you.
May 2020 · 284
"I was your nothing"
The Untold May 2020
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I was in love, but so were you.

Times changed
You changed.
I still remembered that-

Roses are red,
But my roses are dead
and they crumble under my feet,
their thorns pierce through my skin.

Violets are blue,
But my violets are due
To wither in my hands-
their petals slip through my fingers.

I am in love,
                        and I am dead.
... I hope you are too.
This is for you. You said you'd fancy a poem for you.
May 2020 · 169
words make us bleed*
The Untold May 2020
If only there was an instrument to measure the sincerity of words,

We wouldn't have to hate
                  ourselves -
           for having so many flaws
               Too many scars.
But there isn't, so we'll hate... and die. We just can't trust anymore, we can't love.
May 2020 · 166
The Untold May 2020
I have no words to write
     Just tears to cry
I have been alone
      I forgot what it feels like to be around people.
26/5. Pain.
May 2020 · 127
I saw you
The Untold May 2020
You were busy
erasing every word I said,
replacing it with someone's words.

Your words remained fixed-
   you had to adjust them to suit who was new.
because none of them will say the words I said.
May 2020 · 120
The Untold May 2020
When I closed my eyes
I saw you, like I've done for the past whole month.
I was running to you-the good you
I was running from you-the you that hurt me.
This time it wasn't a fragrance nor a whisper,
It was a heart that seemed too sincere
I will always run to you in my dreams
because in my mostly childish naivety,
I dream of seeing your face and grazing it will my finger
I dream of kissing your lips and hearing you say you'd fight.
I wanna sleep forever, never open my eyes, because then we'll share a life,
And because then,
I am a teardrop and when the sun comes up, I'll fall and become a million grains of salt.
I will evaporate and no one will remember my existence... Not even you, because you've started wiping away everything.
May 2020 · 151
The Untold May 2020
I wish someday
I'll be considered old enough
To feel.
To feel love
To feel emotion
To feel hurt.
By then I'll be long dead.
May 2020 · 124
"Love you to death"
The Untold May 2020
Is what he said
And I believed him.
But he killed me
     a little while before he stopped loving me.
He kept his promise,
He loved me to death.
I don't have the power to resurrect.
May 2020 · 111
The Untold May 2020
Up all night
Staring into your eyes
I was sinking deep
I was getting lost
And I know by morning,
I'll still be alone
But I don't know if
I'll be alive
Unless you're here with me.
but do you ever stay up all night thinking of me?
I'm I too naive to ever think you'll be with me?
Jan 2020 · 329
Fragrance and a whisper
The Untold Jan 2020
Promises made are broken easily
You left these scars for me to heal
You left this pain for me to ache
You weren't a dream neither real
It was about a single touch
a peek into your eyes to feel
the fire that lights up the heart
It was about the hurt
not about the love or the heart,
and the tension and the heat
I'll forever remember to forget
The ache and hurt and pain onset
by that fragrance and a whisper
its_muthoni itate.
Aug 2019 · 300
The Untold Aug 2019
Do I remember those eyes
those lies
hidden beneath?
Do I recall those lips
those slips
of a reeded tongue?
And were you even my lover
now that it's over
the times we shared?
You were here-
my heart to ****
you weren't for real.
It's a painful confession,
A burdened admission.,
T'was a ******-
@the_untold  @Its_itate
Aug 2019 · 197
The Untold Aug 2019
~I feel like I should know you more
Like you and I should be the same thing
Share in your joy and pains
I feel like you are in me
I am in you,
Feeling what you feel
Needing what you need
Apr 2019 · 174
My poetic night.
The Untold Apr 2019
It's a poetic night because the heart is deficient of someone's love.
Do you just open your eyes and decide she's not the one you've always wanted?
It's a poetic night because the night sky is plain.
Did you just throw away the memories we spent ages painting and assumed we never were?
It's a poetic night because her mind is clouded by thoughts of you.
Did you just forget her?
It's a poetic night because her eyes are misted with hurt and pain.
Do you even care any more?
It's a poetic night because she is full of hope that you'll be back, but,
Does poetry stir the love in you anymore?
This night reflects all that poetry is, still glistering in the absence of stars.
Apr 2019 · 229
I realized,
The Untold Apr 2019
To live doesn't mean
       you're alive
To be alive doesn't mean
       You live.
Be alive and live.
Apr 2019 · 257
The Untold Apr 2019
Poetry is
Peace is
Life is
Love is
@its_itate @the_untold
Apr 2019 · 330
The Untold Apr 2019
He is Gachi
because he is
   my bestie.
I love Gachi
because he is
  the art my heart knows
Am keeping Gachi
because he is
@the_untold @its_itate
Apr 2019 · 287
Am sorry,
The Untold Apr 2019
When i say am sorry
Know that am hurting inside
That i regret my actions
If i could turn back- I'm certain I'd make wrong right
But now am sorry
give me a sign.
@the_untold @its_itate
Apr 2019 · 276
...He knows it.
The Untold Apr 2019
It's not about how i felt
It's how am feeling.
That you're the one who lights up my world
You are my smile
You are blueberry ice cream
You are the perfect I've cream cake
You are my favorite.
And we are an ocean,
We still our dreams and memories
Memories we'll never lose,
Because our life is made up of jokes, smiles, memories and love.
You are my love.
My best friend.
@the_untold @its_itate
Nov 2018 · 338
The Untold Nov 2018
It's a world of;
          Love and life
There's no life without love
There's no love without life
Love and live
Live and love.
           Betrayal and death
There's no betrayal without love
There's no escape to death
Deal with it!
Nov 2018 · 453
The Untold Nov 2018
When you said you'd love me,
Were you ready??
To deal with my moods,
To cope with my temper,
To make me believe in love again?
To understand that I'll make you wait,
That it won't be a smooth road,
That i break apart easily,
Now that you want to leave,
I'll let you leave but I'll ask one question-
were you ready??
Nov 2018 · 702
The Untold Nov 2018
Good times
Memories -
Nov 2018 · 1.4k
The Untold Nov 2018
What about us?
We loved
We made memories
You're gone now

I wished i could bring you back
As i cried my heart out.

The phonecall all that i wanted
My smile wide as our friendship

I prayed you'd never try that again
Your life is priceless
My bestfriend you're the best I've ever had.
@its_itate            it's written under emotions... Thanks guys for your support.. Please like and make it trend... i love you guys ❣
Nov 2018 · 505
A portrait;
The Untold Nov 2018
Of our love
Of our smiles
Of our bond
Of our secrets
Of our trust
Of our dreams
     It's a portrait of we
      Of me and you
        Of us.
Nov 2018 · 197
.......he left
The Untold Nov 2018
The moon today looked unfamiliar
The stars tonight are beautiful
I see you in every single thing
And baby am amazed by you.

Love doesn't ask why
i left my tears long ago to dry
my heart slowly to heal
because for every second i ****
am saving me lost soul-
now it's all damp and foul
But soon enough I'll be real
Coz now it has taught me to heal.

My heart was all dark
with pains that would never lack
My one ***** seriously cracked-
by one word that now *****.
Eyes that would always glare;
Like a wounded angry mare,
i would always flare.,
For then, i never seemed to care.

Now am all so outworn,
Very rare smiles its always a florn.
All the memories are gone.
My heart, like shattered pieces of glass on a floor.
My life has been all lone-
And now gone.
Oct 2018 · 200
The Untold Oct 2018
A lifetime to build a friendship
Just for the sake of companionship
The heart was never asleep
Coz at first the mountain didn't seem so steep

It takes three seconds to break
A bond we thought couldn't shake
A heart broken to many pieces
that learnt to live in many phases
Its all it takes.

It's the tongue
that causes the tie to die
For many cannot hold them in.
Friendship secrets are-
meant for a dual
But we treat it as casual
And once broken it's final
It only takes a second.
Oct 2018 · 180
The Untold Oct 2018
When i die
Please do not shed a tear for me
Do not lose hope in life
Never be dismayed
My dear ones;
Take my body to the beach
And burn me to ashes
Then send my pieces to the fishes.
I pray you,
Only at sunset send me-
To sink below with the setting sun
That my life will be all gone!
Then at sunrise;
Wake up with a smile on your face
Ready to start a new life
But at every sunset
Shed at least a tear
As you remember me;
In the setting sun
In the shinning stars
And the bright moon
All in the night sky.
I promise;
I'll always send you a sign
That will make you smile
Because that's all that will make me-
Rest In Peace.
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