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1.8k · Dec 2020
The Parrot in the House
Marilyn O Dec 2020
While wiping the dust off the chairs,
the radio garnished the room with a lovely song.
We chatted and laughed over and over,
sprinkling the flowers to beset the room.
Everyone was merry and positive.
We shared our worries, cried, sobbed, encouraged and supported each other.
We didn't care for nothing because we had ourselves to rely on
so we spoke up without fear nor shame.
Our confidence as family was one to be envied
because we listened and shared our cares.

The day after was more than disastrous.
Wherever we went we paused in shock.
Words cruised from mouth to mouth
and echoed from street to street.
Even the birds sung our song.
Our depths and cares were known all over the place.
We were bewildered beyond our strengths
because we didn't know you were the parrot in the house,
spreading our stories wherever you went.
Avoid gossip, it kills trust and diminishes values.
787 · Jan 2021
Marilyn O Jan 2021
One of the purest source of joy,
I athirst more and more.

Comforts the broken hearted
And instills unseen relief to their broken hearts.

Of every being, young and old,
You enchant and render merry.

Your worth is spoken from every mouth,
The sweetness and meaning you add to life.
I can't emphasis enough, but Good music is "Food for the Soul"
733 · Dec 2020
Goodbye Anger
Marilyn O Dec 2020
You came along with your bags,
All arranged and looking neat.
To find a place for a vacation,
To spend quality time within.

To your surprise, the door was shut.
No one welcomed you like before.
You questioned yourself countlessly
And tried knocking even harder.

All your efforts left no reward.
The ****** deal had finally ended.
There's no more room for you in there,
Embrace your shame and take your leave.

The damage you caused was terrific.
Never again will you get that chance
So carry your bags and cease knocking.
You're not welcome here, never again.
There's nothing as dangerous as an angry man. It's time to throw this vice away
514 · Nov 2020
Sunset and Feelings
Marilyn O Nov 2020
A wide plain covered with setting rays
Warm scented air blowing through the aisle
Tweeting sounds I hear from the birds;
Sweetens my heart and melts all worries

Capturing every moment results in a hypnosis
Suddenly my eyelids kiss each other
My chest raises and slowly lowers,
Breathing that makes me feel sky-high

The trees dance to the rhythm of the wind
I gladly join the moment in my mind
A smile graciously falls without effort:
Enchantment by nature is absolutely gay.
Nature has a way of solving problems like stress. Give it a chance to make you feel better when you're almost burning out.
513 · Dec 2020
My Lady
Marilyn O Dec 2020
Tell me what you wish for,
all I need is what you need.
Whenever you need succour,
I'll gladly yield myself to help.

Your smile disseminates rays of hope,
I can hardly look away from it.
With you I know I can cope,
cos our connection is gainly fit.

Whenever your hand holds mine,
I bounce forth and bubble.
My being rejoices because you are mine,
thus no one can make me grumble.

Though the crowd makes me fret,
your presence gives me strength.
You embody many precious things,
I'm glad I found you out quick.
Love is beautiful with the right person
507 · Nov 2020
My Pen
Marilyn O Nov 2020
My pen, my friend,
Every moment with you feels so real.
Whenever I have something to say,
You always give me a listening ear.
You lend me your shoulder when need arises,
You rejoice with me in moments of joy,
With you I can say whatever I want to;
You give me all the attention I need.
Oh my pen, my friend,
I can't thank you enough for always being there.
When I can't express myself in speech,
You give me the chance to do it best.
When life and people give you tons of reasons not to trust and rely on them, there stands at a corner a substitute to voice out your feelings in writing which brings about a certain level of tranquility.
398 · Dec 2020
A Grime Of Blood
Marilyn O Dec 2020
Gazing from a mirror broken beyond repair,
All she could notice was a lifeless face.
A stench of blood and that of guilt,
Trailed her wherever she went.

She was haunted all her life,
Her days filled with endless tears
Seeking what she thought would end the pain,
To remedy the hate she had within.

Of her heart and soul she bleed.
The sun and moon had no effect
Cos all she perceived was a thick darkness,
A vendetta she promised to reciprocate.

O'er everything she sort revenge,
Gladly thinking it'll end the hate
But the nights became horrifying,
With a grime of blood on her hands for life.
Revenge is evil and breeds nothing but misery.
352 · Dec 2020
Moving on
Marilyn O Dec 2020
I was disappointed
Because you walked out on me
But I'll certainly not lose my appetite
Because you walked out.
Managing breakups; "It's not the end of the world"
298 · Dec 2020
Marilyn O Dec 2020
Keeping late nights,
Trying to find sleep on my own
Tossing from one end of the bed to the other,
Eyes as dry as that of an owl.
Not a trouble, not a worry,
Up because of a muse within
Pressing me up and wanting to spill,
Hence shaking every bit of me.
As I keep glancing at my table in the corner,
I see my sheets anxiously calling.
My pens jingle and smile at me,
Anxiously waiting to pen the feeling down.
Can't find rest until I cooperate.
The consequence when I refuse writing
It keeps me awake and seizes my peace,
Till I write it out, then can I sleep.
The peace I get from writing.
287 · Dec 2020
Marilyn O Dec 2020
She called out severally
And cried out bitterly
Wishing for a hand,
To untie the band.

The bars stood still,
And stole her skill
Leaving her in pain,
With nothing to gain.

Darts stroke her mind,
Deep enough to bind
And sculped her sight,
With strings of fright.

The past was awake,
Sharpening its old hake
And spreading its sheets,
Engulfing her in ****.
Don't be a prisoner of your past
272 · Dec 2020
An Ode To Happiness
Marilyn O Dec 2020
Oh, happiness, your love is pure!
Thou makest the weary joyful again,
Your beauty is truth and truth is life
A sweet symphony of life's fair bliss,
Couching upon our numbered struggles,
Emitting hope of triumph in battles;
Where canst thou bridge and not be felt?
Of men and babies, who can resist you?
Desolation quivers, and swiftly fades,
As doth a man who runs from fire.

A priceless gift yet hard to come by,
Such as who find you, find relieve:
Of feeble men you restore their strength,
Of laden women you lighten their burden,
For a better morn, why not for good?
Thy song is sung in honour of life
A beautiful rhythm to suit all seasons,
For ever winning, for ever leading,
Like legends of old in unique array
Where with we're clothed in flawless beauty.

What a rare treasure, What a divine package?
We've heard melodies but yours is sweeter:
Sweeter than candies, sweeter than honey,
And all that you are, a fair virtue!
A standing citadel in our sorrowful land,
Where we bury our grief, and fetch joy
As a weapon of war against our troubles,
Singing along in a merrier tone
And finding meaning, in brewed passion;
The meaning you add to our brief lives.
Happiness is a virtue, a free gift.
Have some of it for yourself always.
270 · Nov 2020
The Silent Song
Marilyn O Nov 2020
Moments like this reveal the very best.
I can't explain but it sounds so real.
It seems weird but there's more to it,
Just hold on and listen once more.

Look beyond what you can see,
Listen attentively to what sounds lifeless.
Focus a little more and you'll perceive,
The magnitude of the words you can't hear.

Understanding this might seem awkward
But be keen lest you get a wrong meaning.
There's more to this song than you can tell
Just listen, you'll get the meaning.
244 · Dec 2020
Our Orchard
Marilyn O Dec 2020
Long ago we stood together.
   By the walls of time,
   We built an orchard;
   Where we sat gazing and repairing. 

We treasured every moment building it up.
   Carefully watering, pruning and shaping the plants.
   Every moment in there meant a lot.
   We worked intentionally for its growth.

The more time we spent in there,
   The more we grew in knowledge of ourselves.
   The orchard was a reflection of our relationship.
   In there, we bonded and mended our holes.

All of a sudden our orchard got dry,
   Ugly, ***** and extremely bushy.
   Our interest and cares had grown apart,
   Thus failing to nourish and water our growth.

Our once beautiful orchard became a dunghill.
   We failed giving it proper care.
   And before we could act, it was too late.
   We failed keeping it alive.
Make your relationship worth it.
Struggle to keep lively lest it fades away.
222 · Nov 2020
Marilyn O Nov 2020
Pictures capture the deepest memories,
taking us back in times of old,
journeying through a mere image,
to how things used to be.

Pictures tell the best stories,
no need for words to explain.
They speak intentionally on our behalf,
narrating moments we hold so dear.

Pictures renew lost feelings,
and leave us wishing to relive such moments.
We become nostalgic about the past
but all we have are the memories to keep.

Pictures keep moments alive,
tear them to pieces or burn them to ashes
but the mind's pictures never fade,
they're with you wherever you go.
Value every moment you have with someone.
198 · Dec 2020
Hope You Understand
Marilyn O Dec 2020
It had been my wish,
To love without border
But everytime I called up,
You told me you were busy.

It had been my wish,
To level up this life with you
And live it to the fullest,
Treasuring every second of it.

It had been my wish,
Before and always
To know how you felt
And what your desires were.

It had been my wish,
Over and over again
To spend more time with you
Yet you never showed up.

Now I'm no longer wishing
Because I'm no longer breathing
But here you are desperately wishing,
For me to open my eyes one last time.
80 · Nov 2020
Marilyn O Nov 2020
How you fade away
   I can't explain,
   I wish for more of you
   But you're not for sale.
You've taught me tons of things
   I can't forget;
   To value each second
   And brace up without delay.

— The End —