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Madalyn Oct 2016
These days flirting is through Instagram likes and Tinder swipes
i hate this generation of "dating"
Madalyn Jul 2016
I used to pinch myself every time my mind wandered to you.
I thought, maybe, the feeling of pain would make me stop thinking about you.

It didn't.

I'm starting to enjoy it.
Madalyn May 2016
I keep replaying that image in my head.
It was the last time I will ever see you.
That is,
if fate doesn’t bring us together again.
You saw me from across the bar but you didn’t see that I saw you.
The last image I have of you is you turning your head as I went to make eye contact with you.
It’s the image I see every time I close my ******* eyes.
Madalyn Apr 2015
Alcohol. It's a poison. With every sip I take I hope it doesn't **** me. Last night I was crying because it hurt so much. I don't know if I should blame the alcohol or myself. I let myself pour my heart out on the side of the road and I don't like when I do that because then they know. I succumb my true feelings so often that I hit this point where I just burst, like a balloon with too much air. I tell someone everything I've never said and it's scary. I don't like people knowing.
Madalyn Apr 2016
On days like today I am only reminded of my regrets. My mind is filled with the loss of what ifs. When we started there was hope, God was there hope. Now, this hope has dwindled. I've spent four years of my life stuck on the possibility of what if and it has drained my being, my soul aches. As everything must come to an end, so must this. I must truly, completely give it up. I am utterly exhausted.
Madalyn Dec 2015
I’m tired of living in a world where my worth is measured in how many times I’ve blacked out or how many times I’ve made out with boys in bars. I’m done belittling myself for these people. People who only know the surface of my being. If I were to tell them everything about me all the darkness that resides in my soul, all the pain and misery that encompasses my heart, they would just shrug and call me weird or over dramatic. These people don’t know that I have galaxies in me that have yet been explored, that I fear will never be given the chance of discovery. I’m not depressed by any means, but I’m not happy either. I’m stuck in the middle, in purgatory, but it might as well be hell.
Madalyn Dec 2015
There is rain in my soul. Dangerous, treacherous rain that can't be tamed. So I just sit and wait for the day the dam overflows, bursts and washes me away.
Madalyn Oct 2016
I want to be the type of girl that wakes up at 8 AM everyday in silky pajamas and drinks coffee out of a cute mug but here I am at 2 AM wide awake with my reckless thoughts
Madalyn Dec 2019
i want to be your saturday morning coffee
Madalyn Apr 2016
Something with fate and the day it was sealed. Go back to a time where I could have changed his life and he could have changed mine. The day when I saw him standing alone. I was a coward. Still am.
Madalyn Sep 2015
Sleep away the sadness and loneliness. Maybe in the morning you won't feel so hopeless.
Madalyn Apr 2015
I still can't get you out of my head. I try to ignore the feelings but once I lay down to go to sleep
I start replaying that night and I yearn for more like it
Madalyn May 2015
I've finally understood the quote "some people feel the rain, others just get wet" I mean I assume I've always known, but now it just seems so clear. While some people feel nothing others feel too much. I am afraid that I feel too much as well as love too much. So much love, so may feelings, yet no one to share it with. Soon I hope.
Madalyn Jan 2016
First touch
You were drunk and I was sitting next to your date. You sat on her lap, and as you did you ran your hand over my knee.
Second touch
You were drunk and you were talking to my friend. You noticed me and touched my face to get my attention.
Touch three
You danced with me after I stole your beer from you. You offered to buy me one but i declined. I told you to remember my name and I didn't think you would.
Touch four
Saw you at the party, we made eye contact and you went for the hug. You said "Hi" and I couldn't help but smile.
Touch 5
You hugged me and then I took you to see a dog you said reminded you of yours
Touch 6
A party. You gave me a full hug. No awkward side hug,full hug. I died inside cause I wasn't expecting it. You even told my sister hi.
Touch 7
Not really a touch, but my heart felt it. You dipped your head into our conversation and said hi and smiled in the cutest way I've ever seen a boy smile. If It was possible, your smile could end all hatred in the world.
Madalyn Dec 2019
every touch was a taunt

your hand behind your back
palm up, touching
touching her hand, her back, her hair

i tried to look away but i couldn't help it
i am drawn to you
      like a moth to light
      like black & white

there is no grey in what i feel for you
Madalyn Apr 2015
All those girls who want you only see you as prey. They want to conquer you. All I want, is to learn every inch of you. But you love the idea of being conquered.
Madalyn Sep 2017
Maybe I trusted the moon too much. She always made me believe things were gonna be okay. But she spends her whole life chasing the sun, she can’t know what true love means.
Madalyn May 2015
I think I'm always gonna be that girl. The girl who no one knows but knows everyone's name. The girl that no matter how hard she tries will always be let down. Even by people who claim to be her friend. I think I'm meant to be alone. I've never been the type to have friends. They always leave for some reason. Maybe it's good though because who wants to be around a girl that hurts this much for no reason at all. A girl who thinks everybody that looks her way is in love with her. A girl who will never have a boy love her. A girl who tries so hard to pretend like she doesn't need to a boy and tries so hard to be okay with being alone. The girl who keeps her feelings inside so often that one day they just burst from the seams of her skin and she can't control the Avalanche of emotions. A girl who wants a tragic love not some stupid fairy tale. I want a love that hurts my soul when it's over. I want to feel the pain of love. Because right now all I'm feeling is hurt over no one. Hurt over boys who don't even think about me ever. Boys that have other girls. There will always be other girls.
Madalyn Sep 2017
Wanting you would be a death wish but
I'd cross the river styx and look the devil in the eyes
just to know your every thought...
Madalyn Sep 2017
It was the first time I ever heard your voice over the phone.
I grabbed the phone, confidently, but when I put it to my ear, hands shaking, I heard you breathing on the other side and for a split moment I had forgotten all the words in the English language. There was something intimate about it. Almost like you were whispering the secret of the universe into my ear.
Madalyn Oct 2016
Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Slow but fast. Blink and they're gone. One day you're 22 thinking you have all the time in the world and the next minute your 75 wondering where all the time has gone
Madalyn May 2018
Growing up your parents always made sure you knew that they loved you. Mom would walk up the stairs and say, “ Goodnight, i love you” and you would respond, “love you more” and a fight about who could possibly love the other more would endure.

These days, I know she loves me, but its not said as much. We don't fight about who says "i love you more" last.  She doesn't know me as well as she used to. She doesn't see what I’m going through. She’s blinded by the fact that she "loves me to the moon and back "

and she feels like that should be enough..
Madalyn Apr 2016
His touch reminded me of one of those prominent hand touches in period pieces, He hugged me and his hand lingered on my bare back for just a second or so, but wow! it felt as if it meant so much more!
Madalyn Jan 2016
Don't say I'm hot. Don't say I'm beautiful. Those words mean nothing to me. Just words used over and over to win a girl's heart.

I see it happen everyday.

You won't win mine with such trivial words, trust me. You will never win my heart. It will never belong to you.

I am not hot, I am not beautiful.

I am the stars in the sky, I am the unexplored galaxies of the universe.
Madalyn Apr 2015
So now you're about to turn twenty and you haven't accomplished much. Yea, you made it through high school and almost two years of college now, but what does that amount to? Congrats! You've done what everyone else does. You're about to turn twenty and you've never had a boyfriend , you've never done anything worth something. You always make excuses for not doing something and you've missed out on opportunities that could have helped you. Now you're about to turn twenty and you have no idea what you want to do with your life. You don't know what you can do with your major you're wasting all this money on. You know nothing, but now that you're twenty you're expected to know this **** because you're an adult and when you do find your job, you'll have to pay your loans that you used while earning an education. But it's okay! everyone does it. Now you're about to twenty and you can't even invite a boy to the bar because you're scared of what he might think of you. You're about to turn twenty and you can count your friends on one hand because you always lose them and you have no idea why. They just leave with no explanation. You're about to turn twenty and you're not happy with the way your life has turned out. You're insecure about stupid things and the only people that love you are your family members and that will never be enough for you. So now you'11 turn twenty, and as much as you want to, there's no stopping it.
Madalyn Jan 2016
I think when I cry about you, it's not
my heart that's crying, it's my soul.
Each day you get further away and each day a little piece of my soul is torn away.
Our souls miss each other. Mine just wants to go home.
Madalyn Aug 2015
I would learn every word to every Coldplay song ever written if it meant I could have just one day with you
Madalyn Apr 2015
I fell victim to his charm, and God that's all I'll ever be.
Madalyn Feb 2017
On the 7 ways to make your partner fall in love with you list one stuck out in my mind. "Stare into each other's eyes for four minutes without saying a word," it read. So here I sit, staring into the eyes of my reflection in the mirror hoping that maybe if I am able to stare long enough I will begin to love myself. I'll notice my favorite attributes and learn to love my flaws. However, within 30 seconds of locked eyes, my vision was blurred as I began to sob. Within those 30 seconds I came to the realization that I do not love myself and I'm finding it hard to believe that I ever will.
Madalyn May 2015
Apparently getting drunk won't help me talk to you either
Madalyn Oct 2016
You made me feel like dusk makes me feel
Happy yet sad
Sure yet uncertain
Secure yet insecure

You were the light coming through the window but
I was so oblivious, I turned on the light

— The End —