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Mar 2018 · 443
Useless Stardust Mar 2018
blanket of blue
wrapped around me
some time long ago

it can get hot and muggy
but i don't really mind
it's the color of blue
something new
it's mine

oh blanket of blue
how true of you
to finally let me in

i'll let you grab and tangle me
so long as you don't cave in
you wrap yourself around my neck
and linger there a few

soft and heavy breathing
as tears begin to spew

blanket of blue
how cruel of you
to leave me here like this

your soft touch
captured my sense
as i cry here for you

you wrap yourself a little tighter
dashing away my hope
you sure love turning my lips
to your shade of blue
Jan 2018 · 393
Useless Stardust Jan 2018
Callused fingers run along the strings of the chord
A riveting hum echos through the wood
A note or two before it starts
The riveting beat of your own heart
Dec 2017 · 499
The Cloak Or The Hand
Useless Stardust Dec 2017
i can feel your arms wrap around me like a big soft blanket
your smooth fingers graze my head gently
the darkness of your cloak is so soothing as if the colors itself could envelope me
you smell of nothing only a soft scent of something fresh yet old
you whispher sweet nothings in my ear telling me to not let go
my eyes droop into the warmth
tired and exausted
but then i sense the scent of something sweet
my body awakens as something walks nearer
the warmth of a light drives away the comfort of the cloak
i feel bare yet warm
my eyes open again revealing a child who wears a yellow dress
barely reaching above their knees
it smiles at me
such happiness pours into me
i crack a smile
it holds a hand for me to take
i give it a finger its tiny hands grasp around it
pulling me somewhere
we begin to walk my eyes widening
i rip my finger from its grasp
it looks confused but i only shake a head my body trembles
i run back to the cloak
for its arms to devour me again
the familiar warmth kisses me as the process starts over again
the cloak whispers sweet nothings to me
like a mother comforting her child
she says
theres nothing for you but me
Useless Stardust Dec 2017
The sun shone bright
against the clear blue sky
The waves pushed to and fro
making paste from the sand

Seagulls cried to the others ashore
as their shadows shaded my eyes
A cool ocean breeze passed through
oh it feels so grand

I lift my eyes up to the sky as
skin stretches into a smile
I wish to shout but I like it
how I could be here forever

All I can hear is someting that
stands from a mile
A being, no, somebody, no, either way
something kept calling never

It only lingers in my head but
soon I was walking to the body
The water was cold and warm
as it gently licked at my feet

The water was like a friend
inviting me in like I was cloddy
Yet as my toes dug slowly in the sand
my feet walking deeper beneathe

This is very much a situation
I find the ocean to be very funny
And so I laugh
I laugh until my sides hurt

The water is now up to my neck
my body slowly turning gummy
I just stand there
salt clings onto my shirt

The ocean gently rocks me
as it takes me away from the pain
And which I call to life
I will be alright
Dec 2017 · 591
Useless Stardust Dec 2017
day by day i realize
everything i miss about you
was never there in the first place

-the person i fell in love with was a mirage
From the book, "the sun and her flowers" by Rupi Kaur
Useless Stardust Dec 2017
i have always wondered why i wrote from a boys perspective. is it easier. i dont know. i make sentences about boys who find love in girls. weird. i cant say. its not that i too am attracted to girls. its more or less that i write these boys to love these girls because thats how i want a boy to feel and think about me. i suppose so. but i believe other girls deserve these boys then me. for i dont believe these words are ment for me. i create these boys through sewn words for the girls who have wanted someone to look at them like they want boys to. to talk to them like they want boys to. to feel like they want that special someone to. ah. what even is this. maybe i write nothing and have bad rythme. who knows. its hard to opinionize myself. but i guess this will suffice.
Dec 2017 · 716
Just My Imagination
Useless Stardust Dec 2017
there is us in the world and the world is us

we create this world to be safe and helpless

we create this world where I can freely touch you

but theres a sadness to you

i know you are just a creation of what i want you to be

of who i want to you be
to do
to say

why are you here
you are just a creation

you are the comfort to my pain
and yet you cannot even leave my mind

its not physically possible to

i wish for you to touch me
to hold me
to tell me its gonna be okay

why must you be imaginary

cant you just be real
Nov 2017 · 531
Kings and Queens
Useless Stardust Nov 2017
I am the king of my pieces,
where the king owns the game,
my pawns are gone,
my knights are slain,
my rookes have fleed,
and my castles decayed,
all is left is me and my Queen,
she protects me,
like a cloak of safety,
I don't want to end like this,
no, not this way,
in this game of where the king controls,
I want to save her,
I want to protect her
its not supposed to be the other way,
I try to help,
I am useless,
I am weak,
I cannot do such thing,
it is not in my power to,
I'm afraid to lose my Queen,
Nov 2017 · 428
Tales Beyond the Spine
Useless Stardust Nov 2017
Your words touched me dearly
But I wish you would see who I am
I would like to read you
I want to read every word written down
Not just your binding or title
But your tale
I want to read from begining to end
I promise not to bend or rip the precious paper
If anything I want to etch your words into my own
Though my spine is not doing so well
I'm not intrested in stealing your spine
I only want to admire it
I know I'm asking a lot when I say
I only want to open your book
Nov 2017 · 274
Everythings Okay
Useless Stardust Nov 2017
I have these fingers
that are slower then my thoughts
in my mind I am afraid
that I will get caught
in the tangle of a world that trys to **** me with every swirl
my world is neither turned upside down
but rather reverse
in the way I walk
with the things I say
but all I couldn't do was talk
I dont want to ask for help
But instead scream within my eyes
that I am not alright
and would like some company right next to me
but no
I cant even ask for that
cause I have issues that include trusting ones who can love
I want to fix this by myself
but I know better then to go looking somewhere else
and all I need is just to breath and tell myself I'll be okay
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
Useless Stardust Nov 2017
running, running, running gears,
quickly, smoothly,
running, running, running gears,
all towards the same goal,
running, running, running,
one jumps out, the gears continue,
running, running, running gears,
it lays there, useless,
running, running.. running...
it joins the pile as the gears continue
running... running.....
Nov 2017 · 550
Little Flower
Useless Stardust Nov 2017
You are my dainty little flower,
I love the little things about you
You are the reason why I love

I love you dainty little flower
So delitcate and fragile
Your colors stand out from the green
Dainty little flower, will you allow me to pick you
Are you grounded to the ground
Or will you snap easily off your stem

Dainty little flower, please last long in the winter
The frost will protect you from the bitter cold layers
Please stay safe until the next spring
Because I love you beautiful little flower
Oct 2017 · 329
Funny Pain
Useless Stardust Oct 2017
Cheeks red and eyes squnting
A laugh erupted from my throat
My fist clenched
It was to much to handle
My stomach ached as did my heart
This was all so funny
I can't help but laugh
Muscles stretched into a big grin
How ironic
My smile did not reach my eyes
So funny
oh so funny
Oct 2017 · 569
Ginger Pale
Useless Stardust Oct 2017
i run my hands
through her
imperfect hairs
wanting to feel
each and every one them
my slender fingers
combe the knots gently
it was soft and smooth
from much use
of hair products
her ginger strans
fell around her beautiful face
paler then what its
supposed to be
skin white as paper
as dark shades
hung below her
long mascara lashes
my eyes overflowed
with tears that were always
never ment to be seen
down my face
falling onto the dry crimson
that matted her beautiful hair
the scent so thick
i could feel myself suffocating
in the scent of her own blood

— The End —