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 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
We enter this world alone.
We leave alone, only bones.
During our stay, we call it home.
The only home we've ever known.
And we will leave, with tired feet,
All we are that we perceive,
Whom we have loved, what we have known,
Back into the deck it shall go.
Everything during our mortal stay,
We must leave here, outside of the grave.
We assume what we consume
Can build us comfortable rooms,
But the most scenic of views,
Are priceless and cannot be used,
Only borrowed from Nature's Hearth.
A gift to preserve - the gift of Earth.
Keep her clean, do her well.
Be part of the solution, in her you shall dwell,
And if you bare children to also know Mother,
Give them, too, knowledge of how to love her.
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
I'm one of the ones you call insane,
Because I can't play along with this rigged game.
The odds are stacked, and not in our favor,
But instead for the Bankers with money, they create more.
I look and I see the strife all around,
And know the potential for human life has no bounds.
And when I make a sound,
It's like the words are all drowned,
Or at least lost at sea.
Message in a Bottle from Humanity.
A Human who knows the scale of her insignificance -
While knowing the magnitude of what is at risk -
The disposal of this awesome gift.

I'm one of the ones you call insane,
Because I can't play along with this rigged game.
I know my role, and I know how the story goes.
I should vote in vain and be told my Heroes.
But no, I dance to my own rhythm,
I tell myself it's internally driven,
To improve myself, and the world around,
The world at large, and earthworms in the ground.
So I rejected my spoon-fed medicine,
Of this culture, man-made incentives,
Long before you inject me with antipsychotics.
Internally, Mentally, I chant the mantra of "Stop This."

It can drive a person insane,
Pretending to play this rigged game.
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
My thoughts are chemicals.
I am made of recycled cells
That I ingest, I take in what's best
For optimal health, active or at rest.

My DNA as mysterious as the Cosmos,
The Cosmos less of a mystery than Ocean floors.
I come from the Ocean, an awesome notion,
A family with all others, every Thing is a cousin.

My ancestors all made it to reproduction.
I am assembled, through history, through selection.
My traits have been crafted, positively reacted.
Nurtured by Nature, genes that have lasted.

I am made from the stars,
Drink water that passed through dinosaurs.
I experience Life, though filled with a bounty of strife,
Through eyes of a Human, intelligence my paradise.

And though my species feels more advanced
And in control of a world we craft with our own hands,
We are not self-efficient, resources increasingly deficient,
A virus to be easily shaken, in which the planet would not be missing.

I have a fleeting gift,
Amidst the destruction that here lives,
And that is my consciousness,
No fear of abyss, no promise of bliss,

But in my spark of a lifetime,
Seemingly insignificant, and that's fine,
I have inside endless thoughts with my mind,
No need of afterlife with a gift so divine.
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
I've always stayed out too late,
Wondering, Wandering,
Urged back to Earth, conjuring
A focused adult in a World
Where we try to use our minds
To create.
Why, again, couldn't I stay out late?
One of those kids with her head in the clouds. Her growing mind more intriguing than the brand new world around her, at times.
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
Your silence climbs like vines,
I hardly notice it binds,
Past my grounded thighs,
Twisting all up my spine,
My heart's furnace, it shall find,
And attempt to smother it alive.
I know we're on year nine,
And you've always been on my mind,
But now there comes a time -
That the Sunshine, I just can't find,
Your contempt for me is all that you remind,
The only time you direct your energy towards mine.

I can stand tall on my own.

Through Winter, I did not wither,
From my keeper, no compassionate water delivered -
The blood from within my veins of river,
From my own flourishings, is where I beat the shiver.
Let it be known:
Nourishment & Encouragement
Is what you couldn't give her.
What she found instead:
Her inner self is her giver.
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
 Mar 2017 Keven
Amy Perry
24/7 I've got you on my mind.
Measuring Life by memories, not by time.
With you, it's just energy combined.
What happens next, anyone's guess, for us, it's fine.

When you're away, I'm aware, something's bare,
The music of bliss missing from the air.
Discussions on Systems so one-sided from my mind,
Need your sly senses and thoughts divine.

I need your laugh and your humor is medicine.
Our accents, excessive, we do it again.
Feel freer than when I'm with my own **** friend.
'Cause together, it's easy, no need to pretend.

24/7 I've got you on my mind,
Still glowing from the last, blissful time,
We got together, always divine,
What happens next, anyone's guess, for us, it's fine.

We thrive in sunshine, amongst our roots
Of Natural land without man-made roofs,
We wash our Spirits clean in sweat-soaked boots.
Only to get ***** again in our bedrooms.

When you're there, not a care, worries rare,
Everything is perfect that we've shared.
Your kindness, you care, the way we pair,
My thoughts of you, lovely, here or there.

24/7 I've got you on my mind,
These words, another way to remind
That in you, I find a one-of-a-kind,
What happens next, anyone's guess, for us, it's fine.
Duet with my homeboy :)
 Feb 2017 Keven
Chloe Chapman
I was wrong before,
when I said  I was in love.
I had not fully understood,
I thought it was just a warm feeling,
and a smile when they walk into the room.
But now,
Now I know.
Love is a relentless tide,
A storm in my body,
A tornado in my heart.
It rips apart my reality,
And does not care for the wreckage it leaves in its wake.
My mind a war zone.

Love is not butterflies, it is bombs,
It is not fleeting, it is not kind.
It is not compassionate, it is a mighty force that takes control of me, and will not leave.
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