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Kee Mar 2017
Tian is five
Tian is lonely
Tian has no friends
She's locked in her room
The clock is a close companion
She watches it count down to noon
With a piece of chocolate in her hand
She stares at the red balloon.

I'm seven now
I 'm locked away
My parents shame
Their secret child
I live alone in this room
and I know no one
But this  balloon
The red, round balloon
That's lived for three days
The red, round balloon
I hope you stay
I'll give you chocolate
That's all I have
My names Tian
and I'm lost
the three random words are balloon, clock, and chocolate. Tian is the child that her parents never wanted. They were hoping for a boy, but got a girl. They locked her away as punishment, although she did nothing wrong. They show a little pity, and each year for her birthday they give her a balloon and chocolate.
Tian is  a very smart girl, and she knows why her parents do to her what they do.
Should I make a second part to this?
Kee Mar 2017
A life I never asked for
A life I'm forced to live
But a life nonetheless, right?
My scars scattered across my body
My eyes dull
My heart empty
My soul... soul less?
But a life nonetheless, right?
Father and mother dropped me off at my grandma's and never came back
She's had me since I was 3
She died working to support me
And now it's back to back in foster homes
Sometimes they're nice, other times...
very, very bad.
And on to the next I go
But a life nonetheless, right?
I'm at the top of my class and skipped ahead a year
But I'm called an overachiever
My intelligence isn't great anymore
Talent isn't great anymore
Just trying isn't great anymore
You just don't
You give up before anything can happen so they can never say 'you're not only letting others down, but yourself'
But a life nonetheless,  right?
A life nonetheless.
A life.
This *valued, precious life.
I'm going to be making this into a series! It's going to be called but a life nonetheless, right? This first one is called Orphan. Well... because it's the life of an orphan.  This is all fiction and from my mind, so I'm trying my best to  put myself in their shoes.
To go more into this poem. It's the label Orphan because I don't want names, you don't really need them. You know that this is about an orphan. What an orphan might go through, might not go through. What they feel, their past lives, etc. No matter what the label has been given to them, they are still a person.  
Knowing a little bit of who they are and leaving off on a cliff hanger is fun, so the reader can make up their own ending for this poem, for this orphan, this person.
Kee Mar 2017
The good, the bad, everything.
When you were happy, sad, mad, flat out numb from the acid.
I loved it. I loved you, all of you.
What I loved the most about you was your smile.
It was lopsided and dorky, you teeth weren't perfect but I loved them anyways.
And your light brown eyes hung low, you looked like a predator.
But the only thing you killed were my sides because you were tickling me.
And I know it sounds cliche but I don't care,
You were my everything.
Those times you held me when I cried, you were my everything.
When you made me smile, you were my everything.
Watching the re-runs of Family Guy and throwing popcorn at each other, you were my everything.
God, even when we screamed and yelled at each other, you were my everything.
Even when we made love and I lit a cigarette after and you called it 'gross' but you'd snort up a line so quickly it was insane...
You were my everything and even though you've left me behind and you'll never me able to come back to me...
Able to kiss me, hold me, yell at me, even just touch me
Hi! So this piece right here came to me when i was walking home from school today. It's about a wife giving her eulogy to her late husband. i think im saying this right probably not but it's supposed to be sad and happy all at the same time. you can love a person so much that you hate them, but in the end you'll still smile because you'll never regret loving them. it kind of sounds like he's broken up with her but he's died, from what? i don't know, it just came to me. i hope you like it! Follow me for more :)
Kee Mar 2017
My blood is pulsing
her blood.
it's pulsing, hot and hard.
she's screaming and only i know why.
i wanted to make her stop, but i can't.
she's hurt, i know that.
i feel her hurt, i feel her hear shattering.
i am her.
but it doesn't feel like it.
it doesn't feel like me.
no matter how hard i close my eyes
im still me.
im still her.
im still here.
Kee Mar 2017
leaves fall
scattered in vast colors
auburn, green, pale yellow, burnt orange
a beauty not appreciated
a beauty passed up
a beauty misinterpreted
a beauty forgotten
a beauty gone
Kee Mar 2017
and my heart feels heavy while my head is light, everything is dizzy and i can't sleep at night
i think of my monsters and know they'll always be in my head
i can try to stop them, but they're like the plague-
contagious, fast paced, and deadly
there's no freedom from the oppression i've been given
ever since i popped out the ***** with brown skin that's when my label was given
my statistics- given
stereotypes- given.
poverty- given.
everything that the 'superior' dont want or need- given.
life aint easy, and it never will be
they say keep ya head up
but i want it to fall
i want it to crash and burn
and i want to go down
i want to let go
but i cant
Was in my private,  Idk why.
Kee Mar 2017
i know you still cry at night
and tell us  lies, because you need to hide
but i see everything
i see your true colors
not the black and blood red you show
but your greens and oranges
they burst with love
yet, you hide them.
you hide yourself.
from us?
or from  you?
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