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Kee Mar 2017
do rich people own chocolate fountains?
is it the best quality of chocolate?
is it sweet or bitter?
what if it's  both?
how does it feel to be rich?
do most rich people take revenge on those who said, 'you'll never get anywhere in life?'
do they buy all the **** they want so they can be as high as a kite?
or is it alcohol?
do they try to escape from themselves with the  drugs?
is that why they get so high?
what's the point of being rich if you're just going to be sad?
what's up with this whole 'get money or die trying' thing?
why can't you just be happy without money?
why is the world surrounded by money?
oi! so i did a thingy. i went onto a random  word generator site and picked three random words to make a poem out of.  those three words are  fountain,  revenge, and high. i hope you like it!
Kee Mar 2017
i hate looking at you.
i hate that you're  in front of me in class.
that i have to  talk to you.
participate with you.
pretend that everything is fine.
it's not.
i'm not.
i'm not okay.
but i pretend that i am, because no one will believe me.
if i tell them what you did they'll say "him? never."
and it hurts.
i try to tell all the other girls you woo but they're too caught up in being your lover, or should i say next victim.
one by one, you toss them out like garbage.
like you did me, as if what you took from me is replaceable.
it's not.
i'm not.
i'm not replaceable.
what you took from me isn't replaceable.
i will live this pain forever and never able to tell a soul.
i can't tell them about the nightmares.
the scars.
the feeling of dirt on my body that will never go away.
i'll only continue to imagine what it would be like if it never happened to me.
Kee Mar 2017
i didn't get to say no.
i didn't  have a choice.
you did with me what you want, and i've hated myself  because of it.
i've dreamed of me kicking you off, screaming at the top of my lungs, calling for help.
but that doesn't change the fact that it still happened.
you hurt me.
you took away something that was my decision.
why would you hurt me like that?
why did you do it?
does your heart hurt at night like mine?
do you scream at yourself in the mirror like i do?
do you feel  like a coward, the same way i do?
did someone do this to you too?
*did you ever get to scream for help?
random poem, i got in the mood and couldn't stop thinking about writing this.
Kee Jan 2017
"What was your first cut like?"

          I was in the seventh or eighth grade. I was curious, I wondered why others did it. I did it on my pinky finger, my right hand and I jumped, it was with a razor and it didn't hurt, but it was only a matter of time until I got addicted.

"You got addicted?"
          I didn't know that self-harm would be my outlet, nor did I know that my depression, anxiety, and mood swings for come into full effect my junior year of high school. I was so angry, so sad, so emotional that it was one of the first things that came to my mind. I went away at my body, I can't remember where I started, but all I know is that I wanted to feel pain. I **needed
to feel it. It was a numb feeling at first, I couldn't feel a thing but the blood seeping out of my wounds made me feel okay, as if to say, "You're still alive, you're still here." And that's when I knew I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Have you ever been addicted to anything else?"

          Pills. I started taking those before I did cutting. They gave me a high and even if it only lasted for an hour and I got the headache, it was worth it afterwards. I was away, I could think what I wanted to and the voices would stop. I'd take eight at a time and I didn't care, as long as I got my high. For a while, it was all I lived for.

"Do you regret any of it?"

          No, you wanna know why? Because it made me, me. I am who I am today because of those decisions. I was doing what every other teenager who had home problems and bullying at school, did; surviving. It was better than offing myself, something I thought about doing so many times. I still do, to this day. The doctors tell you that depression is hereditary but anyone can become depressed, in my opinion at least. Most times, you're already swimming in it a while before you actually realize it.
Kee Aug 2016
rough draft:
i dreamed the same dream as you,
i wished upon stars,
dropped pennies into wishing wells,
blew out the candle and repeated it non-stop,
i didn't get mines, so i looked at you,
but then i saw you with another,
and realized that,
was your wish.

revised version:
i dreamed the same dream as you,
i wished upon stars,
dropped pennies into wishing wells,
prayed to the lord,
"please let him be my knight in shining armor"
blew out the candle,
"please please please, let him be the one"
the one day,
i saw you with a girl
giving her the look i give you,
the dreamy look i gave you,
when you smiled at me,
your arms wrapped around her shoulder,
foreheads together in an embrace,
lips sealed in a kiss,
just like ours.
it was then i realized,
my wish didn't come true,
that my dreams were never meant to be,
and that you wanted something new.
something that didn't involve me,
but the girl you wished for,
the girl of your dreams.
Kee Aug 2016
kicking the walls,
screaming, "SET ME FREE"
i've been stuck in this imaginary box for so long
i'm beginning to think it's real,
at first it was fun, you stayed with me for a while
but then you left.
i wondered where you went, and why you hadn't come back
then i knew, that this was a trap.
you're way of keeping me
and keeping her too.
you said you'd let her go,
you lied just to have me,
and have her too.
so, while i'm stuck in this box
you're loving her
but when you will come back for me?
do i get love too?
or am i just the puppet you love to manipulate
for your use
for when you're bored?
am i just your toy?
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