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Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
Lie, my Queen, tell me lies.
Tell me lies so I might
Sleep soundly tonight
And fend off
With your beauty
The scarred faces
That haunt
My nightmares.

Lie, tell me that I can fit
Inside a knights chainmail.
Tell me that I'm okay,
That I'm not just another mind
Who's gone
Just a little bit mad.
Who knows
Just a little bit too much.

Lie, tell me that
The love,
The hope,
The life,
I see in my sleep
Will never be real,
Will never be mine.

Of angels and butterflies,
You spoke the softest lies.
So lie, my Queen, tell me lies.
Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
Like a siren; alluring.
Like a campfire; warming.
Like an addiction; captivating.
Like the sun; lustrous.
She was all of these things upon sight.

Like a good book; intriguing.
Like an idea; different.
Like the breeze; refreshing.
Like inspiration; reassuring.
She was all of these things upon conversation.

Like a dream; distant.
Like music; intangible.
Like an illusion; comforting.
Like the moon; unobtainable.
She was all of these things upon waking.

Like all of these things; Her.
Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
First impressions.
          Opening lines.
That’s how people will judge you.

       Leaving actions.
             Final words.
That’s how people will remember you.
Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
You are nothing
close to a poet,
but the way you walk
the way you smile,
it’s ******* poetry.
Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
The rain fell like a baptism from the sky, received upon the earth to wash away the sins of the soil. We all fall. These droplets of water are as afraid as we are, falling towards the ground, plummeting towards the unknown. Picking up speed with every second we descend. The wind throws us around as we struggle to accept our fates. With every passing moment those who went before us vanish into the drowned asphalt. With every passing moment those who tread behind us begin their voyage into the cold winds. With every passing moment we are tearing through the storm. Predetermined to meet the surface at some point along our odyssey. Our descent is not the last moment of our final journey, but the rising of our next.Just as the rain did, we too will form lakes. Whole oceans will be conjured from our pilgrimage. Forests will arise from our nurturing. Waves of our ambition will crash along the shores. Our trials will etch stories into the cliff walls. Monuments of erosion will be formed from our perseverance. What we once believed to be the end will be revealed to be a new beginning. Just like the rain we will fall. Just like the rain we will evaporate. Just like the rain we will change.
Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
My heart still hurts,
My chest’s still in pain,
I still can't make sense
Of what's inside my brain.

I wish there was a way
To mute my mind,
To exist in a moment,
At some point in time.

No thoughts, no doubts,
No attempting to rhyme.
Just an at rest state,
Some peace in my life.

That's all I want right now
Is just some rest,
To ease the pain
Built up in my chest.

To take away
The thoughts and doubts.
To put me at rest,
Inside and out.
Kennedy Taylor Dec 2014
Riddle me this...
No wait,
Riddle me that...
No, how about
We skip all the riddles
And get down to the facts.

No... actually,
I don't care for the facts,
Just give me the truth.
Wait... I don't want the truth,
Just give me your view.

No... don't,
Just don't say a word.
I'd rather sit in silence
And have to wonder.

So skip all the riddles,
And skip all the facts.
Skip past the truth
And your view,
I don't want any of that.

Truthfully... I don't want to know.
Something's are better left unsaid
Ignorance is bliss,
And bliss is all that fills my head.

So lie if you have to,
Lie if you must,
Just make sure I don't know
The truth between us.
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