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And just like a dropped milk carton
There went my tears
Flooding down
Making a gigantic mess
Shouldn’t expect otherwise
I always **** up the simple things
I’m sorry
You made money as a bagging boy
At the local grocery market
But i could've sworn you were a construction worker
Because you built me up so much
She makes me want to risk a cold
Because I wouldn't want to risk not being by her side
Dancing in the rain on a Thursday night
She makes me appreciate how bright the sun is
Even when it blinds me
Because seeing the light reflect off her cheek on a Sunday afternoon
Is a sight I refuse to miss
She makes me enjoy 6 hour car rides to my moms for Christmas
Because the beats on the radio aren't the only thing I'm listening to
Her voice is like music to me

Things I wish boys would say about me
Say to her i love you
Then never say anything again

*How he broke my heart
They say "if you seek hard enough you'll find what you're looking for"
But what is meant to be shown to you
In time
Will reveal itself without you seeking
Mentally growing
Beginning to know myself
Wasn't like a tree sprouting out of the ground
And me learning to nurture it to become one with nature
Growing felt like being made again
Shaped into a whole being
My mind felt morphed into its own womb
And started to develop true life
For the first time as I was escaping reality
I was making my own
Because I was finally existing
Growth can make a new life
From a life already living
Just to show you that time on Earth
Is all about the paths you take
I am young
Stop telling me to focus on the future
Let me live in the present
We focus too much on getting our life together
We don't even get to experience it
I used to hate the ocean
Solely because I didn’t know how to ride the waves
But when i met you
I wanted to learn how to swim
The ocean didn't seem so bad anymore
never look to be clothed
by the one who sat there
and watched you freeze
You were so hungry
You fed off my emotions
Now I'm empty and there's nothing for me to consume
Because you treated my heart like a feast
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