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876 · Feb 23
Fictional Fantasies
Samuel Feb 23
Lingering in the dark side,
She just blew my mind,
My brain waves all fried,
Sanity lost, too far to find.

I dream of busting chains,
Throwing my life down the cliffs, to the ocean rocks.
My soul now in your reigns,
Bound,Buried & Chained in a box.

My visions wild,
Fantasising a life away,
Heartbreak not so mild,
I end up all alone and stray.

In my Mind, my Initials chained around her neck,
Tighter than the grasp of love and dread,
Blinded in a hedge maze, reality unchecked,
We’ve already done it in my head.

Fiction and reality merge,
I keep recalling you in vivid dreams,
A messy little kiss it’s all that I urge,
Lust flows in wicked streams.

The river of lust,
Sourced from fatal fantasies,
As I drown deep in you,
Giving into all the fancies.

Bedsheets all ablaze,
Screaming, hiding my face,
Rising up like waves,
Crashing over, leaving no trace.

At last, a wishful yearn,
Giving way to laboured breath,
Will the tables turn,
Our fate all set.
Inspired from the song “Guilty as Sin?” This poem delves into the feeling if wanting someone so much and imagining being with them.
390 · Feb 15
The Prophecy
Samuel Feb 15
Always assumed to be the villain,
Lingering in the shadows of a crooked path.
Am I misunderstood? Or is it just my destiny—
To be the star of my own one-man show? Isn’t it funny?

The irony is, promises were made.
Friendships did indeed fade.
But I am here, still at the restaurant,
Sitting in the corner I haunt.

A ghost of Christmas past,
Watching time slip through the cracks.
Thinking of the roads I never took,
And the weight of the past on my back.

Is redemption just a wishful dream?
Or a fate already cast?
I sit at the restaurant and I wonder-
When The Prophecy changes at last.
353 · Feb 18
Got a secret ?
Samuel Feb 18
Got a secret? Can you keep it?
Bury it deep in your grave.
Or I’ll knit a doll with ****** stitches,
Stern vows and broken wishes—
Bury it deep, or rot in the ditches.

Turning from my trustful gaze,
My thoughts twist through a thorny maze.
Calculating your faith,
As I sharpen my scathe.

Voices rise, a cursed din,
My ears trace every whispering sin.

Giggles fade, joy is peeled,
Just then, I know—
Your fate is sealed.

I wonder,
Why do we commit our darkest deeds, then tell?
The burn in our brains becomes a living hell.
I know you’ll tell.

Heart racing, humanity fading,
As I approach you, internally cascading.
Silent night, stone-cold face.


Burgundy flows, sins atoned for.
My shirt stained,
With the weight of what I now bore.
No regret to shred,
Only two can keep a secret when one of them is dead.
Inspired from Pretty Little Liars Theme song.
226 · Feb 18
Love Cycle
Samuel Feb 18
(The Spark)

Two souls collide, in crowded halls,
Strange, yet somehow,it felt home.
Strangers pass, in their silk shawls,
And just like that, I wrote you in all of my poems.

(The Starting Point)

Twin flames ignite,
Blonde hair, blue eyes.
Over burnt coffee,
Did I get awarded a Trophy?

(Rural Escape)

Bustling crowds,
devoid us of peaceful shrouds.
Empty roads, simplicity calls,
We drive away from the city.

(First Cracks)

Love grows,
our guard blows.
Souls bare,
Chances of a scar,
Oh! So very rare.
But all fate does is wait and stare.

(Boiling point)

Wine-spilled on the rug,
Shards of glass on the oakwood floor.
Why my hands once so snug,did you pull away?
My boat sunk, before it reached to your shore.


I’m awaken with dread,
Pounding nails in my head.
Lost my home, to love’s cruel claim,
Everything is gone, what a shame.


Flames subside,
Pain resides.
A new dawn breaks, A New Hope.
A brand new day.
This poem explores the journey of love, tracing its natural cycle from the first encounter between two strangers to the deep connection they forge. It captures the initial spark, the excitement of shared experiences, and the quiet unraveling that leads to inevitable fractures. As emotions intensify, misunderstandings surface, culminating in heartbreak. However, the poem ultimately embraces the idea of healing and renewal, illustrating how love, though fragile, leaves behind lessons and the strength to move forward.
203 · Feb 26
Crimson Laced Feathers
Samuel Feb 26
Bejeweled, the peacock in her feathery glory,
Enchants each passerby to tell her story.
Her way with words, allures them all,
She gleams with pride; she stands tall.

A woodpecker, wears its crimson crown,
Its artistry turns down a frown.
Builds his home, upon a log,
Persists through rain or fog.

Peacock teaches the woodpecker its wicked game,
Gives the woodpecker a taste of fame.
Woodpecker works day and night,
Threatens the peacock, gives her a fright.

The woodpecker, praised for his newfound grace,
Notices the peacock, disdain on her face.
He asks her softly  , the cause of her dismay,
Her voice cold and dead, begins to say.

“Your craft is weak, yet you think it’s great?
You still have time, it’s not to late.
If I see it again, it'll drive me mad,
Oh, honey! Its the truth, aren’t they all bad?”

Woodpecker stunned, as she keeps saying more,
Feels his crown fall on the floor.
With care for his pride,
He ponders and delves into a stride.

He says-
“Insecurity buried deep—that’s fine.
But why must you extinguish your friends’ shine.”
Speaking less but saying more,
He flies off to a better shore.
This poem is actually about me. I started writing because of my cousin, but over time, she started criticizing my work so much that it made me feel uncomfortable. Eventually, she just straight-up insulted me, which really got to me. It made me feel awful, so for my own peace of mind, I decided to stop talking to her.
195 · Feb 7
Roses & Ruins
Samuel Feb 7
From afar, I see what looks like paradise—
Is this why I paid the price?
I endured hurricanes, rainstorms, and floods;
Yet nothing, I find, is thicker than blood.

As I approach the garden,
The waterfalls turn black,
Roses wilt,
Bushes burn,
Sand dunes lie unturned.

Still, it draws me—
Like a moth to the flame,
Like a bee to the flower.

I reach for a rose,
To admire its pose,
But scarlet-red blood ****** through my fingers,
Staining my white shirt.

Is this death—or rebirth?
191 · Feb 8
Tale as Old as Time
Samuel Feb 8
Did Eve truly fall to temptation?
Or was Adam the source of manipulation?
Tilting the tale, shifting the blame,
A narrative forged to shield his name.

Was it Adam who conjured the snake?
A plot to see Eve’s freedom break?
Bound to home, she is confined,
A life of serving cruelly designed.

She serves him meals, her dreams erased,
She is subdued, her purpose displaced.
Her light dimmed, her laughter restrained,
A life once hers, now cruelly chained.

Was there truly a serpent’s hiss?
Or Adam’s scheme beneath all this?
Will he repent, will truth ever prevail,
Or will his story forever be under a dark veil?

Will Eve ever find her own way,
Or live in Adam’s shadow, day by day?
Confined is her will, but not her desires.
With enough will, she will burn bright like fire.
She is a phoenix, born from its ashes
She will definitely be free from Adam’s latches.

He voice will be heard, her truth will be shared
She will re-write history, her presence declared
She will have it all that she had left
But will her soul still feel bereft?
183 · Feb 8
Crescendo of Chaos
Samuel Feb 8
Holding on to the memories like a lifeline
Preventing me from the downfall to reality
This is the last strand of my sanity.

From the bright warm fields of babylon
I descend into the depths of the ocean.
Cold and frigid
Lifeless and sad.
Am I allowed to be mad?

A Heart snatched
Feelings still attached
My Mood trashed
For what?
Am I really guilty as sin?
Or is it just me
Forever falling short
Forever never enough.
174 · Feb 16
Ink and Aftermath
Samuel Feb 16
You left your typewriter in my apartment,
Straight from The Tortured Poets Department.
Your antics made you look so classic,
Lost in the world of your semantics.

My veins of pitch black ink at a chokehold,
As I yearn to begin again with a new fold.
At your worst, I was here first.

As I enter into evidence, the story of us.
I had to recall why I made such a fuss.
The allure of you had me drawn to you,
Pulled by a siren’s call.
Rising from the waves, at the brink of night
I left it all.

I wonder how you ended up with me,
Hatred spread like roots from a twisted tree.
I know you inside and out,
I don’t know how I survived all those sweet nothings
right out your tainted mouth.
Remember when you pushed me over a stout?

The first cracks in this happy-ever-after,
The silence that swallowed my laughter.
They say,
What’s not broken, don’t fix it.
Kintsugi finds beauty in the broken,
But the crimson-laced pieces,
The caricature of our faces,
Bolted into the typewriter’s fresh white pages.
Shattered and broken,
were left as my only token.
148 · 3d
Samuel 3d
Screaming so loud,
Yet no one hears a sound.
Drowning in sorrow’s I feel tied,
Was everything I wanted just a lie?

Sculpting myself in the dark,
Fighting not to fall apart.
But when I was drowning, I learned to breathe,
Is wanting happiness a dream or just greed?

I’m the problem, Known to all,
Is finally time for my imaginary empire to fall.
140 · Feb 15
The Great War
Samuel Feb 15
My knuckles bruised, they’re violet,
My heart broken, it was once so scarlet.
I waived the white flag just for you to tear it apart,
I knew it was just the start.

Of Bloodshed, Crimson Clover,
Our dream was over,
You said forever.
But then you smashed it up.
Hatred spills over our sacred love.

Our malice intertwined,
Truth drowns deep in glasses of wine.
Maroon red is it love or is it hate,
Or was this eventually our fate.
Samuel 3d
The queen reigns in her crimson glory,
A life she lives, an endless allegory.
She shows her cards, though her heart is pained,
The queen of hearts, the name now stained.

The joker’s act, turns The Queen’s frown,
He sees her hand, let the crown slip down.
He played his cards, to make her smile,
But, for she is lost stuck in exile.

Tale as old as time,
When women love, it is considered a crime.
This is not an ordinary tale,
Where the queen hides beneath her veil.

She rises from her sorrow’s shade
To love, to live not to fade.
Pleased by the Joker’s play,
She invites him in, as dinner is laid.

In her mind,an invisible string,
Bound The King and The Queen, in an infinite ring.
Yet, fate had woven as different scene-
It was The Joker and The Queen
You’re not always meant to be with the person you begin with in life. Life is unpredictable, you might live in a castle with your king but at the end of the day you might fall in love with The Joker

— The End —