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She’s gone
Just gone
She did her usual thing
The thing she did
Every morning
Returning early afternoon
But this time
She hasn’t returned
She’s always been a bit wild
She came from the street
Not the home
She lost her way as a baby
But we took her in
No question she was feral
Driven by the need of freedom
Tried to give her a home
And oh I loved her
My heart was full for her
I love all cats
I can’t help it
Actually all animals
She was a real beauty
Her face was stunning
And she talked all the time
In the morning she spoke
While getting breakfast
I’d like to think she was saying
Good morning
I know I was
I miss her presence
It’s a punch to the gut
There’s a hollowness
Where she was
I still look for her
In the apartment
On the terrace
But she’s gone
I’ve looked for her
But there’s no trace
She’s just vanished
Into thin air
All that’s left
Is an empty space
It hurts
The world morphing you into who it wants to see
Do not let it tear you apart
Only listen to those you aspire to be
First do what you feel in your heart
 Jul 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Forgive me for all the times I was too stubborn to say
"I want this" and "I want you" and "I'm really just afraid"
I wish you'd dissect my words the way you'd dissect a poem
Cause I miss you and I think it's about time you come home
So let's forget my nervous laughs and flimsy little shrugs
Come over here, quickly, for our love is far from done
It may seem silly to believe
you can do anything
when someone's always been there
to tell you you can't.
It may seem foolish to believe in yourself
when it doesn't seem like anyone
believes in you.
It may seem cruel to let yourself believe
you can escape
or be more than your insecurities or mistakes. That you are more.
And, while it may seem impossible to save yourself,
while it may seem like it's too late,
stranger things have happened
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
I think you'll live without me.
Your hands will get used to resting on her hips.
The scent of her hair would become your safety.

I think you'll live without me.
You'd make breakfast for her,
see her in your tee-shirt.
You'll fall for her messy hair,
sleepy voice.
You'll brush away her tresses
just to sit staring into her eyes..

I think you'll live without me.  
You'll smile a little wider,
Laugh a little harder
and maybe finally,
learn to pose.
You'll have the cutest pictures,
Cuter than anyone's out there.

I think you'll live without me.
And this time,
She won't walk away.
She won't,
because you wouldn't hurt her.
You wouldn't let her.

You won't do it all wrong again
because she isn't me.

I was your first. Your learning curve.
She? She'd be your last. Your forever.
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Ed C
You swore you felt the Earth quake
But I knew otherwise
The force was from the tectonic plates
Shifting within me, my marrow molding
over itself, pressuring the collision of us,
the snake pit that lived in the shadows
of my bones, under my skin, slithered
like a river running rapid, unstoppable.
I watched the drink you cradled like treasure
rise, attaching to your lips by osmosis,
you sipped and I watched the heartbeat
of your gulps, first slow then recklessly quick,
the waterfall from which you took your drink
rushed down, disappearing into the mystery
within you. I wanted more than anything
to be that drink, to wet your lips, to be
the beat that you were so thirsty for.
Somewhere else in the bar, a glass slipped
off its tray, shattered, and people screamed
and they laughed too, soaked whiskey jeans
trudged off to the bathroom looking for paper towels.
You didn’t flinch at the sound of the shatter,
you were off, staring into the void of it all,
and I stared off at the geometry of your jawline,
sharp as rain fall, your eyes glistened with the gloss
of happy, your lips parted to say something
but you turned to me and instead just gazed.
I felt love like the color red, burn in my stomach like a coal.
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Ed C
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Ed C
Knock knock.
I heard it in my sleep,
in my head,
I heard the knocking
between the weather change,
between the fleeting cold mornings
and the calm of the sun on my afternoon skin.
I heard the knock of it all coming together,
the season, waking me from the nightmare.
Seasons changing brings a new reincarnation of the spirit
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Ed C
The bridge between hell and home
its long, and always has no sun
the hell of looking down and the wind
the gravity pulls your gaze
there is a liar in the calm sounds
of the waves calling me to come to bed
sometimes bridges are triggering
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Ed C
Sunday is for birds to sing
and to swing among vines of bedsheets,
for moving hair out of your eyes, to cry
in sadness and joy and feel the warmth of your body.
Sunday is for birds to sing
while we string ourselves into knots
and leave the windows open for spring
to carry the sounds of singing along
 Apr 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Ed C
Mondays are a drain
they are dementors
they feel like an anvil
they taste like recovery
and exhaustion
like your neck isnt strong enough
and your brain is rebooting
i am constantly troubleshooting at life
looking for a solution
to make getting out of bed easier
Anyone else tired?
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