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Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Light hypnotic breezes
Trees gently swaying
Wind chimes playing
Scents of lilac in the air

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Walks along the beach
Sounds of waves hitting the shore
Gulls flying by

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Dinner by candlelight
Romantic music playing
Slow dancing

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Soft touches
Gentle smiles
Bright laughter

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Hidden places
Cherished moments

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
With you
Lying in the dark
16 year old girl
Many years ago
Holding a portable radio
To ones ear
Listening to music
Rocking to the beat
Imagining far away places
Feet moving to the beat
Eyes closed
Letting the clouds of sleep
Approach as I listen to the
Rockin to the beat
In the darkness
I’m melting
Just like the witch
In the Wizard of Oz
The heat is stifling
Hard to breathe
Or do anything
It’s everywhere
All over the world
Severe weather
We were warned
For years
But we chose to ignore
Now here we are
Like butter
In a frying pan
I feel like I am on fire
Never cool
Nor comfortable
Looking for a reprieve
Yet nothing comes
So instead
I’m melting
As is the world
Imagine that you are sitting
High above the world
In a tall building
It is all bright white
The windows are smoky colored glass
The sky is bright blue with a few white clouds scattered through
The sun is out and it is a beautiful bright day
There is a slight breeze moving through the air-- not too much

As you look out, you can see the ocean
It goes on for miles
It is a deep blue
The waves are slow
The day is perfect
Just imagine
In a far off distance stands a man
He is alone
On a desert-plain surrounded
by sand and sun

In the sky burns a bright yellow sun against a bright blue sky
No clouds can be seen

On his face is a big, bright smile
Surrounding him is a circle of bright light
And as he moves forward
the light follows him on and on
to his next destiny

Oh, if only he will be to see me
When hope is lost
Heavy darkness settles in
Light diminishes
The idea of tomorrow fades
We feel mired down in muck
We are paralyzed
People lose their north
They lose their sense of purpose
Seeking any sliver of light to lift them
To show them the way
Seeking anything to inspire
When hope is lost and darkness comes
We hunger for the light
We tire of the heaviness
We long for hope
When hope returns
We lift ourselves up
We seek the light
Want to stand in the sun
And never leave
Let the light and warmth heal
When hope returns
We have a can do feeling
We believe once again
We are willing to try
We offer a hand
We smile brightly
Laughter can be heard
We are inspired
We can create
Music gets louder
People dance
Hope is everything
As the sun goes down for the night, clear your mind
As the sun goes down and the heat calms down, look up towards the moon
Notice its white glimmer
Feast upon the beauty of it

As the sun goes down and the world slows down, slow your heart
Think about the good things you have
Think about how precious life is

As you get ready to rest for the night, let your body relax and carry you off to sleep
And as you wake for the next day, smile for a chance at a new start
Treasure each moment and every second as they are a gift
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