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4.3k · Nov 2015
Autumnal Twilight
DSD Nov 2015
At twilight
I walk down the path through the woods
Carpeted in autumn's nocturnal harvest.
The guiding porch light,
Feebler than the fluttering fire flies, fades.
Smell of fresh decay seduces my will.
Desires that have forever resided in the unattainable future
Now like long parted friends sit around with welcoming smiles.
Curious to commingle with Contentment
I feel the Autumn seep into the woods,
And the woods into my heart.

Never before,  
A weary traveller lost upon
The tortuous timber trail
Felt more at peace.
Wishing to curl up in the cold warmth of the golden fleece.  
The woods will the wind to wrap him in wool of the willow
and tuck him amongst the exposed roots.

An unmarked clock ticks somewhere.
Here the eternal present prevails,
Concealed from the eye of the arrow ,
In the stretch of this malleable moment.
I, in the knowledge that my estranged self
Rests in me, am whole again.
At twilight.
4.2k · Oct 2014
Girl in the Mask
DSD Oct 2014
Her hour upon the stage,
She struts and frets.
Applause, admiration
Behind a mask to reflect.

In moments of true emotion,
Behind closed doors,
The mask would slip off
And shatter on the floor.

As years went by
And her heart withered,
She’d rather keep the mask on.
Revealing her true-self she feared

So secure behind the guise
So full of her-assumed-self.
She diffused into the mask
And the mask into herself.

Two eyes in the crowd
Shone apart from the rest.
They were there for the she,
She had always neglect.

While the crowds cheered on,
In those eyes at her affixed,
For a few flickering seconds
Her true self she glimpsed.

By the mirror she stood.
Hand clasped to her face,
In futile agony,
This mask to efface.

“A mask may be adamant.
It may cover the face whole
But it can never drape
Those windows to the soul.”

“It will be difficult to search
The true-self long concealed.
Let these drape-less windows
The path reveal.”

“Look deep in mine eyes,” said he.
2.8k · Feb 2014
DSD Feb 2014
Temples throb.
Ears burn red hot.
Myriad thoughts
Collide, coalesce and split.
Coalesce again.
A dark sand storm of doubts
Fear and panic brew
In the charred barrens.
Hands to my face.
Distant melancholy themes.
Violent conceptions
Need release.
Red flows
Through graphite
At Fahrenheit 4-5-1.
Fahrenheit 451- temperature at which paper burns.
2.3k · Oct 2018
DSD Oct 2018
All year long
I procrastinate
until the cold
December air
is dense with the cries
of these neglected tasks

But the beginning
of a new year is light.
So much room
to push stuff back
to a later date.
A perfect time to write.
DSD Nov 2014
Sleep beckons.
I could close my eyes and call it a day.
Lie down and die – maybe dream
Of all that was unaccomplished.

But with dreams there comes no guarantee.
Compensation for dissatisfaction?
Rebuke for procrastination?
There might be none,
Or some that I might not even remember.

Life is meaningless.
We are but sparks: destined to fade away.
This isn't a game, there are no rules.
No prosecution for any infringement.

I choose to while away at a make believe game
With make believe rules.
But I play fair,
Lest I should be judged by me.

I granted myself the liberty
Imparting meaning to my existence.
Meticulously building a façade.
Filling the void that I was born into.

One reckless step and it might all collapse-
Life, rules, beliefs-
A heap of nothingness at square one.
This choice-
The liberator from the drudgery of existence-
Is the one that binds me.

So I force myself to stay awake
For a few more hours each night.
Trying to get the blocks in place.
Convincing myself that what lies ahead is all pleasure.

Will it be reward enough
For all that I have suffered and lost
At my own game?
DSD Mar 2014
**** those clouds.
If I were a cloud I'd be dark as the darkest pit in hell.
Every splash from Helios' cauldron would die in an attempt to permeate.
And those blinded underneath shall shiver for eternity.
2.1k · Jul 2016
A city in the clouds
DSD Jul 2016
Like all other cities in the clouds
this one is often wet and always loud.

Its air heavy with the sweat of labour
and light with the soothing lunar caress.

Its bricks, the stuff of dreams,
raised by giants, manifested in concrete.

Its people the dreamers.
There shoulders drenched in hope

Walk with weeping umbrellas to the sky
in painful black soles...

...Past snow globe dreamlands
of nebular realms and rainbow twilights

Shielded in walls of nothingness thick
to keep the fantasies in and the phantoms out.

And she prances on the grey greasy pavement
blowing bubbles of soap that brave the rain.

Her chin - the sun.
Her breath - the monsoon winds.
Her curls - the streams in the woods.
Her forehead - the promised land to each raindrop.
And her soul - the bliss that lies in the space between worlds.
2.0k · Sep 2014
DSD Sep 2014
Not in the object revered
But in the imperfect beholder
Glows the light of inspiration.

Through eyelids facing west
The auburn canvas spreads.
Smell of damp pine needles
Carried by the dry retreating winds.

Not in the balance, do I marvel,
But in the transience of the moment
That threatens to justly divide
The hours between light and dark.

For strife is the eternal essence of life,
Strength of my sinew,
As I relentlessly roll the boulder
And watch gravity undo my labour.

But, there is no strife more revolting
Than THIS.
Cleaving ‘I’ from the rest
And assuming superiority -
An imperfect beholder.
Note 1 - This just division of light and dark (Equinox) is only a passing phase, an ephemeral balance. Had it been permanent life would have been too monotonous an experience. This futile battle of light and dark inspires me to look inside and contemplate my existence.

Note 2 – I extend Heraclitus's "Strife is justice" to "Strife is life". Physical life is a strife against the natural elements. But the act of conscious existence is the greatest and the most revolting strife of them all. Because this involves separating myself (I, that thinks)from the rest (matter in all its forms) and assuming the superior role of an intelligent observer.
1.6k · Mar 2014
DSD Mar 2014
Seeds of pure Brahma appear
In the dark nothingness.

In their infinitesimal
Yet infinite dimensions
They carry the code for all creation.

Some fade away.
Some persist.
Propelled through will,
An urgency to occupy and diffuse.

Annihilation or coalition are inevitable.

Some acquire magnificent tinges
Worthy of acknowledgement.
Others marred and maimed
Are left to wither in exile.

I meditate on the most promising one.
Feel its inarticulatable essence
As the intangible element
Vanquish the void.

The One now unfolds.
Accreting into thoughts
Before passing through
The sieve of judgement.

These thoughts sublime I crystallize.
Choosing at will to blemish them
With motley emotions
Or monolithic reason.

The creator,
Awestruck by my own creation,
The most magnificent in the domain
Wherein I reign supreme,

I hesitate to articulate.
Knowing full well that tongue
Will never be able to bear
The simple complexity
And the complex simplicity
Of thought.
DSD Dec 2013
All eyes on me.
Their field of vision lash against my walls.
Eroding them like the frothy waves gnawing at the desolate fort.
These walls that I've raised to hide...
Hide what? I ask.
Surely something that they mustn't know.

Their tongues wade at me.
I strain my ears to catch what they hide from me.
The slightest wind could exalt me to exhilaration
Or, depress me into the tar pit of my own creation.
Where am I headed? I ask.

I am besieged.
The intruder is at the perimeter.
Why am I here? I ask.
The walls are giving away to the tempest.
But they haven't reached me yet.
They are trained at my scent like blood hounds.
I sound the alarm and curl back deep within.

My station hangs precariously.
Will the pillars hold?
1.5k · Oct 2013
DSD Oct 2013
The wind blows in a restive frenzy,
But knows not which way to go.

Dead leaves caper ecstatically
In the hope of reanimation.

The lascivious earth wears petrichor;
Craving for his touch.

Her paramour with a tumultuous roar,
Seems invincible in his virility.

The grim atmosphere lights intermittently
As the sparks of their passionate paroxysm burst through.

The ******* tryst leaves him exhausted.
Satiating her voracity was an arduous feat.

What once seemed invincible now floats decrepit;
Oblivious to the agents of his decay.
1.2k · Jan 2014
Under influence
DSD Jan 2014
The silence is interlaced with notes.
Phantom notes that don't exist and yet are as real.
Colorless and yet shining in the most awe-inspiring light.
I rise with one
and there is another to catch me like a trapeze artist
before i sore again.
so in tune.
I feel detached from Time.
I used to wonder whether -
time is the proof of my existence
Or my existence the proof for Time?
But the cynic in me is now drunk in tranquility.
Yet i try to bind this experience in trivial modes of expression.
I have felt this before and am feeling it now,
My consciousness stretched across time;
a sphere that surrounds me.
In this state I AM -  
creation and obliteration;
order and chaos;
knowledge and ignorance;
reality and imagination;
bound and liberated;
the experience and the observer;
here and everywhere;
and NOT.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Sceptical me
DSD Oct 2013
Who am I ?
Can I ever aspire to touch that shining spot,
Suspended in the entirety?

This base form is bound.
Every agent a shackle;
Every constant a fetter.

And 'this' the final frontier beyond which lies the ever unattainable.

I am but a constituent;
A byproduct.
An aberration.

And such shall never surpass the goal of ordinance.
Or seek to know more than that which is due.
For futile is this search
And that which I hope will ensue from it.
912 · Oct 2013
DSD Oct 2013
That which is and that which must be,
is it there for me to see;
to hear;
to feel?

Or is it but a dream;
a sensation that teems
from within;
for within?    

And, what lies within?
The 'I' who thinks
and creates;
and contemplates?
851 · Jan 2015
DSD Jan 2015
I sit here staring at this blank page,
Gathering my thoughts
Like drawing motionless water droplets together
On a glass pane until they flow as a single stream.
In the silence ensured by my noise cancelling headphones
I hear my heart manifest the thrill of a novel idea.
And I wonder why I avoid the word ‘heart’ in my poetry.
To me it is an ***** too base in its functions
To be declared the seat of emotions profound.
I may depose it from the seat of the feelings,
But not as an executor of their will.
For the effect is always more certain
Unless I want to lose myself in
The infinite regression to
The original
833 · Feb 2014
Epiphany in the corridor
DSD Feb 2014
Walking down a corridor as dark as blindness,
But for a flickering source of illumination.
In these moments devoid of visual information
Alone with my thoughts.
I think...

Maybe the universe (It) exists intermittently.
Ceasing to be amidst states of being.

Maybe this cantor dust reality
Wears a façade of continuum.

I shall never know.
For such knowledge demands
My presence in Its absence.
Which shall never be
For both in absence and presence
I and It are one.

Here I slip through the web.
strands morphing,
Splitting into alternate narratives,
Knotting into irresolvable chaos.
Back once again in the dark corridor.

Maybe I'll catch a loose strand  
The next time I walk down
A corridor as dark as blindness,
But for a flickering source of illumination.
706 · Apr 2016
DSD Apr 2016
Reluctant to be
What's most innate.
Like a dandelion afraid
To be swept away.
An advocate of
The probabilistic
Indulging in
Going nowhere.
634 · Sep 2014
DSD Sep 2014
Is it all the way downhill from here?
Will there ever be a climb;
A challenge that would be fair?
A struggle worth my time.

Did I miss a path that diverged in the woods?
That could have made all the difference?
Or did they pull it over my eyes, the hood
That blinded my sight, steering clear of all the hindrance.

They herded me past those forks
The ride was convenient, all luxury it seemed.
This is a poem that I began writing in 2010. Over the years I've tried to finish it. Now I've realized that finishing this will not only be difficult but also a self-deception. Because no-more am I the person that I used to be.
620 · Feb 2014
DSD Feb 2014
An empty pen
On a blank page.
Nothing but noise.
I dare not pour
My heart out
Onto the void.
An attempt to write a 10w. Overshot the mark by 10w.
515 · Oct 2017
DSD Oct 2017
Intellectual over consumption under expression
A constipated mind needs cognitive laxatives
389 · Oct 2017
Of old music
DSD Oct 2017
Neither freshly downloaded
Nor recently bought.
Old music wafts
Out of the digital sarcophagus
And gently floods
The familiar channels
Of my auditory cortex.

It neither flows on
The unyielding slopes of time
Nor from past to the future.
But on the plains of untime.
Washing against the shores
From myriad mouths
Long after the flood seizes.

A little shriller on the ears
A little baser on the heart
Of old blazers and mothballs
Grainy and sepia

A chunk of frozen time.
360 · Oct 2017
Snakes and Ladders
355 · Oct 2017
Science and Religion
DSD Oct 2017
Religion comes first
Then science.  
But both die together
at the end of mysteries.
304 · Oct 2017
DSD Oct 2017
eternal selfie
280 · Nov 2018
A poem that I mean to write
DSD Nov 2018
There is a poem
that I mean to write.
Not today -
maybe on a rainy Saturday in
late November.
When i will wake up early
just to watch you sleep.

When you will almost be there
- chasing through the maze of your dreams -
but not quite there.
Even now - When you aren't here
- a trace of you reaches out to me.
Across the chasm that separates us.

Your sillage
will linger around me.
A scent that I will have set to heart.
Preserved in the vacant spot
That eagerly waits to receive it.

I will pick my moleskin,
that lies at my bed side.
And maybe then,
I'll write a poem that I mean to write.
279 · Nov 2018
DSD Nov 2018
sounds of teeth
grating against nails
is every word
I will ever say
drowned in
every word
I never will.

— The End —