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Dec 2015 · 810
My head
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I somehow over complicate things in my head without even trying to.
It's aggravating
Dec 2015 · 276
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
The biggest, yet shortest question
And most difficult to explain
Unless you plain old don't give a **** and that's your answer.
Dec 2015 · 177
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I will help you not sit and listen.
I'll throw you out the party so you won't hear me ***** and moan**.
Part two
Dec 2015 · 179
The stakes
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
The higher prices go
The lower morals go
The more criminals with badges that get away
Is the price of a black life my people are forced to pay
The more I see of woe
The more I think I should go
I cannot understand you people
Is the only game you've learned is ignorant blame?
I know nothing is the same
It never is
History is the past
You shouldn't relive
History repeating itself is like a woman who keeps forgiving and going back to her abusive husband. She's going to die. And I fear very very soon.
Dec 2015 · 377
The Earth
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
The earth is not for us anymore.
Look how it's started to reject us as if it just had an ***** transplant.
We're the ***** not complying.
We're the ***** that is the cause of us dying.
Heart to heart
Soul to soul
Nothing but an infested endless hole.
Humanity people *round of applause*

I have no clue anymore. Even in the moments I try to be positive, it barely seems to lighten my mood/emotions. I see way too much ******* on the News.
Dec 2015 · 239
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I'd like to go with the notion that everyone is beyond ****** up.
This world is just too ****** up for me. The first time I actually get some money and I believe my grandmother stole $200.00 from me. Smhsh
Dec 2015 · 149
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I think I am far more satisfied with my dreams than anything in reality. I am prone with reality.
Funny how I've now tried multiple times to better my situation, but I just keep getting ****** up. Why? **** man.
Dec 2015 · 559
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
You held my spherical glass world in your hands for five seconds...*
And it was so easy for you to drop it
It shattered before it hit the tightly packed soil
And the glass did not drop
It just got stuck in your gravitational pull.
I wonder if karma is timeless. I wonder if she comes to get you for what you did before you did it. If that is the case, karma already got you,v though I'm bitter enough to hope she does it again. Cause you deserve it, the way you work it.
Dec 2015 · 257
What people say
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
People say the hateful and ungrateful don't deserve anything.
That the too insecure deserves no love.
And, yes,
They make strong points on why they don't deserve anything.

But in the end, even though I know they're right
I still get the still human feeling.
Everybody says this, and people that has gotten to know me "enough" has called me all of these words and yeah they're true I think. The truth is only true for reasons. But still, even though some people are this way, they are this way for a reason, I am the way I am because of the things I experienced and because of other things I won't mention. I still get the "they're still human" feeling when people do that.
Dec 2015 · 267
Sharp points
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
You have very strong points
They even sliced me
But then again
There's still two sides of a story
I felt like she was slightly disrespectful though. Shaming my abuse and basically calling it nothing because of the abuse she went through. She's sympathetic, but not understanding. But at least I know that no form of abuse is better (or worse) than another. The pain from words stick around longer than broken bones. I'm sorry your bones are aching with reminders
Dec 2015 · 207
High cost
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Cheap actions
Causes high cost in consequences.
For example,
Having *** without a ******. It's cheaper, but a baby or treatments for stds ain't. ****. People are so stupid. I can't even understand
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Seating arrangements
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Where you choose to sit is where you choose to listen.
Don't like what you hear,
You change seats.
"I refuse to sit here and listen.."
Go on about your business sweetheart, no one is making you sit here but you.
Dec 2015 · 603
Good enough
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
No one is good enough for you,
That's why you go through so many chicks
But ironically, or not, you're not good enough for anyone else either.
I am going to own up to it.  I'm a very mean person.
Dec 2015 · 169
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
You were only shown pain
Don't give yourself pain.
Dedicated to self harmers.
Dec 2015 · 462
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Don't make me your residue
I am no longer with you
If you remember, 5 months ago you scrubbed me off
Don't continue living in me like an empty useless loft
Why are you so bent on repeating yourself?
I'm healthy, but you literally said I'm too unhealthy to be around.
Contradiction in your words. We're all learning the hard way.
Dec 2015 · 243
My mind
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
An infinite amount of space full of internal conflict.
Dec 2015 · 309
Poetic dream
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I had a dream I wrote a poem
Man was it dope
I don't remember what I wrote
All I know it was all I could hope.
The poem was great. But I can't remember the words. It was so great that I was sleep writing with my finger lol cx
Dec 2015 · 134
Trust you?
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
How can I trust someone who takes all my money and barely gets the things I really need
How can I trust someone who constantly lies to my face
How can I trust someone who puts themselves before their kid
How can I trust someone like you?
I can't trust her. Smh
Dec 2015 · 357
What I'm hearing
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
What you basically sayin is **** me.
**** me.
Cause I don't matter.
**** me.
Cause I don't need clothes.
**** me.
Cause me feeling good about myself don't mean ****.
**** me.
**** me.
**** me.
******* me over again..
Dec 2015 · 152
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
They don't count if you catch them before they fall.
Dec 2015 · 130
I'll never know
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I'll never know why me trying to make myself happy will ever be selfish.
I don't. Dx
Dec 2015 · 183
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I've got nothing to make me feel better.
"Could be worse, stop complaining."

When you've got nothing, you feel like nothing.
Dec 2015 · 709
Perfect girl.
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Probably every other girl has been perfect in her eyes.

"I feel like my love for you is a journey..."

That was right
Cause all journeys have an end.
They can't end at never

Our love began at never
And ended at forever.
With lots of love
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Years of neglect is abuse too.
She's just like Dex
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
Karma will be back
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
The ones that claim to love you give you the most misery.
I hate my mother. I'm gonna give karma some help with her when the time is right
Dec 2015 · 377
First time
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Her lips touched mine
The sound she made sounded like the sweetest relief
"Why did I wait so long?
Why did I have to tease her?"

Cause I needed her
She needed me
And she'd been waiting so long
She was like the cutest puppy
Patient, loyal
Silently begging
I had to give in
And girl,
Did I love it?
Love it I did.
She was overflowing with lust
That my bowl could not bear.
Dec 2015 · 111
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Sometimes the lies are all you have
*No wonder why I'm so ****** up
Lies are so much more convincing than the truth.
Dec 2015 · 192
Could haves
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
What could have been
Would never happen
I smile at day dreams
While the sky keeps laughing blue
Dec 2015 · 288
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Thoughts leave
Gone with the motions of her fingers
Upon this lace
My lids fall
On my face
Dec 2015 · 339
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
My mind turns down the heat
The cold hugs my heart harder
My mind is in defeat
My heart, slowly becomes a larder
My mind is in retreat
While my heart is a prisoner and every issue and obstacle a warder
My mind is stuck on repeat
But I can only garder for so long, and hold this mask of farder alone
Hmm.. not sure it's good, but I go through this daily. Well, nightly :D
Dec 2015 · 321
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Should never be the biggest place of judgement.
Sad but true
Dec 2015 · 130
Happy tree friends
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Just like some words...
It's disturbing, yet interesting...
It's this new show I've been watching. If you don't like Gore I wouldn't recommend it to you :D
Dec 2015 · 120
Ex. Mother #2
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
It's a shame that all you ever were to me was sorry
*And it was your favorite line too...
Dec 2015 · 240
Ex. Mother
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
I wonder if she regrets anything at all
I wonder what she regrets
Maybe I should ask
Unveil the things that are carved and masked
But at least she's alright now
On her ride away to Hell.
I know it's really mean, but I gotta get it out some out xc
Dec 2015 · 192
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Words are just as permenate as mistakes
Words are just as carelessly made as mistakes
Words are just as meaningless or meaningful as mistakes
*Mistakes are words in action, mate
Dec 2015 · 594
Pleasure beyond limits
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
"It's too much
Too much
Too much...
I can't take it!"
I somehow manage to push her off
My body just shakes and quivers as if she's still eating me
I'm paralyzed from pleasure
I smile
I can only whisper
"Amazing. So amazing."
Your touch creates songs from my lips
Finally your lips find mine
"Sorry, I couldn't take it all."
"No worries. You will one day."*
She whispers as my consciousness diminishes
Dec 2015 · 1.4k
Chalsey Wilder Dec 2015
Mmmm. You taste like honey.
Well, I sort of put some on earlier.
Yes, really.
Her grin wasn't innocent-
Time for me to have some honey.
Honey is good for your skin cx
Nov 2015 · 136
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Never about where
It's all about the *who
Nov 2015 · 200
Nature's forms
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
            Mother dresses herself
  Mother starts to reveal herself

       Mother is naked, and maybe puts on a white robe
   Mother is showing off her hot ***
Lol. Came up with this on the bus.
Nov 2015 · 227
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
The real monsters can be rather close to you...
*Whispering in your ear to you...
Nov 2015 · 8.4k
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Hands delve deep in damp shadows
Even in slumber you drive my body insane
My body remembers you well
It's kept all memories of you so clear in it's senses
It misses you so dearly
I do miss you too, clearly
All this wetness is unnecessary
And this need for you, and only you, to myself is oh so scary
You whisper it's me you want to marry...
I woke up out the dream
Wondering what was wrong with me
I was warm and full of need
All I could think about is how much I wanted her to come pamper this *****
Nov 2015 · 536
True to self
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
It's hard for people to be true to themselves
*And even harder for them to be true to others.
Everyone has their demons. Some are nicer than others
Nov 2015 · 863
Back seat
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Feeling your lips meld into mine
We reveal
As your lips makes its loving trail it burns a pool deep below
Your hands cup my body
How can hands so small have such strength?
You slowly feast on my body on your way down
Getting to what you really want
What you say you need
Love, you have it.
"It's yours
It's yours
It's all
all yours..."

I melt all over you
Just the way you love it
"Look what you did to me."
She smiled so happ**ily
Nov 2015 · 415
Question the progression
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Not an inch
I wonder what it all meant
But tell me
Tell me
Ring the bell chief
Bring me every ounce of grief
How are we "better" or "improved"
What have we planted in the youth?
It's too embedded in the root
It's no good, it's too rotten for real growth
Too many don't know or never cared beyond their own selfishness
People who can make changes only do a little of that for themselves
What is drugs, parties, and women?
The wheel is spinning fast and only right now you're "winnin"
You can't pick and choose what kind of person you see in yourself
*You're in need of some really good help
Means so many different things@+@
Nov 2015 · 6.7k
Fool's gold
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Don't be fooled by these **** offs that you're their gold.
You may actually be gold, but they're burying you in dirt._.
Nov 2015 · 477
Thick women
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Thick women more down to earth
Nov 2015 · 121
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Nobody said the person you love had to be seemingly perfect.
Nov 2015 · 206
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
She's got mommy issues
That is why she relies on another woman's love
*That is why I do too
Nov 2015 · 931
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I laugh to replace the tears I need to cry.
Nov 2015 · 138
Get it
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I think I get it now.
Not all of it, just a little.
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