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Nov 2015 · 286
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Suus 'got mammam exitibus
Unde et amor alterius innititur
*Quare id faciam, quod est nimis
Interesting really.
Nov 2015 · 196
One rule to happiness
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Even if you're making someone else happy, you should still be happy yourself.
Nov 2015 · 205
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Love them and leave them.
Fire and desire.
Nov 2015 · 144
Same one
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
The same one who swears
Isn't the one who really cares
But at least you can count on their words being there
Even if they were never here
Key key key
Nov 2015 · 222
Love the same
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
If the love always feels the same
May it's your heart that's playing games
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Once it's over it's easier to act like they never existed or even happened.
Cause you never really met them technically, lol.
Nov 2015 · 783
Smile so fake
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Don't you feel the hate
When you possess a smile so fake
Doesn't it hurt your face
To create a smile so fake
Does the pain get erased
When you possess a smile so fake
Doesn't it stretch your muscles the wrong way
To create a smile so fake
Is it happiness you create
When you smile so **** fake
Or is it calmness that you make
When you create a smile so *fake
Nov 2015 · 289
Just remember
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
You can only give people the power to betray you.
We put those people in just the right position to betray us.
Nov 2015 · 146
Worth the will
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
My heart is cold steel
*Is it worth the will?
Nov 2015 · 240
Too bad
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
You tried your hardest, you really did
Too bad it was still soft as a flaccid ****
Nov 2015 · 237
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Diamonds, emeralds, silver, and gold
Are only valuable because it's shiny and what humanity was told
If those things were dull and light
People wouldn't want them, *right?
Nov 2015 · 159
Own it
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Walk like you own the world
*Act like your spit doesn't deserve to hit their graves.
Nov 2015 · 167
Not enough
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Just love isn't enough to make things work.
Nov 2015 · 174
That's what she said
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
She said she wanted to drink me like wine
Make my legs shake so fine
And make her tongue do a replay then rewind
And her previous words came to my mind
"I will make you mine."
She smiles just at that time.
Nov 2015 · 286
I'm ill.
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'm tired. So ill at ease.
Please say it please.
It's just what I need.
But I can't come begging.
It'll stay a secret, quietly pending.
My mind does all the bending.
I'm beginning to believe it's going to finally break.
I'm damming up the tears that wants a big break.
Maybe they'll come out over some tea and coffee cake.
Tears keep trying to slip out Dx
Nov 2015 · 208
It's funny
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
It's so funny how unfunny **** is.
Nov 2015 · 221
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
The uneven-ness of my femur bones
Hurts further than bone deep.
I try not to think or look at it much
Nov 2015 · 2.1k
What pretty is
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'mma tell you what pretty is

Pretty is a standard
Pretty is a complement used to get into your jeans
Pretty is a goal that'll only leave a hole
Pretty is something never truly achieved in every beholder's eye
Pretty is a lie bought and sold
Pretty does grow old
Pretty is a truth if it comes from the right soul
"Pretty is a lie bought and sold" aka makeup and cosmetic surgery procedures.
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
A heart isn't a game
*** isn't a game or a gamble
Tears are potions of frustration and pain
*** was never intended to be physical gain
I could knock on this ****
Point out everything not worth it
But still no one would ever get what my mouth tries to say
This age, and this day
Nothing but a petty game I'll have to play
So tired.
Nov 2015 · 181
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Made a poem about sunglasses
Has a lot of shade
Lol. I just thought this was funny
Nov 2015 · 381
Life like
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Life is like porridge
Never get discouraged
Sometimes hot sometimes cold, you never know what the future holds.
And for those lukewarm moments
You have the world and own it
In your heart and it will never depart.
Idk Tbh.
Nov 2015 · 322
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Lie if you want to
It'll only lead you to cry
I believe I should be right by my side
Not in my head it'll only give me confusion
I'm right by my side so I see what ****** doin
You know what you're ruining
How I'm supposed to make up old doins
Rolling with the crew
Don't you know who's really getting *******?
I won't set this to brew
I gotta blow off my coffee and look the headline news
We're both through
I wish they'd have listened the first time. This time I'll listen to me.
Nov 2015 · 157
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Sell your soul if you want to
Know that it's gonna haunt you
I'm not gon try to spot you
I'm not gon try to fight you
I'mma let you go through
The biggest mistake you ever knew
I just thought of this.
Nov 2015 · 712
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Truth is
We're all inexperienced
I may never experience one thing like another
But I still understand your human feelings, my fellow brother.
( :
Nov 2015 · 222
To the inexperienced
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Don't knock it till you've walked it!
Nov 2015 · 158
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I don't think love lies
It's people's mouth and people's eyes
That makes these things up that hurts inside
No one is a gift anymore
True love between two exists nevermore
I think I'm giving up on relationships for good now. No point, too many **** boys.
Nov 2015 · 782
The Valley
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'm your ****, I'm your pope, I'm your pastor baby
Confess your sins to me while you *******.
The valley by Miguel.
I'm not sure why but these are my favorite lyrics in the song.
Nov 2015 · 101
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
"My precious miana, I'll never let you go."
Nov 2015 · 222
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
"She kisses me like she's trying to **** the life out of me. Who'd have thought those are the moments I feel most free."
Nov 2015 · 359
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I thought I'd forgotten
But then I remembered
All the questions I meant to ask then.
Hm. My memory is funny. I'm always left wondering
Nov 2015 · 413
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I hope you ******* die soon
I won't even show up to the funeral
To spit on your grave
It's not near a shame
Because of your name
So angry
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
No inch is safe
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Not an inch of this world is safe
I couldn't imagine living in this beautiful ill ridden place.
The earth is a beautiful place, but most the people on it aren't anymore.
Nov 2015 · 123
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'm never what I seem
Forever just a dream
Nov 2015 · 164
A waste
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Isn't it a waste
A contradiction
That the helpless are begging
Can't help those who don't want help
Nov 2015 · 351
Seeking forms
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
My body is the paperweight of my soul.
Nov 2015 · 200
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Come on, baby, you're just...
This is no crowning
You'll be on your way to prowling
Such an inhuman..
Such a groundbreaking start
Such a trivial part...

*But our minds create art
Couldn't think of a title/name
Nov 2015 · 136
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Making someone feel regret may be a better revenge.
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Just once I'd like to give into my desires
I'd wrap myself around you
Let my tongue surround you
Have my fingers pound you
And get nervous around you
I'd get anxious at the anticipation of where your head and hands are dipping into
The sweet succulent of tender flesh
Has me making so much mess
But still your tongue moves steadfast
Waiting for my frame to collapse
Nov 2015 · 108
Still cycle
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
After all this time
Not enough of us has realized
How to stop the world from rotting
We can't do anything but repeat most mistakes
Nov 2015 · 312
Afraid of pain?
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'm so afraid of pain
I find it an ironic thing
I hold onto all this pain,
Hurt, and suffer ring
The diamond is huge (and heavy) on that thing
Except it doesn't do all that flashing
I want to quit, and lay down indefinitely
I'm just so afraid of pain and permanent damage
**Inside of me
Fear keeps me from embracing certain things
Nov 2015 · 438
Sometimes I wander
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Sometimes I wander
Wonder at the darkest things
Like if I were in a room full of air I didn't need
Air I couldn't breathe
Would it fill my lungs the same?
But not help a **** thing?

Yes, it'd fill them
But only with everything you don't need
Applies to anything really
Nov 2015 · 158
Look in
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Look inside
My sanity is splitting like hacked up wood
I cannot hide
All my woes, they have control
I can't wade the tide
My well's too dry to cry
Where is my pride?
The same place I got discouraged
So guilty I lied
I did warn before due time
Hm.... Unsure if this is good enough or not
Nov 2015 · 165
Life in the sky
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
My life is the sky
The ground is my death
To all the Gods people do or don't pray to
Wonder which one will be there after that last breath
All we can do is try
But really our life is in the sky
So much meaning in this for me.
Nov 2015 · 596
Luck bend
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
Luck bend to my will
Give me something, and these ****** I will ****
Popping back some sleeping pills
Trying to introduce a new thrill
My emotions? I ain't got time to go up that hill
I need something new, something with some *** appeal
Something sweet, something I can devour in one whole meal
I need the energy I could get from a rock of crill
Time ain't cheap, life ain't trill
I'm drunk and ****** up
Nov 2015 · 356
Personal record
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'd say my biggest crime is loving
Cause it goes against the laws of my heart
The biggest commandment I've broken was caring
That is why my soul is oh so demanding
It's a chronic pain measurement
My soul is collateral for this huge embezzlement
Doesn't my heart hold any sentiment?
I was never meant for this
Crazy man. It really is.
Nov 2015 · 222
Momentary moments
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
The moment I explain to you how my mind's chasing my heart
And my heart is running the arctic of my soul you'll never get it
It's brilliant really
How I'm so non-resilient
And Darwin's theory has it's momentary achievements
This is the time to reinvent
So sorry I'd rather be beneath pavement
Nov 2015 · 992
The life I have left
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
My muse is the last of life I have left in my heart
To only have me is ..
Nov 2015 · 333
In my Core
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
You can show me the door and tell me what to do
But I'd never have the courage to walk through.
Nov 2015 · 338
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
I'm stuck in this cycle of rain called a hurricane.
So much to say but so little time.
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