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5.0k · May 2023
Good morning From Africa
Khadijat Bello May 2023
First, let me start by Greeting you in Twi, "memawo akye" in Kumasi
And back to my home land, I say to you, "Yene"! in Ebira
"Habri za asubuhi"! from Swahill
Ina kwana in Hausa
Emesiere! in Ibibibo
ụtụtụ ọma! in Igbo
Africa, the home of one third of the world's languages
Here I am telling you Djam walli!  in Fulfulde
Nigeria is a power house of over 500 languages
I say Kube lazhin! Nupe
U nder vee! in Tiv
Manao ahoana! in Malagasy language
Ojobe in Boki
Africa! My home continent, where some languages are foreign to most.
West Africa, my land region the Zone of the Giant of Africa.
Nigeria, my Father land! I say to you Good morning in different dialect.
Telling my own Africa story by Greeting you all Good Morning in different African dialects.
1.7k · Jan 2024
Khadijat Bello Jan 2024
I hate to say this, but I miss you
On days when I’m angry at you
I recount every memory of you
I miss you on the saddest days and even the most delightful ones

I hate to say this, but I love you
I’ve loved your fairly flaws and even resented myself for loving you
I loved you from the very beginning, I bet I’d do till the end
I love you like molt to holes
I guess, I love every curve of you

Permit me to say this, but I hate you
I hate the way you make me smile
How you get to my skin
I hate how your voice brightens up my day
I hate the ease I feel when talking to you in distress
I hate how I feel when you call me nick names
Gosh! I love them all!
I guess, I called for a white lie

I miss you as my person
I miss the fact that it was just the two of us
I hate I have to share you…
Not you, but the concept of you
I guess I hate myself more for harboring these thoughts I do
But in the end, all these conflicting emotions…
I just miss you.

Whispers of your absence echo through my heart, painting the canvas of longing with hues of nostalgia. In the symphony of solitude, every note resonates 'I miss you.' 💔✨
1.7k · May 2023
Khadijat Bello May 2023

What is it, really?
An illusion, if you ask me
A system making you think you can choose it
The system plays you a great trick

Use my home land, a case study.
She's flawed from when she used the military
Canada lost sight for morality
The United Kingdom then becomes a general market even though it's a Monarchy

Wake up! Democracy is only a trick
Russia is still in Capitalism
China is still most Socialist till this day; She's still practicing socialism
Arabia is better off with Federalism

How then do you think Democracy is real?
She's flawed and ill
Makes you to ****
Not minding if it's your kin
I still root for Monarchy, I get to know my king
And even the military, the soldiers act by order.
So what then is Democracy?
Day 4 of May. And it came in a question
1.6k · Oct 2023
Nigeria at 63
Khadijat Bello Oct 2023
Nigeria 🇳🇬

A lot has happened to you since 62
You're a year older, and still most of your kin hates you
They forget how they may not exist without you
Yes! You are on the brink of hell,
To say your name has been marred with gutter
An act from most of your children

You have suffered the injustices of men
We hear cries of your children in the North
Thousands of hooligans in the South-West
There is so much bad blood in the East
The Middle Belt doesn't know her role or who to follow

Your name has been berated all over the world
Your currency, at the brink of death with the stock market
Stolen funds for those who can grasp it
Banditry for the suffering Masses
Illegal mining, yet no one is talking about it

You have suffered bickerings from people who want to Japa
A fluctuating forex makes it no easier
They blame you for their atrocious behaviour
They sometimes forget how fertile you are.

From East-West and North-South, you have suffered injustices
For decades, you have been subject to malicious governance
Battling all levels of inflation, subjecting your people to abject poverty
Yet the rich get richer, and the poor? More Jejune if you ask.

At 63, I want to fight. For your children and kinship
Fight for your soil and regain your strength
Battle with these injustices and insecurity
Bring down inflation and take back your crown
Debunk all forms of evil committed with your name
And fight for a better 64.

Nigeria is great, Nigeria will be great
Nigeria is our father's land.
Happy Independence Day, Nigeria 🇳🇬

Happy independence day to my beautiful country Nigeria 🇳🇬 I strongly believe you're great, and will be great again.
1.6k · Feb 2023
A tribute to me!
Khadijat Bello Feb 2023
To the lady I have been...
Audacious Daring and Loving.
To the Fighter deep within.
my love through the moon and back.

My love! as you celebrate your Silver Jubilee be audacious, meticulous and spontaneous live life and let love lead.
Give your insecurities time to breathe. You are young and endearing, loving and goal getting.

Enjoy your youthful age, for my dear there is nothing you'd have done different. you're beautiful just the way you are.
Beautifully fascinating, endearing, ravishing and enchanting.

The best version of you is yet to come so live and learn through the process.
Trust God that things happen for a reason, and the best part of the journey is not the destination but the process.
To you my lovely self you are the most self-aware just don't get self-absorbed you are most loving yet dangerous. But if it comes down to a choice let love lead.

And if at a point you get to celebrate a golden jubilee, I pray you're surrounded with love as you must have loved, I pray you have cake even though they might be vendored or baked.
I also pray and you must have lived while you exist and give him back to those that had given and more so to those who haven't.

Dear future self I haven't met you yet, but I want you to be nice to this 25-year old me don't make me suffer too much.
My darling future self don't be much indecisive and don't be perfidy.
I implore you to be kind and love the best version of yourself. don't crack to the pressure, you don't always have to like the measures, but at then look at the end pleasure.
Just follow the process leave the moment it may be hard, but remember Blacks don't crack!

My Loving self remember I love you nothing beats that. you are loved by me and no you're not a pariah you'd have to get that out of your head.

To my ten-year-old self I now know better,
My 15 year-old rebel, I guarantee you I think deeper.
To the 20 I now see clearly and to you my 25. Darling please be nice and make sure that my 30 we'll get it right.
Happy birthday Khadijat Bello may Allah bless you
Khadijat Bello Apr 2023
If I should tell you ‘Bout all that’s not gold,
I won’t be speaking of the dangles on my mother’s neck,
The stud on my sisters’ ear or the rock between her finger.

I rather walk you through society and how we paint it
How we lose sight of reality and view just the glam
How we concentrate on what’s flashy…
and how we don’t see cute to see the ugly, rather view the paint in Awe
and see the pain in ‘gust.
I will tell you how we channel our focus on the big weddings and lose the sight of the bigger picture.

So, if I’m to talk about all that glitters that is not gold, do know these:
I’d be telling you of the painful truth you chose to ignore,
The scandals that come with the big weddings,
The agony masked in smiles, the pain of each like button
How each comment burns like fire.
Would let you in on my mother’s secret,
How her dangles are not real, she also removes her spackling watch before the end of each occasion.
I’d tell you how my sister’s earrings fade daily and insomnia she gets from the rock on her finger.

I will tell you how reality is far from society, and leaves you to face the agony.
So, when you think about a sparkling gold, think about the last trend and those who end with it.
Think about earth and how we rotate with it,
Please think about reality.
How well do you like gold? How well do think about reality?  Because in the end, all that glitters is not gold.
1.2k · Apr 2023
Khadijat Bello Apr 2023
The street is swapped with bodies
Young, old and grey
A sea of strength and weakness
Soft, eager and fragile

These streets are filled with vehicles
3-wheels, cars and motorcycles
Vast need for speed with myriad speedometers
A different sense of focus, smothers!

Our focus is just to hustle
Be a cobbler, doctor or apostle
Variants of professions, you just have to shuffle
Not the best serenity, man just settles

We focus on vanity,
I wonder if we check deep within
The goal is to reach the top.
We often forget the master of the race herein

We lose our hearts to the matrix
Most times we even forget the margin
The apocalypse is yet to come
Yet we forget, it's most catastrophic

Have You looked within?
What are you yet to see
Is it the future you seek
Or deed incomplete?

Did you notice how much rest you need?
Or how anti-social you have been.
How much you seized to live though Alive
Have you noticed how badly you lost to Hustle?
How much do you hustle for? And what does it mean to you.  The end of the poem, is a question only you can answer.
1.0k · Jan 2023
Khadijat Bello Jan 2023
To that intentional person i know
The delicate sun flower hidden behind the thick forest
In a wood of carcass
Cheers to your true intentions
For seeing beyond the shores...
I know to you, its more than just words
Every uttrance has an ulterior motive

You suffered betrayal at a young age,
Now you're gobsmacked by the first act of kindness
Life is never fair you believe

My dear! Its time!
Time to stop your insecurities from driving
For you're firece and pre-determined
Indeed life is short, so live it
Live while you still exist, and exist while you still live
Take those risks, for they just might be your big win

Your help lies outside the four walls of your home.
You need to seek it!
Valour are not just a word of vigor,
You need to act it!
Live to learn and learn to live
To survive, you have to strive. So let that sink!
The accolades comes when you get to the top
Be the cheerleader of your little wins
For nothing tops little sgin that show your work in progress. You need to believe it.
And try to win, before life wins
For in the end, it still does.

Note to first, me. Then every other person out there. There is more to live, as much as there is nothing in it.
993 · Dec 2022
Home soil
Khadijat Bello Dec 2022
Africa my Africa
The giant rock on the river bank
Yes! Africa the lover of her nations
The giant of all continent

Africa the lover of culture
In Africa, culture communicates…
beauty and love.
Have you seen our wrappers?
The magnitude of her colours is so adhering
See the beauty of our caravan
The movement from place to place,
Yes we're gipsies!

The momentum of our brotherhood
And love in our diversity
Africa the lover of all tribes
And giver of livestocks
Mama, the best in humanity and culture

Let's talk about art...
Have a look at our vast nature
That my dear is art itself
The beautiful seas of green
The alluring spirits of the canvas
The beauty in the artist pen
Bringing out the best images in art, beauty and culture
When you talk about culture and heritage,
I call for your hearing...
Mother that won't give up her brotherhood
You speak about peace and love?
I'll tell you about Africa… which after many wars, still keeps her children
She's a plate that dish out love and affection in her own language not minding your understanding
Yes we're Africans. And we know humanity, love and culture.
I don't know what part of the world you are from.
But here in Africa, we speak in culture and style.

This piece is for the love of my home continent. Looking at it from all angle, africa is beautiful. I love her as much as i'd love every other African's to
824 · Dec 2022
World migration day!
Khadijat Bello Dec 2022
To the ones who were taken!
The ones that left for greener pasture!
For those that eloped…
Insearch of love and comfort.
To the ones whose country was at war!
Had to leave not because of the fun.
To you all who have not seen your relatives in decades!
To you all I hail thy!

Your country may be in disarray
You may had been trafficked
Maybe even by mistake.
Yet a new home you had to find
To you, I hail thee!

To the anchor babies, the ones who got bullied…
for what they are not responsible for.
You are my star!
You shine so bright they find it hard not to pick from you. 'Not on you'.
For the great brains that have to live with little, for lacking a Green Card!
You are bigger than what they thought of you.
Your turn to succeed would come. Please don't give up.

Her mother's daughter
The one that was told of great opportunities.
She left with big dreams! Only to see the cruelty of the world she knows nothing of.
In your is the odyssey. Your strength is unmatched!

For our ansestors that were taken and made slaves.
Called "Colored" because of their beautiful skin
Our dashing Milani beauty!
Oh! Your flawless skin under the ray of the sun or its coolness with every cold breeze.
A Resistor!
My ancestral goddess. You found a home amidst all odds.
To you! I hail thy!
And to you is this day celebrated.
Happy International Migrant day!
Its migration day, and this what i like you know.
796 · May 2023
Khadijat Bello May 2023

From birth, and its essence
To love and her gain
Death with its own pain
All these are the properties of Life

Earth and her soil
To Air and her wind
And the Water that we drink
The masterpiece of Fire.
All these and many others are the elements of life

Through time immemorial
From the ages of our forefathers
All these components have birthed Reproduction
For thousands of Generations
And now we call it Procreation

The beautiful essence of Nature
From which we got our first love
To the 9 planets and ours we call Earth
Starting with the air we breathe

Olorun Oba o! What a beautiful mastercraft
Magnanimous you are, for us is a place called Paradise.  
One which promises eternal bliss

Eledumare! Might is your name of the most high
Subhanallah! Your works are compared to none
For you alone created Life and Death.
From a plain world, beginning to end

Man comes and writes his own chapter
You provide them Food and Shelter
Cloth and water
Health and art craft
Wealth and comfort.

And these you have done for generations
As man keeps proving stubborn
Yet, the concept of Life is beyond our Imagination.
This took a while,  but here you go. Please comment.
780 · May 2023
Khadijat Bello May 2023

The Oxford call it a group living in community
To me, it's what shapenes our morality
An association of different confraternity
A big circle of sorority

Some people want peace, other wants justice
Some others, just want the insecurities to cease
For us, it a ball game of big and small bliss

The affiliation of humanity and its hospitality
A vibrant level of governance and fellowship
Society is a tapestry with many seams

Wild range of Education and different services
For some, they want sympathy. Others just want to live with emphaty…
As they woven in their want for greed

Society changes to norms and values
In diversity of cultures and tribes
An ethnicity of many kind

The society is our genesis
An LAD of every child
A pattern for everyone.

When next you think to change a person,
Think first to change his society.

Day 3 of May
744 · May 2023
Khadijat Bello May 2023

Long before my existence
Man has lived in terror and harmony
He has learned to love as well as hate his colony
Humans have learned to fight for one another, and also each other

Human has learned to manage resources and also waste it
To love and hate is now a daily affair
He sometimes forgets his allies and be bally

Humanity is our felony I wonder what we ought to give
What's love without pain
What's religion without faith
And harmony without hate?

What is Humanity without its animosity
Existence without perishing
For we make up humanity
Yet we are vain and evil
Sometimes, too good for the sequel.
This is for the second day of May
Khadijat Bello Mar 2024
Hey dearest Girl friend, you're more than meets the eye.
There's more to you than the world see and only you can feel
You are more than the current moment, may be  stuck, but not for too long

You're fierce and engaging
A lioness in her own den, you are predictive and predetermined
A conquer, you have fought so many battles, Zues would be jealous

Going from house to house, you have served!
Moving from office to office, you have worked!
From one business to the other, you have thrived!
From street to street,  you have hawked!

You move mountains with determination
Your mere presence sets them on fire
You are a woman first,
A sister
Sometimes you're a wife but above all,
You are a mother.

You are the best work of art God created to multitask
A Russian-roulette any man would **** to be victorious for.

You are a reason for inspiring inclusion.
Happy International Women's Day Queen!

To every woman out there! The world sees you,  the world knows you. Happy International Women's Day Queen 👸
649 · Nov 2022
My dear Man!!!
Khadijat Bello Nov 2022
In you lies Zeus. You’re your own God of thunder.
Striking lighting that Peirce through hearts. I wonder!
The world believe you have it all panned out, it sometimes forget you have blood too
Its notion of you, unintentionally gives a standard as high as mountain
Society views you as fearless, it forgot the boy in you
Asking you to man up and keep your tears,
I ask aren’t they humans too?

My love,
Tune out the cruel noise and listen just to my voice
For you are my king, the Igwe of my clan so I call you EZE
The eyes of the gods in you I find EZENMOR
You are the Ohi of my land so come home to me OHINOYI
The hand that gives never lacks what do you say? ADEIZA!
As a woman I love to dream and I know we have an empire… of which you’re SULTAN
Our sons learn from your steps they are our little YUVRAJ
My audacious husband, an aggrandize doer.
Mighty is the Arm that I find comfort, for you are the most uxorious man I ever met.

A gregarious lover…
For days you find the fog too thick, take a break
Catch your breath
Think again.
Remember you’re Cheesable   too
And you are loved with all that comes with it.
To all the men out there, i'd like to use this as a means, to apprieciate you for all you efforts. We see it, and we love you!! Happy international men's day...
540 · Nov 2022
Khadijat Bello Nov 2022
Scared of your being
A place it all begin
With your monstrous dimension
High in different perception
A prestige I once Belittled I now dread
For you make me fear
So is the knowledge of knowing the unknown

To you their just harmless pranks
But now they brought awful cracks
You made me cranky
A work of your art craft
I fear not just for myself
I'm scared you'd get lost in yourself
A hallow of your worth
I fear now for this world
Because we don't belong

I fear for you
So I  pray you'd be saved
Form the havoc you create
A pain from your creation
I fear you'd never be cursed from the curse of your deception
You deep with no from of redemption
Lost of all from of serenity
I fear for me and you.
When I am scared of the knowledge of what comes next and how it happens.
497 · Jun 2024
An ode into the future...
Khadijat Bello Jun 2024
Dear future husband,
It's with a great sense of urgency I write into the future.
Loving me won't be easy
Hailing from a broken home has taught me how love can be a double edge sword.
Therefore, I argue and talk back
I over think and analyse scenarios beyond imagination
I make up arguments before it even happens
I am an overthinker by default
Don't let this scare you.

Dear future husband,  
I'd want you to know I am a hopeless romantic with a wall as high as wall of China
But those can easily fall as that of jericho
With you, I'd want a love as white as snow on Christmas
I'd want a never ending friendship as the waters of Niagara falls.
I promise to never stop fighting my inner demons and insecurities
As long as you assure me how we are partners in this ship of ours

Dear future husband,  
It's with utmost sincerity that I write to you on this day, because I know I'm finally ready.
I have always hidden in my coven
I await your presence,
And would be welcoming you with open arms when we get to meet
So future habiby, what's the wait for?
I'm sure your ribs must ache enough from a missing piece.

An open letter to my future husband.
431 · Jan 2023
Khadijat Bello Jan 2023
What is poetry
Is that even a question
Marvellous words design in lines
Transform into verses
It gave birth to sonnet
It comes in lyric
Of beautiful rhyme
Serving as rhythm in melody

Poetry, as old as man
Formed  from the Mediaeval times
Down Neoclassical
My dear, it's Romance
Coming from Elizabethan era
Formed a modern movement
Something so beautiful
Beautiful to a fault, it's called poetry

Ask my fathers what poetry means.
To Thomas Watts it's a way of love
Butter Yaests  paths way for activism
Grace gives strength to recommendation
Ojiade fights corruption
Pope graces  Cesar
Osadibe makes appeal
And it a way of life in lines

What is poetry, you ask?
It is a way of redemption
Scribbled down, it's description
A map of direction
Given as recommendation
To a vast way of calculation

Ask a chemist, and he says what on earth is not chemistry
A physician says life is based on assumption
Psychology say man is nature
ichthyologists sees the beautiful aquaculture
A teacher sees the best methodology
Historian gives tells great mythology
Which gives ride to sociology
Yet poetry is nature.  

What is your thoughts about poetry? Well this is what i think.
422 · Nov 2023
Past 11 months
Khadijat Bello Nov 2023
JANUARY ,I was ignorant and oblivious.
FEBRUARY came, and I sighed a breath of relief. Too confused, I made a wish. MARCH-ed with mixed feelings. I started seeing light in APRIL. I've finally found a resolution, I MAY just catwalk my way into JUNE and end my love lust. Then rekindle in JULY, a lust cost. I was not ready for what AUGUST had to say, for I staggered my way and landed facedown in SEPTEMBER hoping to feel brand new when the brisk rain fell in OCTOBER and I knew I exhausted all tears in Autumn and couldn't cry again. Yet I walk in the morning dew and light morning sun that says Winter is here and I'm sitting in NOVEMBER asking myself how 11 months has passed by. Yet, I remembered. DECEMBER is round the corner.
Reminiscing in time
83 · Jan 24
Chivalry Elegy
Chivalry Never Dies (Or So They Say)

Chivalry, they said, would never die,
Yet I, the savior of the deceased, know why.
Once alive, vibrant, and whole,
He held the weight of my faltering soul.

We laughed, we bantered, we shared the days,
He soothed my doubts and cleared my haze.
In times of anguish, he'd always appear,
A steadfast presence to quiet my fear.

But I was blind, so lost in my needs,
I never noticed his silent pleas.
He gave and gave till he was no more,
A shadow walking, his spirit sore.

A living carcass, drained and spent,
Yet never a word of his discontent.
I saw him crumble, day by day,
A residue of light that faded away.

I tried to mend, I tried to care,
But his burden grew too great to bear.
So I closed the door to what once was,
To save myself from breaking because—

Though he returned, his light renewed,
I know his glow will soon subdue.
For this Chivalry is long since gone,
A fleeting star before the dawn.

"See you on the other side," I sigh,
For even legends must say goodbye.
Chivalry is dead now,  isn't?

— The End —