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Nov 2023
JANUARY ,I was ignorant and oblivious.
FEBRUARY came, and I sighed a breath of relief. Too confused, I made a wish. MARCH-ed with mixed feelings. I started seeing light in APRIL. I've finally found a resolution, I MAY just catwalk my way into JUNE and end my love lust. Then rekindle in JULY, a lust cost. I was not ready for what AUGUST had to say, for I staggered my way and landed facedown in SEPTEMBER hoping to feel brand new when the brisk rain fell in OCTOBER and I knew I exhausted all tears in Autumn and couldn't cry again. Yet I walk in the morning dew and light morning sun that says Winter is here and I'm sitting in NOVEMBER asking myself how 11 months has passed by. Yet, I remembered. DECEMBER is round the corner.
Reminiscing in time
Khadijat Bello
Written by
Khadijat Bello  F/Nigeria 🇳🇬
(F/Nigeria 🇳🇬)   
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