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964 · Jan 2018
The perplexed traveler
Sourodeep Jan 2018
Trying to look beyond the horizon
I ended up in maze,
unable to find my way
though amazed
by the way the earth and sky
keeps to unfold, revealing
new clouds, trees and mountains.

Mystery beckons the curious soul,
as the story gradually unfolds,
instances weave to build a tale
quenches as well as increases the thirst,
and new realizations turn me pale.

So many people, so many words
So much music so many chords
but it is still one me
and one life to see.
How can we soak in everything we experience in our lifetime.
941 · Nov 2017
Of Rain and Love...
Sourodeep Nov 2017
A glimpse of you
in the shadow of light,
muddy soaked up leaves
becoming the road's delight.

The softened soil
reminds your touch,
your slow grip
soothing as such.

In the surrounding mist
my eyes search for you,
the heart beats love
dreaming of us
warm in this rain...
painting a lovely view.

The clouds bring to me
your love from far away,
all I feel and see,
your presence near me
*entire night and day !
934 · May 2015
The honest clock
Sourodeep May 2015
With tireless dedication

it reminds me, ticking patiently

that was a past occasion ,

what will be , is a future liability.
consequences are our decisions and actions of the past.
927 · Apr 2016
Music of green and yellow
Sourodeep Apr 2016
While down the narrow path
in the morning at the park,
I found a leaf enjoying sunbath
on the tree beside the bush.

The leaf looked so fresh
while enjoying the food from sun,
stood out in this wide green mesh
and directed some food towards me.

There was a rock with a humble greet
I stumbled on it, bruised my feet
I had ignored the cuckoo on that tree
it did give me a warning tweet.

In this play of green and yellow shower
life thrives in trees and birds.
I fathom all these, and here I hover
I learn music , for it aligns my chords.
I do not know what is the feeling and how to describe it, but something strikes me deeply...
920 · Nov 2016
Sourodeep Nov 2016
Mind has grown
facing challenges
of others and my own.
Happiness diffuses
through the smoke
and peace refuses to
reside within me.
I have lived less, to
others it may seem
but my body is tired
by just the mid day
sun's scorching beam.
Where is the cool evening
I scream and scream
for I want this body
to take rest and breath.
Waiting for my lovely night
when I can smile and
be lost in sweet dreams.
882 · Feb 2016
Sharks in the ocean
Sourodeep Feb 2016
Though a splendid sight
comes stealthily close
and tears off the flesh
in a sharp bite.
Slimy skin and the deadly fin
makes the calm ocean,
place for a deadly scene.
I dare not dive
I dare not swim
I dare not hunt with
a spear so blunt.

But I wonder, if I ever
see a shark once inside the sea
coming close towards me
will I get a rope to pull me
up to the boat ?

In this sea of serenity
there is no clarity, that
when there is trouble in sight
what is wrong and what is *right.
There is danger and trouble everywhere and once we face it the main fear becomes how to tackle the situation and get out of it.
879 · Aug 2015
Priceless creations..
Sourodeep Aug 2015
Precious things for which we do care
are not materials, but feelings intangible
so having them makes it even more rare
as it slips from your hands unnoticeable.

The beauty of the cloud is not in its height
the melody of a song cannot be felt with open eyes
we can make buildings with all our might
but it always falls short of the heavenly blue sky.

Love is not defined by a red box having a gold ring
but by the stall of time at the moment so divine
her splendid smile like a swan spreading its wing
her sparkling eyes telling the diamond to shine
877 · Oct 2015
Feeling alive...
Sourodeep Oct 2015
I don't know what got me into
this shady old bar
though first I wanted not to
but door was invitingly ajar.

I went through a cloud of smoke
to an old chair I found my way
my thirst for *** n coke
that's all, nothing more to say.

My love, I will hold you tight
we will sway left and right
but I will be with you whole night
we will dance in heaven tonight

Now I grab the humble fry
while you empty yourself into me
far behind the past died with a cry
and I invoke fresh thoughts for us to see.
everytime, at a good place, with good people.
852 · May 2015
Life is always a bluff
Sourodeep May 2015
How do we handle this stuff
Struggling for happiness
grimacing in pain
Life is always a bluff

Is it really so tough
To feel my thoughts
too see through my eyes
Life is always a bluff

I think I had enough
burden of silly expectation
and no scope for emancipation
Life is always a bluff

Its not the last laugh
We are known for our choices
and the seeds of happiness we sow
So should be our goal
*Life is always a bluff
849 · Jun 2015
Sourodeep Jun 2015
With his false air of supremacy
man just manages to ride a wave
and claims to tame the sea.

Climbing the mountains with all his might
by merely hoisting a flag at the pinnacle
man thinks owning the height is his right

Crouching behind a bush, smeared with ink
he kills the beast with some fancy toy
and assumes he has overthrown the jungle king

Not satiated still, he stoops so low
disregarding her beauty, digs the earth
and loots all the treasures below.

After all this, when he bows to thee
tries to please by his hypocritical words
then how holy can the holy be.
846 · Jun 2015
Awaiting moments...
Sourodeep Jun 2015
I so hoped the time passed a bit quicker
waiting for your call, for your reassuring voice
each passing second so long, I could
even count the tube light flicker.

             moments like these makes me ponder
             memories come & go, anxiously I  wonder

That day of my mother's operation
at the hospital, or hell on earth as I recall
on the other side of the door, praying, waiting for the call
those two hours felt like a generation
              moments like these makes me ponder
              memories come & go, anxiously I wonder

As a kid at the railway station, waiting
for my dad to return from the counter
the crowd growing big, our train about to leave
those few minutes of desperation, relentless searching

moments like these makes me ponder
memories come & go, anxiously I wonder
clinching our fists, we crave for something
how lively would life be
if we had it our way in the end
how gloomy would life be
if something else happened, which we cant amend
To all those times I spent desperately waiting for someone or something which made me a more matured  and patient person I am now.
840 · Feb 2016
Seeing through the smoke
Sourodeep Feb 2016
Slowly it burns,
the thick white smoke,
lazily it turns
curls up from
my mouth's manifold.
The fire lays hidden
beneath the ash
which has still not fallen.
Rays of light descend on me
its path through the smoke
now clearly I can see..
Beautiful world, all these what I have seen
nothing captivates me more than the green
;) :P
825 · Jul 2015
Emotional outburst
Sourodeep Jul 2015
The heat is always
trapped in the core
what splatters outside
is just for the show.
We judge the sun
by its bright rays
what we cannot comprehend
is the storm inside.
The pain when unbearable
makes even the mighty
mountains to explode
though it may appear
to be so **stable.
So much going on in the mind and in my heart, I fear what will happen if I loose it someday.
824 · Apr 2016
Soaked in memory
Sourodeep Apr 2016
The painful tears
erases the lovely smile,
after all these years
my attempts proved futile.

some part of you
some act of yours
some madness of me
some scribbled lines for you

All these I fear
will engulf me one day.
I may disappear,
but the memories will stay.

how the rain poured over us
how the wind whispered through leaves
how in love our swing singed
with the bells going ding ding

The moon will shine clear
on the waves of the sea
like the froth on my beer
bringing out the sadness within me.

My mind is now fogged but light,
stopped searching for you in the village.
I now lie down at peace each night,
work on what is remaining in me with courage.
I wanted to write something like this since past few days, so this is my attempt.
796 · Jul 2015
Perpetual love
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Melody in the flow
drenched in this shining blue
weather beaten, still appearing new
ever engrossed in a deep
humming meditation, to achieve
its goal, to meet its beloved,
the vast ocean.
the way it goes, serene and hypnotic

molding itself as per the terrain
finding the way ahead,
whatever be the hindrance.

Love is such a great driving force
and it has no boundaries
demonstrated to us, from the deep ocean core
to the vibrant scattering at the estuaries.
788 · Sep 2016
Muddled up
Sourodeep Sep 2016
Up from the sky you fell
which made me happy or sad
the truth is what no one can tell

I wanted diamonds from a well
upon digging did I get a better life
the truth is what no one can tell

Expectations as bait rings a bell
is my deed indeed the hidden treasure
the truth is what no one can tell.
Just a thought ... cheers !
786 · Oct 2016
Sourodeep Oct 2016
Away, I am
from this blank page.
filled with an unknown
undefined rage.
Hatred inside grown
against whom
I cannot comprehend.

Looking for excuses,
drawing away from reality
spitting out curses
on the face of fake charity.

With love for green
I have traveled to places,
upon meeting people
I have not seen
happiness in their faces.

The tune still rings
inside my ***** head.
When will my dreams
grow the wings
needed to fly before
these eyes become dead.
Poems have become a satire to my own self.
782 · Jul 2015
Fortuitous first sight
Sourodeep Jul 2015
We all wait
for that one moment
to take the bait
jump to a conclusion
from this sweetness around
and suddenly all
seems to fall in place,
among all this chaos
from tangled knots of your shoe-lace
to your mind and it's bias.
You feel now you can think straight
though not sure of the path ahead.
All pragmatism goes down the drain
and my dear, we fall in love again.
To love at first sight ! :)
763 · Jul 2015
Sourodeep Jul 2015
There was a time when a sphere
romanced us more, everywhere (a)round
the even circularity left us amazed,
free and open, no boundaries
limitless beauty here and there

Now, we want conclusions
to every action, start and end
complicated things, grown impatient
with blunt minds, started making pale boxes
having edges in all our creations
We have become creatures run by time, rushing for things and in the process losing ourselves creativity. Our brains are not designed to always be target driven, we should let it be free and think on its own
755 · Jun 2015
Sourodeep Jun 2015
People said, I am off age,
but I always felt I am just average,
Here I am, with no direction to my rage
but your faith gives me strength

Hurt by a few, shattered by some more,
lost a loved one, shaken to the core,
I feel lost, can't take it anymore
but your faith gives me strength

Strong in cover but frail inside,
within my bubble crouched, I hide,
reminded of falls, I dare not ride
but your faith gives me strength

For you, my dear, I can be anyone,
do anything to have you for a while,
because you are my reason to smile,
for you I will travel any **** length
*because its only your faith that gives me strength
This is one of my personal favorites and very close to my heart.
752 · May 2015
Cloud - O smoke of heaven
Sourodeep May 2015
Rise up !
from the waves of the ocean
from the abyss of the lake
like a man deep asleep
gently shaken

Go around !
the little boy,
bored of his old toy,
wants to play outside
while you pour on the ground.

Its the tree !
which missed you through the season,
enduring the summer,
waiting for you was the reason.

Oh the river !
tired of the bends and falls,
often stuck with nothing to push it,
looking up in hope, to you it calls.

We, your pupils !
waiting to hear your roar,
yearning to seek your blessings
come down O smoke of heaven
free us from the devils.
745 · Mar 2016
A train of happiness
Sourodeep Mar 2016
Happy days come pass my station,
I am here, standing with my arms spread
holding up the green flag,
for you to race past me, so that
I can stare at you in admiration.
I will be happy by just a glimpse of you
and devour the splendid view
I will be content with the momentary relish
because I do not want to be selfish
I always admired the station guard waving the flag :)

       Happy ! :) :)
711 · Sep 2015
Boy, girl and the tree
Sourodeep Sep 2015
My heart tries to hide,
behind that tall fat tree,
where we used to play
in the tempered evenings of may

Now the leaves are dry
birds don't sing on its branches
but the tree still seems alright
and I can hug you tight

People have made a fool of us
chopping your branch
and piercing our hearts
I want you to hold your breath
while we play one last game
and the three of us
will hang till our **death
687 · Jul 2015
Crackpot (10w)
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Declaring a person to be mad
is lunacy in itself.
Everyone is eccentric, just you need the right triggering situation !
674 · Jun 2015
Ocean of Life
Sourodeep Jun 2015
There lies the vast expanse of blue
all around
and I look for hope, going up and down
is this how it will end
after all this journey
no way to retrace, to amend.
I am trapped here
up above, all shiny things
big and small, at day and night
can't show me the right way
though soothing, don't get me respite.
Down below lies the unknown
I listen to my inner voice
though I don't know to swim
it has to be my only choice
and here I go, head down for a descend
to hit a rock or a gold chest
how will it matter
when this has to be the very end.
We dont know from where we came, where we should go, but are stuck here, fortunately of unfortunately.
648 · Oct 2016
Sunday Evening...
Sourodeep Oct 2016
A lovely breeze flows
through my half open windows.
I stand by the grill,
pretend to have strong will,
to stay in my senses,
to stay alive in coming darkness

It has been long,
I hear echo of that dull song
while I still stand by the grill
and let time fill
the emptiness within me.

Walking on the roads,
I pass shops and bill boards
selling happiness in everything
as though items can bring
back contentment to you,
replace the warmth of a lost soul
with an object cold and new.

I have failed over a hundred times
took the wrong turn after a long mile,
tried to make way after dead ends,
always trying for that smooth bend.

I feel today,
I need to make a new way.
I am that same soul
with an old habit of setting new goal,
with a heavy heart,
with an anxious mind
plan a new beginning
on this lonely Sunday evening.
Some random directionless thoughts, never know what to get out of these.
627 · Apr 2016
The days of this summer
Sourodeep Apr 2016
The sun spits angry flares
when even stones turn to ashes
I stay inside and do not dare.

Mother earth soaks up every drop
dries up the river and tree's bark
will the next rain help growing crops

Of things I did not worry before
have evolved now, taken ugly shapes
and now I face problems turned sore

Its for water we run around these days
store for adversity, prepare for the worst
this summer will change us in so many ways.
This year the heat is terrific, highest in this city since many years. Drought has been declared, there is very less water. It is just beginning of summer and I am afraid what will happen in the month of may.
627 · Dec 2015
Off to work
Sourodeep Dec 2015
Each day starts with a smile;
the cool light breeze
greets me on this uncertain mile.
626 · Jun 2015
In the Wet World
Sourodeep Jun 2015
Standing in this rain, getting soaked
*I sip the water trickling down my face

even this spoiled sweetness tastes so fine
quenching an unknown thirst
makes me high, disconnected from this polluted carnality
I slip away to that world of mine
*where only love thrives in a beautiful serenity
618 · Jul 2015
A magic of shadows
Sourodeep Jul 2015
I have seen lot of magic
performers doing various tricks
spectators gaping in awe
illusions subtle and raw.
The one trick which is so old
towards which many have now turned cold
is how he placed three spinning ***** in space
distinct sized spheres running a circular race
all separated by different mile values
coming close and going away in peculiar ways,
can one day among them have such an accord
get lined up in one definite chord,
the smallest can cast such a shadow
so accurate even the brightest has to bow.
Splendid heavenly display of perfection
puts these earthly phenomenons to rest
the supreme magician at his very best.
This can only happen because of God !
and we might never able to solve this mystery
610 · Sep 2017
Sourodeep Sep 2017
Head* turning back away,
a bird flies past the last ray,
But when I wake up beside you
all my worries gets washed away.
Over a lake filled with tranquility
Wings glide glorifying the sanctity,
Like I have held you close
Trapped in your face’s bright ubiquity.
Heels just touching the floor,
On top of hill, it silently soars
Like when we kiss, my love,
My heart keeps craving for more.

For the lush green to grow,
a healthy seed we hopefully sow,
as your smile when you look at me
always lifts my mood when I am low.
You hold my hand to ease my pain
Giving me a lifetime of gain,
All I can say while I hug you tight
Our deeds will never go in vain.
After a long time writing a few lines for my love...
598 · Jun 2017
Nature's ploy
Sourodeep Jun 2017
Rustled leaves,
swaying flowers
spreading fragrance
of melancholy lovers.

Gleaming sunshine,
illuminating minds
evaporating sorrows
of ignorant mankind.

The ups and downs,
scintillating snares
fueling the soul
of frantic prayers.
A long long time since I wrote, seems I am losing my mind.
Pursuing a hectic post graduation has its trade offs. Hope to read all the amazing stuff posted by all of you here slowly.
582 · May 2016
Youth for tomorrow.
Sourodeep May 2016
In the rise and fall of concrete
where air and water depletes,
emotions grow strong
surrounded by walls, they belong
to a few beating hearts
with love and compassion
to help they proceed forward.

Focused on prosperity,
they now also feel for sanity.
Often setting aside egos
they create this era's new ethos
and through this dry jungle
build green splendid boulevard.
Young people like us today have a good awareness of things going around and seem to understand what is right and what is wrong. Feels great to meet new people in new cities with a common thought of making the world a better place to live.
572 · Jul 2015
Sourodeep Jul 2015
We have a heart so big
to love someone passionately
but still not enough
to help the poor with some charity.
567 · Jan 2018
The tree still stands tall
Sourodeep Jan 2018
Wrapped in white heavy snow
the tree still stands tall
bearing the weight of the season
it will endure and not fall.

The wind freezes the soul
sun shies away below the horizon
all animals gone, hidden in some hole
green becomes a shade only in a dream.

The day will come when once again
the squirrel will chase up the bark
leaves will rustle in gentle breeze
and kids will fill up the park.

Once again a tired traveler
will find shelter in it's shadow
the tree will again rise and glow
and reward the hungry for their endeavor.

The snow has stopped us all,
but the warmth is close by
when the world will be in motion
and for that fine day
the tree still stands tall
*it will endure and not fall
For a special someone who has to endure a season :)
565 · Feb 2018
All over again...
Sourodeep Feb 2018
Up for grabs, a shattered heart
after each time tells with a sigh
pain lies in that crucial part
when eyes meet and says *"hi"
Hi everyone :)
537 · May 2016
Untitled rage.
Sourodeep May 2016
The hot air blows me dry
even the sweat disappears,
to be cool how hard I try
but the fire seems to reappear
When nature is throwing heat waves like tantrums,

Is it cool to be hot-headed in this blazing summer ?
528 · Feb 2016
Bring me the moon
Sourodeep Feb 2016
The twisted branch, it does want
a ray of hope, a beam of light.
Its so dark in here,
even flowers compelled to fight
the selfish source
sends down only code of morse
emancipation nowhere near
hooligans everywhere, I fear
the old tree, to set it free
does not need the sun,
the fire makes it now burn.
Its so dark in here
emancipation nowhere near
all which seems right
needs a ferocious fight
now nothing can be done at noon,
Go, bring me the mild amber moon.
Why this struggle ?
Who can help the situation ?
I need some rest :(
502 · Jul 2015
Pain of a glance
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Everything about you has changed
your hair and your feet,
the way you walk, that day
when I had to hear you talk
the pain makes me bleed.

Oh dear ! how it used to be
the fresh smell of your beauty
the gentle grip of your wrists
tangled uncombed hair on your shoulder
your crisp smile filled with purity

Your presence now rakes up all those memories
               what once was divine serenity
                  has now become an eyesore
                   for how much ever you try
            the only thing you can never hide
                 are your big expressive eyes
   I can see myself in them, tattered and beaten
these will keep reminding me again and again
and such is to bear this pain, it will never change
Times change, humans change in their body and nature. But the only thing that remains constant is the eye, since birth eyes are the same and that is why they are able to tell the whole story.
497 · Aug 2019
The Trapped cloud
Sourodeep Aug 2019
Can you move
make them appear
and disappear
Out of my sight

Can you push
the trapped cloud
between the hills
and make it rain
to ease my pain

Alas !
things that you could do
are now out of my view
remains of what matter
are only random chatter !

but still in my lonely heart.
you seem to fit all right

but still through my teary eyes
the trapped cloud looks all right.
485 · Jul 2015
Sourodeep Jul 2015
The blanket of clouds
put me to such deep sleep
and made me hear my dreams loud
I could see my sins go down the drain
No longer shall I weep
Even when this cover is gone
I refuse to wake up
for I love this silent song
purity flowing all around
lucidity spreading all the calm
the ocean's tender tide
loving me as I turn each side
I refuse to wake up
and end this sweet slumber
and die again a devil's death
475 · Jan 2016
Sourodeep Jan 2016
A running heart
and a beating nose
has ripped me apart,
the pain in my brain
has left the doctor puzzled
how can he note all my life
and do a correct diagnose ?
Asking for help and advice from anyone has become so complicated.
With too many unique situations in our everyday life, it has become hard to solve them.
470 · Jan 2016
Musings II
Sourodeep Jan 2016
Why do I feel lost I do not know.
In middle of an ocean in a boat I cannot row.
I have been passing my days in slumber
did not care too much apart from hunger
for I know, time is what I did swallow

Lonely in this room I grab my pen
But I am no Lion, resting in his den
golden rays roar from behind the cloud
when the sun shall set, was always a doubt
for I know, love can never happen again
some random thoughts and blabbering, dunno what caused what in life
451 · May 2015
Talk, on a silent walk
Sourodeep May 2015
you called that day?
Sorry I could not talk
was out for a silent walk.

The tree was cut,
to them it seemed alright, but
I felt the pain
seeing those buildings, price of human gain

The little boy had to sit
in evening, lamps were lit.
As I walked along the road
inside, by the window, saw him getting bored.

We want more milk,
we are nothing but of the same ilk,
It has become so difficult for the cow
what to eat, where to graze I wonder how?

Disturbed, frustrated, we are full of problems and anger
due to less of green, the most soothing colour
Its time for repair, to resurrect
me and you, my friend, to nature we must connect

I had a talk
with nature on the silent walk
planted trees, in the earth deep
and then in my house at peace, i could sleep.
446 · Dec 2020
An evening not felt enough
Sourodeep Dec 2020
I have grown to be unknown
invisible like the dew
hiding behind buildings
and gliding through passages.
My charm is as un-noticed
as the workshop apprentice,
my words unheard, voice absurd
to the premeditated busy man
briskly moving through the crowd.
I myself collate my actions,
but for anyone to give a deeper glance
well I just leave that upto chance.
437 · Jan 2018
Sourodeep Jan 2018
Bending roads beckons me
through trees' trepid shadows
Beyond the clouds, heaven calls me
while the sky swallows my sorrows.
I just love hitting the road again and again, get a strong feeling of belonging
431 · Jun 2015
Sourodeep Jun 2015
The color of a thing you see
is just your way to interpret how it might be
431 · Jul 2015
Dive to death
Sourodeep Jul 2015
There are treasures down deep
and I know how to swim
Love for me, was never skin-deep
disoriented, I dived out of a whim

the sea will never betray me
I don't fear lack of breath
I know you will embrace me
drenched in love, even after my *death
Sourodeep May 2015
My poor dad lifted me up by my torn shirt
                    I could see the sun set
            wondering, will it rise up again
418 · Dec 2018
To make love. . .
Sourodeep Dec 2018
Let the light shine above,
let it foray its way in the dark.
For you and me to make love
trees have to grow in the park...

Let the water flow through
let it find its way out of trouble
For us to remain true,
the flowing water has to burble...
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