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Jul 2018 · 3.3k
Somewhere along the way
Elizabeth Jul 2018
And after the sun had set and the kitten was sleeping, I’d lie awake dreaming of a me I could never be. I’d lie awake promising a change I would fail to make as the days went by - As I marked my calendar June 29. I lied awake hoping for a chance I would fail to take because somewhere along the way I lost sight of my strengths, I switched paths on who I really wanted to be. But one day I hope I lie awake at night only dreaming of beautiful sunflowers of yellow and sluggish greens. I hope one day I wake up in the morning greeted with warm tea and an overcasting shadow of soft pinks and purples in the sky. I hope one day it’s you and me instead of just me. Just me
Sunflowers of sluggish yellow and green.
Elizabeth Jul 2018
It was three am and, we were still up talking- laughing at inappropriate jokes with tired voices and sleep blending into the whites of our eyes like paint being mixed before an artist creates her masterpiece. By the window, I sat, staring at the moon and it’s perfect figure, so round and complex with ridges only where meant to be. My mind was searching like a lost child for an answer to my happiness, my mind was searching for a reason to be unhappy, but each time it would fail then try again. By the fifth time searching, I finally realized that this was what it was like to be ok. This was how it felt to be living for more than sleep at night and empty rooms. This is what it feels like when the stars are aligned, and everything is still. Tonight the moon asked me how I was feeling and for the first time in forever I said I was doing quite alright.
What are your conversations with the moon like?
Jul 2018 · 1.1k
Flashlights in lit rooms
Elizabeth Jul 2018
This is my life. I have to be okay with the dark presence that looms over me, and I have to accept that I won’t be able to expel him for I must make friends with him to get my way. I have taught my self to just breathe every time I hear his loud footsteps coming up the stairs and not to duck underneath my covers or shout my mother's name. I learned to keep my distance, and In the darkest hour of the night even when he creeps through these halls, I must keep my composure and swallow my pills until the shaking has gone away. He goes by the name Dad, but he’s treated me unlike so, and now I don’t look him in the eye or laugh any longer than I should because one day I’m scared of what’ll happen if I do. I’m afraid of the day when I will lose to the darkness that creeps inside rooms once light and beautiful and changes the presence for good. Rooms once light now dark and dreary.
Rooms once light now dark and dreary
Jul 2018 · 1.5k
Drowning in my thoughts
Elizabeth Jul 2018
I’m jealous of those who fall asleep dreaming of warm tea and sunflowers while I lie awake at night fighting my demons till half-past two. My days are stolen from me by the exhaustion that weighs me and my eyelids down. They are too heavy for me to carry but I’m too tired to care. I have nightmares in my daydreams just thinking about the demons I will battle through the night. What happens when I lose?
I want a nice bed of roses to lie upon, maybe that will help me sleep.
Elizabeth Jul 2018
And when the time comes my tears won't be falling like rain for it will be warm tea and fresh honey streaming down my cheeks.
I hope one day I will bathe in sunflowers and new love - I'm tired of the dead leaves that burden my body, they soak in like fresh coconut on my skin.
I sit underwater where time stops for a second, and I am at peace. I hope one day I can run into rushing waterfalls without begging for that moment of altered reality. I hope one day I bathe in roses instead of my sorrows.
What do you hope for?
Jul 2018 · 1.0k
The birds
Elizabeth Jul 2018
I spend my days wasting the world away, replaying our favorite song. Our favorite song says something like falling in love is a crime, but I didn’t get it until I’d committed treason of my own heart and my feelings. When the sun isn’t shining, and the rain softly patters I hum the beat and tap my feet to the 1. 2. 3. Stomp of the rain. When the wind is blowing, I whistle the chorus with the birds who nest high up in the trees away from it all. But then I wondered how else do I go about spending my time when the scream of the tea kettle reminds me of us. How do I go about humming a different tune when the birds don’t want anything but we. The birds and I want you and me.
The patter of rain on rooftop
Jun 2018 · 602
A florist
Elizabeth Jun 2018
Be the flower that never stops blooming. Be the rose on a rainy day and be the sunflower on a summer afternoon. Be the model and make them tempted to tear you from your roots. Feel the hurt when they rip you from the ground and treat you like a doll, but know you aren’t a doll for sometimes pretty hurts. Know what it feels like when someone else appreciates your beauty. - I hope one day they take pictures of you and hang you on their wall
I want to be a florist just like you
Jun 2018 · 301
Make me pretty
Elizabeth Jun 2018
Your only imperfection is him who told you to change.
You don’t change for anyone
Jun 2018 · 275
Dreams of brick houses
Elizabeth Jun 2018
Every evening it used to be this way. We’d take our usual drive through the summer streets. Trees in full bloom, brick houses lined with flowers, it was picture perfect. But, When we’d go home at night id realize. I’d realize what a broken home really looked like and who the people in it would be. I’d have dreams of big houses and stone cobbled steps. I’d have dreams of a reality that would never be. My tears didn’t drown out my thoughts. It was like my heart had been broken by love again except this time, it was something I couldn’t fight for - I came to the realization
Money doesn’t change the world for you
Jun 2018 · 1.4k
Everything was blue
Elizabeth Jun 2018
The home I grew up in was once of subtle yellows and green- moms favorite colors. When dad came home yelling that September night the walls caved in. Our home was broken but not literally so.
Mom and dad would scream while brother and I sat cold, we waited till he was done and we knew mom would be up soon. My bedroom was my safe haven, I had it as my own. Fairy lights dancing along my walls, darkness still crept in. The home I grew up in wasn't charming as it looked from beyond, it was crumbling, held up by Mother and warm tea.
Warm tea
Jun 2018 · 285
Flea market
Elizabeth Jun 2018
The only thing that woke me up this morning was the meow of my kitten who wanted to be let in. He wanted to enter my safe space where my feelings and thoughts were pinned to my stark walls. I wanted my walls to be white. Like a blank canvas. I wanted a reason to wake up in the morning. I wanted to paint my thoughts each day. My bed felt like quicksand. I was being forced to stay beneath my sheets by an imaginary pull that I felt was so real. From my bedroom window, I can see the sunset reminding me of nights in our hammock ******* to our favorite tree. The tree drooped in an odd but beautiful way, and it was fascinating. I can also see the sunrise that on early Sunday mornings motivated me to roll out of bed, that was many times ago. The only reason I get out of bed some mornings is that I have high hopes that one day we’ll meet again at the farmers market just down the street. You'll bump into me and realize what we once had was special. You'll realize our love was as sweet as an August peach.
Elizabeth Jun 2018
I went home that day, and I wrote about the boy in the green hoodie. I thought a lot about him, but I couldn't wrap my mind around what exactly it was that I liked about him. It could have been the way he danced at midnight in my mind. Dancing around the moon painting pictures of my thoughts. It could have been the way he made me feel when I had no feelings at all. No emotions to untangle, none at all. I think it was the thought of the memories we would create, the ones I could go home to tell mother about. The thing is though I never figured it out. I never knew of any other boys like the one in the green hoodie but, I never once believed it is true that I’d find someone new that was just like you.
To the boy in the green hoodie, I like you alot.
Jun 2018 · 194
September 8, 2016
Elizabeth Jun 2018
You wrote me a letter, and I've kept it until now. It sits in the cabinets of my dresser tucked underneath my socks and that one pair of matching ones we bought at the flea market on a Sunday. I don't want to remember it, but at the same time, I do for it's like a small piece of you stays with me. A small piece of my heart that was missing until I found you. And I know you've moved on, she's something I could never be. She gives you a love that I could never have but, let me keep you tucked away in the pockets of my jean shorts. In the hollows of my mind. The memories aren't gone for I sat on our usual bench today. I want to remember the good things we had; I want to wish you would have stayed.
I like your handwritten, it's unusually perfect but in a messy way
Jun 2018 · 632
Elizabeth Jun 2018
I wish it were still like that. I wish we stayed in bed until the sunrise and the birds began their day. We used to talk for hours on the rooftops of broken homes. One of them being mine. We lied upon the stars searching galaxies high and low for forgotten love. I was entranced in the way that you giggled and pointed at shooting stars. My wish was always you. I wished upon a shooting star that I could stay with you forever in the moment of hopeless love. The love we had as kids. At some point in time, the stars stopped shooting and the galaxies lost their shape for I sit alone on rooftops now and search for you but, you’ve never been found.
Remember when we'd watch the sunset?
Jun 2018 · 233
No matter what
Elizabeth Jun 2018
By knowing your self worth, there will never come a day when you have to worry about the way they will treat you.
I hope there will be that day when you can be confident in your abilities and never once question if they’ll accept you for who you are.
Know you’re strong and know your presence is important no matter how they treat you and just then you’ll go a little bit farther in life.
- You’ll achieve your dreams I’m sure of it
Jun 2018 · 241
Broken pretty girl
Elizabeth Jun 2018
You watch the sheets fall softly over her perfect body. You thought she looked beautiful. You ceresed her cheek and watched her hair fall over her shoulders. You thought she was soft. You gazed at her body when she danced in the mirror in the mornings.
You couldn’t help but be in love. But, you didn’t know that on the inside she was hurting. She was put together and perfect from the outside but on the inside she was broken and wondering.
She was wondering if she was good enough to be yours all along. You never told her, you always just assumed. She cried herself to sleep at night and worried for hours on end. You never asked her how she was doing. Her smile made her seem like she was doing alright.
- You never asked
Elizabeth Jun 2018
And sometimes I lie awake at night with a feeling of loneliness but also a feeling of guilt for I feel as though I am a waste of space. I am a heavy burden with a fragile sign plastered on me. How could anyone love me for all that I am for I am too much to handle. I am too much for myself and I’m too much for others for i only take up space. I am a liability
Elizabeth Jun 2018
I ate a peach the other day
It was delicious.
It reminded me of a summer day
Or a summer afternoon but,
Something of warm weather and fresh fruit.
Jun 2018 · 204
Elizabeth Jun 2018
I’m sorry I’m late. This thing called depression kept me from coming.
Jun 2018 · 269
October winds
Elizabeth Jun 2018
And sometimes it hits you when you least expect it. Like falling leaves but on an August day. It hits you and knocks you off balance but, you find a way back to reality. You find a way.

Sometimes it’ll hit us in our darkest hour when we needed it the least. You keep fighting. You are a fighter and he told you so. You knew you were strong before he made it known.

Some of us though, we don’t find the way. We don’t find a way to make it through. We struggle and overthink even the smallest thing. We’re sick from bareing the un cozy weather. Were sick of pushing back at the storm.

For the most of us who did make it, be strong for those who didn’t. For those who can’t. Because, the autum leave in the middle of August will hit you and you’ll realize that not everything is the way it seems.
Jun 2018 · 220
To be or not to be
Elizabeth Jun 2018
Be still. Be sad. Be happy. Be tired. Be intelligent. Be wondering. Be telling. Be forgiving. Be demanding. Be a leader. Be a yogi. Be yourself. Be practical. Be a dreamer. Be an artist. Be a mathematician. Be a teacher. Be a student. Be kind. Be little. Be big. Be healthy. Be beautiful. Be bare. Be undiscovered. Be mindful. Be self enduring. Be persistent. Be a poet. Be poetry. Be anything and everything you want to be but, don’t be sorry. Don’t let him make you believe it was your fault. Don’t let him tell you that were asking for it. - You aren’t sorry
Jun 2018 · 216
A life lesson
Elizabeth Jun 2018
There are going to be things in life we don’t completely understand. We’ll never understand evolution or how humans came to be. We’ll never understand why bad things happen to good people or why everyone can’t get along but most importantly we will never completely understand love. We’ve seen it all before and we’ve experienced love ourselves. But, we are still confused about love and let me tell you it is okay to not know. It’s okay not to know who you love or how you love or when you love. You don’t have to know everything or anything about love. Love isn’t supposed to be analyzed or categorized for, it is to be experienced. Love is love. Love is beautiful. You are loved
Jun 2018 · 1.1k
Heart hurt
Elizabeth Jun 2018
And I know it hurts the most when you think about him at 4 am, you’re gasping for air trying not to make a sound, the crying is loud.

You can’t be loud or they will hear. I hope you find a love even better than him, a love that’ll make your depression disappear.

But if you can’t find the love, don’t go searching just let it come to you. Let love flow in like a waterfall on the edge of a desert shore. Please love, you will find it, just stay a bit longer
Elizabeth Jun 2018
She closed the door and cleaned up her room. Her hair was done nice for when they found her, breathless and bare. Her eyes glowed less bright like the world had already left her. She looked tired- colorless and waiting for it all to end. She straightened her crooked clock and waited for it to strike 5, mom would be home soon. She raised the blade to one arm and forced it deeper and deeper releasing her pain, her worries, her sufferings. At some point she told her self it wouldn’t get better and she was convinced. Who hurt her? Both arms limp and empty, the rest of her body becoming the same. Dads footsteps up the stairs, the last thing she heard. Dads tears, the last thing she saw. Eyes fluttered shut. Pain gone away. Far away. Sadness was turned over to someone else. All the people who loved her. Gone from this world because she thought there was no other solution. - stay a bit longer I swear it gets better.
Jun 2018 · 625
2 am beautys
Elizabeth Jun 2018
She was a swan. A swan of white and subtle grey who would dance around my kitchen in the middle of the night. Her fingers pricked the edges of my face as she slowly lifted my frown into the first smile i’d seen in awhile. She was a dancer but not like the elegant ones you see in the ballet shows, she had a mind of her one. She was the ugly duckling but a beautiful one indeed. The way her white feathers caressed my thoughts kept me guessing. The way she danced kept me wanting more.

— The End —