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Jan 2019 · 2.5k
You said “ I would follow you to hell”

What you didn’t know was that I was already there.
Jan 2019 · 260
Power struggle
How do I keep this flame alight
How do I keep the rain from my eyes
Will you still want to kiss me when
The lipstick fades
Will you still want to hold me
After getting laid

Why do I give you power over me?
I think it’s time to take it back.
Jan 2019 · 952
Life is but a blink of the eye,
Death is the real adventure.
Jan 2019 · 325
Truth hurts.
You’re the beautiful lie
I’m the painful truth.
Jan 2019 · 435
I won’t let your expectations suffocate me,
I won’t conform to this,

Like a caterpillar in a cocoon,
I’m going through a metamorphosis.
Jan 2019 · 266
The definition of suicide is: the intentional taking of one's own life;

However, what the dictionary doesn’t mention is that suicide doesn’t just steal your life, it steals from the lives of everyone around you;

That space where you fit, it’s empty forever. People can’t replace the part of their life that contained you, they can’t erase the memories you helped them make;

So when you **** yourself, just know that you’re also slowly killing everyone that loved you too;

The definition of suicide is: the intentional taking of one's own life;

Please don’t let that word, be the last verb, that describes you;
If anyone was in any way triggered or offended by this poem, please note that that wasn’t my goal. I know many people everyday stand on the edge of suicide, and if by reading this it made even just one person rethink taking their own life it’s worth having written it. Trust me when I say I’ve been there, I’ve known that pain, and many times I’ve had or acted on those thoughts. But I made it through it, I survived, & so can you. You are loved, you matter, and I thank god you exist.
Jan 2019 · 1.6k
Three lonely whiskey glasses
Today I poured a cup of whiskey for a man that’ll never drink it,
The bar tender said “where’s your friend”
“In heaven” I replied,

His face looked solemn,
And for a second I swear I saw him have a flash back in his eyes,
He poured another cup of whiskey,
“For the ones that left to early, this ones on the house”

And so the glasses stayed there,
Un-drank, all night.
When I went to leave they where still sitting, Lonely against the counter top.

I walked by in the morning, there was a police line by the door.
The bartender took a shot gun after closing and used it on himself.

Through the window I could still see the glasses of untouched whiskey,
But instead of two glasses there were three.
Jan 2019 · 407
Paper ✈️
Most of us are just paper planes,
Trying to become origami cranes.
Jan 2019 · 694
Please take me higher,
but don’t let me come crashing down,

Because I don’t know how long I’d last,
Once I hit the ground.

Jan 2019 · 555
I’m A User
I’m a user cause when I’m high I can convince myself it’s the drugs,
My life gets better as soon as the smoke hits my lungs,
I need your love, even if you’re what’s killing me,
I need your touch, cause it’s your poison that’s keeps filing me,
They say I’m lost, but who says I want to be found,
Just let me fade away, just let me fall down,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,

My heads in the clouds but my body’s glued to the ground,
I’m in ecstasy, I know it’s just a fantasy,
But this highs got me dreaming of a better life,
These pills have me reaching for the light,
I don’t want to fight it, I want to give in,
So let’s smoke another little bit of sin,
Baby let’s get lost in it,
Baby let’s fall in love with it,
Everything will be okay as long as it’s lit,
Yeah we’ll be okay as long as it’s lit,

I’m a user cause when I’m high I can convince myself it’s the drugs,
My life gets better as soon as the smoke hits my lungs,
I need your love, even if you’re what’s killing me,
I need your touch, cause it’s your poison that’s keeps filing me,
They say I’m lost, but who says I want to be found,
Just let me fade away, just let me fall down,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,

I don’t feel anything, no nothing at all,
I want to forget so pass me the alcohol,
I’ve been searching for a solution, you’re the answer to all my problems,
I shoot you through my veins so I have the strength to fight my demons,
It’s got my fragile mind falling into pieces,
This addiction is a monster that needs me to feed it,
When did everything get so twisted,
**** how did I get so twisted,
The train back to sanity- yeah I must have missed it,

I’m a user cause when I’m high I can convince myself it’s the drugs,
My life gets better as soon as the smoke hits my lungs,
I need your love, even if you’re what’s killing me,
I need your touch, cause it’s your poison that’s keeps filing me,
They say I’m lost, but who says I want to be found,
Just let me fade away, just let me fall down,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,

You don’t take away my nightmares, your in them with me,
Instead of this empty shell, you give me hope of what I could be,
It’s a miracle I still exist,
Soon I’ll be making my exit,
By then I’ll be nothing but pieces,
I'll grind them up, rail lines of myself,
Is it to late to ask for help,
F*ck it, light it up,
Light me up,
Chase away the darkness,
I’m an addict, saving me is helpless,

I’m a user cause when I’m high I can convince myself it’s the drugs,
My life gets better as soon as the smoke hits my lungs,
I need your love, even if you’re what’s killing me,
I need your touch, cause it’s your poison that’s keeps filing me,
They say I’m lost, but who says I want to be found,
Just let me fade away, just let me fall down,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground,
Don’t pick me up, just let me fall until I’m buried in the ground.

Six feet under, I’m buried in the ground.
Jan 2019 · 243
Cause f*cking up takes practice
I feel I’m well rehearsed
Jan 2019 · 269
Give & Take
He told me:

“Give me your heart, and I’ll give you the world”

I said:

“But the world isn’t yours to to take”
They often promise everything but give you nothing.
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
Your eyes.
Your eyes never lied
Though your smile did;


Your upturned lips
A sordid grin
But your eyes;


Flashing teeth
Bright and white
But your eyes;


Your eyes never lied
But your smile did;

Jan 2019 · 230
Where can I wander

Amid the pine trees

Never worrying about the time

Dreaming of wild flower fields

Enjoying the sounds of birds

Reminiscing fond memories

Laughing till my sides hurt

Unfazed by the passing time

Stargazing and trading secrets

Till my skin becomes wrinkled?
Is there such a place ?
Jan 2019 · 198
He gave me a gilded cage,
All I wanted was to fly.
Jan 2019 · 155
Death, life, time, love.
I tried to die once,
I failed,
So instead I tried to live,
Here I am,

I said to death,
Come and get me,
But death didn’t want me,
So I said to life,
I am yours,
But life laughed,
You belong to time,

So I begged time to hold me,
But time said you can’t hold on to me,
So I held myself instead;

And I thought,
What’s missing,
It was love,
So I asked love to find me,
Instead I found him,
He gave me life,
He gave me time,
He gave me love,
But death,
Death took him.

So I begged death,
Take me with you,
He said,
It’s not your time yet.

So here I am.
Dec 2018 · 1.5k
Thick & Thin.
It was suppose to be
       Through thick and thin

But when things got

         Thick you became thin

& were gone with the wind.
A line I particularly like from my poem blinded.
Dec 2018 · 325
I feel myself wearing down like a wax candles melted flame,
Left all my bridges burned and I only have myself to blame,
They say love is blind, but how could I have been so blind if it wasn’t love?
Everything we had was a lie, everything I was just wasn’t enough,
Now I’m left bleeding in the dirt,
Because I couldn’t make it work,
Me and you, it should have been so easy,
But the equation got complicated as soon as we started adding other people to it,
Me and you, it should have been so easy,
But you weren’t loyal and I knew it,
I feel like Humpty Dumpty, you knocked me off the wall and left me to bleed,
So I’m left here in pieces, on a pair of broken knees,
Now all I know is pain,
All I feel is ice in my veins,
As I’m getting older, I’m getting colder,
And your whose to blame,
Your words never meant sh*t,
And every day if you silence keeps proving it,
I never wanted to watch you walk away,
If I made a move, would you have stayed?
I know your not suppose to ponder the past,
But I feel myself moving backwards just to make it last,
How is it possible to miss something we never had?
All the light in my eyes has faded, I’m alive but inside I feel dead,
I hate it when my heart refuses to listen to my head,
I’m left screaming at the skies because no one else will listen,
Loving you was a mission,
Well consider it aborted, just like the unborn child that was living in my stomach,
But you couldn’t stomach it, so I literally had to stomach it,
No support for you, you literally tried to run from it,
But you can’t run from responsibilities so I had to take care of it,
Cause I knew we couldn’t take care of it,
I wasn’t going to bring a baby into a world that couldn’t properly love it,
And now I have to live with it, I hope it’s on your conscience,
And you can’t sleep at night because of it,
It was supposed to be through thick and thin,
But when things got thick, you became thin and were gone with the wind,
Now I’m standing alone wondering how to cope,
So I turn to the dope, and hope this time it’s the end,
But I guess it’s never really the end,
So I hope when I get reincarnated I don’t meet you again.
Dec 2018 · 450
Even though you’re  the reason behind my pain,

I want you by my side when the clouds come,

Because the hurt will hide the rain.
Dec 2018 · 164
It was an endless November,
Turned into a cold December,
Let’s hope January is forgiving.
Dec 2018 · 207
Knock, knock,

Who’s there?


Why here?

Why not?

Go away!

I can’t, I’m here to stay.

You can’t come in....

I’m already inside

Stay back!

My dear, you can’t hide

Please, I don’t want you here,

No one does, that’s why I come.
I’m lonely, won’t you be my friend?

Do I have a choice?

My dear there’s always a choice.

I’d rather die than live with you.

So be it.


To late!
You made your bed, now sleep in it.

Dec 2018 · 554
I am the Boogeyman.
Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and seen nothing?
No remorse, no pain, no sympathy, no anything. Just a vast ocean of emptiness.
A black hole, gaping, stretching straight to hell?

The back of your neck prickles, hairs stand up straight against your skin.
The air feels cold, your breath catching in your throat.

If you’ve ever come across a person such as that, I bet you prayed to god you’d never cross paths again.

What if I told you I see that every time I look in the mirror?
We are our own worst nightmare, everyone of us.

You can’t hide under the covers from the boogeyman if the boogeyman’s already in bed with you.
Dec 2018 · 171
Glass heart
I gave him my glass heart,


                                       And he shattered it,

He said

                                          Now your free,

But he lied.
Dec 2018 · 12.0k
Broke my wings
So I couldn’t


So I stole his soul
So he couldn’t

Dec 2018 · 307
Miss you.
Said I’ll see
You tomorrow
For him
Tomorrow never
From my poem August 25
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
August 25th
Ring... ring...

Pick up the phone,
Knees chattering,
Where’s my breath,
Oh god,
Ten minutes till my shift,
Kyles dead,
I just hugged him
12 hours prior,
I said goodnight,
I love you,
See you tomorrow,

But for him,
Tomorrow never came,
Why did I answer the phone,
How can I face the space
That you no longer occupy,
Why couldn’t you resist
That sweet high,
I miss you,

Another friend gone to early,
Every hit you took a gamble,
Your bed became your grave,
You sister just got married last
You were the best man,
This was suppose to be
The happiest time of her life,
Instead of planning her honey moon,
She’s planning your wake,

You never wore anything
Other than black,
Always dressed like
You were going to a funeral,
Now we’re at yours,
It’s a closed casket,
You sister is sobbing,
Your best friend is broken,
Your girlfriend lost her voice,
I’m hoping your body isn’t really
In that box,

You loved jack Daniels,
So that’s what we drank
Until the sun rose
For the first time
Without you,
It’s was August 25th,
I never did go back
For that last shift,
How could I without you?

It’s December now and it’ll
Be your mother’s first Christmas
Without her son,
Your sister has been taking
Care of your girlfriend,
They cling together
So that they don’t succumb
To the numb,
It’ll be the first time in three
Years I spend New Years
Without you,
Your best friend moved away,
It was too painful to stay,
Cause every place in town
Feels empty without you,

We don’t go to grand central anymore,
Cause it was your favorite bar,
And the memories are still too fresh,
God ****** Kyle,
Why didn’t you tell us you had an addiction,
God ******,
Why didn’t we notice
Until August 25th.
We miss you Kyle, more and more each day. Rest In Peace my friend, until we meet again someday.
Dec 2018 · 938
Tick, Tock.
Life waits for no one,
& I’m late.
A line from my poem “Tell my parents”
Dec 2018 · 389
You Left First.
I miss how it use to be,
The days of you and me,
Two halves that shaped one whole,
For you I sold my soul,
After a month without words
Things have changed,
And I long for those things
To be the same,
I had all I ever wanted
Until you broke me in two,
Why did you force me to
Live a life without you?

Three cold months have passed me by,
Just as I was ready to say goodbye,
You appeared in the dead of night
You asked “do you want me to stay?”
I answered honestly “ baby I can’t handle when your heartbreak comes back another day”

You said you were sorry for the pain and the tears,
But you can’t undo the rains and the fears,
It’s best that we set what we had once free,
We both know it wasn’t meant to be,
You left me waiting in the cold,
You expected me to put my life on hold,
Now I’m gone, and your standing where I stood,
Because you left first, like I always knew you would.
Updated version of a poem I wrote when I was 15
Dec 2018 · 6.5k
Smart Mouth
I never did know when to shut my mouth,
So I guess it’s no shock to feel it smarting against your back handed swing,
But to be honest, I bet it hurt you more, does it sting?
Can you feel it in your bones ?
Copper taste against my tongue,
I’m choking on my own blood,
Does my manic laugh horrify you?
This Cheshire smile plastered across my face,
Do my cheekbones slice your knuckles?

That’s going to leave a bruise,
Not that you care,
Twisted my head back by my hair,
My body is peppered in greens, purples, blues,
But with the way you turn your head down you’d think I was the one abusing you,
When you wrap your meaty fingers around my windpipe does it give you pleasure?
What goes through your mind while your holding my life in your hands,
How many of my ribs have you cracked upon your feet,
Only to lick my thighs later like a treat,
One of these days it’ll be my fingers around your neck,
And I won’t stop squeezing till your dead,
Until then use my body to your hearts content,
This dangerous dance,
Like egg shells beneath my soles,
I’m waiting for you to slip on the blood you painstakingly draw from me blow by blow,
And in your own sick way you actually love me,
Convinced the only way to save me is to hurt me,
But I’m not that sick or twisted to believe the words you croke out,
One day very soon it’ll be you who shouts,
Ya I never did know when to shut my mouth,
So I guess it’s no shock to feel it smarting against your back handed swing.
If anyone was triggered by the nature of the poem , please accept my apology. Domestic abuse is very serious  and not something I take lightly.  

1 (888) 579-2888

Above is a Canadian victim services hotline.

If your in a bad situation please seek help.
Dec 2018 · 1.5k
He said he’d break me,
I said I didn’t mind.
And I didn’t.
Dec 2018 · 260
Tell My Parents
I can't explain my feelings to you they’re  a jumbled mess,
I'm confused , I'm scared , I can't connect , my sins i can’t confess,

In all honesty I wonder how you keep from shuddering when I'm around ,
I'm cold & Broken, I’m so lost I don’t want to be found,

I can't control this urge to run - to flee down this dirt track,
My foot prints stretching in one direction never looking back,

I'll leave a paper trail of folded love letters for you to read when I’m gone,
Cause I’m not brave enough to confess to you, I’m afraid you’ll see through this facade,

I won’t return,
Back here,
my dear,

So pass along my goodbyes,
Send my love away,

Please tell my parents I won't be coming home, oh please tell my parents I won’t be coming home, no I won’t be coming home,

I haven't had the chance to touch the sky or even walk on clouds ,
Never been to Italy or to chicagos city crowds,

I’ve never been lost at sea or seen the northern lights,
But I’d rather wander aimlessly than stay here and fight,

I'm so far gone driving the wrong way down a one way street,
I might be behind the wheel but this cars controlling me,

If you told me to jump off a bridge id thank you for suggesting it,
Cause honestly most nights I’m just looking for an excuse to finally end it,

So pass along my goodbyes,
Send my love away,

Please tell my parents I won't be coming home, oh please tell my parents I won’t be coming home, no I won’t be coming home,

Waking up to cigarette burns and half drank bottles of liquor,
Light shining through the blinds, my head burns,

The sun in my eyes is like a light houses beam,
A blinking beacon ment to guide me home from sea,

But I'm already lost in this ocean of tears ,
Stuck in the waves till the storm finally clears,

I don’t think the rain is going to go away today,
So I wash it down with gin and tonic,
& hope to god I don’t choke on my *****,

At least I’ve finally had a taste of the real world,
As bitter as it tastes I don’t think I can go back to being that old girl,

So pass along my goodbyes,
Send my love away,

Please tell my parents I won't be coming home, oh please tell my parents I won’t be coming home, no I won’t be coming home,

Only thing keeping me motivated to move on is an old photograph I have of a boy I once loved ,

Haven't stopped moving since I read his name off his headstone, I can't even remember the warmth of his hug,

Doesn't matter where I go I still see that concrete angle with his face,
Doesn't matter how far I run, how much alcohol I drink, I can’t forget his taste,

My memories are torture, I’m stuck in their chains,
Ive cried so many tears they’ve turned into a cloud of salted rain,

It stings my skin so sweetly I’m Afraid it’s my only escape ,
Can't turn back this ticking clock, life waits for no one and I’m late,

So pass along my goodbyes,
Send my love away,

Please tell my parents I won't be coming home, oh please tell my parents I won’t be coming home, no I won’t be coming home,

What do you think is tougher?
The human skull,
Or a revolver?

Tell my parents I won’t be coming home.
This is an updated version of a poem I wrote when I was 17
Dec 2018 · 972
Empty Noose
It follows me where ever I go,
That empty noose,
It calls to me,
Begging to bite my slender neck,
To snap it,
To distort it,
To embrace it lovingly,

It’s always hanging over my head, waiting for me to stumble,
When I make mistakes it snickers,
My throat grows stiff,
I can’t speak up,
Cause when I do, that empty noose constricts with joy hoping to finally fill itself with me,
So I’m ridiculed for not making my presence known,
I’m told that if I can’t be a team player I’ll have to find another job,

They can’t see that empty noose that never leaves my side,
So they’re convinced I don’t corporate out of spite,
They don’t see the dangerous dance I do to stay alive,
They just see me leaving early without explanation,
So they cast me aside,

That empty noose waits patiently,
So quietly, for a moment I forget it’s even there,
A fatal mistake, one slip and it’s wrapped it’s arms around me,
Squeezing shut the screams in my windpipe,
My thrashing legs do not call attention to strangers,
To them it looks like suicide,
All they see is a lonely soul who let go,
Not someone who fought everyday of their life to escape that empty noose.
If you ever feel suicidal please reach out whether it’s too me or a friend or family member.


Above is a Canadian suicide hotline, never hesitate to call.
Dec 2018 · 719
Autumn leaves blowing in the breeze,
Cool wind against my skin,
The seasons are changing as fast as I am,
So what does that mean for us?
Our summer romance is over,
Dry your tears before September turns them to dust,

Bundle up, wrap your arms in cotton,
Guard your heart against the winter chill that’s coming,
Build a fire to thaw your frigid limbs,
I can hear your bones crackling in the flames,

When spring arrives I hope some of our love survives,
These changing seasons,
as they flutter by,
Our skin once fresh and smooth,
Turned stiff and cracked like uncured   leather,

Where did the time go I wonder?
Our youth swallowed by time,
Taken in flashes of quickly aging months,
How many summers passed us by while our heads were in the clouds?

How long before we join the pebbles beneath our feet?
Will we get a chance to see one last season of bare trees,
A sea of red and orange littered upon the ground,
We are changing faster than the seasons.
Youth is fleeting, enjoy it.
Dec 2018 · 495
You can be anything, but not everything,
So why do we keep making people our everything’s when we are struggling to find that one thing that makes us, us ?

Why do we bend over backwards for love but don’t take the time to invest in ourselves ?

Instead of seeking validation from other people we should should be validating our own worth,

But of course we can’t seem to shake the addiction of gathering likes on social media so we show a little more skin and clamp our mouths shut since society doesn’t value opinions anymore.

We are sheep in a sea of vanity and political correctness. All clamoring over each other trying to come out on top.

No one wants to be unique anymore because you can’t trend individuality on Twitter. We are so dependent on instant gratification that we sleep with our phones Incase someone likes our posts at 3 am.

When’s the last time you saw a kid playing outside? These phone screens are like prison glass.

We are sheep in a sea of vanity and political correctness.
Dec 2018 · 165
Enigma Machine
He was an enigma machine,
he guarded his secrets with military precision,

She was an open book,
one that no one ever finishes,

They were tragic,
one said nothing, while the other said to much,

One stood tall and ramrod straight,
the other depended on a broken crutch,

Both were destitute,
One was loud, the other was mute,

He suffered in reticence,
she was filled with penitence,

They both left the world of their own accord,
They chose to fall upon their own swords,

They were heartbreaking until the very end.
Dec 2018 · 504
Lust Games
You use to sneer at me,
As if you were better than me,
You use to look down at me through soft lashes,
You smoked so you could slowly choke me with ashes,
You would say "Without ME you are NOTHING",

Well I might not be much, but I AM something,
I will not stand in your shadow, I'll cast my own,
I won't let your self loathing deliver me into an early grave stone,

Although I must admit I crave the feeling of your flesh upon mine,
I want to slide your taste over my lips like fine wine,
Im slightly disgusted by this need to satisfy this primal hunger inside  me,
My body betrays me while an unnatural lust brings me to my knees,
The only good thing about you was your ability to ******,
Only through carnal cravings could we call a truce,

You thought that if you could make my body feel good I would need you,
You would tell me that the only thing I was good at was laying beneath you,
You tried to dig me up so that I couldn't bloom where I was planted,
You thought those fevered desperate kisses would keep me enchanted,

I left because I got tired of your lust games,
we don't share anymore perverted love claims,
When I think of you now I snicker, too no one in particular,
I liked how you were twisted and ******,

But thats all I liked about you,
Its funny how I was so drawn but also so repulsed by you,
I guess that means that I'm a little sick too,
I don't regret it though, cause then I'd have to admit that a part of me cared,
Try not to mourn the wicked temptations that we shared,

I'm fine on my own, are you;
Dec 2018 · 2.6k
Cigarette smoke
I’m trapped in a room where the door is open but I can’t get out,

I’m screaming my head off but no one can hear me shout,

I’m struggling to breathe but there’s plenty of oxygen,

I crave an escape from this concrete metropolitan,

Blinded by this plastic smile they can’t see I’m stuck in my own personal hell,

I’m walking around frantically trying to get someone to notice that I’m an empty shell,

Tragically, I’m physically heathy with food to eat and a family yet I can’t seem to stop thinking about ending myself,

What’s wrong me, that I can’t be happy when I literally have nothing to be sad about?

But that’s the thing the numbness, you can’t stop it, it doesn’t discriminate,

It doesn’t care whether your a man, a women, a criminal, or a saint,

It just wants to fill you up till you can’t get out of bed,

It makes you a prisoner inside your own head,

Who could I tell? How would I explain it so someone could understand when I don’t even understand,

When I’ve succumbed to the madness who will lend me their hand ?

So I don’t tell anyone & suffer in silence, when the thoughts start creeping up again,

I smother them in cigarette smoke wishing I had prescription for Xanax or Vicodin.
I use to have chronic depression and so I’d try and drown it out with substances except it never worked

I’m not depressed anymore but every now and then I’ll have that fleeting feeling where I can remember the numbness

Sometimes i think I was the most creative in the loneliness but I would never what to be in that dark place again
Dec 2018 · 236
Please don’t help me now
I hung my feet off the balcony and wondered what it was like to fly,
I wore my heart on my sleeve and wondered what it's like to die,
Baby I'm suicidal and you don't love me,
That's a dangerous mix but who can judge me, 
I'm insane and I'm in love,
I'm trying but it's not enough,
When I look off the edge I'm so tempted to jump,
Cause I'm tired of lying I'm tired of this front,

My knees are always shaking now,
Feels like I'm always falling down,
Am I dying ? No I'm living,
Life is pain, it's unforgiving,
And God I just want to give up,
And God  I've just had enough,
And God this is just to much,
And God that was the last punch,
I've got no more fight left in me,
Just enough self hate to **** me,

And I'm singing please don't help me now,
Not when I'm so close to going down,
Please don't help me now,
I'd rather go down,
Please don't help me now ,
I'd rather go down, oh I'm singing please don't help me now ,
Not when I'm so close to going down

I'm fading fast,
I'm wasting away,
My love will last,
But I can't stay,

So please don’t help me now, not when I’m so close to going down
This is an old prom I wrote about 5 years ago

— The End —