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Hyp Nov 2015
Atheists insist that this existence subsists of nothing but
The density, material we feel and see and measure. What they're
missin' is in between the lines hooks and sinkers they bit
On the end of false authority's string, wrapped around their finger
They linger and cling to the things they've been spoon fed
From the same spoon belief was taken, the same they dread
But all they've pinned down for sure is themselves inside their heads
Waging internal war, thinking their thoughts can conquer
But only divide themselves
Every victory a loss when the attacker is the target
No stopping to look at the pieces, just charging ahead and trying to forget
No theory or equation slowing their self-invasion. No algorithm to save em. No laboratory haven
And when there's nowhere left to run, turbulent wakes don't wait, mental obliteration leaves you wracked and craven
But perhaps in the deepest rubble, after the foundations crumble
A seed may sprout that can see them out, new and humble
Unblinded equally to all sources of deception
Perhaps they can make a new life, a new perception
To err is human...but when we err far enough to break
We can rebuild, be reborn...a whole new future make.
Very quickly written for an unhappy acquaintance.

Written partially from their viewpoint and partially from my own.

For those wondering, the bits about atheists being deceived aren't actually about religion, but about both spiritual concepts and accepted science. I myself am generally opposed to religion (except in cases where individuals truly lack an internal compass and need an external one) and I do not believe in the gods of any holy books.  I just wish that I in my youth - and many of today's atheists - were not so quick to accept anything with the word "science" attached to it as truth. It is very important to learn about the days of "tobacco science" - and to observe that this phenomenon has not died, but become a central advertisement model, used by numerous industries to promote products that are harmful to human health, the environment and life as we know it, while blatantly claiming otherwise.  
It is also important to understand that the process of peer review, while effective if it were as described, is corrupted by the same interests who wish to push for sales of their products rather than probe its health risks. Only the scientific method can show you what is true. Trusting anything other that is merely accepting an authority that very well may be false.

A decent part of the poem is not directly about atheism, but the mindset that often accompanies it; a mind so hyperactive that is has enslaved its host rather than functioning as the tool it was intended to be, while reacting to concepts that could be extremely helpful with disdain due to their spiritual nature, like meditation, energy work, and focused observation and active management of one's conscious mind.

As for the spiritual part, suffice to say that my experiences in life have led me to know that I was wrong to deny for decades the possibility of the kind of things that are generally called psychic, spiritual or extrasensory phenomena. For exploring this, your best tool is the same as before and always: the scientific method.

Remember. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic...and magic is just science that we don't understand yet.

Here's to new frontiers.

(Sorry the notes ended up longer than the poem. lol)
I built my soul a lordly pleasure-house,
    Wherein at ease for aye to dwell.
I said, "O Soul, make merry and carouse,
      Dear soul, for all is well."

  A huge crag-platform, smooth as burnish'd brass
    I chose. The ranged ramparts bright
From level meadow-bases of deep grass
      Suddenly scaled the light.

  Thereon I built it firm. Of ledge or shelf
    The rock rose clear, or winding stair.
My soul would live alone unto herself
      In her high palace there.

  And "while the world runs round and round," I said,
    "Reign thou apart, a quiet king,
Still as, while Saturn whirls, his steadfast shade
      Sleeps on his luminous ring."

  To which my soul made answer readily:
    "Trust me, in bliss I shall abide
In this great mansion, that is built for me,
      So royal-rich and wide."

* * * *

  Four courts I made, East, West and South and North,
    In each a squared lawn, wherefrom
The golden gorge of dragons spouted forth
      A flood of fountain-foam.

  And round the cool green courts there ran a row
    Of cloisters, branch'd like mighty woods,
Echoing all night to that sonorous flow
      Of spouted fountain-floods.

  And round the roofs a gilded gallery
    That lent broad verge to distant lands,
Far as the wild swan wings, to where the sky
      Dipt down to sea and sands.

  From those four jets four currents in one swell
    Across the mountain stream'd below
In misty folds, that floating as they fell
      Lit up a torrent-bow.

  And high on every peak a statue seem'd
    To hang on tiptoe, tossing up
A cloud of incense of all odour steam'd
      From out a golden cup.

  So that she thought, "And who shall gaze upon
    My palace with unblinded eyes,
While this great bow will waver in the sun,
      And that sweet incense rise?"

  For that sweet incense rose and never fail'd,
    And, while day sank or mounted higher,
The light aerial gallery, golden-rail'd,
      Burnt like a fringe of fire.

  Likewise the deep-set windows, stain'd and traced,
    Would seem slow-flaming crimson fires
From shadow'd grots of arches interlaced,
      And tipt with frost-like spires.

* * *

  Full of long-sounding corridors it was,
    That over-vaulted grateful gloom,
Thro' which the livelong day my soul did pass,
      Well-pleased, from room to room.

  Full of great rooms and small the palace stood,
    All various, each a perfect whole
From living Nature, fit for every mood
      And change of my still soul.

  For some were hung with arras green and blue,
    Showing a gaudy summer-morn,
Where with puff'd cheek the belted hunter blew
      His wreathed bugle-horn.

  One seem'd all dark and red--a tract of sand,
    And some one pacing there alone,
Who paced for ever in a glimmering land,
      Lit with a low large moon.

  One show'd an iron coast and angry waves.
    You seem'd to hear them climb and fall
And roar rock-thwarted under bellowing caves,
      Beneath the windy wall.

  And one, a full-fed river winding slow
    By herds upon an endless plain,
The ragged rims of thunder brooding low,
      With shadow-streaks of rain.

  And one, the reapers at their sultry toil.
    In front they bound the sheaves. Behind
Were realms of upland, prodigal in oil,
      And hoary to the wind.

  And one a foreground black with stones and slags,
    Beyond, a line of heights, and higher
All barr'd with long white cloud the scornful crags,
      And highest, snow and fire.

  And one, an English home--gray twilight pour'd
    On dewy pastures, dewy trees,
Softer than sleep--all things in order stored,
      A haunt of ancient Peace.

  Nor these alone, but every landscape fair,
    As fit for every mood of mind,
Or gay, or grave, or sweet, or stern, was there,
      Not less than truth design'd.

* * *

  Or the maid-mother by a crucifix,
    In tracts of pasture sunny-warm,
Beneath branch-work of costly sardonyx
      Sat smiling, babe in arm.

  Or in a clear-wall'd city on the sea,
    Near gilded *****-pipes, her hair
Wound with white roses, slept St. Cecily;
      An angel look'd at her.

  Or thronging all one porch of Paradise
    A group of Houris bow'd to see
The dying Islamite, with hands and eyes
      That said, We wait for thee.

  Or mythic Uther's deeply-wounded son
    In some fair space of sloping greens
Lay, dozing in the vale of Avalon,
      And watch'd by weeping queens.

  Or hollowing one hand against his ear,
    To list a foot-fall, ere he saw
The wood-nymph, stay'd the Ausonian king to hear
      Of wisdom and of law.

  Or over hills with peaky tops engrail'd,
    And many a tract of palm and rice,
The throne of Indian Cama slowly sail'd
      A summer fann'd with spice.

  Or sweet Europa's mantle blew unclasp'd,
    From off her shoulder backward borne:
From one hand droop'd a crocus: one hand grasp'd
      The mild bull's golden horn.

  Or else flush'd Ganymede, his rosy thigh
    Half-buried in the Eagle's down,
Sole as a flying star shot thro' the sky
      Above the pillar'd town.

  Nor these alone; but every legend fair
    Which the supreme Caucasian mind
Carved out of Nature for itself, was there,
      Not less than life, design'd.

* * *

  Then in the towers I placed great bells that swung,
    Moved of themselves, with silver sound;
And with choice paintings of wise men I hung
      The royal dais round.

  For there was Milton like a seraph strong,
    Beside him Shakespeare bland and mild;
And there the world-worn Dante grasp'd his song,
      And somewhat grimly smiled.

  And there the Ionian father of the rest;
    A million wrinkles carved his skin;
A hundred winters snow'd upon his breast,
      From cheek and throat and chin.

  Above, the fair hall-ceiling stately-set
    Many an arch high up did lift,
And angels rising and descending met
      With interchange of gift.

  Below was all mosaic choicely plann'd
    With cycles of the human tale
Of this wide world, the times of every land
      So wrought, they will not fail.

  The people here, a beast of burden slow,
    Toil'd onward, *****'d with goads and stings;
Here play'd, a tiger, rolling to and fro
      The heads and crowns of kings;

  Here rose, an athlete, strong to break or bind
    All force in bonds that might endure,
And here once more like some sick man declined,
      And trusted any cure.

  But over these she trod: and those great bells
    Began to chime. She took her throne:
She sat betwixt the shining Oriels,
      To sing her songs alone.

  And thro' the topmost Oriels' coloured flame
    Two godlike faces gazed below;
Plato the wise, and large brow'd Verulam,
      The first of those who know.

  And all those names, that in their motion were
    Full-welling fountain-heads of change,
Betwixt the slender shafts were blazon'd fair
      In diverse raiment strange:

  Thro' which the lights, rose, amber, emerald, blue,
    Flush'd in her temples and her eyes,
And from her lips, as morn from Memnon, drew
      Rivers of melodies.

  No nightingale delighteth to prolong
    Her low preamble all alone,
More than my soul to hear her echo'd song
      Throb thro' the ribbed stone;

  Singing and murmuring in her feastful mirth,
    Joying to feel herself alive,
Lord over Nature, Lord of the visible earth,
      Lord of the senses five;

  Communing with herself: "All these are mine,
    And let the world have peace or wars,
'T is one to me." She--when young night divine
      Crown'd dying day with stars,

  Making sweet close of his delicious toils--
    Lit light in wreaths and anadems,
And pure quintessences of precious oils
      In hollow'd moons of gems,

  To mimic heaven; and clapt her hands and cried,
    "I marvel if my still delight
In this great house so royal-rich, and wide,
      Be flatter'd to the height.

  "O all things fair to sate my various eyes!
    O shapes and hues that please me well!
O silent faces of the Great and Wise,
      My Gods, with whom I dwell!

  "O God-like isolation which art mine,
    I can but count thee perfect gain,
What time I watch the darkening droves of swine
      That range on yonder plain.

  "In filthy sloughs they roll a prurient skin,
    They graze and wallow, breed and sleep;
And oft some brainless devil enters in,
      And drives them to the deep."

  Then of the moral instinct would she prate
    And of the rising from the dead,
As hers by right of full accomplish'd Fate;
      And at the last she said:

  "I take possession of man's mind and deed.
    I care not what the sects may brawl.
I sit as God holding no form of creed,
      But contemplating all."

* * * *

  Full oft the riddle of the painful earth
    Flash'd thro' her as she sat alone,
Yet not the less held she her solemn mirth,
      And intellectual throne.

  And so she throve and prosper'd; so three years
    She prosper'd: on the fourth she fell,
Like Herod, when the shout was in his ears,
      Struck thro' with pangs of hell.

  Lest she should fail and perish utterly,
    God, before whom ever lie bare
The abysmal deeps of Personality,
      Plagued her with sore despair.

  When she would think, where'er she turn'd her sight
    The airy hand confusion wrought,
Wrote, "Mene, mene," and divided quite
      The kingdom of her thought.

  Deep dread and loathing of her solitude
    Fell on her, from which mood was born
Scorn of herself; again, from out that mood
      Laughter at her self-scorn.

  "What! is not this my place of strength," she said,
    "My spacious mansion built for me,
Whereof the strong foundation-stones were laid
      Since my first memory?"

  But in dark corners of her palace stood
    Uncertain shapes; and unawares
On white-eyed phantasms weeping tears of blood,
      And horrible nightmares,

  And hollow shades enclosing hearts of flame,
    And, with dim fretted foreheads all,
On corpses three-months-old at noon she came,
      That stood against the wall.

  A spot of dull stagnation, without light
    Or power of movement, seem'd my soul,
'Mid onward-sloping motions infinite
      Making for one sure goal.

  A still salt pool, lock'd in with bars of sand,
    Left on the shore, that hears all night
The plunging seas draw backward from the land
      Their moon-led waters white.

  A star that with the choral starry dance
    Join'd not, but stood, and standing saw
The hollow orb of moving Circumstance
      Roll'd round by one fix'd law.

  Back on herself her serpent pride had curl'd.
    "No voice," she shriek'd in that lone hall,
"No voice breaks thro' the stillness of this world:
      One deep, deep silence all!"

  She, mouldering with the dull earth's mouldering sod,
    Inwrapt tenfold in slothful shame,
Lay there exiled from eternal God,
      Lost to her place and name;

  And death and life she hated equally,
    And nothing saw, for her despair,
But dreadful time, dreadful eternity,
      No comfort anywhere;

  Remaining utterly confused with fears,
    And ever worse with growing time,
And ever unrelieved by dismal tears,
      And all alone in crime:

  Shut up as in a crumbling tomb, girt round
    With blackness as a solid wall,
Far off she seem'd to hear the dully sound
      Of human footsteps fall.

  As in strange lands a traveller walking slow,
    In doubt and great perplexity,
A little before moon-rise hears the low
      Moan of an unknown sea;

  And knows not if it be thunder, or a sound
    Of rocks thrown down, or one deep cry
Of great wild beasts; then thinketh, "I have found
      A new land, but I die."

  She howl'd aloud, "I am on fire within.
    There comes no murmur of reply.
What is it that will take away my sin,
      And save me lest I die?"

  So when four years were wholly finished,
    She threw her royal robes away.
"Make me a cottage in the vale," she said,
      "Where I may mourn and pray.

  "Yet pull not down my palace towers, that are
    So lightly, beautifully built:
Perchance I may return with othe
TD Rucker Aug 2012
We are Americans, confident and condescending, never pretending. Pretentious with a fictitious flare. Apologize? Cauterize our past
We will always be and forever last.
Past the hatred that spewed from our bowles. ******* and ***** disliked but grow. A show of force divorce from the norm.  
A new norm. A storm from the top to dismember the bottom. Mathematic and Systematic relief of liberty. Care from elite, delete, delete.
Depopulated with information. Education dedication a lie.
Down the rabbit hole of darker days. We stay,
Unblinded by the pictures they wave.
A flag.
The towers.
the showers of bullets
turrets from afar.
A star.
This is America
We are Americans.
lilpoiein Aug 2013
Galaxy and Universe won't lie to me

My heart and my mind knows
what I can see are real

**You are real
farahD Oct 2014
Cease the blindness,
In the rooms of light,
Once you believe,
Everything takes its place.
Silencer Dec 2018
Through the fog and through the rain
and the midst of my escape
to seek a hope of rescue I await
that though I fell away
I become the master of the energies I once believed could not be tamed

And So I thank you

Thank you, for setting forth instruction, fufillng the indulges of my desire to be taught
In my adolesence
I listen to The Order of Your Word,
carried out through training
adhereing in self-discipline
I now had learned to crawl..
that in the giving of free will, I be given way to step my foot in straight directed forward path, to spread the power of your Love

Thank you, for the Wisdom to know choice
for even though evil ways I crossed
you granted opportunity
to raise me up and walk

Thank you, for the Wisdom that's your Son
Who descended from the heavens to
to guide the way in sacrifice
that our hearts may see the light, never growing cold, to be overshadowed by the darkness, that fades into the night
A Knowing, Through Jesus, The Law Fulfilling Christ
That in Wisdom we come to know the Truth
Truth that set forth Wisdom descended from the heavens to carry out the Truth
A spreading of the seed that through Wisdom you come to know the Truth
That Truth may blossom like the flowers of the field in hopes you be carried out by Wisdom
To the land that fosters only Truth
Truth that is of Wisdom
Because Wisdom is of Truth
Because Wisdome is the truth
Because Wisdom was The Word guided by the Truth
Because Wisdom is The Word Of Truth
In Ascention, to once again unite
The Trinity
The Infinite Divine
Cause the only path To Truth is Wisdom
because only Wisdom knows the Truth
Because Wisdom is the Truth
And Truth resides in Wisdom
Like Wisdom resides in Truth
And To Find Truth You must Find Wisdom
That it takes,
Wisdom to Know Truth

The Truth that is God

Thank you, that my loving you was my absolute and greatest fear
Whether I be right or whether I be wrong
It was in my sinning That I found the Fear of God
doors that led to my refuge
that I may know liberation
offerings he presents, to represent, his representations, of representatives

In that, Rising from submeregence
Thank you,
Blind that unblinded I became
I come to know the penalty,
A life without a cost, without cause
For such name I could not bear to hold
dissenigration of the deepest realms that had been placed,
       For the Angels of the Fall..

            I'm not meant to be here

Secluded in my hiding I find death, and death cannot be bought
To act against in Sins of He whom I Fear  Most Loved,
That I once more come to Thank You,
For it was there, that I was found to find my self dwelling,
        In the Shadows of The Lost
It was fear I Wed, more so did I know it was a custom of the dead
of those who away from love Fled
married to the absence of those unable to return and just like the memory
the sparkle burn a hopelessly, Only for their Spirit to return to from whom they were sent
ClawedBeauty101 Oct 2017
There she was... In the arms of my sister-in-law
Peaceful and quiet, oblivious to my flaws.
A daughter, a new born, a stranger to this world
Bright, lovely, and beautiful, even when she wiggled and curled.
I froze, I didn't dare to take a step closer to my niece
For her father was my brother, he trusted me the least
I feared him, I thought of him as a king, and I as his slave
My eyes surrender themselves to the ground, my hands folding to behave.
My ears awakened by the small bursting cry of hunger
My eyelids raised to get a quick glimpse of the little light, but every moment got harder.
I tried to ignore the small frail infant, but it's match of fire kept on trying to set flame to my charcoal heart
My brother's hawk eyes dashed to me, tightly swaddling his piece of art.
My shadow colored claws dug into my waist as my pupils refused to obey
My soul was peeling as he got up and insisted that I sat down, he knows I've been lead astray.
I shook my head, the prideful side of me afraid to hold the young one who knew no knowledge
Like a wipe, his finger in a flicker pointed to the seat again. I had a choice, to listen or jump off the edge.
My conscious gave up and was force to yield.
I saw my hands shaking, my wounds now unhealed
I sat in the gray leather chair, my sense devoured in one swallow
I raise my head, my fedora blocking the ceiling lights, my mind forced to follow
The instructions of him "Put your arms out." was his command
I did.... but like the speed of a bullet, my arms shot back, crying was in demand.
I feared him, I feared her, I feared them all. For I was a disgrace, a mockery of the them all.
For I knew I was so unworthy to receive such an opportunity after such a fall.
I shook my head, I could feel every bone trapped under my skin crack and snap with every breath I harshly inhaled.
Did I dare waste a moment like this? Do I wish to refuse this chance to hold something so pure. My selfishness had to bale.
I release my numb and limb arms out into the strange open air
I still had no desire to hold her, but what other opportunity would I have to be fair.
When She was gently set into my arms, I felt a bullet of instant regret, but then things calmed down as her reached out and touched me...
My tears ran down her light, soft, pink finger as she made a faint joyful sound of rest. My soul still didn't believe...
My eyes blinked motionlessly, starring into her darling little face.
I trembled, scared that I would be a failure once again to the young innocent trace.
But her little smile... It had... removed the tar from my beating ticker...
I embraced her closely, crying into her petal like chest that was covered in a blanket, my tears got thicker...
Within seconds, I whispered into her sensitive fragile ear
My wishes.... my dreams.... my pleas.... and my fears...

"Please...please love me... I might have been a failure to them... but please... don't make me a failure of you... help them to trust me again... help them to love me again... I am so sorry... please... I know I'm selfish... so prideful... but please... embrace me... forgive me... I swear.... I am trying...I..i"

I Love You Lily... Thanks for Everything...
*For through you... The Lord has unblinded me from my bright reality...
For my dear niece who sparked a flame in me...
Austen girl Jan 2017
The words don't flow the same
The colours seem too tame
Lashing out like a whip,
Tongue doesn't know when to stop..
Last piece didn't fall into place..
Now I think I've been building
A castle in abstract air..
This cartoon ground crumbles
beneath my leather shorn feet
I fall upon this weathered earth
Disillusioned yet unblinded
Stuffing my ears with things
I've ripped apart
To keep from hearing the tick tock
Of this broken clock
Cranking the volume of this poem up
To Drown out the phrase "I'm lost"
But the words don't flow the same
This tongue hasn't learned
This new rhythm
And I sit in the dark sometimes
Counting the seconds
Until my heart learns it too..
Butch Decatoria Apr 2017
One Masters Death

By living Life

With Third Eye

ConnectHook Apr 2017
Thugs and tyrants tempting fate?
Fallen kingdoms threatening war?
Hordes of immigrants at the gate?
Hang this placard on your door:
good intentions cannot fail;
liberal smugness must prevail !

Children ***** while cities burn?
Tortured corpses, sudden blasts?
Armies surge, regroup, return…
your gentle snowflake counsel lasts.
Smug and godless never falters;
smug will save your sons and daughters.

Hilarious, this global village.
Flags of doom unfurled on high…
throats are slit as death-squads pillage;
****** madness stains the sky.
What matters most: you’re open-minded
(smug beholds the world unblinded).

Christian faith?  You blow a fuse,
babbling to your New York Times;
crusades with jihads you confuse
apologizing for their crimes.
Hashtag snark will save our day
smug, enlightened, global, gay…
NaPoWriMo #5

Haiku is a crone
dressed in ragged kimono
bolting down her rice
Jake Espinoza Apr 2014
Under the snow
She held her breath
A smile kissing her lips.
Though threadbare, unblinded.
Heads held high.
Her gray sky was
    September afternoon
    Crisp leaves, ripe as
        apples, skittering
        over it all,
        perfuming the air.
Pink Halverson Oct 2010
I'm falling in love with my dark
                 Giving it treats,
                                Letting it run free
                           I'm ignoring all the
And so far it's helped me
  unblinded me
taken me places I'd
    never thought I'd be

The only way I've found
  To get me closer there
Is to do what they've
     told me
                       don't do that
I break my rules
        that seem worn out
  And shake hands
      with the person in the
Who has always seemed
   but foreign
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
It is not to think, as much as to shape this process i have made of silence.

Hush now.

It can never be okay, and the illusion is in your need to relate, because you correlated once, but it will never be the same.

It is chasing dragons for the same fate that you strayed from.

Its rubber bands, and band-aids for the game.

Check mate.

Check your mates for tics.

It is whats inside that itches for escape.

It is the day to day lies displayed from your hate.

Its whatever the ******* place your mind in.

Be this way, go that way, get out of the way, just stay ..

Right there

In yesterday, but i am late, and dreaming of the place i belong.

If seeing is believing than it shouldn't be too long.

Visualizing the realizing of what wouldn't have gone over so well, before the crash that befell my Orwellian signal from a well, wished for a hell dismissed in simple mindedness.

I am still unsure if it is a death wish, or a romantic kiss in the darkness, i inflict, as its burnt out of moonlit dominance in a prominence that smashed on the hull of my ship, full of not giving a ****, as the light shifts around my presence.

My open hand is out but the other grips the severance package, of the stacking junk mail.

Dispel the formal, and embrace your former self, in unblinded wealth, accepting what you always felt, for the first time.

It is all ******* gone, and its mine.

All mine.

Standing on the corpses of my kind, i cry..

In happiness.

Its nothing.

I am one of many.

ClawedBeauty101 Dec 2017
One of the most fragile creatures known on this earth...
It's wings lighter then a single feather of a bird, it's wings are it's prize and worth...

More then a design of beauty, but an artwork purposely fashioned
So delicately it dares to sore with it's enemies in the sky, although it's small and passionate...

It's weak flutter is what gives itself the power to rise.
Small and beautiful, just like most models, but too soon, it dies..

Isn't it filled with complete innocence? Absolutely Not!  
For it stole from the plant that offered it's self as it's home! This was the little Caterpillar's plot!

For the beginning of it's life, it was surround by the world that was large and gigantic!
It took what it's selfish flesh desired, although it wore a disguise that was anything but frantic.

It's small head always looking up for more, but not even the tastiest leaf nor string of grass could satisfy
It was soaked up by the dirt's promise for fulfillment and the  grounds believable lies

If it was wise, it would climb up the rough bark of a tree...
Though it may stumble more then it would on the ground, at the end, it'll soon see that it'll be set free...

The realization of the submission to the wind became it's dream
The acknowledgement of the heavens surrounded it's theme

Slowly locking it'self in a cocoon to suffocate and silencely ****** it's sinful past
It's change of mind and soul transformed itself into a floating mast

The mystery of this transformation no creation can define nor grasp
When it finally rips away it's old flesh, a new beginning has finally clasped

It eye's pop out, now fully unblinded from the distractions of the ground
It's body now weightless, free from it's burdens, it's sky like desires were found

A new creature, a new creation, has used its finished painting as wings to reveal its duty
What it is weak in size and strength, it makes up for in character and beauty

What use to be selfish and rude is now compassionate to nature with every flutter
The stars of the ground of flaring colors share it's sweet drink with it's new friend,  this change of hearts causes it's enemies to shutter

The priceless beauty it contains is more then just an mask, but also
an act for it's enemies!
Willing to sacrifice it's self for it's kind, some will surrender their poison filled bodies, killed helplessly

Determined to distract, Skillfully willing to scare, these little ones will do anything.
Protecting countless eggs, so they too may learn about the freedom through the flap of a wing

Their portrait of many colors signify the mercy of a Flame we deserve
Beautifully created, and light in flight, our eyes able to examine such a jewel is grace that we need to preserve*

There is a flame... do you dare want to experience it?
Do not take the sight of a butterfly so lightly... There is so much more behind that beautiful creation then meets the eye... The creator that created something so heart changing and lovely and delicate but yet daring has also created a place for those who rebel against him... We don't deserve to lay our eyes on his creation... We have broken his commandments we have broken his law we deserve hell

but yet...he is still merciful... to even see the beauty of a butterfly wing...
ConnectHook Apr 2017
And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales:
     and he received sight forthwith
...      [Acts 9:18]

When judges decipher what lawyers speak,
offended defendants may leave confused.
Legalese labyrinths capture the weak;
Babylon's law makes for justice refused.
Enshrined at the ziggurat's doubtful peak
tyrannic gibberish mocks the accused.
He blinks at the courtroom, bewildered freak
as sentences are uttered unrecused.
Cuneiform marks... codified patter—
who dares define such esoteric terms;
in Heaven's eyes does it even matter ?
While the sacrificial defendant squirms,
Justice, unblinded, lifts higher the sword
unscaled eyes beholding—her gaze restored.
NaPoWriMo #7

Study chimpanzees
if you want to find out more
about humankind.
David Leger Nov 2013
This is my love
Written on this page
This is where it lies forever
Lastly and elsewhere never

This is where it stops
With the ink on the page
Unable to leap into life
A permanent stain

This is eternal
True love always is
Here is my story
Forever told

My love for this
For what I write here
Bitter sometimes
But sweet just enough

Divulge what I am
With diligence
With emotion
With perpetual motion

Quickly, the words
flow out of me
Faster they come
The stronger they are.

Smashing into the page
With weight of my soul
Shattering the walls
Of reality itself.

I break into a world
Of my own creation
Through the trapdoor
Escaping into myself

A child in a field
of wheat waving in wind
Endless blue, blue sky
Vivid, simple, pure.

Great Imagination
Of the unblinded
With it all being
Infinitely possible.

That dream of mine
I share with you
Purely from my heart
That beats now in you.
My Facebook Page:
Emanuel Dec 2014
I see a poem, it's clever yes
But I am displeased with the way it ends.
A man wished his life away.

I'm used to stories that go hip-hip-hooray
And this man wished his life away.
Why take tomorrow for today?

It makes no sense, I cannot say
That I would ever advocate such
Incredibly dangerous play.

This life is to be lived only right now
It's the cat's meow
The sound of love.

I'm attached to this life.
Still it causes me strife.

I have found much bliss
But still I know this
This life is not all that exists.

The endless Universe expands
And I am just a man
Caught inbetween here and...

The awesome land
Where fields of godly poppies bloom
Expanding into lotuses soon

The cows there talk
And the women
Keep me glued to Earth.

How do I reach escape velocity?
How do I become a star?
How do I, I, answer me my guiding Self.

Let go of it all.
Even the desire to go far
Or to go no where at all.

Let go of thought
Let go of feeling
Let go of wishful believing.

Simply experience
Life for the first time
Through unblinded mind.

It is here you will find
Past the reaches of time
An eternity always inside you.

Stay for a while
Meet Jesus and Sarah
You will soon, I hope that doesn't scare'ya.
Chris Dec 2018
Entangled fingers
Passion laced
Skin toned ribbons
Esophagus constricted
Mirror image

The strength of this love
In bloodshot white..

Eyes will see devotedly
The truest moment

If beauty is truth
When there's no more life..

Unblinded in the fade..
Pass with honor ...
You are flawlessness
From beginning to end
Jill Aug 2024
--Entry 0001--

At daystar distance, light-time 9.2
Reached orbit of a lonely little sphere
Inhabitants, galactic refugees
Lost beings fled for working atmosphere

From orbit I observe a solid wall
Bisecting the small planet into two
Is this the same as walls they made at home?
Before, their earth in ruin, they withdrew

Remote-scan sensors indicate two groups
One group in light brown garb, and one in beige
Communities uncoupled by the wall
No circumstantial need to co-engage

The beings take position near the wall
Their blasters in the air, as if to war
Will need a closer look to understand
Assembling ground crew for a recon tour

--End Entry--

--Entry 0010--

Away Team One have scouted both the camps
And both took great attention to explain
That cosmic contrasts sit between the two
So never to be reconciled again

The 'Northers', in their light brown town, *****
To Iris, God of Moon, a monument
The eye a symbol of this watching one
A stone displays his holy document

‘O God of cycles, ebb and flows of life,’  
The stone acclaims this lunar deity
The tablet smooth on left, and rough on right
Abiding token of fertility

The 'Southers', in their beige, build one as well
But this, a shrine to Os, the God of Bones
His sigil skull expresses loss and death
Indelibly recorded on his stone

‘O God of dying, born of earth and sky,
Hereafter and rebirth as well as death’
This stone that sits adorned with crook and flail
--is baby-smooth on right, and rough on left

Away Team One weaved worry through their tale,
A looming war was set to decimate
So, find a concrete plan to intervene
And hope and pray that we are not too late

--End Entry--

--Entry 0100 --

Away Team Two report the wild events
This sphere will be immortalised in verse
For these effects of war upon this day
So tracked that all our plans could not reverse

The first explosives wall-bound from great arms
Start slowly causing breech and then a fall
The northern and the southern lands revealed
Sameness no longer hidden by the wall

And for the first time see the glory stones
Sit, monument atop, aloft on shrine
An eery match in form and font and voice
A paired, reflected hail to the divine

An astral silence, weapons come to rest
Then reverent 'Northers' fetch their hallowed stone
While devout 'Southers' hold their tablet too
A meeting reuniting moon and bone

And suddenly as tablets are aligned
The warriors unblinded to the con
Of holy tablets two, and each with God
At origin the two were only one

The beings face-to-face now with their God
Examining the reassembled tome
Not Os and Iris, but Osiris there
A single God writ on a single stone

So smaller differences in brown and beige
And seeming larger gaps from death to birth
       Now seen complete, more holy as their whole
       Dualities reflected in one soul
Now possible a new united earth        

--End Entry--
Energies released from my inner energies
Fill the once still and energyless atmosphere around me.
I relax and find the cause of the unstill waves.
Comforting them back to their happy and nutral sleep
I enjoy the other sweet energies I bring forth from within.
Chakras, auras ..they show us color, emotion,and empowerment in soul.
The fuels in which we use to bring forth the right balance is essential.
Using my scale of wisdom, the auras are identified and the Chakras then balanced.
Most find the view of such rituals "poppycock" or "scienceless" in proving they are factual existances in events.
However, me knowing and seeing them at work....I see the facts.
We all have energies.
Fear is always the blinding energy as when it comes to identify the sources of our posotive and negative energies or "Vibes."
I have been unblinded by fear for many years.
Seeing my colors of red,blue,white,green,and yellow are fun and necessary parts of my being.
As Human "Animals" we all label them as "primitave instincts," "blind use of energetic porposes," and
other such "unqiue visions into the realm of the human psuchic."
I see natural tides that this "moon" must pull into balance.
As I drift and enjoy the journey of astral plaines and being the "Cowboy" who lassles these "doggies" back to their "natural penned fences"
I take pride in the adventure of "reeling them back in."
My take on Chakras and balance thenegative "vibes" that others can, do, and also as one who lets them out at times; I take pride at reeling these loose energies back in and the adventures I have enjoyed while meditating back to a Balanced state.
I aged like wine and I earned my sweetness.
Yet, my label is older and torn... So wanting someone to sample my vintage is just a  plain politic mess.
Dates need cars, looks, and less "vintage of wines."
Heroes and artists must have a fancy wrapper before their beauty can be known.
Hopelessness fills those who are in the middle of going "nowhere."
This is a gentle wind I usher in not the seeds of a storm I've tried to have grown.
Too old to date, not talking "rob the cradle,"
I'm talking about discretion, youthfulness not yet seen in me, and to create my own family.
Mistakes are forgiven more to the youth than those a little Older.
Careers are cast to those who look, act, aged little, however, failed to do their parts.
In this world, ideals and values are important.
Weigh them wrong by just one once.....
One's world becomes a lot colder.
If one is told he has "title" to be less friends he can make, less chances given
"Since older dogs cannot learn newer tricks."
He is eaten away by emptiness and being weighed by those too morally tough to see the inner being.
The true inner soul starts to  die , slowly , as it is made sick.
Not. Everyone is who they appear to be.
Loyal, honest, caring, and more bright in my individual beliefs and strong morals I wish to have shown
Enjoying fun days and being a "band" instead of a lone street guitarist sounds more worth it to me.
Looks open doors, not hearts. Until they are known.
Just like treating  each bright opportunity with an individual nature in which to award it.....feels just and unblinded.
Questions, problem solving, and less judge mental shuns of this "vintage wine" is never a taste experience left free.
If the label said and looked the way you demanded, yet, unaged wine is bland and ****.
If there was no label, yet the taste was outstanding, wouldn't such a deep drink of such is worth the investment?
Got "out with the older" and in with the newer" does work fine most of the time.
If you were to say, like wine, "older means more tasteful, wise, and bolder" can fit your spot of social and career opportunities......
Just take a sip of my wine's vintage flavor...
To get another bottle, you would travel through many cities...
wichitarick Mar 2021
Spinning But Winning

Minds and bodies reach a standstill, individuals feel they have no freewill, daily duties once done just to spite now hold an edge of fright

Always moving along often blind to what is right or wrong, trails never straight always in the distance an unknown fate

Each journey helped by learning often not seeing the writing on the wall, future pain will mean less time to gain, burdens decreasing while we feel like we are pushing more weight

Grandiose scheme should not be the theme for going out and about, keeping it simple means less to mentally manipulate

Gravity works making a constant flow,  rivers to cross on bridges in need of repair we must mend them regardless of despair, remain unblinded by hate

Reaching out provides clout unless there is no one there when your falling, feeling locked out when truly we're locked IN, easy pace for some should not be so hard to negotiate

Singing a song to ourselves saying "wish you were here" minds in constant conflict never show fear, lifetimes of blockades and barricades hard for outsiders to permeate

Many beg for forgiveness without ever doing anything wrong, everybody wants some but don't know what "it" is, hidden secrets behind some mystical gate

Inside my mind gets too small, journey outward into our universe's grand hall grasping moonbeams absorbing energy, stars enlighten helping to motivate

Gravity keeps us grounded up to us to be well rounded, projecting futures may provide structure but also creates many shadows of doubt

Big ball spinning regardless of losing or winning, we complete so many journeys just to begin again, lost soul has no role, open mind allows souls to liberate

On an axis we spin, left to roam seeking a home, regardless of madness or layers of sadness, making a mark means listening for our prompt

Winning doesn't have to mean sinning, mother earth continues to spin no time to begin again, fortitude built from foundations based on gratitude, it is up to us to cooperate R.C
Some days harder than others doesn't mark the end,just more to come,knowing we have to make adjustments should mean we are ready when to much truly comes our way. :) Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
Zen Dog Jun 2017
How foolish of the hopeless
to pray to the self righteous,
When hopelessness is written 
on each of their eyelids,
If only we could scribe,
with unblinded irises,
And unveil the silence,
of our unfounded biases.
Layla Jan 1
Walking through the
cloudy haze that is life
with the wind on my back,
on me around me,
whispering sweet dreams
of the beauty that is creation.

And it felt like being baptized
by the earth,
the soft breeze caressing me,
opening my eyes to see-
the beauty that is creation.

I couldn't unsee it when
my eyes opened.
The mountains opened up
showing off they're eternal
beauty and strength

The tree leaves looking
beautiful as they fall.
The green grass inviting
me to walk bare foot.

When you start to see
the beauty that is creation,
even your reflection feels
like stargazing.
You start to see the beautiful
creation you are
because you're part earth
part stars part mountains
and part moon
you are the creation.
Happy new year
Moncrieff Dec 2024
Those dispiriting hard lost years,
Spent dwelling in non-conviction,
Wholly baseless unsound fears,
Elected self-set restriction

Indecisive in all virtue,
A Soul of simple stagnation,
Purposeless to continue,
Habitual resignation

Maintaining pacificity,
Stood lingering at a junction,
Airing false felicity,
Unknowingly in dysfunction


Now unblinded, enabling change,
Emotions no longer fiction,
Greater tomorrow waits in range,
Confession now needs conviction.

— The End —