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Ianthechimp Sep 2020
Paragliding is a matter of maths.
You launch, fly, land, bash or crash.
How you meet the ground depends on maths.
Maths is key to survival.

Allowances for maths out of your control, will drive your fun.
Wind, heat, thermals and other pilots in the sky.
Unforgiving ground is gravity's final aim.
The wind will blow, thermals will lift, but gravity's maths will always win.

Your time in the air, and possibly life's end, will depend pilot error.
But gravity's maths doesn't care, he is all.
Gravity is annoyed with paragliders aiming at the ground with miss.
Gravity has calculated it's maths.

He spies those who fly forever, and wishes them on the ground.
With silence and invisibility, he draws those pilots in.
Some follow the maths and land with ease.
Some ignore the maths with peril.

Gravity's maths will always win.
Robert C Howard Jul 2013
Majestic eagles ride on thermals high
    above the river’s wooded shore:
white hooded monarchs of the sky.

Keen eyes survey the waters as they fly
    in quest of prey to taste or store.
Majestic eagles ride on thermals high.

Above the bluffs, their shadows multiply
    as each December dawn brings more
white hooded monarchs to the sky.

At winter’s end they’ll homeward fly
    to fish the river's northern corridor.
Majestic eagles ride on thermals high.

The eagle’s noble span and piercing cry
    are immortalized in native lore.
White hooded monarchs rule the sky!

Since on spirit wings I must rely
    I dream aloft where eagles soar
and glide with them on thermals high:
    white hooded monarchs of the sky.

*December, 2006
Included in Unity Tree - Collected poems
pub. CreateSpace -
Mickinous May 2016
from my balcony
i see the alchemy
and i have the need to remind myself
i need to breathe
every morning is the same
looking at the world
from outer space
i see that life
goes on without me

from this new perspective
i see a new directive
part of me wants to leave the scene
the other wants to play detective
everyday i play this game
try to look at the world
in a different way
but life keeps repeating
and everything's the same

so in conclusion  
i see reality's illusion
and what's not real
can not be real
and can not be the solution
only in an upward spiral
can we gain the height
to move on in life
so around and around
in circles we fly
like birds riding thermals
SøułSurvivør Mar 2015


like a wraith your smoke doth rise
into sulphur yellow skies
a fiery raptor... awesome sized
where the sultry brimstone lies.

from the ash... so grey and dry
erupting with a piercing cry
as volcanoes steam and sigh
dancing on the sparks you fly!

the devil mounts your back to ride
over molten rivers wide
his golden spurs dig in your side
on the thermals... up you glide!

then you turn and make a dive
into the flames
where you may thrive
born of fire you survive
you were dead...

but now ALIVE!!!

(c) 2014
(c) 3-17-2015
Lucan Oct 2012
Beast surfacing, the geyser blows
sea-spume that sudden, broaching, slows
to blue, then falls, no prim fountain
or ticking clock, Leviathan counting
decades at formal intervals.
On benches over rising thermals
that reach to roast us, faithful, waiting,
we cheer the act of hesitation
before the final curtain -- though, see,
the trick's just heat, just gravity.
Almost enough, I hear you say --
this tidal flame, this awe-filled day,
as mists dissolve and quick steam clears
and cools and sinks, for years, years.
SøułSurvivør Jul 2017
Natalheme was on the balcony gazing up at the moons again. She always did this after talking to The One. And, as always, she was awestruck by their beauty. Perfect spheres of crystal, with a scintillating sheen due to the shield that surrounded her world. Three there were. The largest was ivory, the second aquamarine, and the smallest the color of Tourmaline lilac. This is the human equivalent of the shades. But these colors only the Seraphs could see. For they have a much broader spectrum of color to enjoy.

The child yawned, and stretched her graceful arms as if to grasp the one small moon, now the color of heather, as it was moving behind the largest ecru orb. She then looked out at her home planet. The balcony provided a spectacular view. In itself, the cantilevered balcony was a feat of engineering without par. Gracefully it perched on the side of Natalheme's home like a dove would place itself with spread wings upon an olive branch. It had a texture like mother of pearl, but with a subtle sparkle like marble. The child went on the tip of her toes to look over the edge of this edifice.

Her planet was the loveliest this universe can provide. Her people, the Seraphs, were created by The One just as we were, but their female could not be tempted by Evitamar (their name for Satan). Therefore, their world, and indeed the Seraphs themselves, never lost their original Glory. Enormous trees spread like umbrellas of emerald and turquoise. Some were the shade of peridot. Others had leaves that were molting, and were every shade of fire. A mist swirled up from the foliage beneath the gargantuan trees. Flowers of every color (and as I said, their spectrum was endless) and shape graced the garden beneath the shade of the beautiful trees. The Mist watered everything growing. It never rained on her world. Cathedral like crystals erupted here and there from the russet earth. Natalheme (pronounced nat-al-eh-may) could hear the azure ocean. The waves sang and sang...

Above her an enormous eagle-like raptor soared on the thermals provided by the Mist. It looked down on the child, it's eyes having the same natural frown as our species of bird. But its eyes were ruby blood. It had feathers the color of alabaster and amber, and were crystalline in nature.

All of the sudden it positioned itself to swoop... its body angled down and rushed toward her with blinding speed! Its talons extended like landing gear, and snatched the child up like she weighed as much as a cotton ball!

It hauled her into the air by her light tunic, took her miles above her planet... And proceeded to drop her!

She shrieked...

... with utter delight!

(To be continued)

(C) 7/13/2017
A story I've been writing I thought I'd share... I'm adding more instalments when I have the time.

Thanks for reading!
sits on my head like a vulture
pecking my brain,
I'm being driven insane,
horse and cart style and each peck is
a milestone.
The bones of my skull become null,
numb and void,destroying reality the
vulture of vanity
and I become the insanity
I see all around me.
If being crazy is madness
and madness is crazy,
then put me out of this misery,
won't someone erase me?
L B Nov 2017
(no one noticed)
hardly moves its wings
Playing the atmosphere's
Sensing lift of thermals
curling physics
with feather tips
in love...

...its own

Precursor of imagined--
tracing wind
taming flight

in the failing words of winter

in disbelief of air
2:00 AM poetry must stop!
When the early morning turns to bite the night
and the light arrives
like half lit candles dropping from the wakening sky
and the eagles stretch their wings to fly,
know why I look in wonder at this wonder that I see
and wonder at the wonder that you are, as you stir slightly
holding tightly on to me.

There is breakfast to come
I have errands to run
but each day I live under your sun
I will rise with the light that spills from these enlightened eyes
and see
each morning a new surprise
in store for me.
Joe Cole Apr 2014
I listen to the sound of the breaking waves
Smell the salt tang in the air
I watch the graceful seagulls
Ride the thermals way up there
No sound of human voice, no strident car alarms
I sit in natures solitude enraptured by her charms
The sea reflects the sinking sun in hues of red and gold
I'll never tire of such things though I grow grey and old
The first gleam of the evening star appears in the ever growing dark
And the golden crescent of the moon begins her journey through the night
No words of mine can best describe natures perfect charm
This is peace, a perfect peace, tranquillity and calm
This was my very first attempt at writing and was written while I was sat on the rocks by the sea
Mohamed Nasir Jun 2018
I love watching swallows
Gyrating and playfully swirls;
Mingle above over the river
Forming in a malee a ball.
Swiftly riding the thermals
Scooping the swelling water.
They shriek wheeling freely
Like boisterous little girls.

I came to see the lively acrobatics
In graceful motion of symmetry.
See enormous body of water flow
Pour itself into it's wide open mouth.
Slowly eroding shaping contours
And lives living along it's banks.
Constantly foreboding danger
And yet beauty and the mighty
Together in harmonious chemistry.

There I was many hours
In thought. What do I ever get?
At the jetty by the imperious
River where until dark I will be.
Time spent the opportunities
Passing by I have no regrets.
I'm like a ship from harbour
To harbour of a predestined life
With cargoes of worthless experience
Till I rot at the bottom of the sea.

Laboriously river meander and flow
Agile wings twist and turn in the air
With invisible brush of arcs and lines
With a vast sky as an open canvas.
The two characters, elements
Of nature, demonstrate their part;
In the theater of strength and grace.
While I am but a nameless intruder
Grateful of the kindness forever last.
This is an old poem written a long time ago when I was a young lad. Rewritten certain parts as I had grown older better as a writer.
David Barr Dec 2013
Abbreviations are obscure.
Aren't they?
But I bow my head in certain familiarity with the letters: A.S.A.P.
We have been here before, in yesteryear, today, and eternity.
It is plumbed in the unfathomable depths of what we call "space".
The diversity of experience is tangibly present.
I don't know about you - but I can just about cut a slice of it and eat it, right where I stand.
Talk about having your cake and eating it!
That is likened to the freedom of a bird of prey, as she surfs the thermals of the Great Expanse.
vircapio gale Dec 2012
common chilling sights--
i see humanity

ice nucleators--
mutual lives underground
buffered dots of heat

Jupiter winds glow
revivals there and then --
red swirls of lust

twelve conquests past
all creatures skyclad
in that loose zodiac belt

dark solstice
deepest love

festive thanks
at dread allayed--
more roasted birds
the same sun,
snowflake years
uniquely melt
still Fall-ripe,
matunda ya Kwanza
nourish unity
only a nick,
the green knight forgives
saint sir Gawain
winter thin
Shakyamuni trees
entangle star rays
Dōngzhì recurs--
tangyuan and dumpling soup
warm ears and hearts
Lucy brightens
Advent's tidal frost
sugar powder blind
strong eyelids--
holy corpses
smile again
endyear eyelids pull
open --                            
Summer's chain emails
i nightgaze here too--
Yalda Shab brightens birth night
vermillion sweet eve
gelt to gifts--
sacred lights remembrance
wonders burning yet
obstacles embraced
powdered elephant dance
ancient clouds of lore
of country dwellers
gifted greatest gifts--
pentacles outshine
hot planets glint
subtle light unseen and far --
night sky snow

transaeonic squint
textured sense illumes vast space
light trails interweave

evergreen bird womb
coos beyond my porch--
fireplace ignites

Februa nears--
thermals gather itch for
one last indulgence

Hubble vision melds
an interspecies lens--
"home" descends anew

integral trust--
grapes freeze by vintner's paths
of future sweetness

moss between toes
Spring ooze effluvia
giddy spine sky high
Penny Granger Feb 2014
Perched high on a crag,                                           
                        ­        legs poised to spring,                              
hearts beating wildly                                            
              ­                         as we take to the wing                    
catching warm thermals,                                    
                                                   to float on thin air,                          
         taking breath quickly,                                                  
                                            hardly any to spare                
   Now is the time,                                                      
     ­                wings spread out wide
                             a smooth operation,                            
                        to­ bank as we glide.                                    
Flowing the motion,                      
as fluidity is key,                                      
we land, we devour,  for Vultures we be…
Endangered Species

Rüppell’s Vulture or Rüppell’s Griffon Vulture (Gyps rueppellii) is a large vulture that occurs throughout the Sahel region of central Africa. The current population of 30,000 is decreasing due to loss of habitat and other factors. Rüppell’s Vulture is named in honour of Eduard Rüppell, a 19th-century German explorer, collector, and zoologist. Rüppell’s Vulture is considered to be the highest-flying bird, with confirmed evidence of a flight at an altitude of 11,300 m (37,000 ft) above sea level.
Discombobulator Aug 2018
Gannet sky-scraping span,
Dwelling of reaching thought,
Rarefied storm port soar,
Beautiful lucidity rejoice,
Happiness cranium thunder,
Solitary crest breaker undone,
Violet light outdare,
Oval control upturn,
Approval alternative liberate,
Congenial void embrace.
Eliot Greene Jun 2013
If Charlie Parker
Could hang his hopes
That someone
In some lost corner of history
Could blow a soaring reunion
With birdland fingers
Tremble dancing in flock

Then in this sapphire of an evening
His old ghost
Is pushing thermals for
These wings of notes to wander in
As they search for some secret progression  
That unlocks the amber stairway
To the burgundy heaven of jazz
Drink long enough and swint your eyes  
And you might almost mistake the
Stage lights for halos

This was a resurrection in B flat
That curved its broken body into the great throat of god
And begged us to come drink deep
From the red wine redemption of his voice
What else could we do but fill our glasses
And sip our way into sainthood
Off the liquid sound of heavens saxophone
It takes them all and the taller
you are
makes no odds,
fall gently,
for now,
the day is done.

There is sadness when old friends pass away,
a tear or two in my eyes and the wish they could stay.

In the midst of this two loving friends kiss

But it's only au revoir
for as far as I know
wherever it is where friends go when they go
it is just a short skip away,
a sailboat on a grey day heading
for the Sun.
Viseract May 2016
They told me to shoot for the stars
But the gravity of negativity
Outweighed the thermals of positivity
And even with everyone's support
To Hell I fell
Paul R Mott Jul 2013
We sit in tightly crafted boxes by day
forcing our feral souls to be still.

When we leave our daytime offices
for larger, comfier coffins,
the same spirit we once stifled
rips off its chains of productivity
in favor of a rarefied air full of possibility.

As we soar without any pretension of advancement
we forget that other life that appears with an overly punctual sun.

Through no fault of their own, we fault these day to day doldrums
through bleary red eyes while the true culprit of freedom
waits amongst the thermals until the night breaths anew.
Robert Ippaso Jul 2023
They crest the white foam in perfect formation,
With purpose and strength they flap as they glide,
Fixated ahead in assured navigation,
Each trailing the other with nowhere to hide.

Then all of a sudden with no clear command,
They veer on some path and head for the sky,
Soaring the waves like a mischievous band,
Riding the thermals with a predatory eye.

No longer a pod but single torpedoes,
Spotting their quarry they launch with intent,
Diving at speed like rapacious mosquitoes,
To feast on that glimmering shoal now hell bent.

Again and again they dive to then surface,
Their sacks full of loot hidden from sight.
Transfixing, majestic, nature's true circus,
The curtain then falling as they once more take flight.

Florida's Pelicans, a marvelous sight,
Gregarious and cheeky with us so entwined,
Once hunted and culled as merely a blight,
Now in our hearts so fully enshrined.
Hope you like
Jordan Gee Oct 2020
Breathe Steady 10.29.20
go forth then, unto God and his Glory, abounding and rejoicing in the power and peace of that holy dwelling place.
abide, therefore, forever in the Love and in the Light.
-sayeth  the channelings, sayeth the distorted mask,
sayeth that through which sound passes.-

sons and daughters of the Earth who bathe in the waters
drawn of love/light/wisdom in the bathhouse of
the higher densities and inner planes.
Bath waters of golden white light, brilliant in a
radial pouring forth of tangible understanding and freewill.
scarcely can such energy be described in so
cumbersome a language, charming as it endeavors to be.
underwhelming must the emotions evoked be
in comparison with the All Glory of experience of
that which is spoken of.
the death ****** of the fire-bird serves as its own
inoculum and womb; two ends of a terminus
in polarity.

I activate in order to combine,
dwindling dread.
I seal the upswing of trans-dimensional laughter,
with the everyday tone of exodus.
I am guided by the advent of thermals.
-I am a solar riptide, surf me-

and then time slowed way down.
the semi trucks were like great sea mammals with
their whale calls and slow passage by the flanks.
“Who are you?”
“I am the Kalachakra.”
“Did you hear that?” (hushed tones, hands cover the phone.)
I was quite close to the illusion of Death.
The opaque specter, shaking and rumbling the very
fabric of the matrix about me.
wavering not within the sinkhole of indifference lest my terror turn manifest.
I’ve risen from a pillar of salt,
I’ll rise from the embers next.
post bufo alvaris
craig apogee Jul 2015
if you feed an emotion, it will grow
just as if you place a patch of herbs
legal or not
with water and nourishing soil in the sunniest spot

the problem with an emotion
is that it has the ability to explode
tick tock
and there you are picking up the pieces of your broken heart

but while its path is undeviating  
and your spirit soars in the thermals
utter bliss
is this a flight that you can afford to miss?
weighing up decisions of the heart is without doubt one of the hardest things to do. which is probably why you should just do the thing that feels right
Joe Cole Dec 2017
I listen  to the sound of the breaking waves, smell the salt tang in the air
I watch the graceful seagulls ride the thermals way up there
No sound of human voice, no strident car alarms
I sit in natures solitude enraptured by her charms
The sea reflects the sinking sun in hues of red and gold
I'll never tire of such sights though I grow gray and old
The first gleam of the evening star appears in the ever growing dark
And the golden crescent of the moon begins her journey night
No words of mine can best describe natures perfect charm
This is peace, a perfect peace, tranquility and calm
joanna dibble Feb 2012
i hear the cranes again
riding the thermals upward
this warming morning
calling and circling, they
fall into the long v shape
an arrow swiftly northbound
Eliot Greene Jun 2013
You like all the others
Was moth minded
Searching for flames
To incinerate the wick between your legs,
But I was more Aurora
Than bonfire,
And though you tried to slip yourself
Between these shimmering curtains
My window was softly opened as you slept
And I had slipped away before dawns fingers ever stroked your face awake.

For you see that I will no long burn
Down the forest to chase you from their depths.
Instead I will unfold myself as an orchid  
In the swamp of your misplaced memories
And let you creep though the man eating mangroves
To pluck my waiting grin

You see there are fields of tongues
Waiting for lips to ****** them
But they are all speaking in thrusts and moans,
In hidden glances and the unbearable weight of seductions
Below the belly of a girl whose gasps are unseen serenades  
In the rolling flush of night

We lock our hands together,
Because the key to release them has been
Swallowed by youth and our hours till morning
Are fading like your slipping resistance,
To letting love land its fragile feathers upon the inside of your thigh,
And then taking wing on the thermals
That rise from the friction of fantasies collision with skin.

In sin I’ll reclaim you
And consecrate our communion
In the cathedrals of your eyes.  
Even the way you hold your breath is holy
And though lips are sealed
I like the stammer of your speech
Are slipping secrets into the cavern of an ear,
Where we wait out the weather
Of a thousand spit lovers lost
Trying to douse the bon fire that burns between the legs
Of each and every human that has ever spent the night
Making love to the moon,
Cause she never shows her dark side
Only grins a crescent promise  
And laughs as if the stars were suitors
Trying to out sing her cratered mouths.
In a thousand voices she
Whispers hope to this conflicting
River of blood and bone
That make up all I have to sell
To the window shoppers who peak
Their heads into my bedroom to find me
Shaping love out of a pocket full of missed calls and shadows
Who can never drown my thirst
For a straight answer to the timeless question
Of will you still kiss me
In the morning  

She rides the winds like a whisper
But can never reach my borealis
And instead burns so sweetly
With lips of ash
David Barr Nov 2013
Love is like oxygenated blood which pumps through vascular decades of sensual experience.
Soaring upon the thermals of the Andes, the flight of the Condor reveals perspective of the land, where events are perceived in their complex entirety.
I am fully aware that  music can be hypnotic in its ever-flowing stream of rhythmic nourishment. So, there are many parts which make the whole.
Therefore, in the height of our carnivorous quest for survival and intermittent gratification, let us bow in reverence to the many elements of vaginal rituals. It’s a rhythm and blues encore with wings which are not comparable to those of Icarus.
Dennis Rowling Jul 2016
Effortlessly winging
on invisible thermals
high above
prey below
the raptor's natural dominion
steely talons stab
the surprised heart
taking rightful

mundane predator
nicotine stained talons
among his prey
rents in the fabric
of earthly interaction
innocent mouse lives
feline precision
stunning his prey
sustaining breathing game players
chipped hearts
clipped tails
tight lipped
quiet mousy boys
in the shadow
of the predator's
earthy thermals
assured with the stolen mouse voice

in his pant pocket
gasoline,oil, greasy chicken
twitching mouse nose
knows what his
sedated heart fears
shedding dry invisible

he comes back
summoned by
a window signal until
he returns on
legs of betrayal
touch and predator love

on broken knees
on the smelly
tool shed floor
eyes up
mouth open
viewing his depreciated soul
as merchandise
in the cheap
toy section of
woolworth's five and dime
eyes closed now

...and WALTER was his name-o
Andrew Sep 2018
When the last vision is lost
And the moon rises over the red mountains
Does the soul crawl forth and walk again?
The only angels, buzzards riding on thermals
Greet the flesh with hunger. And what
heart opens to see the beauty of love
Of compassion? The perpetual expanse
Of stars above, the great unfolding.
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
That Magical Summer

We said we would love one another for ever it seemed to be true we took our queue from the river we
Often stood before its delightful meandering show always curious what is around the next bend it
Blended in its artful soul with the sandbars different shapes and sizes that gave a more picturesque
Rendering little could be seen when the water ran full bank to bank on the bars it seems the trees
Bowed and their branches barely touched the brown exposed face hair to play on the face giving
A tender delightful measure putting it all in a free flowing texture that gave the eyes the joy that called
The heart to singing then as unseen wings the tendrils would swing and sway in the breeze there to take
You into my arms and join in with the soft twirling dance everything would change the entire backdrop
Scenes would whisper what love alone lives on romance would swell and tell all nature our hearts knew
No limits or measure and in those treasured days it was so you spoke and the sky would imply by its
Very Silent attentive sensitive canopy of divine blue it is true love binds all imagination and you it will
Serve the day slowly playfully gives every ounce of light to create those richest expression did we not
Unknowingly cross into the sacred moorings of Camelot it had to be so those feelings live only in that
Tempest of glory that slows and you drift like winged wonders to secret dwellings that dark billows only
Ever reveal themselves to lovers bask dwell on thermals of air as in each other’s eyes you stare it is the
Time for daring if not now never then open your lips sweetly press them then passion’s swell crushing
Then step back look deeply into her eyes you speak and living streams of poetry washes over her
Conscious knowing the heart is melted to pure thought you play among the unknown regions of earth
And sky ghost like you divide light and darkness the core of your soul has been divined this love will
Speak secrets rarified and hardly ever spoken will continue through years that cruel life would denounce
And send to rocky dangerous shores pour the molten lava over this paradise make the way back
Impossible to find and recapture but in the mind it still lives and will live eternally my love a quest of one
Summer will not fall as ancient walls a fortress that love did make will never perish no matter how long
The years stupefy and hold us at bay your essence comes on the summer breeze my heart enlarges my
Mind holds no other thought I follow in shadows and dreams and it is enough true love conjures its own
Joe Cole Jul 2015
I soar on eagles wings
Above mean grey city streets
Where the seething anthills of humanity
Not truly alive but do exhists
The stinking **** stained stairwells
Where the dealers ply their evil trade
Where life is held so cheaply
Who will see another day
You walk into the wrong street
And your life is on the line
You smell the rancid stink of corruption
In these the modern times

The thermals lift me higher
Carry me to the South
Below a verdant meadow
Where wild flowers abound
Picnics taking place
'Neath the spreading boughs
Of the stately chestnut tree
And gentle dappled light
Down there in a chrystal stream
Children laugh and play
No drugs or air pollution
To Mar such a beautiful day
Hal Loyd Denton Dec 2013
This describes all of the cottage industry angels that men produce they are angels for profit
Pure angels Zechariah 1:8 “I saw by night and behold a man riding on a red horse and it stood
Among the myrtle trees in the hallow and behind him were horses red, sorrel, and white then I  
Said my lord what are these so the angel who talked with me said to me I will show you what
They are” what they are is the most pleasurable and pure knowing of angels they are in God’s
Word doing the work of God we don’t discredit angels in books but here you can have a sigh of
Relief knowing assuredly their wings is not noise filled from rust or any manner of impurity
Join them in complete utter trust they haven’t been set before you for any ulterior motive of
Anyone the song blessed assurance doesn’t come from this but how glorious here the door is
Wide open come in and dwell among sacred doings in the earth feel alone weak sad come to
This clearing that appears profound all powerful truly you can mount up on angel wings soar
The True dimensions of the soul unbound in delirious thrilled freedom ride on thermals created  
By visitors who call heaven home you will be touched by reality unknown to human thought
Truly the rush of angel’s will surround you live in a beleaguered world of fallen angels that only
Seek our hurt but in this rarified place where heavenly glory is readily displayed you will know
Peace comfort and power adrift you are bestowed with garlands now temporarily but one day
It will be replaced with a golden sacred crown on your head His gleaming light will shoot out in
All directions accompanied by your joyous laughter these are truths and thoughts that will
Enrobe you enthrall you the sweetest tremble the softest tenderness will beguile you where
You will abide among true friends and protectors that serve God honorable just a few true
Words that will truly uplift you what is being described is your birthright your treasure without
Measure it’s not written in stone but in Holy love that consumes heaven’s thoughts you are the
Central most desirable discussion that heaven ever has this is just one mention of that truth
Blown between thermals
black tips punctuate azure.

Steady glide
empty horizons loom.

Pitiful cries
Fear her own abandonment

and white headed stallions
charge below,

their salt sweat
scorch throat, blind eyes.

An inborn junction
she turns curse free

The scent of green
Fills the levanter
Hal Loyd Denton Jun 2013
The night lies dark the sky has a dull brightness you start on a midnight stroll and then your feet ascend
On thin air at first you turn and look back and below then with exhilaration and freedom you move as a
Disconnected shadow how it feels to be bathed with the night air without objects or obstructions your
Most Tender feelings begin to emerge the swelling of a symphony plays all around as you go in a flow
That falls and rises the softness continues to dissolve the hard reality then the wooly lambs come and
Gather at your feet like you are the shepherd together you move on through the dark rhythms the last
Thermals of a pleasant warm day let you rise and float in nomadic wonder no destination unless it is
An intersection with pure joy you know blessing untold richer and bolder comes the thoughts then a
Succession of doors made of a cloudy rainbow of colors and when you enter you start to actively live
Cherished dreams those ones that paired you with your heroes and those that you always crave and
Once and a great while they come true in dreams in the most peaceful sleep you luxuriate all emotions
Spills out like someone is pouring out your soul to the vestige of love and appreciation and any where
You have long desired to visit you look up and it is coming into view your laughter can be heard loud and
Clear and sweet tears spill upon your pillow the moon that glows make them the richest silver this
Wealth has no end it extends through your will it makes the richest folds of a garment designed by
Deepest understanding and longing that which makes you perfectly human and strains of divine are
Shining through a vessel that is in tuned with its creator there is that never ending possibilities that just
Keeps expanding just like the universe it is without end just like you one day soon the curtain will be
Drawn back and all dreams will pale in comparison to your new life and home your hair will be colored
By the brightest light what a sight truly your skin will be whitest porcelain you will have the perfect finest
Linen gown you will truly float like this piece has spoken of this is not a dream but a promise that is true you
Will soon cross into this paradise that was made for you and I by an uncommon dreamer that knows the
Deep longings of your soul so spare no effort but make ready for that great day
David Barr Nov 2015
The quest for both burial and resurrection are significant, as their flickering shadows of the self-depreciatory abyss chant their silent and hauntingly audible presence under the canopy of the ancient forest.
Let us celebrate the night together, as we are traumatically enveloped within an exposed and dialectical pronunciation during this classical and acoustic daylight romance.
Although I truly hate your love, I also reject your evident indifference.
This is the essence of feeling like a fake within the genuineness of our actual and perceived realities.
It is heaven-sent, like a feathered breed of unresolved investigations within our socio-political climate of assumed advancement, where the intensity of the beat gyrates her percussionist hips across ******* expressions of the cosmological sound barrier.
Concurrently, the tangible rhythm of nature’s pulse considerately consummates her forcefully placid interactions within the context of gender specific diversity.
It is all in the name of discriminatory wholeness, my friend.
Our ambivalent connectedness to that which is catastrophically uncertain reminds me of drawing curtains across this conglomerate dawn of darkness and uninhibited concealment.
Just look at our ornithological formation, where leadership spreads her wings with censored zoological resignations and simplistic wisdom.
You have truly lifted my soul within the complexity of this circuitry, and I wholeheartedly acknowledge that we are a myriad of expressions which cannot be adequately articulated within the thermals of our cosmological stratosphere.
Yet, there is a certain finesse to delinquency, and I have bridged the metaphorical gap across the chasm of divided entities, where we can embrace the cool and gentle breeze right at the fulcrum of unforgiving landscapes and shamanic pastures.
Like an artistic depiction of woodland serenity, we are engaged in this wonderful neutrality where it is all about the dance – otherwise known as the energy of modern choreography.
Epistemology can be questionable, where assumptions are sickeningly grounded within the soil of egocentric perceptions of supremacy.
Trust me, my seasoned partner of those astral plains of Nirvana: my lips are sealed in this putrid reconciliation of proclaimed opposites, which are said to mutually attract.
Doug Potter Dec 2016
Winging on thermals
across river valleys

counting days until
death hones-in;

lead pellets

Jordan Gee May 2022
I grew up along a gravel road
in a refitted freight house once owned by a slate mining outfit
my backyard was a rolling sprawl of giant scrap-heaps made
of spent
or unusable slate
some slabs were as big as a tool shed;
mossy promontories jabbing and jutting like dull honey- badger quills
poking out of the hills
as they sprawled in their
heaps and their heaves
and their gullies.
it was a regular shangri la for a couple young boys born in the early to mid 80s
our own private wilderness;
adolescent paradise.
sometimes I would look up from my backyard to
the tops of those slate hills and
I would see my friend Joe.
he  was older than i was and I looked up to him and
I craned my neck
looking up to him then
standing at the summit of a slate hill,
hands on his hips
perched and
hiding behind his silhouette-
the Northampton County Sun setting on behind him
blood orange scarlet and
purple gray blue were the colors of those feelings back then.
time ticked on
the way time does.
my parents got a divorce and I moved across town
there were no slate hills in that backyard
and the slate company chain linked all the hills that remained
and so there stood
a fence between me
and the wonderland I once knew.
Joe died unexpectedly some years later in  
some obscure forest of
one of the Virginias
together we nurtured some regrets suspended in between our
childhood and those
terminal woods.
together we held some memories like beads strung along a strand of silk
translucent pearls like drops of dew
out there somewhere on the
eternal web of the akasha
unknown to even Indra
unknown to all but us.
couldn’t hold on any longer
had to let it go.  

my brother gave me a pencil cactus
it seemed to flourish in my care
I had been neglecting my own needs for years
not sure I knew what my needs even were
but that cactus needed water and light
and this much i knew
and this much i provided.
it turned a red color down near the bottom of the stalk -
looked it up on google;
some kind of pencil cactus rite of passage.
after the reddening
it becomes then the stick of fire.
we were kicking up dust
over all the trails
fading on behind us
we acted like it was eyes forward only…
towns I used to know, sinking without blinking
absorbed in the horizon on behind me.
I acted like I couldn’t take my eyes off the rear view.
we pulled up and parked on
me and my stick of fire.
we landed in a
townhouse -
plenty of legroom
even had central air.
I put the cactus under a window
on the second story
didn’t think about the air vent on the floor
blowin all that dry air
and my stick of fire
withered and wrinkled up
and it shrank and shriveled
I couldn’t bring it back
and i tried
but i
had to let it go.

a giant scooped me in his hands
he was massive
40 feet tall
the war horns blew in the distance when he walked.
cocked back his hand and tossed me
through the air
on over the horizon
i was surfing the high skies
on thermals and the slip
streams of vultures
and peregrine falcons-
all of us then dive bombing
all the skinwalkers
like a 2 dimensional love spiral made of
peaks and valleys
and deep trenches swimming in the waters of the
mystic arts….
I held the sun in my hand for exactly one moment
but i blinked and turned
back into a clanging cymbal
a vessel of divine prophecy
going on babbling in tongues.
now a raptor eats my liver every day at noon.
I heard the sun rising in my hands for only just a moment
it was warm and held me in a present bulb of space
I breathed it in
and held it
before I had to let it go.

the architecture of
the Wyoming Valley downtowns
are like frozen songs
crumbling into puddles in a *** hole.
the steam engines and the breakers
are empty skeletons
and dry leaves.
weasels and other vermin making homes inside of holes
the soul was laid off in the vacancy
conflagrations once able to burn down entire cities
at the top of golden arche, and
now the place smells like the smothered ashes of a
ember .
I yearn for a smooth good-bye
you go ahead and talk and then i’ll go-
yet i ****** up another one
open throats and
wire barb in the
I had high hopes
but I had to let it go.

I had high expectations of an early grave
“here lies such and such”
stiff in the long stillness like a possum caught inside a headlight
what a relief that would of been in the brimstone of my twenties
but the roosters kept on crowing
the morning sun kept rising
death away
the big sleep was a false hope
had to let it go.

By Jordan Gee
Had to let it go

— The End —